Casamento Real do Príncipe da Coroa Haakon da Noruega com Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby / Royal Wedding of Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby
Passam hoje exactamente 15 anos daquele que foi o primeiro grande casamento real do Século XXI. Não é de estranhar que no acordar de um novo século este casamento tenha ficado na História. Já não se tratava apenas de uma plebeia a casar com um Futuro Rei, mas sim de uma plebeia E mãe solteira E com um passado no mundo da toxicodependência a tornar-se Princesa da Coroa da Noruega.
Estávamos em 2001 e uma nova Era Real começava!
On this day exactly 15 years ago, it took plance the first major royal wedding of the XXI Century. It is not surprising that in the wake of a new century this marriage had been written in Royal History. It wasn't just a commoner to marry a future king, but a commoner AND a single mother WITH some drug addiction past to become Crown Princess of Norway.
We were in 2001 and a new royal era began!
Foi a 25 de Agosto de 2001 que o Príncipe da Coroa Haakon da Noruega (eu sei que o preferem ver de barba, tal como eu!) casou com Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby na Catedral de Oslo.
The day was August 25, 2001 when Crown Prince Haakon of Norway (I know you prefer to see him with a beard, like me!) married Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby in Oslo Cathedral.
O casamento real foi a materialização de que os contos-de-fadas existem e que tudo é possível, haja amor. Mette-Marit uma ex-empregada de mesa com um passado que nunca escondeu (e que a levou às lágrimas na entrevista de noivado) foi uma noiva inesquecível em vários aspectos. Começando pelo seu vestido de noiva.
The royal wedding was the realization that fairy-tales do exist and that everything is possible, when there is love. Mette-Marit an ex-waitress with a past that she never hidden (and that led her to tears during the engagement interview) was an unforgettable bride in many ways. Starting with her wedding dress.
O que usa uma jovem mãe-solteira no dia em que os olhos do Mundo estão em si? Mette-Marit escolheu o designer norueguês Ove Harder Finseth para a criação de um vestido de sonho inspirado no estilo de outra Rainha norueguesa: Maud - a primeira rainha consorte da Noruega, desde a independência do pais.
What can possible a single young mother wear on the day the world's eyes are on her? Mette-Marit chose the Norwegian designer Ove Harder Finseth to create a dream dress inspired by the style of another Norwegian Queen - Maud - the first queen consort of Norway since independence of the country.
De design muito simples este vestido em cor ecru (sim, existe!) é inteiramente feito em seda crepe, contento cerca de 125 metros de tule de seda. A extensão da saia é simplesmente maravilhosa, provocando a sensação que a noiva flutuava a cada passo que dava. O véu simples em tule de seda com 6 metros de comprimento ultrapassava a cauda do vestido.
Featuring a very simple design, this dress in ecru color (yes, such color name exists!) is made entirely in silk crepe, containing about 125 meters of silk tulle. The length and shape of the skirt is simply wonderful, causing the feeling that the bride floated in every step. The simple veil in silk tulle with 6 meters long exceeded the dress skirt's tail.
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Ove Harder Finseth |
Para o dia em que fazia História e se tornava Princesa da Coroa da Noruega, Mette-Marit usou uma tiara em estilo bandeau em diamantes. Uma antiguidade que remonta a 1910 e que foi adquirida pelo Rei Harald V e Rainha Sonja para a sua nora e que ficou para a história como Tiara de Margaridas.
For the day that she made history and became Crown Princess of Norway, Mette-Marit wore a bandeau- style diamond tiara. An antique piece dating back to 1910 and which was acquired by King Harald V and Queen Sonja as present to their daughter-in law and has become known as Daisy Tiara.
15 anos depois, Haakon e Mette-Marit mostram que a sua relação está bem firme e continuam tão apaixonados como na altura em que enfrentaram a História e desafiaram todas as convenções...
Feliz Aniversário de Casamento!
15 years later, Haakon and Mette-Marit show that their relationship stays strong and remain as passionate as at the time they faced the history and defied all conventions ...
Happy Wedding Anniversary!
Happy Wedding Anniversary!
E agora: quem esteve no casamento real norueguês em 2001?
