#BELPORT2018 - Dia 1/ Day 1
Não existissem mais motivos, a existência de três visitas de estado a Portugal envolvendo monarquias europeias nos últimos tempos, era razão suficiente para o Presidente Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa já ter o meu voto.
Even there were no more reasons, the existence of three state visits to Portugal involving European monarchies in recent times, was enough reason for President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa to have my vote.
Ontem o Rei Philippe e a Rainha Mathilde da Bélgica iniciaram uma visita de estado de três dias a Portugal, a convite do Presidente da República Portuguesa. O casal real viaja acompanhado de uma comitiva com o objectivo de fortalecer as relações bilaterais entre os dois países aliados europeus em áreas como a economia, investigação e desenvolvimento, ecologia e sustentabilidade. O casal visita Lisboa e Porto.
Yesterday King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium began a three-day state visit to Portugal, at the invitation of the President of the Portuguese Republic. The royal couple travels together with a delegation to strengthen bilateral relations between the two European allies in areas such as economics, research and development, ecology and sustainability. The couple visits Lisbon and Porto.
No primeiro dia de visita o Rei e a Rainha da Bélgica foram recebidos na Praça do Império em Lisboa pelo Presidente da República Portuguesa para a cerimónia oficial de boas-vindas que contou com a participação dos vários ramos das Forças Armadas portuguesas. Os dois chefes de estado passaram revista às tropas.
On the first day of the visit, the King and Queen of Belgium were received at the Praça do Império in Lisbon by the President of the Portuguese Republic for the official welcome ceremony attended by the various branches of the Portuguese Armed Forces. The two heads of state reviewed the troops.
De seguida Philippe e Mathilde visitaram o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, um ex-libris da cidade de Lisboa, onde depositaram uma coroa de flores no túmulo do poeta Luis Vaz de Camões, um símbolo da cultura e língua portuguesa. O feriado nacional de Portugal celebra-se a 10 de Junho, aniversário da morte de Luís de Camões, autor da obra épica "Os Lusíadas" que conta os feitos do Povo Português. O casal real visitou os Claustros do Mosteiro, onde assinou o livro de honra.
Philippe and Mathilde then visited the Jerónimos Monastery, an ex- libris of the city of Lisbon, where they placed a wreath in the tomb of the poruguese poet Luis Vaz de Camões, a symbol of Portuguese culture and language. The national holiday of Portugal is celebrated on June 10, the anniversary of the death of Luís de Camões, author of the epic literary work "Os Lusíadas" that tells the feats of the Portuguese people. The royal couple visited the Cloisters of the Monastery, where they signed the book of honor.
Posteriormente, após um curto trajecto, o Presidente da República recebeu os ilustres visitantes na sua residência oficial, o Palácio de Belém. Aqui os três tiveram uma pequena reunião onde tiveram a oportunidade de trocar alguns presentes.
Philippe e Marcelo falaram numa breve conferência de imprensa sobre os objectivos desta visita e onde o Presidente Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa deu oficialmente as boas-vindas aos reis belgas.
Later, after a short journey, the President of the Republic received the illustrious visitors in his official residence, the Palace of Belém. Here the three had a small meeting where they had the opportunity to exchange some gifts.
Philippe and Marcelo spoke at a brief press conference on the objectives of this visit and where President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa officially welcomed the Belgian monarchs.
Após um almoço com o Primeiro-Ministro António Costa no Palácio de S. Bento e um encontro com o Presidente da Assembleia da República Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, o Rei e a Rainha foram recebidos na Câmara Municipal de Lisboa pelo Presidente Francisco Medina que ofereceu as chaves da cidade de Lisboa ao casal.
After a lunch with Prime Minister António Costa at the S. Bento Palace and a meeting with the President of the Assembly of the Republic, Mr. Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, the King and Queen were received at the Lisbon City Hall by President Francisco Medina who offered the keys to the city of Lisbon to the couple.
After a lunch with Prime Minister António Costa at the S. Bento Palace and a meeting with the President of the Assembly of the Republic, Mr. Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, the King and Queen were received at the Lisbon City Hall by President Francisco Medina who offered the keys to the city of Lisbon to the couple.
