#VocêsPerguntamEu(tento)Responder - 3 / #YouAskI(try to)Answer - 3
É verdade que a maior parte dos pedidos que tive se centraram na família real britânica e mais concretamente no Duque e Duquesa de Sussex, mas acho que este pedido se poderia aplicar a qualquer família real e à Humanidade em geral. A questão é tão profunda que confesso que não sei se vou conseguir responder, mas vou tentar.
It is true that most of the requests I had were centered on the British royal family and more specifically on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, but I think this request could apply to any royal family and to Humankind in general. The question is so deep that I confess that I don't know if I can answer, but I will try.
#VocêsPerguntamEu(tento)Responder / #YouAskI(try to)Answer
Kate & Meghan : Porquê insistir em compará-las?
Kate & Meghan: Why insist on comparing them?
Kate & Meghan: Why insist on comparing them?
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Vamos fazer um pequeno exercício. Vamos olhar para a nossa realidade. Para toooooda a nossa experiência de vida. Desde a escola primária até a um relacionamento amoroso, ao nosso percurso profissional e núcleo familiar. Todos nós em qualquer momento da nossa vida nos comparámos com alguém. Ou com a colega de escola que trouxe uma roupa nova, ou com a nova amiga da nossa melhor amiga que nos faz sentir ameaçadas, ou com a nova colega de profissão que parece muito mais mais divertida e activa que nós, ou ainda, se pensarmos a nível familiar, pensemos na nossa relação com as nossas irmãs ou cunhadas. A relação é boa? Óptimo!! Mas confessem lá que não estão cansadas de ouvir comparações ao estilo, maneira de estar na vida, maneira de vestir ou forma de educar as crianças, ou feitos culinários?? Comparações essas geralmente feitas por uma mãe...ou sogra!
Let's make a little exercise. Let's look at our reality. To allllll our life experience. From elementary school to a loving relationship, to our professional career and family core. All of us, some time in our lives have compared ourselves to someone. Either the classmate who brought a new outfit to school, or our best friend's new friend who makes us feel threatened, or the new work collegue who looks a lot more fun and active than us, or if we think at family level, let's think about our relationship with our sisters or sisters-in-law. Is the relationship good? Great !! But be honest: Aren't you tired of hearing comparisons about the style, way of life, clothes, the children's education, or culinary accomplishments?? Comparisons usually made by our mother ... or mother-in-law!
Let's make a little exercise. Let's look at our reality. To allllll our life experience. From elementary school to a loving relationship, to our professional career and family core. All of us, some time in our lives have compared ourselves to someone. Either the classmate who brought a new outfit to school, or our best friend's new friend who makes us feel threatened, or the new work collegue who looks a lot more fun and active than us, or if we think at family level, let's think about our relationship with our sisters or sisters-in-law. Is the relationship good? Great !! But be honest: Aren't you tired of hearing comparisons about the style, way of life, clothes, the children's education, or culinary accomplishments?? Comparisons usually made by our mother ... or mother-in-law!
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O que tudo isto tem em comum? Primeiro parece que a comparação vem sempre ligada a um ponta de inveja. E não é inveja da boa. Depois há uma forte tendência para se compararem, pelo menos de uma forma mais agressiva, mulheres com mulheres. E essas comparações são geralmente feitas por quem? Por outras mulheres! E finalmente existe talvez o ponto mais importante de todos: a perfeitamente bem estabelecida crença que numa comparação alguém tem que ganhar. Alguém ou alguma coisa tem que ser melhor.
What does all this have in common? First, it seems that the comparison always comes with an edge of envy. And it's not the good kind of envy. Then there is a strong tendency to compare, at least more aggressively, women with women. And those comparisons are usually made by whom? By other women! And finally there is perhaps the most important point of all: the perfectly well-established belief that in a comparison someone has to win. Something or someone needs to be better than other.
What does all this have in common? First, it seems that the comparison always comes with an edge of envy. And it's not the good kind of envy. Then there is a strong tendency to compare, at least more aggressively, women with women. And those comparisons are usually made by whom? By other women! And finally there is perhaps the most important point of all: the perfectly well-established belief that in a comparison someone has to win. Something or someone needs to be better than other.
