Post Semanal: A perda de Meghan e Harry e a Perda de Empatia de muita gente / Weekly Post: Meghan and Harry Loss and the loss of empathy of many people
Olá a todos. Bem-vindos a mais um post semanal aqui no T&T. Penso que esta semana é impossível fugir a este tema. Nem o quero fazer. Num artigo de opinião publicado na passada terça-feira no The New York Times, Meghan, Duquesa de Sussex confessa que sofreu uma perda gestacional no passado mês de Julho.
Hello everyone. Welcome to another weekly post here at T&T. I think that this week it is impossible to escape this theme. I don't even want to do it. In an opinion article published last Tuesday in The New York Times, Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex confesses that she suffered a miscarriage last July.
Hello everyone. Welcome to another weekly post here at T&T. I think that this week it is impossible to escape this theme. I don't even want to do it. In an opinion article published last Tuesday in The New York Times, Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex confesses that she suffered a miscarriage last July.
O artigo não é sobre a perda em si, mas sobre a empatia para com o próximo cuja dor por vezes é visível, mas que escolhemos muitas vezes ignorar. O artigo está maravilhosamente bem escrito. Sente-se a dor pessoal de Meghan, mas também nos remete para as nossas próprias batalhas, inseguranças e medos, numa altura em que se avizinham datas e festividades importantes e que, este ano, estão irremediavelmente comprometidas, pelo menos da maneira como estávamos habituados a celebrá-las, devido à pandemia que o mundo atravessa há 9 meses. Vale a pena ler. Ler e reflectir.
The article is not about the loss itself, but about empathy for others whose pain is sometimes visible, but which we often choose to ignore. The article is wonderfully well written. One feels Meghan's personal pain, but it also takes us back to our own battles, insecurities and fears, at a time when important dates and festivities are coming, which this year are hopelessly compromised, at least in the way we were used to celebrating them, due to the pandemic that the world has been going through for 9 months. It is worth reading. Read and think about it.
The article is not about the loss itself, but about empathy for others whose pain is sometimes visible, but which we often choose to ignore. The article is wonderfully well written. One feels Meghan's personal pain, but it also takes us back to our own battles, insecurities and fears, at a time when important dates and festivities are coming, which this year are hopelessly compromised, at least in the way we were used to celebrating them, due to the pandemic that the world has been going through for 9 months. It is worth reading. Read and think about it.
"Era uma manhã de Julho que começou tão ordinariamente como qualquer outro dia: Fiz o pequeno-almoço. Alimentei os cães. Tomei vitaminas. Encontrei a meia desaparecida. Peguei o lápis de cera que tinha rolado para debaixo da mesa. Apanhei o meu cabelo num rabo de cavalo antes de tirar o meu filho do berço. Depois de trocar a fralda, senti uma cãibra forte. Caí no chão com ele nos braços, cantarolando uma canção de embalar para nos manter calmos, a música alegre contrastava fortemente com a minha sensação de que algo não estava certo . Eu sabia, enquanto agarrava meu primeiro filho, que estava perdendo o meu segundo. Horas depois, eu estava deitada numa cama de hospital, segurando a mão do meu marido. Senti a umidade de sua palma e beijei seus dedos, molhados das nossas lágrimas. Olhando para as paredes brancas e frias com meus olhos ficaram vidrados. Tentei imaginar como iríamos ultrapassar isto ""It was a July morning that began as ordinarily as any other day: Make breakfast. Feed the dogs. Take vitamins. Find that missing sock. Pick up the rogue crayon that rolled under the table. Throw my hair in a ponytail before getting my son from his crib. After changing his diaper, I felt a sharp cramp. I dropped to the floor with him in my arms, humming a lullaby to keep us both calm, the cheerful tune a stark contrast to my sense that something was not right. I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second. Hours later, I lay in a hospital bed, holding my husband’s hand. I felt the clamminess of his palm and kissed his knuckles, wet from both our tears. Staring at the cold white walls, my eyes glazed over. I tried to imagine how we’d heal."
O mundo desconhecia que o Duque e a Duquesa de Sussex esperavam um segundo filho. E a partilha de Meghan apanhou todos de surpresa. E apesar de nunca ter chegado a este mundo, o Baby Sussex #2, como ficaria conhecido, recebeu muito amor após esta partilha pública. Infelizmente, não assistimos apenas a demonstrações de amor. Claro que não, afinal de contas estamos a falar da figura pública feminina a nível global, que mais tem sofrido de manifestações de ódio online dos últimos tempos.
