Duas Rainhas pelos mais desfavorecidos / Two Queens for the most disadvantaged
Esta semana a Rainha Máxima da Holanda levou a cabo uma visita de três dias ao Paquistão na qualidade de conselheira especial das Nações Unidas para a Inclusão Financeira e Desenvolvimento.
This week the Queen Máxima of the Netherlands carried out a three-day visit to Pakistan as United Nations special advocate for Financial Inclusion and Development.
This week the Queen Máxima of the Netherlands carried out a three-day visit to Pakistan as United Nations special advocate for Financial Inclusion and Development.
No primeiro dia da visita, a esposa de Willem-Alexander da Holanda participou, juntamente com o Ministro das Finanças Paquistanês, no lançamento oficial da Iniciativa Universal de Acesso Financeiro em Islamabad. Esta iniciativa do governo quer promover o acesso a serviços financeiros como um banco ou conta de poupança, empréstimos e seguros para melhorar a situação ecónomica dos habitantes do Paquistão.
On the first day of the visit, Willem-Alexander's wife participated, along with the Minister of Finance in Pakistan, at the official launch of the Universal Financial Access Initiative in Islamabad. This government initiative wants to promote access to financial services as a bank or savings accounts, loans and insurance to improve the economic situation of the people of Pakistan.
On the first day of the visit, Willem-Alexander's wife participated, along with the Minister of Finance in Pakistan, at the official launch of the Universal Financial Access Initiative in Islamabad. This government initiative wants to promote access to financial services as a bank or savings accounts, loans and insurance to improve the economic situation of the people of Pakistan.
A Rainha holandesa há muito que coloca o seu know-how em assuntos económicos e gestão financeira ao serviço dos países em vias de desenvolvimento, principalmente centrado na emancipação e desenvolvimento das mulheres.
The Dutch queen puts, for a long time now, her know-how in economic affairs and financial management in the service of developing countries, primarily focused on the development and emancipation of women.
The Dutch queen puts, for a long time now, her know-how in economic affairs and financial management in the service of developing countries, primarily focused on the development and emancipation of women.
No segundo dia de visita, a Rainha conheceu alguns projectos que privilegiam a melhora utilização dos serviços financeiros, como o "Programa de Apoio ao Rendimento Benazir" (BISP), que não é nada mais nada menos que um apoio financeiro de pagamento digital para mulheres para promover a sua independência e para que elas possam gerir a sua própria conta através da sua impressão digital, diminuindo assim o risco de fraude.
On the second day of visit, the Queen met some projects that focus on better use of financial services, such as "Benazir Income Support Program " (BISP), which is nothing more nor less than a digital financial support payment for women to promote their independence and so they can manage their own account by their own fingerprint, thus reducing the risk of fraud.
On the second day of visit, the Queen met some projects that focus on better use of financial services, such as "Benazir Income Support Program " (BISP), which is nothing more nor less than a digital financial support payment for women to promote their independence and so they can manage their own account by their own fingerprint, thus reducing the risk of fraud.
Máxima também conheceu mulheres beneficiárias do programa "Kashf" que oferece empréstimos a mulheres para promover o empreendedorismo. Além disso este programa também fornece educação financeira para estas mulheres a nível de produtos financeiros, poupança e seguros.
Maxima also met women beneficiaries of the program "Kashf" which provides loans to women to promote entrepreneurship. In addition, this program also provides financial education for these women in terms of financial products, savings and insurance.
Maxima also met women beneficiaries of the program "Kashf" which provides loans to women to promote entrepreneurship. In addition, this program also provides financial education for these women in terms of financial products, savings and insurance.
Koningin Máxima bezoekt in Pakistan projecten die ondernemerschap & ontwikkeling stimuleren #inclusievefinanciering pic.twitter.com/VKlc1O5Pn9— Koninklijk Huis (@koninklijkhuis) 10 fevereiro 2016
No último dia da visita, a Rainha reuniu com o chefe de estado paquistanês, o Presidente Mamnoon Hussain e com o primeiro-ministro Nawaz Sharif.
On the last day of the visit, the Queen met with the head of the Pakistani state, President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
On the last day of the visit, the Queen met with the head of the Pakistani state, President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
Koningin Máxima @UNSGSA eindigt bezoek aan Pakistan en praat met president Hussain over #inclusievefinanciering pic.twitter.com/Q1r4ymUYb0— Koninklijk Huis (@koninklijkhuis) 11 fevereiro 2016
Não deixou de ser um assunto curioso num país polémico.
It was a curious issue at a controversial country.
It was a curious issue at a controversial country.
Por Espanha, a Rainha Letizia visitou na passada Quarta-feira, o Palácio Real para ver as melhorias que foram feitas de modo a facilitar o acesso ao edifício por parte de pessoas com dificuldades motoras.
In Spain, Queen Letizia visited last Wednesday, the Royal Palace to see the improvements that have been made in order to facilitate access to the building by handicapped people.
In Spain, Queen Letizia visited last Wednesday, the Royal Palace to see the improvements that have been made in order to facilitate access to the building by handicapped people.
Segundo refere o site da Casa Real espanhola, com estas actuações e a recente reforma do Centro de Recepção dos Visitantes, o Palácio Real de Madrid adopta assim o critério de "acesso universal para todos" de modo a que pessoas com dificuldades motoras possam aceder às mesmas áreas de visita pública e aos centros de investigação deste edifício.
According to the site of the Spanish Royal House, with these performances and the recent reform of the Visitor Reception Centre, the Royal Palace of Madrid adopts the criterion of "universal access for all" so that handicapped people can access the same areas of public visit and to the research centers of this building.
According to the site of the Spanish Royal House, with these performances and the recent reform of the Visitor Reception Centre, the Royal Palace of Madrid adopts the criterion of "universal access for all" so that handicapped people can access the same areas of public visit and to the research centers of this building.
As intervenções de melhorias de acessos centraram-se basicamente em adaptar e melhor o acesso para as pessoas com mobilidade reduzida, mediante a instalação de rampas em diferentes zonas do percurso turístico do Palácio. Também se adaptou o acesso à Sala de Investigadores, tanto do Arquivo Geral do Palácio como da Real Biblioteca, assim como a outras dependências de serviço.
Interventions of access improvements focused mainly on adapting and better access for people with reduced mobility by installing ramps in different areas of the Palace's tourism route. Also adapted the access to the Investigators room, both at the General Archives of the Palace as at the Royal Library, as well as other service areas.
Interventions of access improvements focused mainly on adapting and better access for people with reduced mobility by installing ramps in different areas of the Palace's tourism route. Also adapted the access to the Investigators room, both at the General Archives of the Palace as at the Royal Library, as well as other service areas.
Em Portugal, a vida das pessoas com mobilidade reduzida não está facilitada nos nossos centros históricos. Muito já foi feito, mas muito falta a fazer se queremos igualdade de direitos para todos os cidadãos.
In Portugal, the life of persons with reduced mobility is not easy in our historic centers. Much has been done, but much remains to be done if we want equal rights for all citizens.
In Portugal, the life of persons with reduced mobility is not easy in our historic centers. Much has been done, but much remains to be done if we want equal rights for all citizens.
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