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Segundo o dicionário Priberam da Lingua portuguesa o verbo "Comparar" refere-se a: Confrontar uma coisa com outra para lhe determinar diferença, semelhança ou relação.
Ou seja, em que momento, para determinadas pessoas, "comparar" passou a ser sinónimo de "avaliar"? E em que momento comparar, embora seja algo natural, passou a ser absolutamente necessário??
According the MacMillan Dictionary for English the verb "To Compare" means: to consider how things or people are similar and how they are different.
So, when, for certain people, "comparing" became synonymous with "evaluating"? And at what point is comparing, although natural, absolutely necessary?
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Quando falamos de realeza, fazer comparações é frequente. Demasiado frequente. Quando se escreve sobre as Princesas do Mónaco, o assunto vai sempre parar à Grace Kelly. Invariavelmente. Seja porque um vestido usado por uma neta era parecido, seja porque fisicamente alguém tem o mesmo dedo do pé, seja porque, nenhuma da suas descendentes a iguala em classe e estilo ( Eu, eu!).
When we talk about royalty, making comparisons is frequent. Too frequent. When you write about the Princesses of Monaco, the topic will always end at Grace Kelly. Invariably. Be it because a dress worn by a granddaughter was similar, either because physically someone has the same toe, or because none of her descendants match her in class and style (Me, Me!).
When we talk about royalty, making comparisons is frequent. Too frequent. When you write about the Princesses of Monaco, the topic will always end at Grace Kelly. Invariably. Be it because a dress worn by a granddaughter was similar, either because physically someone has the same toe, or because none of her descendants match her in class and style (Me, Me!).
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No caso da família real britânica e dado o boom que houve nos anos 80-90 em termos de acesso de informação ( e invasão de privacidade) os casamentos de Charles e Diana, Andrew e Sarah preencheram o imaginário de milhões. Nessa altura também Diana e Sarah foram comparadas. Poderíamos recuar séculos antes e encontraríamos comparações certamente.
Houve uma geração que viu a Diana casar, viu os seus filhos nascerem, viu o seu casamento desmoronar, sofreu com o seu sofrimento e viu-a morrer deixando para trás dois meninos que todos adoptaram um pouco como filhos.
In the case of the British royal family and given the boom in the 1980s-1990s in terms of information access (and invasion of privacy) the marriages of Charles and Diana, Andrew and Sarah filled the imagination of millions. At that time also Diana and Sarah were compared. We could go back centuries and we'll find comparisons certainly.
An entire generation saw Diana get married, saw her children born, saw her marriage crumble, suffered with her suffering, and saw her die leaving behind two boys, the whole world adopted a little as their own
In the case of the British royal family and given the boom in the 1980s-1990s in terms of information access (and invasion of privacy) the marriages of Charles and Diana, Andrew and Sarah filled the imagination of millions. At that time also Diana and Sarah were compared. We could go back centuries and we'll find comparisons certainly.
An entire generation saw Diana get married, saw her children born, saw her marriage crumble, suffered with her suffering, and saw her die leaving behind two boys, the whole world adopted a little as their own
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E todos nós sabemos o quanto as mães conseguem ser bastante protectoras dos seus filhos. Então após perderem a sua mãe, aqueles dois rapazes ganharam mães, tias e avós adoptivas um pouco por todo o mundo. Afinal eles eram os "meninos da Diana". Desde cedo se viram grandes diferenças entre os dois irmãos. William, sempre foi rotulado como o Príncipe encantado, futuro rei, lindo de morrer que despertou paixões por todo o mundo (está aqui uma mão levantada deste lado!). Harry foi sempre o rebelde, a ovelha negra da família, o problemático, o patinho feio. Com o tempo Harry foi ganhando um carinho muito especial no coração de todos e depois do seu serviço militar no Afeganistão e do seu trabalho de caridade com a Sentebale e mais tarde nos Invictus Games, Harry tornou-se um dos membros mais populares da família real britânica. Assumiu a sua luta com a saúde mental durante as sua adolescência e inicio da vida adulta. De rebelde, passou a divertido, de ovelha negra passou a Príncipe do Povo, de problemático passou a espontâneo. De Patinho feio passou ao solteiro mais cobiçado do mundo (principalmente quando usava o seu uniforme militar). William, à medida que perdia o seu cabelo, perdeu também a magia em detrimento do seu irmão. Porque todos temos que ter um preferido, certo?
