Confirmação da Princesa Ingrid Alexandra da Noruega / The Confirmation of Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway
"Se existe algum conselho que eu te possa dar hoje, enquanto Rei, Padrinho e Avô é este: Sê tu própria! Encontra o teu próprio caminho. Qualquer tentativa de seres outra pessoa que não tu mesma, está condenada ao fracasso e irá diminuir-te. Confia que tu, tal como és, és suficiente"
"If there is one piece of advice I would give you today, as King, godfather and grandfather, it is this: Be yourself. Find your own path. Any attempt to be someone other than who you are is bound to backfire, and it will diminish you. Trust that you, as you are, are enough!
Sem sombra de dúvidas que este é o meu tipo de eventos reais favoritos. Uma ocasião especial, familiar, mas que quando se trata de um membro de uma família real, atinge uma outra dimensão. Quando estamos perante um evento deste tipo nas descontraídas casas reais escandinavas, é certo que mais que o carácter oficial, o que salta à vista são as emoções, as partilhas, o humor. Ninguém fica indiferente e tenho tantas coisas para dizer que nem sei bem como começar.
Without a doubt this is my kind of favorite royal event. A special family occasion, but when it comes to a member of a royal family, reaches another dimension. And when such an event takes place at the laid-back Scandinavian royal houses, it is certain that more than the official character, it is the emotions, the sharing, the humor that stands out. No one is indifferent and I have so many things to say that I don't even know how to start.
Without a doubt this is my kind of favorite royal event. A special family occasion, but when it comes to a member of a royal family, reaches another dimension. And when such an event takes place at the laid-back Scandinavian royal houses, it is certain that more than the official character, it is the emotions, the sharing, the humor that stands out. No one is indifferent and I have so many things to say that I don't even know how to start.
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Quis começar o post de hoje com as palavras do Rei Harald V da Noruega no discurso para a sua neta, a Princesa Ingrid Alexandra por ocasião da sua Confirmação no passado Sábado, 31 de Agosto.
Escolhi estas palavras porque são sublimes. Escolhi estas palavras porque elas reflectem o espírito de uma cerimónia que foi talvez das mais bonitas a que assisti. Escolhi estas palavras porque embora elas fossem dirigidas a Ingrid no dia em que assumiu o seu compromisso pessoal com a Fé Luterana, podem perfeitamente ser aplicadas a cada um de nós todos os dias, nesta nossa jornada por este mundo. Com ou sem Fé. Escolhi estas palavras porque nesta cerimónia descobrimos um pouco mais acerca esta Princesa. Uma futura Rainha dos pés à cabeça, e acima de tudo no seu espírito.
I wanted to start today's post with the words of King Harald V of Norway in the speech to his granddaughter, Princess Ingrid Alexandra on the occasion of her Confirmation last Saturday, 31 August. I chose these words because they are sublime. I chose these words because they reflect the spirit of a ceremony that was perhaps the most beautiful I watched. I chose these words because although they were addressed to Ingrid on the day she made her personal commitment to the Lutheran Faith, they can be perfectly applied to each of us every day on our journey through this world. With or without Faith. I chose these words because at this ceremony we found out a little more about this Princess. A future Queen from head to toe, and above all in her spirit.
I wanted to start today's post with the words of King Harald V of Norway in the speech to his granddaughter, Princess Ingrid Alexandra on the occasion of her Confirmation last Saturday, 31 August. I chose these words because they are sublime. I chose these words because they reflect the spirit of a ceremony that was perhaps the most beautiful I watched. I chose these words because although they were addressed to Ingrid on the day she made her personal commitment to the Lutheran Faith, they can be perfectly applied to each of us every day on our journey through this world. With or without Faith. I chose these words because at this ceremony we found out a little more about this Princess. A future Queen from head to toe, and above all in her spirit.
