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Em Português
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- Sou Portuguesa e escrevo na minha língua. O Inglês não é a minha língua nativa. A partir de uma determinada altura passei a escrever todos os meus posts também em inglês, mas apelo à vossa compreensão caso encontrem erros. Tentarei sempre fazer o melhor que consigo, mas caso cometa alguma falha grave agradecia que me informassem.
- Sintam-se à vontade para comentar os meus posts e dar sugestões. Adoro saber as vossas opiniões e críticas construtivas serão bem-vindas. Cada comentário vosso aquece-me o coração e faz com que me empenhe mais e mais no blog. Mas lembrem-se de se comportarem como adultos. Má-educação e comentários menos apropriados não serão tolerados e não passarão na moderação de comentários, por isso nem se dêem ao trabalho...
- Este espaço é um trabalho em progresso e não é uma ocupação a tempo inteiro (ainda!). Tentarei sempre mantê-lo interessante e actualizado, no entanto, por situações externas, por vezes tal poderá não ser possível. Convido-vos a visitarem o T&T todos os dias!
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In English
- Unless otherwise stated, this blog does not claim the credit of the pictures or videos used in its publications. All material used to illustrate the articles is used with proper credit and / or reference to the author. Mostly I use the Officials Channels of the Royal Houses (websites and social media), Getty Images and Youtube.
- If you see any pictures or other content that belongs to you and want it removed from the site, do not hesitate to contact me, and soon it will be removed.
- All information provided in this blog is the result of the author's research, unless other sources are cited.
- Sometimes I can mention or promote other blogs and redirect certain content via links. Yet I'm not responsible for the accuracy, integrity or information content provided in these locals.
- I am Portuguese and I write in my language. English is not my native language. From a certain point I began to write all my posts also in English, but I call to your understanding if you encounter some errors. I will always try to do the best I can, but if you notice a serious failure, please let me know.
- Feel free to comment on my posts and shere your opinions. I love to know your opinions and constructive criticism is very welcome. Every comment warms my heart and makes me commit more and more with the blog. But remember to behave like adults. Bad manners and less appropriate comments will not be tolerated and won't pass the comment moderation, so do not take the trouble ...
- This space is a work in progress and is not a full-time occupation (yet!). I will always try to keep it interesting and updated, however, by external situations, sometimes this may not be possible. I invite you to visit T & T every day!
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I am disappointed that you would use this website as a political forum, and that you praise a particular person for a part of his or her speech simply because it criticizes another person, with whom you perhaps do not agree.
ResponderEliminarDear anonymous. Thank you for your comment. I am sorry that you are disappointed, but it has never been my ambition in this space to please everyone with my vision and opinion on the issues addressed here. In any case, and just to clarify the point, my compliment to the Prince of Wales's speech (which I believe to be at the origin of this comment) concerns something I, as an History's lover, have noted for years, i.e., the fact that the Human Being has a short memory with respect to his own History. It is true now, as it was 3 months ago, 7 months ago or 20 years ago, because what is happening in Syria and what happened in the Balkans, and in so many parts of the world, are also a reflection of that. So the idea that I praised a speech because it criticized a person could not be more wrong. I praised a speech because I agree with its message about History and about Faith
EliminarBut, and most important that any justification, if I am free in MY blog, in MY space, to give my opinions on dresses, shoes and jewelry, I am certainly equally free to express MY opinion on a speech - the only reference to a political individual was made quoted the Chief Rabbi speech anyway.
So, dear reader, we agreed to disagree. :)