And we all know how much mothers can be very protective of their children. So after losing their mother, those two boys won foster mothers, aunties and grannies all over the world. After all they were "Diana's boys". From early on there were big differences between the two brothers. William has always been labeled the Prince Charming, future king, beautiful to die for, who has aroused passions all over the world (here is a raised hand on this side!). Harry was always the rebel, the black sheep in the family, the troubled one, the ugly duckling. Over time Harry gained a very special affection in everyone's heart and after his military service in Afghanistan and his charity work with Sentebale and later at the Invictus Games, Harry became one of the most popular members of the british royal family. Recently he spoke up about his struggle with mental health during his teens and early adulthood. From rebel to fun, from black sheep to Prince of the People, from problematic to spontaneous. From Ugly Duckling he went to the world's most wanted bachelor (especially when wearing his military uniform). William, as he lost his hair, also lost magic to the detriment of his younger brother. Because we all have to have a favorite, right?
And we all know how much mothers can be very protective of their children. So after losing their mother, those two boys won foster mothers, aunties and grannies all over the world. After all they were "Diana's boys". From early on there were big differences between the two brothers. William has always been labeled the Prince Charming, future king, beautiful to die for, who has aroused passions all over the world (here is a raised hand on this side!). Harry was always the rebel, the black sheep in the family, the troubled one, the ugly duckling. Over time Harry gained a very special affection in everyone's heart and after his military service in Afghanistan and his charity work with Sentebale and later at the Invictus Games, Harry became one of the most popular members of the british royal family. Recently he spoke up about his struggle with mental health during his teens and early adulthood. From rebel to fun, from black sheep to Prince of the People, from problematic to spontaneous. From Ugly Duckling he went to the world's most wanted bachelor (especially when wearing his military uniform). William, as he lost his hair, also lost magic to the detriment of his younger brother. Because we all have to have a favorite, right?
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Sim e não. Podemos ter os nossos preferidos. Mas não podemos dizer que lá por gostarmos mais de alguém, essa pessoa é melhor do que outra. São somente diferentes. E cada vez mais chego à conclusão que a esmagadora maioria da pessoas não lida bem com a diferença. Devíamos ser todos fabricados em série, termos todos os mesmos gostos e objectivos na vida. Só desta forma nos conseguíamos compreender e aceitar. E isso é somente triste.
Yes and no. We can have our favorites. But we cannot say that because we like someone better, that person is better than another. They are just different. And increasingly, I find that the big majority of people don't handle the difference well. We should all be made in series, have all the same tastes and goals in life. Only in this way could we understand and accept each other. And that's just sad.
Yes and no. We can have our favorites. But we cannot say that because we like someone better, that person is better than another. They are just different. And increasingly, I find that the big majority of people don't handle the difference well. We should all be made in series, have all the same tastes and goals in life. Only in this way could we understand and accept each other. And that's just sad.
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Toda esse sentimento passou inevitavelmente para as mulheres que os irmãos escolheram. No caso de Kate, o mundo teve 9 anos para conhecê-la. A plebeia morena, embora vinda de círculos privilegiados da sociedade britânica, era uma lufada de ar fresco para a monarquia britânica. Uma mulher real, com uma família equilibrada. Diana ficaria orgulhosa. O casamento foi tudo aquilo que era expectável para o segundo na linha de sucessão. Desde então e até 2016, a Duquesa de Cambridge foi comparada com a sogra, que nunca conheceu, desde o seu noivado (até porque também usou azul e recebeu o mesmo anel), até cada escolha de roupa, jóias ou local onde teve os filhos.
