Na semana passada decorreram as famosas corridas de cavalos Royal Ascot. Estas corridas de cavalo são um dos eventos mais importantes do calendário social inglês, mas são mais do que isso: representam a extravagância dos chapéus, a nata da sociedade inglesa reunida num recinto, são as apostas, é a moda, é a presença da família real. Royal Ascot é um verdadeiro estilo de vida!
Last week took place the Royal Ascot horseraces. This event is one of the most important events of the English social calendar. But it's more than that: it is the extravagance of the hats, the best of the English society gathered in a one place, the bets, it's the fashion and the presence of the royal family. Royal Ascot is a true lifestyle!
Fundadas pela Rainha Anne em 1711, as corridas Royal Ascot contam, todos os anos, com a presença da Rainha e de vários membros da família real. E, meus queridos, o que interessa é olharmos para os looks ao longo dos 5 dias de corrida.
Founded by Queen Anne in 1711 the Royal Ascot account every year with the presence of the Queen and several members of the royal family. And, my friends, it's all about style during 5 days.
Rainha Elizabeth II / Queen Elizabeth II
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Grande entusiasta deste evento a Rainha Elizabeth II marcou presença nos 5 dias. Não sei se concordam comigo quando eu digo que está senhora ainda nos vai enterrar a todos. Aos 92 anos, a nossa Lilibeth está maravilhosa e com uma energia que me alegra. E se tivesse que escolher apenas um look para ela, ficaria na dúvida. Mas o conjunto rosa do terceiro dia e o conjunto verde do quarto dia roubaram o meu coração. Perfeição!!
Great enthusiast of this event, Queen Elizabeth II was present in the 5 days. I do not know if you'll agree with me when I say that she will bury us all. At 92, our Lilibeth is wonderful and with an energy that give me such a joy. And if I had to choose just one look for her, I'd be in doubt. But the pink set of the third day and the green set of the fourth day stolen my heart. Perfection !!
Great enthusiast of this event, Queen Elizabeth II was present in the 5 days. I do not know if you'll agree with me when I say that she will bury us all. At 92, our Lilibeth is wonderful and with an energy that give me such a joy. And if I had to choose just one look for her, I'd be in doubt. But the pink set of the third day and the green set of the fourth day stolen my heart. Perfection !!
Duquesa da Cornulha / The Duchess of Cornwall
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Camilla, ao contrário da sua sogra, opta sempre por tons muito neutros ou cores suaves no seu guarda-roupa de verão. Royal Ascot não é excepção. Nos dois dias em que esteve presente no evento, a esposa do Príncipe de Gales optou pela tradição tanto nas roupas como nas jóias, como aliás é sempre a sua imagem de marca.
Duquesa de Sussex / The Duchess of Sussex
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Princesa Anne / Princess Royal
Meghan fez a sua estreia neste importante evento social no primeiro dia. A Duquesa de Sussex optou por um look preto e branco. O vestido-camisa reuniu amor e ódio. Pessoalmente não me consigo decidir. Penso que gostaria muito mais do vestido sem o bordado na cintura, e com um cinto da mesma cor e tecido do vestido. Á primeira vista não foi um look pelo qual me apaixonasse.
Meghan made her debut at this important social event in the first day. The Duchess of Sussex opted for a black and white look. The dress-shirt brought love and hate. Personally I can not decide. I think I would like the dress much more without the embroidery on the waist, and with a belt on the same color and fabric as the dress. At first glance it was not a look I fell in love with.
Meghan made her debut at this important social event in the first day. The Duchess of Sussex opted for a black and white look. The dress-shirt brought love and hate. Personally I can not decide. I think I would like the dress much more without the embroidery on the waist, and with a belt on the same color and fabric as the dress. At first glance it was not a look I fell in love with.
Princesa Anne / Princess Royal
Anne é sempre uma surpresa. Pode surgir em modelos usados pela primeira vez há 40 anos atrás. Pode optar por tons neutros ou por cores fortes. Tecidos simples ou padrões garridos. Em qualquer dos casos, tal como a sua mãe, é um estilo muito próprio!