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©Lise Åserud, NTB scanpix / |
A Cerimónia / The Ceremony
A Princesa Ingrid Alexandra, 15 anos, foi confirmada na Capela do Palácio Real. O seu baptizado teve lugar em Abril de 2004 e na altura os padrinhos escolhidos foram o seu avô paterno o Rei Harald V, a sua avó materna, Marit Tjessem, a sua tia, a Princesa Martha-Louise da Noruega, o então Príncipe das Astúrias, Felipe de Espanha, a Princesa da Coroa Victória da Suécia e o Príncipe da Coroa Frederik da Dinamarca. Felipe e Frederik não compareceram ao baptismo devido às intensas agendas oficiais relacionadas com os respectivos casamentos que teriam lugar no mês seguinte.
Princess Ingrid Alexandra, 15, was confirmed in the Royal Palace Chapel. Her christening took place in April 2004 and at the time the chosen godparents were her paternal grandfather King Harald V, her maternal grandmother, Marit Tjessem, her aunt, Princess Martha-Louise of Norway, the then Prince of Asturias, Felipe of Spain, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark. Felipe and Frederik did not attend the baptism due to their busy official agendas related to their marriages that would take place the following month.
Princess Ingrid Alexandra, 15, was confirmed in the Royal Palace Chapel. Her christening took place in April 2004 and at the time the chosen godparents were her paternal grandfather King Harald V, her maternal grandmother, Marit Tjessem, her aunt, Princess Martha-Louise of Norway, the then Prince of Asturias, Felipe of Spain, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark. Felipe and Frederik did not attend the baptism due to their busy official agendas related to their marriages that would take place the following month.
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Para a Confirmação, Ingrid escolheu os mesmos Padrinhos e desta vez todos estiveram presentes. A Princesa da Coroa Mary da Dinamarca e o Príncipe Christian (que provavelmente terá a sua cerimónia de confirmação para o próximo ano) também compareceram.
Após a entrada dos convidados, as portas abriram-se para a procissão que incluía os padrinhos da Princesa e os membros mais próximos da família.
For her Confirmation, Ingrid chose the same Godparents and this time all of them were present. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and Prince Christian (who is likely to have her confirmation ceremony next year) also attended.
Upon the guests's entrance, the doors opened for the procession which included the Princess's godparents and the closest family members.
For her Confirmation, Ingrid chose the same Godparents and this time all of them were present. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and Prince Christian (who is likely to have her confirmation ceremony next year) also attended.
Upon the guests's entrance, the doors opened for the procession which included the Princess's godparents and the closest family members.
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Ingrid foi a última a chegar, acompanhada pela Bispo de Oslo Kari Veiteberg que conduziu a cerimónia, juntamente com Helga Haugland , Presidente da Conferência Episcopal Norueguesa. Durante o sermão o gosto e compromisso de Ingrid pela Natureza e meio-ambiente foi enaltecido pela Bispo, uma vertente da princesa que também seria muito destacada nos discursos ao almoço. Além disso Ingrid ofereceu a todos os convidados uma folha de papel de semente com a seguinte mensagem: “Quando esse papel de semente for colocado na terra, com o tempo ele transformar-se-á numa variedade de flores coloridas de verão. Espero que seja uma boa recordação e um lembrete de que somente nós podemos cuidar do nosso planeta. Ingrid ”
Ingrid was the last to arrive, accompanied by Oslo Bishop Kari Veiteberg who led the ceremony, along with Helga Haugland, President of the Norwegian Episcopal Conference. During the sermon Ingrid's love and commitment to Nature and the environment was praised by the Bishop, a trace of the princess's personality which would also be very praised in the lunch speeches. In addition, Ingrid offered all the guests a sheet of seed paper with the following message:“When this seed paper is placed in the earth, it will in time grow into a variety of colourful summer flowers. I hope it will be a fond memory and a reminder that only we can take care of our planet. Ingrid”.
A Princesa leu a Oração de S. Francisco, como declaração de fé. De seguida os Padrinhos e os irmãos de Ingrid foram convidados a acender velas.
The Princess read the Prayer of St. Francis as a statement of faith. Then Ingrid's Godparents and brothers were invited to light candles.
