Looks de Outono numa Visita de Estado / Some Fall Looks on State Visit

Está a aproximar-se o final do ano e obviamente que já tenho os "Best of 2019" na cabeça. Como já disse aqui, apesar de não ter feito posts com frequência, aqui a vossa amiga esteve sempre ligada ao Instagram para ver todos os looks das nossas meninas. E houve uma menina que usou recentemente uns looks apaixonantes durante uma visita de estado. E num dia frio e chuvoso de Outono como o que está hoje em Portugal, eu quero falar-vos um pouco deles enquanto bebo uma caneca de chá quente.
The end of the year is approaching and of course I already have the Best of  2019 in my head. As I said here, although I have not made posts very often, your portuguese friend is always linked to Instagram to see all the looks of our girls. And there was a girl who recently wore some passionate looks during a state visit. And on a cold and rainy autumn day like what is in Portugal today, I want to tell you a little about them while I drink a mug of hot tea.


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O Rei Philippe e a Rainha Mathilde dos Belgas fizeram no mês passado uma visita de estado de 3 dias ao vizinho Luxemburgo, a convite do Grão-Duque Henri e da Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa, que não participou na maioria dos eventos da visita, porque se encontrava a recuperar de uma cirurgia ao joelho, sendo substituída pela nora, a Grã-Duquesa Hereditária Stéphanie. O casal viajou de comboio e para a viagem a Rainha belga escolheu um bonito conjunto rosa que dá vontade de ter no nosso guarda-fato.
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of the Belgians last month made a 3-day state visit to neighboring Luxembourg at the invitation of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, who did not participate in most of the visit's events, because she was recovering from knee surgery and was replaced by her daughter-in-law, Grand Duchess Hereditary Stéphanie. The couple traveled by train and for the trip the Belgian Queen chose a beautiful pink ensemble that I really wanto to have in my closet.

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Á chegada ao Grão-Ducado  ( e após uma troca de roupa no comboio - o que me transcende sempre!), Mathilde deslumbrou neste conjunto verde durante os compromissos agendados para o primeiro dia. O dia estava chuvoso e o seu casaco verde (que dá vontade de acariciar) protegeu um bonito vestido floral nos mesmos tons. Bem...na realidade...parecia que Mathilde estava a usar um casaco feito de musgo e um toucado feito do mesmo material.  Mas eu gostei!
Upon arrival at the Grand Duchy (and after a change of clothes on the train - which always transcends me!), Mathilde dazzled in this green outfit during the first day's scheduled appointments. The day was rainy and her green coat (which makes you want to caress it) protected a beautiful floral dress in the same shades. Well ... in fact ... it looked like Mathilde was wearing a coat made of moss and a headpiece made of the same material. But, I  quite liked it!

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À noite tivemos um Jantar de Estado. Mathilde deslumbrou num vestido que eu adoro nas fotografias em que a Rainha dos Belgas está sentada. Já de pé, não gosto tanto. Ainda assim, a cor é linda.
In the evening we had a State Dinner. Mathilde dazzled in a dress I love in the photographs where the Queen of Belgians is sitting. When she is standing, I don't like it that much. Still, the color is beautiful.

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Maria Teresa esteve presente no jantar e usou um bonito e simples vestido verde esmeralda que completou com um encharpe bolero preto. Geralmente não gosto muito de encharpes, mas aqui resultou bem - isto porque se tratava de um bolero e não de uma encharpe como eu inicialmente pensava..
Maria Teresa was present at the dinner and wore a beautiful and simple emerald green dress that completed with a black scarf. I don't usually like those things very much, but it worked well here - that's because it was a bolero and not a scarf, as I first thought..

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Stephanie optou por um vestido pérola com bordados dourados. Seria perfeito para uma visita a Marrocos. Mas aqui ficou estranho. Mas as jóias escolhidas foram sublimes e assentaram na perfeição no look da futura Grã-Duquesa.
Stephanie opted for a pearl dress with gold embroidery. It would be perfect for a visit to Morocco. There, it got weird. But the jewels chosen were sublime and perfectly matched the look of the future Grand Duchess.
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No dia seguinte Mathilde usou o meu look favorito de toda a visita. O vestido é lindo, fica-lhe bem, a combinação de cores foi fantástica e é um look divertido e bem sazonal. Pontos extra para as luvas que eu amo de paixão!
The next day Mathilde wore my favorite look of the entire visit. The dress is beautiful, looks good on her, the color combination was fantastic and it is a fun and very seasonal look. Extra points for the gloves, I absolutely love.

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Já Stephanie...usou talvez o pior look de sempre!!
Stephanie ... well, it was probably her worst look ever !!

