#OTD em 2002 / #OTD in 2002
Willem-Alexander e Máxima da Holanda celebram hoje o seu 14º aniversário de casamento.
Willem-Alexander and Máxima of the Netherlands today celebrate their 14th wedding anniversary.
Willem-Alexander and Máxima of the Netherlands today celebrate their 14th wedding anniversary.
O agora Rei da Holanda casava a 2 de Fevereiro de 2002 com a argentina Máxima Zorreguieta na imponente Nova Igreja ( Nieuwe Kerk) de Amesterdão.
The now King of the Netherlands married on February 2, 2002 with the Argentine-born Máxima Zorreguieta at the impressive New Church (Nieuwe Kerk) in Amsterdam.
The now King of the Netherlands married on February 2, 2002 with the Argentine-born Máxima Zorreguieta at the impressive New Church (Nieuwe Kerk) in Amsterdam.
Numa cerimónia onde as origens argentinas da nova Princesa de Orange não ficaram esquecidas naquele que foi um dos momentos mais emocionantes dos casamentos reais de sempre! Recordo que Máxima, por razões políticas, não pode contar com a presença dos seus pais no seu casamento.
On a ceremony where the Argentine roots of the new Princess of Orange were not forgotten in what was one of the most emotional moments in royal weddings ever! I recall that, for political reasons, Máxima couldn't count on the presence of her parents in her wedding day.
Tudo o que envolva casamentos me comove. A três meses do meu dia especial, tudo o que envolva casamentos me deixa nervosa.
Everything involving weddings moves me. Three months away of my special day, everything involving weddings make me nervous.
Everything involving weddings moves me. Three months away of my special day, everything involving weddings make me nervous.
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