Belgian Monarchy /Facebook |
Durante a tarde o casal real belga teve a oportunidade de viajar num eléctrico, um transporte muito característico da cidade de Lisboa. Juntamente com o Presidente da República e o Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Philippe e Mathilde acenaram a muitos turistas e lisboetas ao longo do trajecto que culminou no Largo das Portas do Sol onde se deixaram fotografias com o rio Tejo como cenário de fundo.
During the afternoon the Belgian royal couple had the opportunity to travel by tram, a very characteristic transport of the city of Lisbon. Together with the President of the Republic and the Mayor of Lisbon, Philippe and Mathilde waved many tourists and locals along the route that culminated in Largo das Portas do Sol where photographs were taken with the Tagus River as a backdrop.
During the afternoon the Belgian royal couple had the opportunity to travel by tram, a very characteristic transport of the city of Lisbon. Together with the President of the Republic and the Mayor of Lisbon, Philippe and Mathilde waved many tourists and locals along the route that culminated in Largo das Portas do Sol where photographs were taken with the Tagus River as a backdrop.
Belgian Monarchy /Facebook |
O último compromisso do dia foi uma homenagem junto ao Monumento aos Mortos da Grande Guerra. Portugal apenas participou na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Milhares de soldados portugueses combateram para libertar a Bélgica ocupada. Centenas morreram e milhares foram capturados, principalmente durante a Batalha de La Lys e durante a Batalha de Ypres. #NuncaEsquecer.
The last appointment of the day was a tribute to the Monument to the Dead of the Great War. Portugal only participated in the First World War. Thousands of Portuguese soldiers fought to free occupied Belgium. Hundreds were killed and thousands captured, mainly during the Battle of La Lys and during the Battle of Ypres. #LestWeForget.
The last appointment of the day was a tribute to the Monument to the Dead of the Great War. Portugal only participated in the First World War. Thousands of Portuguese soldiers fought to free occupied Belgium. Hundreds were killed and thousands captured, mainly during the Battle of La Lys and during the Battle of Ypres. #LestWeForget.
Para o primeiro dia da visita a Portugal, a Rainha belga optou por repetir um conjunto cinza em seda e renda que conjugou com acessórios a condizer e pérolas e diamantes. Acho este conjunto deveras delicado, mas a linha que o separa de uma peça de lingerie é muito ténue, na minha opinião. Ainda assim, Mathilde ilumina tudo e todos com o seu sorriso e doçura e, por isso, eu nem quero saber da roupa que ela usa.
For the first day of the visit to Portugal, the Belgian Queen chose to repeat a lace and silk gray set with matching accessories, pearls and diamonds. I find this set very delicate, but the line that separates it from a piece of lingerie is very tenuous, in my opinion. Still, Mathilde illuminates everything and everyone with her smile and sweetness and, therefore, I do not want to focus on her clothes anyway.
For the first day of the visit to Portugal, the Belgian Queen chose to repeat a lace and silk gray set with matching accessories, pearls and diamonds. I find this set very delicate, but the line that separates it from a piece of lingerie is very tenuous, in my opinion. Still, Mathilde illuminates everything and everyone with her smile and sweetness and, therefore, I do not want to focus on her clothes anyway.
🇵🇹🇧🇪 Koning Filip en koningin Mathilde komen aan voor het staatsbanket waarmee de eerste dag van hun staatsbezoek aan Portugal wordt afgesloten. Hun gastheer is president Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. #BelPort2018 pic.twitter.com/QDPVZ9YPiU— [Wim Dehandschutter] (@WDehandschutter) 22 de outubro de 2018
De noite, o Presidente da República Portuguesa ofereceu um Jantar de Estado em honra do casal real, no Palácio Nacional da Ajuda, uma das residências da família real portuguesa antes da Implantação da República em 1910.
In the evening, the President of the Portuguese Republic offered a State Dinner in honor of the royal couple, in Ajuda National Palace, one of the Portuguese royal family residences before the Implantation of the Republic in 1910.
In the evening, the President of the Portuguese Republic offered a State Dinner in honor of the royal couple, in Ajuda National Palace, one of the Portuguese royal family residences before the Implantation of the Republic in 1910.
Presidente e Casal Real estrearam as novas insígnias oferecidas durante a tarde. O Presidente Português usou a Ordem de Leopoldo, a mais alta condecoração belga. Philippe e Mathilde usaram o Grande Colar da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique, destinada a chefes de estado estrangeiros.