All this feeling inevitably passed to the women the brothers chose. In Kate's case, the world had 9 years to know her. The pretty commoner brunett, though coming from privileged circles of British society, was a breath of fresh air for the British monarchy. A real woman with a balanced family. Diana would be proud. The wedding was all that was expected for the second in line of succession. Since then and until 2016, the Duchess of Cambridge has been compared to her mother-in-law, whom she has never met, since her engagement (because she also wore blue and received the same ring), until every choice of clothing, jewelry or place where she delivered her children.
All this feeling inevitably passed to the women the brothers chose. In Kate's case, the world had 9 years to know her. The pretty commoner brunett, though coming from privileged circles of British society, was a breath of fresh air for the British monarchy. A real woman with a balanced family. Diana would be proud. The wedding was all that was expected for the second in line of succession. Since then and until 2016, the Duchess of Cambridge has been compared to her mother-in-law, whom she has never met, since her engagement (because she also wore blue and received the same ring), until every choice of clothing, jewelry or place where she delivered her children.
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Meghan surgiu em 2016 e entrou como um furacão na vida dos britânicos que no espaço de 2 anos viram o seu relacionamento com o Príncipe do Povo tornar-se público, o seu noivado ser anunciado, um casamento real e o anúncio de uma gravidez, fora todo o trabalho que Meghan desenvolveu ainda antes do casamento, numa tentativa clara de conhecer o seu novo país e dar continuidade ao trabalho que já fazia somente enquanto Meghan Markle.
Meghan emerged in 2016 as a hurricane in the lives of the British who within 2 years saw her relationship with the Prince of the People become public, their engagement announced, a royal marriage and the announcement of a pregnancy. Plus all the work Meghan had done even before marriage, in a clear attempt to get to know her new country and to continue the charity work she was already doing just as Meghan Markle.
Meghan emerged in 2016 as a hurricane in the lives of the British who within 2 years saw her relationship with the Prince of the People become public, their engagement announced, a royal marriage and the announcement of a pregnancy. Plus all the work Meghan had done even before marriage, in a clear attempt to get to know her new country and to continue the charity work she was already doing just as Meghan Markle.
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Depressa começaram as comparações entre cunhadas em termos de estilo, bem diferentes por sinal. Obviamente que Diana ainda é chamada a este departamento, e qualquer modelo que qualquer uma das Duquesas use que se assemelhe nem que seja somente na combinação de cores com algo que a falecida Princesa de Gales usou, é imediatamente descrito como uma inspiração ou homenagem. As comparações continuam.
Soon the comparisons between the sisters-in-law's style began, quite different by the way. Obviously, Diana is still called into this department, and any model that any of the Duchesses uses that resembles even the color match to something the late Princess of Wales used is immediately described as an inspiration or tribute. The comparisons continue.
Soon the comparisons between the sisters-in-law's style began, quite different by the way. Obviously, Diana is still called into this department, and any model that any of the Duchesses uses that resembles even the color match to something the late Princess of Wales used is immediately described as an inspiration or tribute. The comparisons continue.
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Mas até aqui nada de mais. Apontar semelhanças ou diferenças faz parte. É divertido até, embora também se torne cansativo. Mas quando se passa de uma simples comparação de roupas, que é algo que vemos, para juízos de valor de personalidade e conduta com argumentos assentes em puras especulações, opiniões pouco credíveis de terceiros, ou pura e simplesmente assentes em ofensas gratuitas e disseminação de ódio, aí o caso já muda de figura.
But so far, so good. Pointing out similarities or differences it's ok. It's fun even, though it also gets quite boring sometimes. But when we cross from a simple comparison of clothing, which is something we see, to judgments of personality and conduct with arguments based on pure speculation, unreliable third-party opinions, or simply based on free offenses and the spread of hatred., then the situation changes dramatically.
But so far, so good. Pointing out similarities or differences it's ok. It's fun even, though it also gets quite boring sometimes. But when we cross from a simple comparison of clothing, which is something we see, to judgments of personality and conduct with arguments based on pure speculation, unreliable third-party opinions, or simply based on free offenses and the spread of hatred., then the situation changes dramatically.