The Princess read the Prayer of St. Francis as a statement of faith. Then Ingrid's Godparents and brothers were invited to light candles.
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A Presidente e a Bispo realizaram juntas o acto de confirmação. Podem ver a cerimónia aqui.
The President and the Bishop together held the act of confirmation. You can watch the ceremony here.
The President and the Bishop together held the act of confirmation. You can watch the ceremony here.
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A Princesa e o seu pai, o Príncipe da Coroa Haakon apareceram então à varanda do Palácio Real para saudar a população que se reuniu na praça para cumprimentar Ingrid Alexandra neste dia tão especial.
The Princess and her father, Crown Prince Haakon then appeared on the balcony of the Royal Palace to greet the people who gathered in the square to greet Ingrid Alexandra on this very special day.
A Princesa e o seu pai, o Príncipe da Coroa Haakon apareceram então à varanda do Palácio Real para saudar a população que se reuniu na praça para cumprimentar Ingrid Alexandra neste dia tão especial.
The Princess and her father, Crown Prince Haakon then appeared on the balcony of the Royal Palace to greet the people who gathered in the square to greet Ingrid Alexandra on this very special day.
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©Lise Åserud, NTB scanpix / |
Além de ter sido uma cerimónia linda, foi também uma cerimónia colorida. A esmagadora maioria das mulheres usou o traje tradicional da Noruega - bunad. Foi anunciado dias antes que Ingrid usaria um bunad novo, um presente do Rei e da Rainha. Existem bunad's para as várias regiões da Noruega. Neste caso, Ingrid usou um bunad de Aust-Telemark que incorpora vários detalhes únicos e simbólicos. A Rainha Sonja teve uma parte activa no design e confecção deste traje tradicional e contou com a ajuda de Ingrid em todo o processo.
In addition to being a beautiful ceremony, it was also a colorful ceremony. The majority of women wore the traditional Norwegian costume - the bunad. It was announced days before Ingrid would wear a new bunad, a gift from the King and Queen. There are differents bunads for the several regions of Norway. In this case, Ingrid wore an Aust-Telemark bunad that incorporates several unique and symbolic details. Queen Sonja took an active part in the design and making of this traditional costume and was assisted by Ingrid throughout the process.
In addition to being a beautiful ceremony, it was also a colorful ceremony. The majority of women wore the traditional Norwegian costume - the bunad. It was announced days before Ingrid would wear a new bunad, a gift from the King and Queen. There are differents bunads for the several regions of Norway. In this case, Ingrid wore an Aust-Telemark bunad that incorporates several unique and symbolic details. Queen Sonja took an active part in the design and making of this traditional costume and was assisted by Ingrid throughout the process.
No seu discurso Sonja partilhou a história por detrás do broche e faz votos para que Ingrid use o seu bunad com orgulho no futuro.
In her speech Sonja shared the story behind the brooch and hopes Ingrid will proudly wear her bunad in the future.
In her speech Sonja shared the story behind the brooch and hopes Ingrid will proudly wear her bunad in the future.
"Neste dia importante, tu carregas literalmente as tuas raízes contigo - na verdade, estás a usá-las! O teu novo bunad da Aust-Telemark, que ajudaste a criar, combina padrões, cores e jóias tradicionais num design exclusivo, único para ti. E há uma história especial por trás do broche de prata que estás a usar: Dois anos atrás, recebi um broche de prata como presente do meu primo de 99 anos. O irmão dele tinha-o encontrado há muitos anos nas ruínas queimadas da casa de infância da minha mãe em Skien. O broche pertencia à minha avó, Maja. Fizemos uma reprodução ao qual chamamos de "Broche Maja". Deve ser usado por ti e pelas outras netas quando forem confirmadas. O teu bunad une laços familiares, património cultural e tradição com renovação criativa. É preservação e inovação ao mesmo tempo. Espero que gostes muito do teu bunad - e o uses com frequência!"