Anne is always a surprise. She may wear something first seen 40 years ago. She can choose neutral tones or strong colors. Simple fabrics or busy patterns. In any case, like her mother, she has a league on her own.
Anne is always a surprise. She may wear something first seen 40 years ago. She can choose neutral tones or strong colors. Simple fabrics or busy patterns. In any case, like her mother, she has a league on her own.
Princesa Beatrice de York / Princess Beatrice of York
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Beatrice faz parte do meu conjunto Ascot-de-Sonho e embora ainda não esteja totalmente convencida com a sua escolha para o segundo dia, todos os seus acessórios, em todos os dias a que compareceu são suficientes para eu lhe dar uma estrela dourada.
Beatrice is part of my Ascot-Dream-Team and although I'm still not totally convinced with her choice for the second day, all her accessories, on all the days she attended are enough for me to give her a golden star.
Beatrice is part of my Ascot-Dream-Team and although I'm still not totally convinced with her choice for the second day, all her accessories, on all the days she attended are enough for me to give her a golden star.
Princesa Eugenie de York / Princess Eugenie of York
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Para que não hajam dúvidas, Eugenie é sempre a pessoa que eu mais quero ver em Ascot. Para mim, de todos os membros da família real britânica, esta menina, a sua irmã e a Condessa de Wessex são aquelas que incorporam na perfeição o espírito das corridas: elegância e diversão! Este ano, confesso que adorei o primeiro look. No segundo dia, adorei o chapéu, mas ainda estou na dúvida quanto ao vestido. Mas olho para a cara de Eugenie, e esqueço tudo! A miúda é mesmo gira!!
So that there is no doubt, Eugenie is always the person I most want to see in Ascot. For me, of all the members of the British royal family, this girl, her sister and the Countess of Wessex are those who perfectly embody the Royal Ascot spirit: elegance and fun! This year, I confess that I loved the first look. On the second day, I loved the hat, but I'm still in doubt about the dress. But I look at Eugenie's face, and I forget everything! The girl is really cute !!
So that there is no doubt, Eugenie is always the person I most want to see in Ascot. For me, of all the members of the British royal family, this girl, her sister and the Countess of Wessex are those who perfectly embody the Royal Ascot spirit: elegance and fun! This year, I confess that I loved the first look. On the second day, I loved the hat, but I'm still in doubt about the dress. But I look at Eugenie's face, and I forget everything! The girl is really cute !!
Condessa de Wessex / Countess of Wessex
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Sophie em Ascot é sempre sucesso garantido. Este ano, a Condessa de Wessex não só nos trouxe magníficos chapéus como também nos trouxe um macacão no segundo dia, embora não pareça. Entre este look e o sublime conjunto malva do terceiro dia, eu levo os dois, se faz favor.
Sophie at Ascot is always guaranteed success. Not only did the Countess of Wessex bring us magnificent hats this year, but she also brought us a jumpsuit on the second day, though it does not look like a jumpsuit at all. Between this look and the sublime mauve set of the third day, I'll take both, please.
Sophie at Ascot is always guaranteed success. Not only did the Countess of Wessex bring us magnificent hats this year, but she also brought us a jumpsuit on the second day, though it does not look like a jumpsuit at all. Between this look and the sublime mauve set of the third day, I'll take both, please.
Autumn Philips
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A nora da Princesa Anne também marcou presença em dois dias em Royal Ascot. Autumn sabe que as cores fortes lhe ficam bem e tira proveito disso. O seu sorriso e boa disposição completam o conjunto.
Princess Anne's daughter-in-law also appeared in two days at Royal Ascot. Autumn knows that the strong colors look good on her and she takes advantage of it. Her smile and good mood complete the set.
Princess Anne's daughter-in-law also appeared in two days at Royal Ascot. Autumn knows that the strong colors look good on her and she takes advantage of it. Her smile and good mood complete the set.
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