Best of 2018 - Mette-Marit
Um Best of geralmente difícil de fazer, mas acho que ao fim de alguns anos, cheguei à conclusão que a nossa MM não vai passar para a História como a Princesa mais elegante de todos os tempos. Mas talvez fique na História por isso mesmo. Será recordada pelos seus esforços, trabalho e acções e não pelas roupas que usa. E eu consigo viver com isso!
This is a generally hard to do "Best of", but I think that after a few years, I have come to the conclusion that our MM will not go down in History as the most elegant Princess of all times. But maybe she'll stay in history for that. She will be remembered for her efforts, work and actions and not for the clothes she wears. And I can live with it!
This is a generally hard to do "Best of", but I think that after a few years, I have come to the conclusion that our MM will not go down in History as the most elegant Princess of all times. But maybe she'll stay in history for that. She will be remembered for her efforts, work and actions and not for the clothes she wears. And I can live with it!
Categoria "Eu sou Princesa" / "I am a Princess" Category
Talvez tenha sido por este evento ter tido lugar após o anúncio de que a Princesa da Coroa Norueguesa sofria de Fibrose Pulmonar Crónica e que essa condição iria limitar a sua agenda oficial no futuro. Talvez. A verdade é que este diagnóstico abalou vários royal watchers e cada aparição da Princesa norueguesa é festejada efusivamente, porque é sinal de que MM se sente bem. E nós sentimos-nos bem por ela. É assim que deve ser!
Perhaps it was because this event took place after the announcement that the Norwegian Crown Princess suffered from chronic pulmonary fibrosis and that this condition would limit her official agenda in the future. Perhaps. The truth is that this diagnosis shook several royal watchers and now every appearance of the Norwegian Princess is celebrated effusively, because it is a sign that MM feels good. And we feel good for her. This is how it should be!
Perhaps it was because this event took place after the announcement that the Norwegian Crown Princess suffered from chronic pulmonary fibrosis and that this condition would limit her official agenda in the future. Perhaps. The truth is that this diagnosis shook several royal watchers and now every appearance of the Norwegian Princess is celebrated effusively, because it is a sign that MM feels good. And we feel good for her. This is how it should be!
Categoria "Requinte é Classe" / " Polished is Classy" Category
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Este look quase que me passou desapercebido e no entanto é imensamente lindo, simples e ao mesmo tempo diferente e moderno. O branco é sempre uma cor vencedora para a nossa Princesa das Neves. O corte do vestido é impecável e os sapatos dão o toque de diferença a um look para um jantar na residência oficial do Casal da Coroa em Maio. Não precisamos de mais.
This look almost went unnoticed and yet it is immensely beautiful, simple and at the same time different and modern. White is always a winning color for our Snow Princess. The cut of the dress is impeccable and the shoes give the touch of difference to a look for a dinner in the official residence of the Crown Prince couple in May. We do not need more.
Categoria "Grrr..." / "Grrr..." Category
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Håkon Mosvold Larsen / |
Eu acho que o pior look do ano para a nossa Mette-Marit foi mesmo a sua escolha para as fotografias oficiais de Natal divulgadas pela Casa Real Norueguesa. Podemos perdoar vestidos com folhos, vestidos que parecem camisas de dormir, mas uma fotografia oficial de Natal merecia algo mais festivo e favorecedor, não acham? Já agora, sou só eu que acho que Ingrid Alexandra é uma Brianna Randall/Fraser em ponto mais pequeno? Talvez só os fãs de Outlander entendam esta minha questão.
I think the worst look of the year for our Mette-Marit was indeed her choice for the official Christmas photographs released by the Norwegian Royal House. We can forgive dresses with ruffles, dresses that look like night gowns, but an official Christmas photograph deserved something more festive and flattering, don't you think? By the way, is it just me or Ingrid Alexandra is a mini-version of Brianna Randall / Fraser? Maybe just Outlander's fans will get my point.
E vocês? O que acharam das escolhas de Mette-Marit este ano?
And you? What did you think of Mette-Marit's choices this year?
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