"On this important day you are quite literally carrying your roots with you – in fact you are wearing them! Your new Aust-Telemark bunad, which you have helped to create, combines traditional patterns, colours and jewellery in a unique design that is just for you. And there is a special story behind the silver brooch you are wearing:Two years ago, I was given a silver brooch as a gift by my now 99-year-old cousin. Her brother had found it many many years ago in the burnt-out ruins of my mother’s childhood home in Skien. The brooch had belonged to my grandmother, Maja. Now we have reproduced it, and we are calling it the “Maja brooch”. It is to be given to you and the other granddaughters when you are confirmed. Your bunad links together family ties, cultural heritage and tradition with creative renewal.It is preservation and innovation at the same time. I hope that you will come to love your bunad – and wear it often!"
Victoria & Mary
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Como as únicas princesas que não estavam de budan, vamos falar rapidamente delas, sim? Ora bem, Victoria estava muito bonita. Bonitas cores, bonito vestido, bonitos acessórios. O pin da Ordem de St Olav (porque só os homens estavam a usar faixas). Muito bonita.
Almoço & Discursos / Lucheon & Speeches
Como as únicas princesas que não estavam de budan, vamos falar rapidamente delas, sim? Ora bem, Victoria estava muito bonita. Bonitas cores, bonito vestido, bonitos acessórios. O pin da Ordem de St Olav (porque só os homens estavam a usar faixas). Muito bonita.
Mary - respirem fundo e memorizem este dia, porque não devo dizer isto muitas vezes - não estava muito bem. E aqui a culpa é única e exclusivamente do cabelo. Se o cabelo estivesse apanhado ela estaria perfeita. Adorei o vestido, as cores, os acessórios, mas o cabelo arruinou tudo.
As the only princesses not wearing a budan, let's quickly talk about them, yes? Well, Victoria was very pretty. Beautiful colors, beautiful dress, beautiful accessories. The pin of the Order of St Olav (because only men were wearing sashes). Very beautiful.
Mary - take a deep breath and memorize this day, because I mustn't say this often - was not very good. And here the big responsable for such a disaster was her hairstyle. If she had wear her hair up, she would be perfect. I loved the dress, the colors, the accessories, but the hair ruined everything.
As the only princesses not wearing a budan, let's quickly talk about them, yes? Well, Victoria was very pretty. Beautiful colors, beautiful dress, beautiful accessories. The pin of the Order of St Olav (because only men were wearing sashes). Very beautiful.
Mary - take a deep breath and memorize this day, because I mustn't say this often - was not very good. And here the big responsable for such a disaster was her hairstyle. If she had wear her hair up, she would be perfect. I loved the dress, the colors, the accessories, but the hair ruined everything.
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© Sven Gj. Gjeruldsen, Det kongelige hoff |
Almoço & Discursos / Lucheon & Speeches
Após o serviço religioso, foi servido um almoço oficial para cerca de 159 convidados no Salão de Banquetes. Foi a Rainha Sonja que deu as boas-vindas a todos os convidados e foi a primeira a discursar, onde destacou algumas características da neta e da rede de apoio que a rodeia. O discurso da Rainha pode ser lido aqui em inglês.
After the religious service, an official lunch was served for about 159 guests in the Banquet Hall. It was the Queen Sonja who welcomed all the guests and was the first to address, where she highlighted some characteristics of her granddaughter and the support network that surrounds her. The Queen's speech can be read here in English.
After the religious service, an official lunch was served for about 159 guests in the Banquet Hall. It was the Queen Sonja who welcomed all the guests and was the first to address, where she highlighted some characteristics of her granddaughter and the support network that surrounds her. The Queen's speech can be read here in English.
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Além da parte do discurso com a qual comecei este post, também quero deixar-vos com este excerto tão verdadeiro e tão sábio:
In addition to the part of the speech with which I started this post, I also want to leave you with this excerpt so true and so wise:
O discurso da Princesa pode ser lido aqui em inglês.
The Princess's speech can be read here in English.