The world was unaware that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were expecting a second child. And Meghan's sharing took everyone by surprise. And although Baby Sussex # 2, as he/she would become known, never came to this world, it received a lot of love after this public sharing. Unfortunately, we are not just watching demonstrations of love. Of course not, after all we are talking about the world public female figure, who has suffered the most from online expressions of hatred in recent times.
The world was unaware that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were expecting a second child. And Meghan's sharing took everyone by surprise. And although Baby Sussex # 2, as he/she would become known, never came to this world, it received a lot of love after this public sharing. Unfortunately, we are not just watching demonstrations of love. Of course not, after all we are talking about the world public female figure, who has suffered the most from online expressions of hatred in recent times.
No dia em que o artigo foi publicado, assinalou-se o Dia Internacional pela Eliminação da Violência contra as Mulheres. A violência contra as mulheres tem muitas caras - física, mental, verbal, sexual, obstétrica,etc. - e, no caso de Meghan acho que devem ser feitos estudos sobre este fenómeno, porque é grave o que vemos nas redes sociais. Não é apenas Meghan, é certo, há várias pessoas que sofrem abusos, bullying e ofensas online. Violência movida por factores raciais, sexuais, reliogiosos ou outros, que precisa urgentemente de ser enquadrada numa conjuntura legal para que quem vem para as redes sociais com o simples e puro objectivo de gerar ódio e destruir emocionalmente o outro, seja devidamente responsável pelas suas palavras. E procure ajuda, porque claramente precisa.
On the day the article was published, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was marked. Violence against women has many faces - physical, mental, verbal, sexual, obstetric, etc. - and, in the case of Meghan, I think that studies on this phenomenon should be done, because what we see on social media is serious. Of course it's not just about Meghan, there are several people who suffer abuse, bullying and online offense. Violence driven by racial, gender, religious or other reasons, which urgently needs to be framed in a legal context so that whoever comes to social media with the simple and pure aim of generating hatred and emotionally destroying the other, is duly responsible for their words. And seek help, because they clearly need it.
On the day the article was published, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was marked. Violence against women has many faces - physical, mental, verbal, sexual, obstetric, etc. - and, in the case of Meghan, I think that studies on this phenomenon should be done, because what we see on social media is serious. Of course it's not just about Meghan, there are several people who suffer abuse, bullying and online offense. Violence driven by racial, gender, religious or other reasons, which urgently needs to be framed in a legal context so that whoever comes to social media with the simple and pure aim of generating hatred and emotionally destroying the other, is duly responsible for their words. And seek help, because they clearly need it.
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Meghan não foi a primeira nem a última mulher a sofrer uma perda gestacional. Nem sequer foi a primeira mulher da realeza a admitir isso, mas usar estes argumentos para desvalorizar aquilo que ela fez ao expor a sua história, é minimizar a dor de cada família que passa por uma perda gestacional em silêncio, em culpa, muitas vezes sem rede de apoio.
Meghan was not the first or the last woman to suffer a pregnancy loss. She wasn't even the first royal woman to admit it, but to use these arguments to devalue what she did in exposing her story, is to minimize the pain of each family that goes through a gestational loss in silence, in guilt, often without support network.
Meghan was not the first or the last woman to suffer a pregnancy loss. She wasn't even the first royal woman to admit it, but to use these arguments to devalue what she did in exposing her story, is to minimize the pain of each family that goes through a gestational loss in silence, in guilt, often without support network.
Gostando ou não, Meghan tem um poder de influência gigante, sendo membro activo da família real ou não, e o facto de ter admitido publicamente a sua perda é de admirar. É preciso coragem. Bolas, somos mulheres. Nós sabemos que é preciso coragem. Tenhamos nós a coragem e humildade de admitir isso. Ela não o tinha que o fazer. Mas como aprendi recentemente há duas formas de lidar com a dor: ou a normalizas e interiorizas como algo que aconteceu, mas não a resolves e mais cedo ou mais tarde essa dor vai trazer-te muitos problemas, ou a abraças, permitindo que sintas todos os sentimentos de raiva, revolta, luto, mas após isso resolves transformar a tua dor em algo bom e bonito para os outros. Isto não é chamar a atenção. Todos temos ao nosso lado vários casos destes, certamente. Isto é compreender simplesmente, que somos parte de um todo e que podemos ajudar-nos, principalmente nos momentos menos bons. Isso é colocar a nossa experiência, boa ou má, ao serviço dos outros. Isso é Generosidade.
