Um Dia da Jarreteira muito Real / A Very Royal Garter Day
Quando nos dias de hoje conseguimos reunir num só evento três Rainhas, dois Reis, duas futuras Rainhas, dois futuro Reis, e mais uma mão cheia de outras nobres figuras, é prioritário fazer um post. Aconteceu ontem no Reino Unido por ocasião do Serviço do Dia da Jarreteira.
Mas primeiro um pouco de História:
When on these days we manage to bring together in one single event three Queens, two Kings, two future Queens, two future Kings, and another hand full of other noble figures, it is a priority to make a post. It happened yesterday in the United Kingdom on the occasion of the Garter Day Service.
But first a bit of History:
Nos tempos medievais, o rei Edward III inspirado pelos contos do Rei Arthur e no cavalheirismo dos cavaleiros da Távola Redonda, decidiu formar em 1348 o seu próprio grupo de cavaleiros, a chamada Ordem da Jarreteira. Quase 700 anos depois, a Ordem é a mais antiga e mais importante Ordem de Cavalaria da Grã-Bretanha. Os Cavaleiros, agora homens e mulheres, costumavam ser, exclusivamente, membros da aristocracia, mas, actualmente, os membros são escolhidos em reconhecimento pelo seu serviço público e vêm de diferentes contextos sociais. O emblema da ordem, retratado na insígnia, é uma jarreteira com o lema "Envergonhe-se quem nisto vê malícia", ou "Maldito seja quem pense mal disto” (do francês antigo: Honi soit qui mal y pense) em letras douradas. Os membros da ordem recebem uma liga para ocasiões cerimoniais.
In medieval times, King Edward III was so inspired by tales of King Arthur and the chivalry of the Knights of the Round Table that he set up his own group of honourable knights, called the Order of the Garter. Nearly 700 years later, the Order is the oldest and most senior Order of Chivalry in Britain. The Knights, now both male and female, used to be limited to aristocracy, but today they are chosen from a variety of backgrounds, in recognition for their public service. The emblem of the order, depicted on the insignia, is a garter with the motto "Shame on him who thinks this evil", or "Cursed be the one who thinks ill of it" (from ancient French: Honi soit qui mal y pense) in golden letters. Order members receive a garter on ceremonial occasions.
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O santo padroeiro da Ordem é São George (padroeiro dos soldados e também da Inglaterra) e, se houver vagas na Ordem, as nomeações são anunciadas no dia de São George (23 de Abril). O lar espiritual da Ordem é a Capela de São George, em Windsor. Cada cavaleiro é obrigado a exibir o seu brasão de armas na capela, juntamente com um capacete, escudo e espada e uma placa de aço esmaltada.
Estes símbolos são retirados após a morte do cavaleiro e as insígnias são devolvidas ao soberano. As placas de aço permanecem como um memorial, formando actualmente uma das melhores colecções de heráldica do mundo.
The patron saint of the Order is St George (patron saint of soldiers and also of England) and if there are vacancies in the Order, appointments are announced on St George's Day (23 April). The spiritual home of the Order is St George's Chapel, Windsor. Every knight is required to display a banner of his arms in the Chapel, together with a helmet, crest and sword and an enamelled stallplate. These 'achievements' are taken down on the knight's death and the insignia are returned to the Sovereign. The stallplates remain as a memorial and these now form one of the finest collections of heraldry in the world.
Today, the Order includes the Queen, who is Sovereign of the Garter, several senior Members of the Royal Family including the Prince of Wales and Duke of Cambridge, to make up twenty-five knights chosen in recognition of their work. #GarterDay— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) June 17, 2019
Hoje, a Ordem inclui a Rainha, que é Soberana da Jarreteira, vários membros seniores da Família Real e vinte e quatro cavaleiros ou companheiros escolhidos em reconhecimento pelo seu trabalho. Os Cavaleiros da Ordem são escolhidos pelo Soberano para homenagear aqueles que prestaram um importante serviço público, que contribuíram em particular para a vida nacional ou que serviram pessoalmente o Soberano. Destes 24 membros podem incluir-se membros extra-numerários, por exemplo membros da família real ou monarcas estrangeiros.
Today, the Order includes the Queen, who is Sovereign of the Garter, several senior Members of the Royal Family, and twenty-four knights chosen in recognition of their work. Knights of the Garter are chosen personally by the Sovereign to honour those who have held public office, who have contributed in a particular way to national life or who have served the Sovereign personally. Of these 24 members may include supernumerary members, for example members of the royal family or foreign monarchs.
Todos os anos tem lugar, em Junho, o Dia da Jarreteira, onde a Rainha e os Cavaleiros desfilam em procissão com as vestes de veludo da Ordem, usando as suas insígnias reluzentes e chapéus emplumados, naquela que é uma das cerimónias mais tradicionais do calendário da Rainha. Este importante evento acontece no Castelo de Windsor, onde o dia começa com a Investidura de novos Companheiros da Ordem na Sala do Trono do Castelo. Segue-se um almoço oferecido pela Rainha. Posteriormente todos os membros desfilam até à Capela de São George onde tem lugar um serviço religioso. O soberano e todos os membros da Ordem voltam para a Ala Superior do Castelo em carruagens e carros.