O Governo também anunciou que, como presente de confirmação, a reserva natural Hengsåsen em Bygdøy, Oslo, seria nomeada “Prinsesseåsen” que se traduz literalmente como "Colina da Princesa". Mas talvez o presente mais histórico de todos veio mesmo da sua tia-avó, a Princesa Astrid
The Government also announced that, as a gift of confirmation, the Hengsåsen Nature Reserve in Bygdøy, Oslo would be renamed “Prinsesseåsen” which literally translates as "Princess Hill". But perhaps the most historic gift of all really came from her great-aunt, Princess Astrid.
Por falar em novas fotografias, aí está uma coisa que não faltou nesta ocasião. Além das fotografias oficiais da Confirmação divulgadas, a Casa Real Norueguesa divulgou mais duas fotografias LINDAS que acompanhavam o Programa do serviço religioso.
Speaking of new photographs, here is something that was not missed on this occasion. In addition to the official Confirmation photographs released, the Norwegian Royal House released two more BEAUTIFUL photographs accompanying the Religious Service Program.
De seguida foi a vez do Rei, Padrinho e Avô dirigir algumas palavras à neta. Ouvi poucos discursos de Harald V, mas os poucos que ouvi foram soberbos. Este senhor consegue juntar humor e emoção de uma forma única. Foi um avô a falar, mas também foi um Chefe de Estado a falar à menina que um dia se irá sentar no trono, tornando-se na primeira Rainha da Noruega por direito, facto que Harald não deixou de referir:
Then it was the turn of the King, Godfather, and Grandfather to address a few words to his granddaughter. I heard few speeches from Harald V, but the few I heard were superb. This gentleman can combine humor and emotion in a unique way. He was a grandfather speaking, but he was also a Head of State speaking to the girl who will one day sit on the throne, becoming the first Norwegian Queen by right, a fact which Harald did not fail to mention:
Then it was the turn of the King, Godfather, and Grandfather to address a few words to his granddaughter. I heard few speeches from Harald V, but the few I heard were superb. This gentleman can combine humor and emotion in a unique way. He was a grandfather speaking, but he was also a Head of State speaking to the girl who will one day sit on the throne, becoming the first Norwegian Queen by right, a fact which Harald did not fail to mention:
"O teu nascimento marcou o início de uma nova era na história de nosso país. A Noruega não tem uma princesa na linha de sucessão ao trono desde que a rainha Margaret governou o país sob a União Kalmar na década de 1300. A emenda constitucional em 1990, introduzindo primogenitura absoluta estabeleceu as bases para o teu chamado e futuro desde o momento em que abriste os olhos pela primeira vez. É realmente bom saber que o monarca norueguês também pode ser uma mulher! "
"Your birth heralded the start of a new era in our country’s history. Norway has not had a princess in line to succeed to the throne since Queen Margaret governed the country under the Kalmar Union in the 1300s. The constitutional amendment in 1990 introducing absolute primogeniture laid the foundation for your calling and future from the moment you first opened your eyes. It is truly good to know that the Norwegian monarch can also be a woman!"
Além da parte do discurso com a qual comecei este post, também quero deixar-vos com este excerto tão verdadeiro e tão sábio:
In addition to the part of the speech with which I started this post, I also want to leave you with this excerpt so true and so wise:
"Minha querida Ingrid, a confirmação envolve uma afirmação do baptismo. Quando somos crianças, somos incapazes de fazer nossas próprias escolhas. Não tenho certeza se realmente sentes que fizeste a tua própria escolha hoje, mas a escolha envolve sempre um paradoxo. Porque não se pode escolher a vida em que nascemos. No entanto, todo o indivíduo tem a possibilidade de definir a sua própria vida, de tirar o melhor proveito da estrutura que lhes foi dada. Preencher a vida com o significado da sua própria escolha, procurar uma direcção, valores e uma maneira de viver ".
