O Casamento Real #10 / The Real Wedding #10
Tenho andado muito caladinha, mas a quase 3 meses do grande dia, há muito que preparar, apesar de ter a sensação que nada faço durante o dia em relação ao casamento. Os últimos detalhes ficam quase sempre para os últimos meses, não por má gestão de tempo, mas simplesmente porque há coisas que não podem ser tratadas antes...
I've been very quite, but almost three months away from the big day, there is much to prepare, despite having the feeling that I do very little during the day regarding wedding plans. The final details are kept for the final months, not by poor time management, but simply because there are things that simply can not be dealt with before .
I've been very quite, but almost three months away from the big day, there is much to prepare, despite having the feeling that I do very little during the day regarding wedding plans. The final details are kept for the final months, not by poor time management, but simply because there are things that simply can not be dealt with before .
Entretanto, é tempo para começar a preparar-me para o grande dia a nível de rotina de beleza. E hoje quero partilhar com vocês qual é a minha rotina e que produtos uso (que OBVIAMENTE são os que represento).
However, it is time to start preparing for the big day in terms of beauty routine. And today I want to share with you what is my routine and what products I use (which are OBVIOUSLY the ones I represent).
However, it is time to start preparing for the big day in terms of beauty routine. And today I want to share with you what is my routine and what products I use (which are OBVIOUSLY the ones I represent).
PREPARE TO FIGHT: #Antioxidants are your best weapon against the harmful free radicals that can cause wrinkles, dullness...
Publicado por Artistry em Quarta-feira, 3 de Fevereiro de 2016
1. Rotinas básicas / Basic Steps
Não sei quanto a vocês, mas eu sempre gostei de usar cremes e maquilhagens. Mas até há coisa de 3 anos usava tudo mal. Para terem a noção eu usava produtos para peles mistas a oleosas, quando descobri que a minha pele é mais seca que um bacalhau. Ora assim, não resulta...
I do not know about you, but I always liked to use creams and make-up. But about 3 years ago, I discovered I was doing everything wrong. To have a notion I wore products for oily skin, when I discovered that my skin is drier than a codfish. Now, it does not work like that ...
I do not know about you, but I always liked to use creams and make-up. But about 3 years ago, I discovered I was doing everything wrong. To have a notion I wore products for oily skin, when I discovered that my skin is drier than a codfish. Now, it does not work like that ...
WINTER WEATHER can mean dry skin. Time to take extra care to moisturize! Have you tried our Hydra-V Collection? Can you feel the difference?
Publicado por Artistry em Sexta-feira, 5 de Dezembro de 2014
Recentemente comecei a usar a linha ARTISTRY Hydra V. Esta linha é concebida para peles que estão desidratadas. Os meus motivos: 1) É um castigo para mim beber água; 2) Os ambientes com ar condicionado secam-me imenso a pele; 3) O frio desta altura do ano.
Recently I started using the ARTISTRY Hydra V line. This line is designed for skins that are dehydrated. My reasons: 1) It is a VERY HARD for me to drink water; 2) environments with air conditioning dries immensely my skin; 3) The cold this time of year.
Recently I started using the ARTISTRY Hydra V line. This line is designed for skins that are dehydrated. My reasons: 1) It is a VERY HARD for me to drink water; 2) environments with air conditioning dries immensely my skin; 3) The cold this time of year.
Eu uso os produtos Hydra V para pele secas, mas há também para peles mistas-oleosas. Porque até as peles oleosas podem estar desidratadas.
3 Passos básicos: Limpeza, Tonificação, Hidratação.
5 produtos chave: 1.Espuma de limpeza, 2.Tónico revigorante, 3.Creme para olhos Reestabelecedor, 4.Soro concentrado Vital Skin, e 5. Creme Hidratante e Reestabelecedor.
De manhã. E só levo 4 minutos a fazê-lo. :)
I use the Hydra V products for dry skin, but there are also for mixed-oily skin. Because even oily skin can be dehydrated.
3 basic steps: cleaning, toning, moisturizing.
5 key products: 1. Fresh Foaming cleanser, 2. Fresh Softening Lotion, 3. Refreshing Eye Gel Cream, 4. Vital Skin Serum Concentrate and 5. Hydrating Cream.
In the morning. And just take 4 minutes to do so. :)
I use the Hydra V products for dry skin, but there are also for mixed-oily skin. Because even oily skin can be dehydrated.
3 basic steps: cleaning, toning, moisturizing.
5 key products: 1. Fresh Foaming cleanser, 2. Fresh Softening Lotion, 3. Refreshing Eye Gel Cream, 4. Vital Skin Serum Concentrate and 5. Hydrating Cream.
In the morning. And just take 4 minutes to do so. :)
De noite repito a rotina, mas uso o Creme enriquecido de noite da linha anti-envelhecimento da ARTISTRY Youth X-tend, porque com 31 anos mais vale prevenir...
At night I repeat the routine, but use the Enriched night cream from the anti-aging line ARTISTRY Youth X-trend, because with 31 years it's better safe than sorry ...
2. Protecção e Uniformidade / Protection and Uniformity
Tornou-se rapidamente um dos meus produtos favoritos ARTISTRY. É um pouco caro, comparado com o que há no mercado, mas vale cada cêntimo.
It quickly became one of my favorite products ARTISTRY. It's a bit expensive compared to what's on the market, but worth every penny.
Com protecção 35 UVB/UVA PA+++, o Bálsamo Perfecting Primer é adequado a todos os tipos de pele e foi concebido para dar à pele do rosto um tom uniforme natural e sem imperfeições, deixando a pele fresca e hidratada. A sua fórmula leve e translúcida pode ser utilizada sozinha ou antes da aplicação de uma base para prolongar a sua duração. Não saio de casa sem ele.