The annual iconic Garter Day procession, where The Queen and the Knights process in grand velvet robes, glistening insignia and plumed hats, is one of the most traditional ceremonies in the Queen's calendar. Every June, a grand procession of the knights takes place at Windsor Castle, accompanied by a marching band and Officers of the Order, all in grand ceremonial dress. The day begins with The Queen formally investing any new Companions with the Order's insignia in the Throne Room of the Castle. The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh entertain the members and officers at a lunch, and then all process on foot to a service in St. George's Chapel. There is a short service where any new Companions are installed. The Sovereign and other members of the Order then return to the Upper Ward of the castle in carriages and cars.
The annual iconic Garter Day procession, where The Queen and the Knights process in grand velvet robes, glistening insignia and plumed hats, is one of the most traditional ceremonies in the Queen's calendar. Every June, a grand procession of the knights takes place at Windsor Castle, accompanied by a marching band and Officers of the Order, all in grand ceremonial dress. The day begins with The Queen formally investing any new Companions with the Order's insignia in the Throne Room of the Castle. The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh entertain the members and officers at a lunch, and then all process on foot to a service in St. George's Chapel. There is a short service where any new Companions are installed. The Sovereign and other members of the Order then return to the Upper Ward of the castle in carriages and cars.
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Este ano o Dia da Jarreteira foi particularmente especial, porque a Rainha deu as boas-vindas a dois novos Companheiros muito especiais. O Rei Felipe VI de Espanha e o Rei Willem-Alexander da Holanda foram investidos como novos Cavaleiros extra-numerários. Os dois monarcas receberam a Ordem da Jarreteira por ocasião das Visitas de Estado recentemente feitas ao Reino Unido, em 2017 e 2018, respectivamente.
This year's Garter Day was particularly special because the Queen welcomed two very special Companions. King Felipe VI of Spain and King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands were invested as new Supernumerary Knights. The two monarchs received the Order of the Garter on the occasion of State Visits recently made to the United Kingdom in 2017 and 2018 respectively.
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Letizia de Espanha e Máxima da Holanda acompanharam os seus maridos neste dia muito especial. Mas não estiveram sozinhas. A elas juntaram-se as habituais damas reais inglesas que marcam presença neste evento. E por isso temos muito que falar.
Letizia of Spain and Máxima of the Nethrlands accompanied their husbands on this very special day. But they were not alone. They were joined by the usual British royal ladies who are present at this event. And so we have a lot to talk about.
Letizia of Spain and Máxima of the Nethrlands accompanied their husbands on this very special day. But they were not alone. They were joined by the usual British royal ladies who are present at this event. And so we have a lot to talk about.
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Ora bem, confesso que quando vi a fotografia de Máxima junto do marido e da Rainha Elizabeth II o meu coração parou: Máxima sem chapéu?? Desculpem, mas ver a Rainha de Espanha com um fascinator e a Rainha (dos chapéus) da Holanda sem qualquer adorno na cabeça parece-me muito pouco natural neste meu mundo. Felizmente Máxima não desiludiu e colocou o chapéu mais tarde e eu recuperei o meu coração. E quando eu digo que Máxima não desiludiu, ela não desiludiu mesmo. De longe a minha favorita. Sim, lá porque o teu marido vai levar um manto de veludo, não quer dizer que não possas usar uma capa. É a nossa Maxi que adoramos!
Well, I confess that when I saw Maxima's picture along her husband and Queen Elizabeth II, my heart stopped: Maxima without a hat? Sorry, but seeing the Queen of Spain with a fascinator and the Queen (of the hats) of the Netherlands without any head adornment seems to me very unnatural in this world of mine. Fortunately Maxima did not disappoint and put on her hat later and I recovered my heart. And when I say Maxima did not disappoint, she really did not disappoint. By far my favorite. Yes, just because your husband is going to wear a velvet robe, that does not mean you can not wear a cape yourself. It's our Maxi we love!
Well, I confess that when I saw Maxima's picture along her husband and Queen Elizabeth II, my heart stopped: Maxima without a hat? Sorry, but seeing the Queen of Spain with a fascinator and the Queen (of the hats) of the Netherlands without any head adornment seems to me very unnatural in this world of mine. Fortunately Maxima did not disappoint and put on her hat later and I recovered my heart. And when I say Maxima did not disappoint, she really did not disappoint. By far my favorite. Yes, just because your husband is going to wear a velvet robe, that does not mean you can not wear a cape yourself. It's our Maxi we love!
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E que chapéu é este, minha gente?? Linda a todos os níveis.
And about this hat, people ?? Beautiful on all levels.
And about this hat, people ?? Beautiful on all levels.