"My dear Ingrid, confirmation involves an affirmation of baptism. As young children we are unable to make our own choices. I am not sure whether you actually feel you have made your own choice today either, but choice always involves a paradox. Because no one can choose the life into which they are born. Nonetheless, every individual has the possibility to define his or her own life, to make the best of the framework they have been given. To fill life with the meaning of their own choosing, to seek a direction, values and a way to live."
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©Lise Åserud, NTB scanpix / |
De seguida o Príncipe da Coroa Haakon e a Princesa da Coroa Mette-Marit fizeram um discurso conjunto, onde a emoção transbordou a cada palavra. Os pais orgulhosos relembraram vários episódios pessoais divertidos e memoráveis da educação da princesa - e forneceram palavras de sabedoria para sua vida futura. MM foi bastante poética:
Then Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit gave a joint speech, where emotion overflowed with each word. Proud parents recalled several fun and memorable personal episodes of the princess's upbringing - and provided words of wisdom for her future life. MM was very poetic:
Then Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit gave a joint speech, where emotion overflowed with each word. Proud parents recalled several fun and memorable personal episodes of the princess's upbringing - and provided words of wisdom for her future life. MM was very poetic:
"A força que possuis desde o dia em que nasceste não é dada a todos. Nunca duvidámos por um minuto que viverias esta vida com a cabeça bem erguida. Haverá dias cheios de dificuldades e tristeza, chuva e forte neblina. Mas também haverá dias de sol e neve, brisa fresca do mar e noites de verão aveludadas. A vida trará todas essas coisas como presentes para ti. Lembra-te de observar o sol nascer vezes suficientes para entender realmente que cada dia é um novo presente que se abre diante dos teus olhos. E para entender, Ingrid, que construímos as nossas vidas na base dos relacionamentos que temos uns com os outros. Nas relações que estabelecemos com cada ser vivo ao nosso redor."
"The strength that you have possessed since the day you were born is not given to everyone. We have never doubted for a minute that you would walk through life with your head held high. There will be days filled with hardship and sorrow, rain and heavy fog. But there will also be days of sun and bright snow, cool sea breezes and velvet summer nights. Life will bring you all these things as gifts. Just remember to watch the sun rise enough times to truly understand that each day is a new gift that opens right in front of your eyes. And to understand, Ingrid, that we create our lives in the relationships we have with each other. In our relationships with every living thing around us."
Finalmente foi a vez de Ingrid discursar. A Princesa, muito bem humorada, demonstrou um à-vontade enorme enquanto agradecia a todos pela presença e por todas as palavras que lhe dirigiam neste dia tão especial:
Finally it was Ingrid's turn to speak. The Princess, very humorous, showed a great ease while thanking everyone for their presence and all the kind words on this very special day:
Finally it was Ingrid's turn to speak. The Princess, very humorous, showed a great ease while thanking everyone for their presence and all the kind words on this very special day:
"Este é um dia especial para mim. Muito obrigado por todas as coisas agradáveis que disseram sobre mim e por esta maravilhosa celebração.
Esta é uma oportunidade para agradecer a muitos de vocês que são uma parte importante da minha vida e que ajudaram a tornar esse dia maravilhoso:
Em primeiro lugar, gostaria de dar um agradecimento especial aos meus familiares mais próximos. Vocês deram-me uma infância segura e protegida, cheia de amor, carinho e experiências felizes. Percebo que tenho muita sorte."
"This is a special day for me. Thank you so much for all the nice things you have said to me – and for this wonderful celebration.
This is an opportunity for me to thank many of you who are an important part of my life, and who have helped to make this such a wonderful day:
I would first like to give extra special thanks to my closest family members. You gave me a safe and secure childhood filled with love, caring and happy experiences. I realise that I am very fortunate."
O discurso da Princesa pode ser lido aqui em inglês.
The Princess's speech can be read here in English.
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©Lise Åserud, NTB scanpix / |
Ingrid recebeu vários presentes por ocasião da sua confirmação. Uns mais formais do que outros, porque não esqueçamos que estamos a falar de uma menina de 15 anos com hobbies muito aventureiros, entre os quais se destaca o gosto pelo esqui, escaladas, kickboxing e música.