With FPS 35 UVB / UVA PA +++, the Perfecting Primer Balm is suitable for all skin types and is designed to give the facial skin a natural even tone and flawless, leaving it fresh and hydrated. Its light and translucent formula can be used alone or before the application of a foundation to prolong its duration. I do not leave home without it.
At night I repeat the routine, but use the Enriched night cream from the anti-aging line ARTISTRY Youth X-trend, because with 31 years it's better safe than sorry ...
2. Protecção e Uniformidade / Protection and Uniformity
Tornou-se rapidamente um dos meus produtos favoritos ARTISTRY. É um pouco caro, comparado com o que há no mercado, mas vale cada cêntimo.
It quickly became one of my favorite products ARTISTRY. It's a bit expensive compared to what's on the market, but worth every penny.
TRY RICK’S MUST-HAVE: Global Makeup Artist Rick DiCecca calls our new Exact Fit Beauty Balm Perfecting Primer his “go-to...
Publicado por Artistry em Quinta-feira, 15 de Outubro de 2015
Com protecção 35 UVB/UVA PA+++, o Bálsamo Perfecting Primer é adequado a todos os tipos de pele e foi concebido para dar à pele do rosto um tom uniforme natural e sem imperfeições, deixando a pele fresca e hidratada. A sua fórmula leve e translúcida pode ser utilizada sozinha ou antes da aplicação de uma base para prolongar a sua duração. Não saio de casa sem ele.
With FPS 35 UVB / UVA PA +++, the Perfecting Primer Balm is suitable for all skin types and is designed to give the facial skin a natural even tone and flawless, leaving it fresh and hydrated. Its light and translucent formula can be used alone or before the application of a foundation to prolong its duration. I do not leave home without it.
3. Auxiliares / Secondary
2 vezes por semana tento (religiosamente agora) aplicar o Gel Exfoliante Purificador de rosto (1) e a Máscara de Hidratação Intensiva (2). Dois produtos complementares às minhas rotinas diárias e que fazem toda a diferença quando queremos que a nossa pele esteja bem tratada e luminosa.
2 times a week I try (religiously now) apply the Facial Polishing Scrub (1) and the Moisture Intense Masque (2). Two complementary products to my daily routines that make all the difference when we want our skin to be treated well and be luminous.
2 times a week I try (religiously now) apply the Facial Polishing Scrub (1) and the Moisture Intense Masque (2). Two complementary products to my daily routines that make all the difference when we want our skin to be treated well and be luminous.
Á base de ingredientes naturais melhoram a textura da pele e garantem uma suavidade extra.
Natural ingredients help to improve skin texture and ensure extra softness.
Natural ingredients help to improve skin texture and ensure extra softness.
4. A arma-de-guerra / The Big Gun.
Comecei já no ano passado a preparar a minha pele para as mudanças de estação. E resultou. Agora em Fevereiro irei começar o meu tratamento de peeling em casa durante 6 semanas. Uma alternativa aos exfoliantes químicos aplicada 2-3 vezes por semana durante 8 minutos graças ao Remodelador Suavizante da ARTISTRY INTENSIVE SKINCARE.
I started already last year to prepare my skin for the changing seasons. And it worked very well. Now in February I will start my peeling treatment at home for 6 weeks. An alternative to chemical exfoliants applied 2-3 times per week for 8 minutes due to Renewing Peel from ARTISTRY INTENSIVE SKINCARE.
I started already last year to prepare my skin for the changing seasons. And it worked very well. Now in February I will start my peeling treatment at home for 6 weeks. An alternative to chemical exfoliants applied 2-3 times per week for 8 minutes due to Renewing Peel from ARTISTRY INTENSIVE SKINCARE.
NEW YEAR, RENEW YOU: Do you know what “Mucor miehei” is? It’s a mushroom with a powerful enzyme that mimics your skin’s...
Publicado por Artistry em Segunda-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2015
O produto actua através de uma enzima de fonte natural do cogumelo Muco Miehei e elimina delicadamente as células mortas na superfície da pele, conferido à pele uma textura sedosa e uma aparência radiante. ATENÇÃO: Durante este tratamento NÃO aplicar exfoliantes físicos e usar SEMPRE creme com factor de protecção solar.
The product acts through a natural source of enzyme extracted from the mushroom Mucus Miehei and gently removes dead skin cells on the surface, given the skin a silky texture and radiant. WARNING: During this treatment DO NOT apply physical exfoliants and use ALWAYS cream with sun protection factor.
The product acts through a natural source of enzyme extracted from the mushroom Mucus Miehei and gently removes dead skin cells on the surface, given the skin a silky texture and radiant. WARNING: During this treatment DO NOT apply physical exfoliants and use ALWAYS cream with sun protection factor.
A juntar a isto tudo...
On the top of it all...
On the top of it all...
Se quiserem conhecer estes e outros produtos visitem a minha página online ou Amway.pt. Ou enviem-me mensagem.
If they want to meet these and other products visit my online page or Amway.pt. Or send me a message.
If they want to meet these and other products visit my online page or Amway.pt. Or send me a message.
Se estiverem por Lisboa a 7 de Fevereiro de 2016, entre as 15-19h convido-vos a virem visitar-me no Hotel Ibis no Saldanha ao nosso Showroom (evento no Facebook) onde poderão conhecer e experimentar estes e outros produtos de forma gratuita.
If you are in Lisbon on 7 February 2016, between 15-19h I invite you to come visit me at the Hotel Ibis in Saldanha to our showroom (Facebook Event) where you can know and experience fro free these and other products.
If you are in Lisbon on 7 February 2016, between 15-19h I invite you to come visit me at the Hotel Ibis in Saldanha to our showroom (Facebook Event) where you can know and experience fro free these and other products.
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