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Quando se fala da Duquesa de Cambridge e da Duquesa de Sussex acontecem algumas circunstâncias paranormais que me transcendem, algumas das quais podem parecer contraditórias, mas acho que me vão entender:
When we talk about the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Sussex, there are some paranormal circumstances that transcend me, some of which may seem contradictory, but I think you'll understand:
When we talk about the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Sussex, there are some paranormal circumstances that transcend me, some of which may seem contradictory, but I think you'll understand:
- É impossível gostares das duas. Ou és Team Kate ou Team Meghan.
- It's impossible to like both of them. You are either Team Kate or Team Meghan.
- It's impossible to like both of them. You are either Team Kate or Team Meghan.
- Quando gostas de uma tens que amar tudo o que ela faz, todas as roupas que usa, todas as posturas que ela adopta. E tens que fazer questão de partilhar com o mundo a tua opinião e chacinar quem tenha uma opinião contrária.
- When you like one of them you have to love everything she does, all the clothes she wears, all the postures she adopts. And you have to make a point of sharing your opinion with the world and slaughtering those who have the opposite opinion.
- When you like one of them you have to love everything she does, all the clothes she wears, all the postures she adopts. And you have to make a point of sharing your opinion with the world and slaughtering those who have the opposite opinion.
- Quando não gostas de uma, tens que odiar tudo o que ela faz, todas as roupas que usa, todas as posturas que adopta. E tens que fazer questão de partilhar com o mundo a tua opinião e chacinar quem tenha uma opinião contrária.
- When you don't like one of them, you have to hate everything she does, all the clothes she wears, all the postures she adopts. And you have to make a point of sharing your opinion with the world and slaughtering those who have the opposite opinion.
- When you don't like one of them, you have to hate everything she does, all the clothes she wears, all the postures she adopts. And you have to make a point of sharing your opinion with the world and slaughtering those who have the opposite opinion.
- Se falhares alguma das duas premissas anteriores no caso da Kate, não tens bom gosto e não percebes o conceito de monarquia. No caso da Meghan, és racista.
- If you fail either of the previous two premises in Kate's case, you have no taste and you don't understand the concept of monarchy. In Meghan's case, you're racist.
- If you fail either of the previous two premises in Kate's case, you have no taste and you don't understand the concept of monarchy. In Meghan's case, you're racist.
- Muitas pessoas que não gostavam da Kate, por "trabalhar pouco", por "ter essencialmente passado parte da sua vida à espera de William", "por não ter um estilo jovial" ou "perpetuar a imagem de uma monarquia antiquada", de repente criticam a Meghan "pelos projectos e patronatos que cedo foram divulgados", "pela carreira que teve, que basicamente faz com que ela goste das luzes da ribalta", "por não favorecer estilistas britânicos", "por ser demasiado vanguardista e querer fazer demasiadas mudanças". É um exemplo clássico de "és preso por ter cão, e preso por não teres."
- Many people who disliked Kate, for "working little," for "essentially spending part of her life waiting for William", "for not having a fresh fashion style" or "perpetuating the image of an old-fashioned monarchy," suddenly criticize Meghan "for the early projects and patronages", "for her career that basically makes her enjoy the spotlight", "for not favoring British designers", "for being too much hands-on and wanting to make a real change ". It's a classic example of "damn if you do, damn if you don't".
- Many people who disliked Kate, for "working little," for "essentially spending part of her life waiting for William", "for not having a fresh fashion style" or "perpetuating the image of an old-fashioned monarchy," suddenly criticize Meghan "for the early projects and patronages", "for her career that basically makes her enjoy the spotlight", "for not favoring British designers", "for being too much hands-on and wanting to make a real change ". It's a classic example of "damn if you do, damn if you don't".
E a comparação/julgamento é de tal ordem que chega a ser inacreditável como num qualquer artigo sobre um evento em que uma das Duquesas tenha comparecido sozinha, algum comentário vai certamente buscar a outra. É certinho!! É quase como se não fosse possivel falar de Meghan sem falar de Kate ou vice-versa.