Ingrid received several gifts upon her confirmation. Some more formal than others, because let us not forget that we are talking about a 15-year-old girl with very adventurous hobbies, including a taste for skiing, climbing, kickboxing and music.
Ingrid received several gifts upon her confirmation. Some more formal than others, because let us not forget that we are talking about a 15-year-old girl with very adventurous hobbies, including a taste for skiing, climbing, kickboxing and music.
Por exemplo o Rei Felipe VI de Espanha ofereceu-lhe uma bonita pulseira.
For example King Felipe VI of Spain offered her a beautiful bracelet.
For example King Felipe VI of Spain offered her a beautiful bracelet.
As Forças Armadas ofereceram-lhe um par de esquis.
The Armed Forces offered her a pair of skis.
The Armed Forces offered her a pair of skis.
O Príncipe da Coroa Frederik ofereceu um boomblaster que segundo me asseguraram tem bastante significado na relação de ambos.
Crown Prince Frederik offered a boomblaster that I was assured has a lot of meaning in their relationship.
Crown Prince Frederik offered a boomblaster that I was assured has a lot of meaning in their relationship.
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© Jon A. Markussen |
O Governo também anunciou que, como presente de confirmação, a reserva natural Hengsåsen em Bygdøy, Oslo, seria nomeada “Prinsesseåsen” que se traduz literalmente como "Colina da Princesa". Mas talvez o presente mais histórico de todos veio mesmo da sua tia-avó, a Princesa Astrid
The Government also announced that, as a gift of confirmation, the Hengsåsen Nature Reserve in Bygdøy, Oslo would be renamed “Prinsesseåsen” which literally translates as "Princess Hill". But perhaps the most historic gift of all really came from her great-aunt, Princess Astrid.
No ano em que se comemora o 200º aniversário dos nascimentos da Rainha Victoria do Reino Unido e do seu Consorte o Príncipe Albert, Astrid ofereceu a Ingrid, descendente deste casal, a divisa da Ordem de Victoria e Albert que pertenceu à Rainha Maud, neta do icónico casal real britânico. Um pouco de história via Trond Norén Isaksen: Quando a filha mais velha da Rainha Vitória, a Princesa Real foi confirmada em 1856, a Rainha e o Príncipe Albert deram-lhe um camafeu com as suas esfinges, assente em diamantes e com a coroa real no topo. A sua segunda filha Alice também recebeu um camafeu idêntico na sua confirmação em 1859, e após a morte de Albert em 1861 a viúva Victoria transformou esta peça numa Ordem com quatro classes para ser oferecida às mulheres da família real e nobres. A insígnia da primeira classe poderia ser usada ao peito ou numa faixa. A ordem não foi atribuída a ninguém após a morte da Rainha Victoria em 1901. A Princesa Astrid usava o camafeu da sua avó, a Rainha Maud, numa pulseira de ouro como uma jóia. A divisa originalmente criada como um presente de confirmação, tem agora uma nova dona. Lindo, não é?
In the year it passes 200 years since the birth of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and her Consort Albert, Astrid offered Ingrid, descendant of this couple, the badge of the Order of Victoria and Albert which belonged to Queen Maud, granddaughter of the iconic british royal couple. A little history trivia via Trond Norén Isaksen: When Queen Victoria's eldest daughter, the Princess Royal was confirmed in 1856, the Queen and Prince Albert gave her a cameo set it diamonds with their sphinx and royal crown on the top. Their second daughter Alice also received an identical cameo in her confirmation in 1859, and after Albert's death in 1861 the widow Victoria turned this badge into a four-class Order to be offered to royal females and courtiers. The first class insignia could be worn on the chest or in a sashe. The order was not given to anyone after Queen Victoria's death in 1901. Princess Astrid wore her grandmother's cameo, Queen Maud, on a gold bracelet as a jewel for many years. This piece originally created as a gift for a Confirmation now has a new owner. Beautiful is not it?