Like it or not, Meghan has a giant power of influence, whether she is an working senior member of the royal family or not, and the fact that she publicly admitted her loss is admirable. It takes courage. Damn, we're women. We know it takes courage. Let us have the courage and humility to admit it. She didn't have to. But as I recently learned there are two ways to deal with pain: either you normalize and internalize it as something that happened, but you don't solve it and sooner or later that pain will bring you a lot of problems, or you embrace it, allowing you to feel all those feelings of anger, revolt, mourning, but after that you decide to turn your pain into something good and beautiful for others. This is not to seak attention. We all have next to us several similar cases, certainly. This is simply to understand that we are part of a whole and that we can help each other, especially in the least good times. This is putting our experience, good or bad, at the service of others. This is Generosity.
Like it or not, Meghan has a giant power of influence, whether she is an working senior member of the royal family or not, and the fact that she publicly admitted her loss is admirable. It takes courage. Damn, we're women. We know it takes courage. Let us have the courage and humility to admit it. She didn't have to. But as I recently learned there are two ways to deal with pain: either you normalize and internalize it as something that happened, but you don't solve it and sooner or later that pain will bring you a lot of problems, or you embrace it, allowing you to feel all those feelings of anger, revolt, mourning, but after that you decide to turn your pain into something good and beautiful for others. This is not to seak attention. We all have next to us several similar cases, certainly. This is simply to understand that we are part of a whole and that we can help each other, especially in the least good times. This is putting our experience, good or bad, at the service of others. This is Generosity.
Várias organizações que ajudam mães e pais a lidarem com uma perda gestacional, receberam vários pedidos de apoio após a divulgação deste artigo. E isso é importante. Não para a Meghan ou para o Harry. Eles provavelmente fizeram o seu luto ao longo destes meses e estão a aprender a viver com esta dor, que provavelmente os acompanhará sempre, o melhor que sabem. Mas acima de tudo, isto foi importante para milhares de mulheres anónimas que têm vergonha de falar, de assumir, de partilhar que sofreram uma (por vezes várias!!) perdas gestacionais. Isto é usar a influência para o Bem. Isto é ter um Impacto Positivo. Isto é Curar!
Several organizations that help mothers and fathers cope with a pregnancy loss, received several requests for support after the release of this article. And this is important. Not for Meghan or Harry. They have probably mourned over these months and are learning to live with this pain, which will probably accompany them always, the best they know. But above all, this was important for thousands of anonymous women who are ashamed to speak, to assume, to share that they have suffered (sometimes several !!) miscarriages. This is using the influence for the Good. This is create a Positive Impact. This is Healing!
Several organizations that help mothers and fathers cope with a pregnancy loss, received several requests for support after the release of this article. And this is important. Not for Meghan or Harry. They have probably mourned over these months and are learning to live with this pain, which will probably accompany them always, the best they know. But above all, this was important for thousands of anonymous women who are ashamed to speak, to assume, to share that they have suffered (sometimes several !!) miscarriages. This is using the influence for the Good. This is create a Positive Impact. This is Healing!
The Duchess of Sussex has spoken bravely today about the miscarriage she experienced earlier this year.
— Petals (@Petalscharity) November 25, 2020
As a counselling charity that supports couples after pregnancy & baby loss we are passionate about the importance of talking openly & of being heard after such a tragic loss.
Thank you Meghan, for #breakingthesilence
— Tommy's (@tommys) November 25, 2020
Como Mulher e Mãe, foi-me muito difícil ler vários comentários de desdém, maliciosos, de quem notoriamente não gosta da Meghan (por algum motivo) e é incapaz de mostrar o mínimo de empatia pela sua perda, ou sequer reconhecer que aquilo que ela fez, abre a porta para que muitas mulheres, talvez algumas bem próximas de nós, procurem ajuda e se libertem dos seus sentimentos de culpa e dor após perderem um filho. Porque não interessa de quantas semanas estavas. A partir do momento em que sabes que estás grávida, aquela criança é real. Está materializada e entra nos nossos sonhos, planos e dia-a-dia.
As a Women and as a Mother, it was very difficult for me to read several comments of disdain, malicious, from people who notoriously dislike Meghan (for some reason) and are unable to show the least empathy for her loss, or even recognize that what she did, opens the door so that many women, perhaps some very close to us, seek help and get rid of their feelings of guilt and pain after losing an unborn child. Because it doesn't matter how far you were. Once you know you're pregnant, that child is real. It is materialized and enters our dreams, plans and day-to-day.
Para cada pessoa que escreveu, publicamente, as piores coisas sobre este assunto nas redes sociais, eu só tenho uma coisa a dizer: A Meghan, provavelmente nunca irá ler o que vocês escreveram sobre a perda dela. Mas as vossas amigas ou familiares, que também passaram por uma perda gestacional, vão ler. E isso diz muito mais sobre vocês do que sobre a Meghan ou o Harry, ou sobre aquilo que vocês pensam que sabem sobre eles.