And now: who was at the Norwegian Royal wedding in 2001?
A Rainha Sonja da Noruega usou todo o esplendor do seu Parure de Esmeraldas neste dia especial. Pena a conjugação de cores escolhida...
Queen Sonja of Norway used all the splendor of the Parure of Esmeraldas on this special day. Such pitty the color combination chosen ...
Queen Sonja of Norway used all the splendor of the Parure of Esmeraldas on this special day. Such pitty the color combination chosen ...
A irmã do noivo, a Princesa Märtha-Louise, entrou em modo conto de fadas e escolheu um vestido que incorpora bem o tema e que conjugou com a sua pequena tiara do seu 18º aniversário e um peculiar colar.
The groom's sister, Princess Märtha-Louise came into fairy tale mode and chose a dress that embodies well the theme and which combined with her 18th Birthday small tiara and a unique necklace.
The groom's sister, Princess Märtha-Louise came into fairy tale mode and chose a dress that embodies well the theme and which combined with her 18th Birthday small tiara and a unique necklace.
Da Bélgica, o Rei Albert II e a Rainha Paola que usou a Bandeau de diamantes da Rainha Elisabeth.
From Belgium, King Albert II and Queen Paola who wore the Queen Elizabeth's diamond Bandeau.
From Belgium, King Albert II and Queen Paola who wore the Queen Elizabeth's diamond Bandeau.
O Príncipe da Coroa belga, Philippe, compareceu sozinho porque a sua esposa Mathilde estava grávida.
The belgian Crown Prince, Philippe, attended alone because his wife Mathilde was pregnant.
Da Dinamarca, a nossa querida Margrethe com um vestido roxo e muito brilho!! A monarca dinamarquesa escolheu a Baden Palmette Tiara (uma frequente escolha para casamentos reais, principalmente naqueles que são uma ode ao triunfo do amor!). Adoro os brincos. O Príncipe da Coroa Frederik também esteve presente e foi Padrinho do noivo.
From Denmark, our beloved Margrethe with a purple dress and a lot of bling !! The Danish monarch chose the Baden Palmette Tiara (a frequent choice for royal weddings, especially those that are an ode to the triumph of love!). I love the earrings. Crown Prince Frederik was also present and acted as Haakon's Best Man.
From Denmark, our beloved Margrethe with a purple dress and a lot of bling !! The Danish monarch chose the Baden Palmette Tiara (a frequent choice for royal weddings, especially those that are an ode to the triumph of love!). I love the earrings. Crown Prince Frederik was also present and acted as Haakon's Best Man.
De Espanha, a Rainha Sofia muito elegante e o Príncipe das Astúrias. Sofia escolheu a Tiara Floral e Felipe escolheu fazer deste evento a primeira (e única) aparição oficial com a namorada da altura, a modelo norueguesa Eva Sannum.
From Spain, a very elegant Queen Sofia and the Prince of Asturias. Sofia chose the Spanish Floral Tiara and Felipe chose to make this event the first (and only) official appearance with his girlfriend at the time, the Norwegian model Eva Sannum.
From Spain, a very elegant Queen Sofia and the Prince of Asturias. Sofia chose the Spanish Floral Tiara and Felipe chose to make this event the first (and only) official appearance with his girlfriend at the time, the Norwegian model Eva Sannum.
Da Grécia a Rainha Anne-Marie que usou a Tiara Khedive do Egipto. Também presente a sua filha mais velha a Princesa Alexia com uma tiara que poderá ter sido um empréstimo ou propriedade privada.
From Greece Queen Anne-Marie who wore the Khedive of Egypt Tiara. Also present her eldest daughter Princess Alexia with a tiara that may have been a loan or private property.
From Greece Queen Anne-Marie who wore the Khedive of Egypt Tiara. Also present her eldest daughter Princess Alexia with a tiara that may have been a loan or private property.
Do Luxemburgo o Grã-Duque Henri e a Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa que usou a tiara de diamantes e pérolas de Chaumet.
From Luxembourg, the Grand Duke Henri and the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa who wore the diamond and pearl tiara by Chaumet.
From Luxembourg, the Grand Duke Henri and the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa who wore the diamond and pearl tiara by Chaumet.