De noite o casal real belga ofereceu um concerto de gala na Filarmónica do Luxemburgo em homenagem aos seus anfitriões. Gostei da ideia do vestido de Mathilde, mas não acho que tenha sido uma ideia bem sucedida. Faltam uns centímetros de comprimento ao vestido. Resolvido isso e seria perfeito. Stephanie continuou nos rosas e voltou à inspiração árabe.
In the evening the Belgian royal couple gave a gala concert at the Luxembourg Philharmonic in honor of their hosts. I liked the idea of Mathilde's dress, but I don't think it was a successful idea. The dress needed to be a few inches longer. Fixed this and it would be perfect. Stephanie remained in pink tones and back to Arabic inspiration.

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Não sou fã do vestido para este evento nesta altura do ano, embora goste do corte e ache que a princesa luxemburguesa estava muito bonita.
I'm not a fan of the dress for this event this time of year, although I like the cut and think the Luxembourgish princess was very pretty.

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Vistas bem as coisas, talvez haja um empate no meu look favorito desta visita. Sabemos que os tartans são uma tendência da estação (acho que são sempre!!) e eu sou a favor de podermos sair de casa com mantas nos ombros. E é por isso...
Well, maybe there is a draw on my favorite look from this visit, after all. We know that tartans are a trend of the season (I think they always are !!) and I am all in favor of leaving the house with blankets on the shoulders. And that's why...

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⁣ ⁣ Lors de la dernière journée de la Visite d’État au Luxembourg, l’économie circulaire et l’éco-construction sont mis à l’honneur. Des duos d’entrepreneurs belges et luxembourgeois, pioniers de la construction durable, présentent leur projets de construction. Le centre nature et forêt Biodiversum à Remerschen est le lieu idéal pour accueillir ces presentations.⁣ —————⁣ Op de laatste dag van het Staatsbezoek aan Luxemburg worden de circulaire economie en eco-construction in de kijker gezet. Duo's van Belgische en Luxemburgse ondernemers, pioniers van duurzaam bouwen, presenteren hun bouwprojecten. Het natuur- en boscentrum Biodiversum in Remerschen is de ideale achtergrond voor hun presentaties.⁣ —————⁣ On the last day of the State Visit to Luxembourg, the circular economy and eco-construction are honored. Duos of Belgian and Luxembourg entrepreneurs, pioneers of sustainable construction, present their construction projects. The nature and forest center Biodiversum in Remerschen is the perfect place to host these presentations.⁣ ⁣ #BELUX2019 @courgrandducal @hub.brussels @permafungibrussels @dzerostudio_architectes/ @thomasetpiron @willynaessensgroup #biodiversum #exhibition #economy #circulareconomy #industry #construction #constructioneconomy #linear #future #tomorrow #purpose #vision #driven #minister #environment #green #responsible #csr #sustainable #development #sustain #sustainabledevelopment #climate #globalwarming #bio #biodiversity #companies #stands #BelgianRoyalPalace⁣ ⁣ 📸 Belga
Uma publicação partilhada por Belgian Royal Palace (@belgianroyalpalace) a

...simplesmente amei este look, escolhido para o terceiro e último dia da visita. O casaco (sim, é um casaco!!) é divino e adorei a forma como Mathilde combinou as cores. A saia amarela dá alegria ao look. O tom de verde dos acessórios dá irreverência e complementa-se na perfeição com o tartan do casaco.
... I just loved this look, chosen for the third and last day of the visit. The coat (yes, it's a coat !!) is divine and I loved the way Mathilde combined the colors. The yellow skirt gives joy to the look. The green color of the accessories is irreverent and perfectly complements the tartan of the jacket.

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⁣ ⁣ Bezoek aan de openluchttentoonstelling op de plaats waar het Akkoord van Schengen in 1985 ondertekend werd. Dit akkoord was de eerste stap in de totstandbrenging van de Schengenzone. Het Akkoord staat het vrije verkeer van personen tussen verschillende Europese landen toe.⁣ —————⁣ Visite de l'exposition en plein air Schengen à l'endroit où l’accord de Schengen a été signé en 1985. Cet accord a été la première étape de la création de la zone Schengen. L’accord permet la circulation libre des personnes entre plusieurs pays européens.⁣ —————⁣ Visit to the Schengen open air exhibition where The Schengen agreement was signed in 1985. This agreement was the first step in the creation of the Schengen zone. The agreement allows the free movement of people between several European countries.⁣ ⁣ #BELUX2019 #schengen #integration #schengeneuropeancenter #signee #monument #history #europe #BelgianRoyalPalace #MonarchieBe⁣ ⁣ 📸 Belga
Uma publicação partilhada por Belgian Royal Palace (@belgianroyalpalace) a

Fiquei fã destes looks de outono. E vocês?
In love with these fall looks. And you?


  1. Os trajes de Mathilde me agradaram muito exceto esse casaco xadrez não ficou nada elegante.


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