For every person who has publicly written the worst things on social media on this topic, I have only one thing to say: Meghan will probably never read what you have written about her loss. But your friends will. Your friends or your relatives who maybe went through a miscarriage as well. And that says a lot more about you than it does about Meghan or Harry, or about what you think you know about them.
For every person who has publicly written the worst things on social media on this topic, I have only one thing to say: Meghan will probably never read what you have written about her loss. But your friends will. Your friends or your relatives who maybe went through a miscarriage as well. And that says a lot more about you than it does about Meghan or Harry, or about what you think you know about them.
À Meghan, ao Harry e a todos as mães e pais que passaram pela mesma situação, a minha empatia. Ofereço o meu afecto, o meu abraço virtual para vos abraçar, os meus olhos para ler os vossos desabafos, e os meus ouvidos para ouvir as vossas partilhas. Com uma única certeza: Não estão sozinhos.
To Meghan, Harry and all the mothers and fathers who went through the same situation, my empathy to you. I offer my affection, my virtual hug to embrace you, my eyes to read your outpourings, and my ears to hear your shares. With a single certainty: You are not alone.
To Meghan, Harry and all the mothers and fathers who went through the same situation, my empathy to you. I offer my affection, my virtual hug to embrace you, my eyes to read your outpourings, and my ears to hear your shares. With a single certainty: You are not alone.
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Agora mais do que nunca é importante mostrar empatia. Estamos todos a passar por uma situação super difícil, desgastante, incerta...Por isso o meu email está aqui, a caixa de comentários está aberta, o meu Instagram e Twitter estão a funcionar. Estou aqui para vocês. E espero que vocês estejam ai para mim. Estou grata por esta comunidade bonita e por esta temática da realeza me ajudar a colocar tanta coisa em perspetiva. Quando digo que o T&T é muito mais do que um blog de realeza é disto que falo. Obrigada a todos.
Now more than ever it is important to show empathy. We are all going through a very difficult, exhausting, uncertain situation ... So my email is here, the comment box is open, my Instagram and Twitter are working. I'm here for you. And I hope you are there for me too. I am grateful for this beautiful community and for this royalty topic has helped me to put so much in perspective. When I say that T&T is much more than a royalty blog, that's what I'm talking about. Thank you.
-"Para cada pessoa que escreveu, publicamente, as piores coisas sobre este assunto nas redes sociais, eu só tenho uma coisa a dizer: A Meghan, provavelmente nunca irá ler o que vocês escreveram sobre a perda dela. Mas as vossas amigas ou familiares, que também passaram por uma perda gestacional, vão ler. E isso diz muito mais sobre vocês do que sobre a Meghan ou o Harry, ou sobre aquilo que vocês pensam que sabem sobre eles.".
ResponderEliminarE quero deixar aqui o meu grande aplauso para ti!!!!!!!!!!
A tua empatia faz toda a diferença na minha vida!!
Obrigada querida Lurdes...! Obrigada mesmo amiga********
Obrigada minha querida amiga. Conversamos muito quase diariamente sobre tanta coisa. Vidas diferentes, mas empatia é coisa que não nos falta. E ainda bem.
EliminarWell done Lu, this is a brilliantly written post! I find social media really bad, as the hate Meghan and Harry gets its just disgusting! People who sitting behind their keyboard spreading hate are the biggest cowards on the planet! There are no excuses whats so ever for this kind of behaviour. Its one thing to not like a person, but constantly spreading hate towards a person you don't even know, I really don't get that all. Meghans article in NY times was so well written, and you can actually feel the pain ( I had 3 miscarriages) she is feeling. Hand on heart, its one of the most traumatic experiences I have ever gone through, and off course you can heal, but it will be something you will never forget. So many question, why did it happen, did I do something wrong...beeing famous or not, it still hurt like hell. Please, please be kind to each other.
ResponderEliminarDear Luna. I have the privilege to talk to you for quite some time. I remember your love, understanding and sweet advice as I was try to get pregnant and feeling very frustrated each time it didn't happen. I remember your trust when you shared with me your journey, your pain and how you decided to enjoy the love of your life, even without a child for your own. I remember. And I thank to you for showing me empathy and wisdom on a subject that caused you so much pain. You are part of that group. People who decided to transform their pain and experience in something beautiful and help other people. Thank you for that.
EliminarPost excelente e bastante pertinente 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
EliminarMuito obrigada pela confiança