Host and Royal Guests debuted the new orders gifted during the afternoon. The Portuguese President wore the Order of Leopold, the highest Belgian order. Philippe and Mathilde used the Great-Collar of the Order of the Infante D. Henrique, destined to foreign heads of state.
Host and Royal Guests debuted the new orders gifted during the afternoon. The Portuguese President wore the Order of Leopold, the highest Belgian order. Philippe and Mathilde used the Great-Collar of the Order of the Infante D. Henrique, destined to foreign heads of state.
Durante o jantar, os dois chefes de Estado fizeram discursos onde salientaram os laços históricos entre a Bélgica e Portugal, e a visão conjunta dos dois países pelo projecto europeu. O discurso do Rei pode ser lido aqui (em francês) e a intervenção do Presidente da República pode ser ouvida aqui (em português).
During the dinner, the two heads of state gave speeches highlighting the historical ties between Belgium and Portugal and the joint vision of the two countries for the European project. The speech of the King can be read here (in French) and the intervention of the President of the Republic can be heard here (in Portuguese).
During the dinner, the two heads of state gave speeches highlighting the historical ties between Belgium and Portugal and the joint vision of the two countries for the European project. The speech of the King can be read here (in French) and the intervention of the President of the Republic can be heard here (in Portuguese).
Belgian Monarchy /Facebook |
A Rainha belga usou um vestido dourado (ou será prateado?) bordado a cristais que a fez brilhar como uma estrela, apesar de achar que este formato de vestido não favorece particularmente Mathilde. A consorte de Philippe dos Belgas usou a Tiara Laureal Wreath e uns longos brincos de diamantes.
The Belgian Queen wore a gold (or silver?) gown embroidered with crystals that made her shine like a star, though I thought this dress format did not particularly favor Mathilde. Philippe's consort wore the Laureal Wreath Tiara and long diamond earrings.
The Belgian Queen wore a gold (or silver?) gown embroidered with crystals that made her shine like a star, though I thought this dress format did not particularly favor Mathilde. Philippe's consort wore the Laureal Wreath Tiara and long diamond earrings.
🇵🇹🇧🇪 Portugal kent al ruim 100 jaar geen monarchie meer. Maar als het land een “echte” koning zou hebben, is hij het: Dom Duarte Pio, de hertog van Bragança en hoofd van het Portugese koningshuis. Hij is uitgenodigd op het staatsbanket ter ere van Filip en Mathilde. #BelPort2018 pic.twitter.com/AQivu2kbuw— [Wim Dehandschutter] (@WDehandschutter) 22 de outubro de 2018
Mas houve mais duas tiaras nesta noite. O Duque e a Duquesa de Bragança, pretendentes ao trono português foram convidados, como é hábito, para o Jantar de Estado. D. Isabel usou um conjunto rosa, o mesmo que usou no casamento do real da Dinamarca em 2004, com a sua tiara-colar.
But there were two more tiaras yesterday night. The Duke and Duchess of Bragança, pretenders to the Portuguese throne were invited, as usual, to the State Dinner. D. Isabel wore a pink set, the same she wore at the 2004 royal wedding in Denmark, with her tiara-neckalace.
But there were two more tiaras yesterday night. The Duke and Duchess of Bragança, pretenders to the Portuguese throne were invited, as usual, to the State Dinner. D. Isabel wore a pink set, the same she wore at the 2004 royal wedding in Denmark, with her tiara-neckalace.
Também a Princesa Diana d' Orléans, Duquesa de Anjou e 11ª Duquesa do Cadaval esteve presente, juntamente com o seu marido o Príncipe Charles-Philippe d' Orléans, Duque de Anjou. Diana partilhou uma fotografia no seu Instagram. A nobre portuguesa está a usar a Tiara Cadaval, a mesma que usou no dia do seu casamento em 2008.
Also Princess Diana d'Orléans, Duchess of Anjou and 11th Duchess of Cadaval was present, together with her husband Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans, Duke of Anjou. Diana shared a photo on her Instagram. The Portuguese noblewoman is using the Cadaval Tiara, the same one she wore on her wedding day in 2008.
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