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A Rainha de Espanha não só usou um fascinator (coisa rara em Espanha), como ainda nos deu a alegria de um broche e os seus brincos de uniforme de Rainha. Letizia estava muito bonita. Estava. Adorei o fascinator, mas achei que o vestido podia ter um melhor corte ao nível dos joelhos. No seu todo achei que o look tinha tudo para ser super elegante, mas ainda assim ficou aquém,e eu não sei bem explicar a razão...
The Queen of Spain not only wore a fascinator (rare thing in Spain), but still gave us the joy of a brooch and her Queen uniform earrings. Letizia was very beautiful. She was. I loved the fascinator, but I thought the dress could have a better cut at knee level. All in all I thought the look had everything to be super stylish, but it still fell short, and I can not explain the reason why ...
The Queen of Spain not only wore a fascinator (rare thing in Spain), but still gave us the joy of a brooch and her Queen uniform earrings. Letizia was very beautiful. She was. I loved the fascinator, but I thought the dress could have a better cut at knee level. All in all I thought the look had everything to be super stylish, but it still fell short, and I can not explain the reason why ...
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Talvez seja falta de hábito . Tens que usar fascinator mais vezes Leti. Ficas linda!!
Maybe it's a lack of habit. You have to use fascinator more often, Leti. You look beautiful !!
Maybe it's a lack of habit. You have to use fascinator more often, Leti. You look beautiful !!
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A Duquesa da Cornualha combinou com Máxima e escolheu um conjunto rosa pálido com jóias a condizer para o evento.
The Duchess of Cornwall combined with Maxima and chose a pale pink set with matching jewels for the event.
The Duchess of Cornwall combined with Maxima and chose a pale pink set with matching jewels for the event.
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Just lovely!
Just lovely!
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Que dizer da Duquesa de Cambridge? Estou cansada de dizer que ela está apropriada. De facto está. Sempre. Mas, desculpem-me a franqueza, eu gostava de viver num mundo onde pudesse dizer UAU quando visse um look na Kate, e em vez disso quase que adormeço de tédio. E isso irrita-me bastante porque acho a Duquesa uma mulher belíssima, mas que em termos de styling tem um looooongo caminho a percorrer. São opiniões e toda a gente tem as suas. Olhando para estas meninas, Kate é a mais nova de todas e é aquela que parece mais envelhecida. Só gostei do chapéu.
What about the Duchess of Cambridge? I'm tired of saying she's appropriate. In fact she is. Allways. But, frankly, I wish I lived in a world where I could say WOW when I saw a Kate's look, instead I almost fell asleep in boredom. And that annoys me a lot because I think the Duchess is a beautiful woman, but in terms of styling she has a looooong way to go. They are opinions and everyone has their own. Looking at these girls, Kate is the youngest of all and she is the one who looks older. Pretty hat, although.
What about the Duchess of Cambridge? I'm tired of saying she's appropriate. In fact she is. Allways. But, frankly, I wish I lived in a world where I could say WOW when I saw a Kate's look, instead I almost fell asleep in boredom. And that annoys me a lot because I think the Duchess is a beautiful woman, but in terms of styling she has a looooong way to go. They are opinions and everyone has their own. Looking at these girls, Kate is the youngest of all and she is the one who looks older. Pretty hat, although.
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As roupas não são de todo o mais importante quando falamos de realeza, mas Kate ajuda-me a falar bem das tuas escolhas, por favor!!
The clothes are not the most important thing when we talk about royalty, but please Kate, help me talk great things about your choices !!
As roupas não são de todo o mais importante quando falamos de realeza, mas Kate ajuda-me a falar bem das tuas escolhas, por favor!!
The clothes are not the most important thing when we talk about royalty, but please Kate, help me talk great things about your choices !!
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A Condessa de Wessex, não nos trouxe grandes inovações, mas sempre que Sophie usar uma saia rodada colorida, com aquele chapéu delicioso e uma clutch super interessante eu aplaudo de pé!
The Countess of Wessex has not brought us great innovations, but whenever Sophie wears a colorful round midi skirt, with that delightful hat and a super cool clutch I think a standing ovation is required!
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E depois tivemos a Rainha Elizabeth II. E quando Sua Majestade, com 93 anos, usa um longo manto de veludo, ninguém mais importa!!
And then we had Queen Elizabeth II. And when Her Majesty, 93, wears a long velvet cloak, no one else matters!
Estava encantadora.
She was charming!
E depois tivemos a Rainha Elizabeth II. E quando Sua Majestade, com 93 anos, usa um longo manto de veludo, ninguém mais importa!!
And then we had Queen Elizabeth II. And when Her Majesty, 93, wears a long velvet cloak, no one else matters!
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Mais algumas fotografias da procissão de carruagem.
A few more photos of the carriage procession.
A few more photos of the carriage procession.
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E depois os dois grandes protagonistas do dia. Os novos membros da Ordem da Jarreteira.
And then the two great protagonists of the day. The new members of the Order of the Garter.
And then the two great protagonists of the day. The new members of the Order of the Garter.
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