Mas também presentes o Grã-Duque Jean e a Grã-Duquesa Josephine Charlotte. Jean tinha abdicado a favor do filho um ano atrás. A Grã-Duquesa Josephine usou a Tiara Belgian Scroll.
But also present the Grand Duke Jean and the Grand Duchess Josephine Charlotte. Jean had abdicated in favor of his son a year ago. The Grand Duchess Josephine wore the Belgian Scrool tiara.
But also present the Grand Duke Jean and the Grand Duchess Josephine Charlotte. Jean had abdicated in favor of his son a year ago. The Grand Duchess Josephine wore the Belgian Scrool tiara.
Este casamento marcaria a estreia de Máxima Zorreguita nos grandes palcos reais. A ocasião serviu para Máxima, na altura noiva do Príncipe de Orange, usar pela primeira vez uma tiara - a base em diamantes da Tiara Antique Pearl. Não é para todas!
This wedding would mark the debut of Máxima Zorreguita at the royal big stage. The occasion served to Maxima, yet Prince of Orange's bride, to use a tiara for the first time - the diamond basis from the Antique Pearl tiara. Bring it on!
This wedding would mark the debut of Máxima Zorreguita at the royal big stage. The occasion served to Maxima, yet Prince of Orange's bride, to use a tiara for the first time - the diamond basis from the Antique Pearl tiara. Bring it on!
Do Mónaco, um jovem e muito magro Príncipe Albert.
From Monaco, a very young and slim Prince Albert.
From Monaco, a very young and slim Prince Albert.
Representando o Reino Unido o Principie de Gales e o Earl e a Condessa de Wessex. Sophie usou um longo vestido azul real e a tiara do seu casamento.
Representing the United Kingdom the Prince of Wales and the Earl and Countess of Wessex. Sophie wore a long royal blue gown and her wedding tiara.
Representing the United Kingdom the Prince of Wales and the Earl and Countess of Wessex. Sophie wore a long royal blue gown and her wedding tiara.
Da Suécia, o Rei Carl Gustaf e a Rainha Sílvia. Sílvia no seu estilo de baile usual com a imponente tiara da Rainha Sofia (aka Nine Prongs - Nove Dentes de Garfo).
From Sweden, King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia. Silvia in her usual ball style with the imposing Queen Sofia's Tiara (aka Nine Prongs).
From Sweden, King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia. Silvia in her usual ball style with the imposing Queen Sofia's Tiara (aka Nine Prongs).
Representação massiva da família real sueca como é hábito. A Princesa da Coroa Victoria em rosa com a sua Tiara Banden Fringe. Madeleine de dourado com a Tiara Modern Fringe e muitos caracóis.
Massive representation of the Swedish royal family as always. Princess Crown Victoria in pink with her Banden Fringe tiara. Madeleine in golden with the Modern Fringe tiara and a curly hairstyle.
Massive representation of the Swedish royal family as always. Princess Crown Victoria in pink with her Banden Fringe tiara. Madeleine in golden with the Modern Fringe tiara and a curly hairstyle.
Foi um casamento bastante colorido em relação a moda, onde não houve problemas em misturar brilho, texturas e transparências. No inicio do ano 2000 a encharpe estava decididamente na moda e as damas reais levaram a coisa bastante a sério: #TeamEncharpe!!
It was a very colorful wedding regarding fashion, where there was no problem in mixing shining fabrics, different textures and transparencies. At the beginning of the 2000's the encharpe was decidedly fashionable and all royal ladies took the thing quite seriously: #TeamEncharpe !!
It was a very colorful wedding regarding fashion, where there was no problem in mixing shining fabrics, different textures and transparencies. At the beginning of the 2000's the encharpe was decidedly fashionable and all royal ladies took the thing quite seriously: #TeamEncharpe !!
I'm very excited with flashbacks. I remember this marriage. I love the wedding gown. The bride was wonderful and this was the cause that started my interest in the Royalties. Go on Lourdes!
ResponderEliminarThanks for your comment. I loved royals at the time already, but I didn't watch the wedding. No broadcast for Portugal. :(. At the time I think I didn't like the dress. But now I love it. :)