And the comparison / judgment is such that it is unbelievable as in any article about an event in which one of the Duchesses attended alone, one comment will surely be about the other. It's so certain like the sky above our heads! It's almost as if you can't talk about Meghan without talking about Kate or vice versa.
And the comparison / judgment is such that it is unbelievable as in any article about an event in which one of the Duchesses attended alone, one comment will surely be about the other. It's so certain like the sky above our heads! It's almost as if you can't talk about Meghan without talking about Kate or vice versa.
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Mas atenção que isto não acontece só no Reino Unido. Há casos por toda a Europa, embora talvez menos falados e com contornos menos venenosos.
Temos a Letizia vs Sofia de Espanha, Stephanie vs Claire do Luxemburgo, Mary vs Marie (antes da Marie, era Mary vs Alexandra) na Dinamarca...Meu Deus, os horrores que foram escritos sobre Victória da Suécia em comparação com a sua irmã Madalena..
But be aware that this does not happen only in the UK. There are cases all over Europe, though perhaps less widely spoken and less poisonous in outline.
We have Letizia vs Sofia from Spain, Stephanie vs Claire from Luxembourg, Mary vs Marie (before Marie, it was Mary vs Alexandra) in Denmark ... My God, the horrors that were written about Victoria from Sweden compared to her sister Madalena..
But be aware that this does not happen only in the UK. There are cases all over Europe, though perhaps less widely spoken and less poisonous in outline.
We have Letizia vs Sofia from Spain, Stephanie vs Claire from Luxembourg, Mary vs Marie (before Marie, it was Mary vs Alexandra) in Denmark ... My God, the horrors that were written about Victoria from Sweden compared to her sister Madalena..
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Eu não consigo compreender. Precisaria certamente de um curso em psicologia para isso, e não está no topo das minha prioridades de momento.
O que mais me entristece é que estas mulheres, independentemente da proximidade de relação que existe entre elas, ficariam certamente chocadas com tantos comentários maldosos feitos pelas pessoas que dizem serem seus fãs. Muitas das quais somente têm a "coragem" de destilar veneno sobre falsos perfis, certamente. E por mais que muitas delas não leiam o que se escreve, acho muito difícil uma ou outra coisa não lhes chegar aos ouvidos.
O que mais me entristece é que em pleno século XXI ainda seja motivo de diversão este jogo de mulher contra mulher, onde se comparam corpos, roupas, maneiras de sentar, vénias, cabelos, percursos de vida, posturas, mas em que em última instância só uma pode ganhar.
O que mais me entristece é tudo ser visto através da lente competitiva do preconceito e dos juízos de valor feitos por pessoas que não conhecem estas mulheres pessoalmente, que não conhecem as suas lutas ou a sua real personalidade, em vez de vermos os pontos positivos reflectidos em trabalho efectuado de pessoas diferentes que dão valor a um colectivo (instituição monárquica) que à partida admiramos, ou não estaríamos a ler um blog de realeza.
I can not understand it. I would certainly need a degree in psychology for this, and it is not at the top of my priorities at the moment.
What saddens me most is that these women, regardless of their close relationship, would certainly be shocked by so many mean comments from people who claim to be their fans. Many of which only have the "guts" of distilling poison on fake profiles, certainly. And while many of these royal women do not read what is written, I find it very difficult for them not to be aware of some of the things people say about them.
What saddens me the most is that in the 21st century this game of women against women is still a reason for fun, where bodies, clothes, ways of sitting, curtesies, hair, life paths, postures are compared, but in this one -to-one comparation, only one is right.
What saddens me most is all of this being seen through the competitive lens of prejudice and value judgments made by people who do not know these women personally, who do not know their struggles or their real personality, instead of pay attention to all the positive points reflected in work done by these different individuals who value a collective (monarchical institution) that we (presumably) admire, or we wouldn't be reading a royalty blog.
I can not understand it. I would certainly need a degree in psychology for this, and it is not at the top of my priorities at the moment.
