Páscoa e Aniversários! / Easter and Birthdays
É fantástico quando celebrações pessoais se juntam a celebrações festivas. Ainda para mais no mundo real.
It is fantastic when personal celebrations join festive celebrations. Even more in the royal world.
Começamos na Bélgica onde o Rei Philippe foi surpreendido no Sábado com um presente de aniversário da sua filha mais nova, a Princesa Eléonore. A pequena surpreendeu o pai ao tocar a música "Parabéns a você" no violino. Um presente por ocasião do 57º aniversário do Rei dos Belgas. A quarta na linha de sucessão ao trono belga celebraria o seu 9º aniversário no dia seguinte.
We started in Belgium where King Philippe was surprised on Saturday with a birthday present from his youngest daughter, Princess Eléonore. The little girl surprised her father by playing the song "Happy Birthday to you" on the violin. A gift on the occasion of the 57th birthday of the King of the Belgians. The fourth in the line of succession to the Belgian throne would celebrate her 9th anniversary the following day.
We started in Belgium where King Philippe was surprised on Saturday with a birthday present from his youngest daughter, Princess Eléonore. The little girl surprised her father by playing the song "Happy Birthday to you" on the violin. A gift on the occasion of the 57th birthday of the King of the Belgians. The fourth in the line of succession to the Belgian throne would celebrate her 9th anniversary the following day.
Também no Domingo, a Rainha Margrethe II da Dinamarca celebrou o seu 77º aniversário no Palácio de Marselisborg. A celebração coincidiu este ano com o Domingo de Páscoa. Como é hábito, a Rainha dinamarquesa celebrou mais um ano de vida rodeada do seu marido, dos seus filhos, noras e netos, num momento familiar ao qual apenas faltaram os Príncipes Nikolai e Félix, filhos do primeiro casamento do Príncipe Joachim.
Also on Sunday, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark celebrated her 77th birthday at Marselisborg Palace. The celebration coincided this year with Easter Sunday. As usual, the Danish Queen celebrated another year surrounded by her husband, her sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren, a family moment only missed by Prince Nikolai and Prince Felix, Prince Joachim's eldest children from his first marriage.
Also on Sunday, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark celebrated her 77th birthday at Marselisborg Palace. The celebration coincided this year with Easter Sunday. As usual, the Danish Queen celebrated another year surrounded by her husband, her sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren, a family moment only missed by Prince Nikolai and Prince Felix, Prince Joachim's eldest children from his first marriage.
A família real dinamarquesa cumprimentou as dezenas de populares que todos os anos se deslocam para desejar um Feliz Aniversário à Rainha e para lhe cantarem os parabéns. E eu simplesmente adorei a cumplicidade entre a Princesa Josephine , filha de Frederik e Mary, com a sua prima, a Princesa Athena, filha mais nova de Joachim e Marie. É raro ver esta interecação entre primos, e para mim, estas duas deram-nos os momentos altos do dia.
The Danish royal family greeted the dozens of people who attend every year to wish the Queen a Happy Birthday and to congratulate her. And I simply adored the complicity between Princess Josephine, daughter of Frederik and Mary, with her cousin, Princess Athena, younger daughter of Joachim and Marie. It is rare to see this intersection between the danish royal cousins, and for me, these two gave us the highlights of the day.
The Danish royal family greeted the dozens of people who attend every year to wish the Queen a Happy Birthday and to congratulate her. And I simply adored the complicity between Princess Josephine, daughter of Frederik and Mary, with her cousin, Princess Athena, younger daughter of Joachim and Marie. It is rare to see this intersection between the danish royal cousins, and for me, these two gave us the highlights of the day.
No Reino Unido, a Rainha Elizabeth II prestes a completar 91 anos, acompanhada pelo Duque de Edimburgo, compareceu muito sorridente ao habitual serviço religioso de Domingo de Páscoa na Capela de St. George no Castelo de Windsor.
