Preparação para os Nobel's 2018 em modo tiara / Preparing for the 2018 Nobel Prize in tiara mode
Momento confissão: na verdade eu só estava à espera que as minhas cadeiras novas da sala de jantar chegassem para retomar os posts aqui no T&T. Chegaram hoje e a data de hoje não pode ser coincidência. Não, meus senhores. Hoje decorrem as cerimónias dos Prémios Nobel tanto na Suécia como na Noruega e nós já sabemos o que esperar no T&T amanhã, não sabemos?? Eu não vos ia falhar na altura mais maravilhosa do ano, ora pois!! Enquanto o amanhã não chega, vamos aos outros países relembrar alguns looks de tiara de algumas das nossas meninas das últimas semanas que eu não tive a oportunidade de comentar aqui e preciso MESMO fazê-lo.
I have a confession to make: Actually I was just waiting for my new dining room chairs to arrive to comeback with T & T posts. They arrived today and today's date can not be coincidence. No, my learest ones. Today the Nobel Prize ceremonies take place in both Sweden and Norway and we already know what to expect at T & T tomorrow, don't we ?? I was not going to fail you at the most wonderful time of the year, well then !! While we wait for tomorrow, let's take a visit to other countries of some tiara looks from some of our favorite girls in the past few weeks that I have not had the opportunity to comment on here and I REALLY want to.
Reino Unido / Great Britain
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Começamos com uma grande surpresa. No passado dia 4 de Dezembro a Rainha Elizabeth II ofereceu uma recepção aos Corpos Diplomáticos que nos últimos anos conta também com a presença do Príncipe de Gales e da Duquesa da Cornualha e do Duque e Duquesa de Cambridge. Este ano, para grande deleite nosso, foram divulgadas fotografias da cerimónia, onde podemos ver os looks das damas na totalidade.
We start with a big surprise. On the 4th of December, Queen Elizabeth II hosted a reception to the Diplomatic Corps which in recent years has also been attended by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. This year, to our great delight, several pictures from the ceremony were released, where we can see the looks of the ladies in totality.
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A Rainha e Camilla mantiveram-se iguais a elas mesmas no seus tons neutros e jóias maravilhosas.
The Queen and Camilla remained alike to themselves in their neutral tones and wonderful jewels.
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Catherine também optou pelo seu uniforme de gala, aka, tiara de pérolas e diamantes + brincos de pérolas e diamantes + mesmo penteado, que completou com um vestido princesa, do qual não sou particularmente fã, mas que vai de encontro das escolhas da Duquesa de Cambridge para ocasiões de gala.
Catherine also opted for her gala uniform, aka, pearl and diamond tiara + pearl and diamond earrings + same tiara hairstyle, which she completed with a princess dress, which I'm not particularly fan of, but that falls in the Duchess of Cambridge's style for gala occasions.
Bélgica / Belgium
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Mathilde nesta fase final do ano deu-me tantas alegrias que eu só tive pena de não poder comentar todas. Deixo-vos com este look absolutamente perfeito (alerta spoiler para os Best of 2018) usado durante a Visita de Estado do Presidente francês à Bélgica no mês passado. PERFEITO!
Mathilde in this final stage of the year gave me so many joys that I just felt sorry for not being able to comment them all. I leave you with this absolutely perfect look (spoiler alert for the Best of 2018) used during the French President's State Visit to Belgium last month. PERFECT!
Mathilde in this final stage of the year gave me so many joys that I just felt sorry for not being able to comment them all. I leave you with this absolutely perfect look (spoiler alert for the Best of 2018) used during the French President's State Visit to Belgium last month. PERFECT!
Holanda / The Netherlands
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Durante a Visita de Estado do Presidente de Singapura à Holanda no passado mês de Novembro, Máxima tranquilizou-me com um best of (alerta spoiler novamente!). Apesar das grandes estreias de joalharia este ano, a verdade é que nenhum outro look de gala me cativou tanto quanto este maravilhoso vestido vermelho com a boa e velha tiara de rubis e diamantes Peacock.
During the State Visit of the President of Singapore to the Netherlands last November, Maxima reassured me with a best of (spoiler alert again!). Despite the great jewelery debut this year, the truth is that no other gala look has captivated me as much as this gorgeous red dress with the good old Ruby and Peacock diamond tiara.
During the State Visit of the President of Singapore to the Netherlands last November, Maxima reassured me with a best of (spoiler alert again!). Despite the great jewelery debut this year, the truth is that no other gala look has captivated me as much as this gorgeous red dress with the good old Ruby and Peacock diamond tiara.
Espanha / Spain
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A Rainha Letizia de Espanha escolheu para o Jantar de Estado oferecido em honra da visita do Presidente da República Popular da China, a derradeira tiara, exclusiva para Rainhas, que faltava usar. A Tiara Loop da Rainha Maria Cristina é uma das minhas favoritas. É enorme, mas transmite simultaneamente uma enorme leveza que a torna uma peça fascinante. Depois de muito olhar, penso que Letizia foi bem sucedida na altura de usar as armas grandes dos cofres reais. Ainda assim, confesso que me aborreço com as restantes escolhas de joalharia do seu uniforme de gala. Os brincos e as pulseiras de diamantes das joyas de pasar, por mais belos que sejam, já descansavam um pouco, não?
Queen Letizia of Spain chose for the State Dinner offered in honor of the visit of the President of the People's Republic of China, the only spanish tiara, she never worn before. Queen Maria Cristina's Loop Tiara is one of my favorites. It is huge, but simultaneously transmits an enormous lightness that makes it a fascinating piece. After a long look, I think Letizia was successful at the time of using the large weapons of the royal vaults. Still, I confess that I am bored with the remaining jewel choices of her gala uniform. The earrings and diamond bracelets from the joyas de pasar, however beautiful they are, can take some time off, can't they?
Queen Letizia of Spain chose for the State Dinner offered in honor of the visit of the President of the People's Republic of China, the only spanish tiara, she never worn before. Queen Maria Cristina's Loop Tiara is one of my favorites. It is huge, but simultaneously transmits an enormous lightness that makes it a fascinating piece. After a long look, I think Letizia was successful at the time of using the large weapons of the royal vaults. Still, I confess that I am bored with the remaining jewel choices of her gala uniform. The earrings and diamond bracelets from the joyas de pasar, however beautiful they are, can take some time off, can't they?
Aguardamos por mais esplendor para hoje à noite, embora não contemos este ano com a presença da Princesa Madeleine nas cerimónias de Estocolmo. Uma pena, pois Victoria e Sofia são sempre....imprevisíveis. Se é a vossa primeira vez no T&T nesta altura do ano, espreitem os posts do ano passado (aqui e aqui) para saberem o tipo de coisa que vos espera.
We look forward to more splendor tonight, although we will miss Princess Madeleine at the Stockholm ceremonies. A pity as Victoria and Sofia are always .... unpredictable. If it's your first time at T & T this time of year, check out last year's posts (here and here) to find out what kind of thing awaits you.
We look forward to more splendor tonight, although we will miss Princess Madeleine at the Stockholm ceremonies. A pity as Victoria and Sofia are always .... unpredictable. If it's your first time at T & T this time of year, check out last year's posts (here and here) to find out what kind of thing awaits you.
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