What saddens me most is that these women, regardless of their close relationship, would certainly be shocked by so many mean comments from people who claim to be their fans. Many of which only have the "guts" of distilling poison on fake profiles, certainly. And while many of these royal women do not read what is written, I find it very difficult for them not to be aware of some of the things people say about them.
What saddens me the most is that in the 21st century this game of women against women is still a reason for fun, where bodies, clothes, ways of sitting, curtesies, hair, life paths, postures are compared, but in this one -to-one comparation, only one is right.
What saddens me most is all of this being seen through the competitive lens of prejudice and value judgments made by people who do not know these women personally, who do not know their struggles or their real personality, instead of pay attention to all the positive points reflected in work done by these different individuals who value a collective (monarchical institution) that we (presumably) admire, or we wouldn't be reading a royalty blog.
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Este último tópico é importante. Porque para quem chegou de novo - e há muita gente que somente agora está a prestar atenção para o mundo da realeza através de uma lente muito tendenciosa - isto não é um concurso de popularidade. Há regras, há tradições. Mas também há espaço para novas valências e evolução. Foi assim que as monarquias chegaram aos dias de hoje. E acima de tudo não devemos esquecer que além da instituição também há uma família, que como todas as famílias têm os seus problemas, as suas teimosias e os seus momentos menos bons.
This last topic is important. Because for newcomers - and a lot of people are only now paying attention to the royal world through a very biased lens - this is not a popularity contest. There are rules, there are traditions. But there is also room for new valences and evolution. This is how the monarchies came to our days And above all we must not forget that besides the institution there is also a family, that like all families have their problems, their stubbornness and their least good times.
This last topic is important. Because for newcomers - and a lot of people are only now paying attention to the royal world through a very biased lens - this is not a popularity contest. There are rules, there are traditions. But there is also room for new valences and evolution. This is how the monarchies came to our days And above all we must not forget that besides the institution there is also a family, that like all families have their problems, their stubbornness and their least good times.
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Em última instância não devemos desejar para eles, o que não queremos para a nossa própria família. Isso para mim é ser um royal watcher. Se eu tenho um blog de realeza, acreditem que não é certamente para alimentar boatos e mexericos de telenovela. É para deixar escrita parte da História que passa pelos meus olhos, ainda que de uma maneira leve, divertida e por vezes bem fútil, confesso. Mas eu aprendo através desta minha escrita e a minha esperança é que quem me lê também aprenda e conheça um pouco mais deste mundo da realeza de um outro ponto de vista que não das revistas sensacionalistas. Porque da mesma forma que o T&T está cá para falar de roupas, também está cá para nos fazer pensar.
Ultimately we should not wish for them what we do not want for our own family. That to me is being a true royal watcher. If I have a royalty blog, believe me it is certainly not to feed soap operas rumors and gossip. It is to leave, by the written word, part of the History that goes through my eyes, even I do it on a light, fun and sometimes very futile way, I confess. But I really learn from my writing, and my hope is that anyone who reads me will learn and know a little more about this world of royalty from a point of view other than sensationalist magazines. Because just as T&T is here to talk about clothes, it's also here to make us think on several topics.
Ultimately we should not wish for them what we do not want for our own family. That to me is being a true royal watcher. If I have a royalty blog, believe me it is certainly not to feed soap operas rumors and gossip. It is to leave, by the written word, part of the History that goes through my eyes, even I do it on a light, fun and sometimes very futile way, I confess. But I really learn from my writing, and my hope is that anyone who reads me will learn and know a little more about this world of royalty from a point of view other than sensationalist magazines. Because just as T&T is here to talk about clothes, it's also here to make us think on several topics.
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Então se não gostamos de ver as nossa maneira de ser julgada pelas acções ou maneira de ser da nossa cunhada ou irmã, sejamos os primeiros a dar o exemplo. E pensemos todos duas vezes antes de atirar a primeira pedra. Porque é que havemos de ter dois pesos e duas medidas quando falamos de nós ou falamos dos outros?