In the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II, about to turn 91, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, attended very smiley to the usual Sunday Easter service at St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle.
In the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II, about to turn 91, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, attended very smiley to the usual Sunday Easter service at St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle.
O casal real contou com a presença de outros membros da família real: o Duque e Duquesa de Cambridge (naquela que foi a sua primeira presença junto da Família real no Domingo de Páscoa), a Princesa Real Anne acompanhada pelo seu filho Peter Philips e pela nora Autumn Philips, o Duque de York e as suas duas filhas, as Princesas Beatrice e Eugenie, o Conde e a Condessa de Wessex acompanhados pelos seus dois filhos, James, Visconde Severn e Lady Louise.
The royal couple was joined by other members of the royal family: the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (in what was their first presence with the Royal Family on Easter Sunday), the Royal Princess Anne accompanied by her son Peter Philips and her daughter in-law Autumn Philips, the Duke of York and his two daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the Earl and the Countess of Wessex accompanied by their two sons, James, Viscount Severn and Lady Louise.
The royal couple was joined by other members of the royal family: the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (in what was their first presence with the Royal Family on Easter Sunday), the Royal Princess Anne accompanied by her son Peter Philips and her daughter in-law Autumn Philips, the Duke of York and his two daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the Earl and the Countess of Wessex accompanied by their two sons, James, Viscount Severn and Lady Louise.
O Príncipe de Gales e a Duquesa da Cornualha passaram a Páscoa como é habitual na Escócia.
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall spent Easter as usual in Scotland.
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall spent Easter as usual in Scotland.
Também em Espanha, Domingo de Páscoa é sinónimo de aparição de alguns membros da família real na celebração religiosa na Catedral de Palma de Maiorca.
Also in Spain, Easter Sunday is synonymous with the appearance of some members of the royal family in the religious celebration in the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca.
O Rei Felipe VI, a Rainha Letizia, a Rainha Sofia estiverem presentes e deixaram-se fotografar acompanhados por Leonor, Princesa das Astúrias e pela Infanta Sofia de Espanha.
Also in Spain, Easter Sunday is synonymous with the appearance of some members of the royal family in the religious celebration in the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca.
O Rei Felipe VI, a Rainha Letizia, a Rainha Sofia estiverem presentes e deixaram-se fotografar acompanhados por Leonor, Princesa das Astúrias e pela Infanta Sofia de Espanha.
É sempre bom ver as duas filhas do casal real espanhol que estão a crescer de forma maravilhosa e a transformarem-se em duas lindas jovens. Sofia, mais nova, está neste momento mais alta que a irmã.
King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, Queen Sofia are present and allowed to be photographed accompanied by Leonor, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia of Spain.
It is always good to see the two daughters of the Spanish royal couple who are growing marvelously and turning into two beautiful young women. Sofia, the youngest, is now taller than her big sister.
King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, Queen Sofia are present and allowed to be photographed accompanied by Leonor, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia of Spain.
It is always good to see the two daughters of the Spanish royal couple who are growing marvelously and turning into two beautiful young women. Sofia, the youngest, is now taller than her big sister.
Rapidamente no que diz respeito ao estilo: Na Dinamarca as verdadeiras vencedoras foram a aniversariante e todas as crianças. No Reino Unido gostei, surpreendentemente do look monocromático da Duquesa de Cambridge e do vestido da Princesa Beatrice de York. Em Espanha adorei Leonor e Sofia.
Quickly with regard to style: In Denmark the real winners were the birthday girl and all the children. In the UK I liked, surprisingly, the monochrome look of the Duchess of Cambridge and the dress of Princess Beatrice of York. In Spain I loved Leonor and Sofia.
Quickly with regard to style: In Denmark the real winners were the birthday girl and all the children. In the UK I liked, surprisingly, the monochrome look of the Duchess of Cambridge and the dress of Princess Beatrice of York. In Spain I loved Leonor and Sofia.
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