In the year it passes 200 years since the birth of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and her Consort Albert, Astrid offered Ingrid, descendant of this couple, the badge of the Order of Victoria and Albert which belonged to Queen Maud, granddaughter of the iconic british royal couple. A little history trivia via Trond Norén Isaksen: When Queen Victoria's eldest daughter, the Princess Royal was confirmed in 1856, the Queen and Prince Albert gave her a cameo set it diamonds with their sphinx and royal crown on the top. Their second daughter Alice also received an identical cameo in her confirmation in 1859, and after Albert's death in 1861 the widow Victoria turned this badge into a four-class Order to be offered to royal females and courtiers. The first class insignia could be worn on the chest or in a sashe. The order was not given to anyone after Queen Victoria's death in 1901. Princess Astrid wore her grandmother's cameo, Queen Maud, on a gold bracelet as a jewel for many years. This piece originally created as a gift for a Confirmation now has a new owner. Beautiful is not it?
Houve um jantar privado mais tarde para família e amigos. Foram divulgadas duas fotografias da família do Príncipe da Coroa pela ocasião. Ingrid usou um vestido já usado anteriormente por dois membros da realeza europeia. E pela terceira vez não entendo a magia deste vestido. Já o enorme anel que Ingrid usou é deveras mágico e gostava de saber mais pormenores sobre esta peça.
There was a private dinner later for family and friends. Two photographs of the Crown Prince's family were released on the occasion. Ingrid wore a dress previously worn by two members of European royalty. And for the third time I don't understand the magic of this dress. On the other hand the huge ring that Ingrid wore is indeed magical and would like to know more details about this piece.
There was a private dinner later for family and friends. Two photographs of the Crown Prince's family were released on the occasion. Ingrid wore a dress previously worn by two members of European royalty. And for the third time I don't understand the magic of this dress. On the other hand the huge ring that Ingrid wore is indeed magical and would like to know more details about this piece.
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Por falar em novas fotografias, aí está uma coisa que não faltou nesta ocasião. Além das fotografias oficiais da Confirmação divulgadas, a Casa Real Norueguesa divulgou mais duas fotografias LINDAS que acompanhavam o Programa do serviço religioso.
Speaking of new photographs, here is something that was not missed on this occasion. In addition to the official Confirmation photographs released, the Norwegian Royal House released two more BEAUTIFUL photographs accompanying the Religious Service Program.
Além disso o perfil da Princesa no site da família real norueguesa foi actualizado com uma série de fotografias nunca antes vistas do álbum de família pessoal.
Also the Princess profile on the Norwegian royal family website has been updated with a series of photos never seen before from the personal family album.
Sempre tive um especial apreço por esta Princesa. De ar misterioso, Ingrid sempre me fez lembrar uma Fada. À medida que cresce, a sua beleza tem aumentado e, segundo as palavras de todos os que amam, a Princesa não é só uma cara bonita. É um ser muito especial. Exactamente como uma Fada deve ser!
I have always had a special affection for this Princess. Mysterious, Ingrid always reminded me of a Fairy. As she grows, her beauty has increased and, according to the words of her loved ones, the Princess is not just a pretty face. She is a very special being. Just like a fairy should be!
Also the Princess profile on the Norwegian royal family website has been updated with a series of photos never seen before from the personal family album.
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Sempre tive um especial apreço por esta Princesa. De ar misterioso, Ingrid sempre me fez lembrar uma Fada. À medida que cresce, a sua beleza tem aumentado e, segundo as palavras de todos os que amam, a Princesa não é só uma cara bonita. É um ser muito especial. Exactamente como uma Fada deve ser!
I have always had a special affection for this Princess. Mysterious, Ingrid always reminded me of a Fairy. As she grows, her beauty has increased and, according to the words of her loved ones, the Princess is not just a pretty face. She is a very special being. Just like a fairy should be!
O rei todo feminista, a MM num discurso digno do rei leão e Ingrid uma comunicadora nata. As pessoas riram muito com o discurso dela. Estas festas minimalistas escandinavas são sempre um encanto.