So if we don't like to see our life judged by the actions or lifestyle of our sister-in-law or sister, let us be the first to set an example. And let's all think twice before throwing the first stone. Why should we have two weights and two measurements when we talk about ourselves or about others?
So if we don't like to see our life judged by the actions or lifestyle of our sister-in-law or sister, let us be the first to set an example. And let's all think twice before throwing the first stone. Why should we have two weights and two measurements when we talk about ourselves or about others?
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Respondendo à pergunta: Penso que comparar é algo que é super inato em nós. Pessoalmente acho que a Meghan (e o Harry) têm uma luz e carisma únicos que os irá possibilitar fazer grandes coisas pela Monarquia. Também acho que Kate tem no papel de mãe, o papel da sua vida, e acho que o desempenha de forma exemplar. Com isto não estou a dizer que o William e a Kate não vão fazer grandes feitos ou que a Meghan não seja uma excelente mãe. Mas são pessoas diferentes, com abordagens diferentes, com PAPÉIS diferentes . E isso também se pode e deve comparar. O que temos que pôr na cabeça é: duas pessoas diferentes podem ser excelentes em pé de igualdade.
Answering the question: I think comparing is super innate in us. Personally I think Meghan (and Harry) have a unique light and charisma that will enable them to do great things for the Monarchy. I also think that Kate has in her role of mother, the role of her life, and I think she plays it in an exemplary way. By with this I am not saying that William and Kate will not do great things or that Meghan is not an excellent mother. But they are different people, with different approaches, with different ROLES. And that too can and should be compared. What we have to bear in mind is: two different people can be both excellent on their own way.
Answering the question: I think comparing is super innate in us. Personally I think Meghan (and Harry) have a unique light and charisma that will enable them to do great things for the Monarchy. I also think that Kate has in her role of mother, the role of her life, and I think she plays it in an exemplary way. By with this I am not saying that William and Kate will not do great things or that Meghan is not an excellent mother. But they are different people, with different approaches, with different ROLES. And that too can and should be compared. What we have to bear in mind is: two different people can be both excellent on their own way.
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Somos livres de nos identificarmos mais com uns do que com outros e até opinar sobre isso. Mas por favor que não se confunda liberdade de expressão com má educação, ignorância e maldade. A não distinção destes conceitos leva a uma vida repleta de amarguras e toxicidade e, arrisco dizer, mentira.
Nem Kate, nem Meghan merecem isso. E sabem que mais? Nós também não.
We are free to favor someone more than others and even give our opinion on it. But please do not confuse freedom of speech with bad manners, ignorance and malice. Failure to distinguish these concepts leads to a life full of bitterness and toxicity and, I venture to say, lies.
Neither Kate nor Meghan deserves it. And you know what? We neither.
We are free to favor someone more than others and even give our opinion on it. But please do not confuse freedom of speech with bad manners, ignorance and malice. Failure to distinguish these concepts leads to a life full of bitterness and toxicity and, I venture to say, lies.
Neither Kate nor Meghan deserves it. And you know what? We neither.
Não poderia concordar mais. Se te servir de consolo posso dizer que um curso de psicologia não ajuda em nada a perceber esta competitividade tóxica meramente acentes em especulações, como tu tão bem disseste. Há coisas neste mundo que eu vou morrer sem entender. Não sabia que também houve guerra imaginária entre as manas suecas. Não seguia estas coisas nessa altura mas só de imaginar dá-me nervos. Duas miúdas que já passaram por situações tão complicadas.
ResponderEliminarBeijinhos. Marisa
In the United Kingdom, this ridiculous comparison "game" is fuelled and fanned by the gutter press. I am quite sure that without them there would not be all this nonsense. Even today the Daily Mail has published a Royal popularity poll, headlined "Kate Middleton trumps Meghan Markle in popularity poll, while Prince Harry pushes past Prince William..."
ResponderEliminarAgree. The press is a fuel to all this mad fire... And their argument is: oh no, Meghan and Harry have a PR problem. We are only here to speak about our readers need to hear.
EliminarSó li verdades.... Parabéns !!!!!!