Dia Nacional do Luxemburgo 2018 / Luxembourg National Day 2018
Eu sei, eu sei, sou uma blogger terrível que desaparece sem avisar e deixa passar acontecimentos super interessantes no mundo real para tratar de coisas, certamente menos importantes, da sua vida. Eu sei...Mas ainda assim volto sempre com subornos, que é como quem diz, volto sempre com tiaras.
I know, I know, I'm a terrible blogger who disappears without warning and passes the oportunity to talk about super interesting happenings in the royal world to deal with things, certainly less important, in her own life. I know ... But still I always come back with bribes, aka tiaras.
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© Cour grand-ducale / Claude Piscitelli |
As celebrações do Dia Nacional do Luxemburgo (comemoração oficial do aniversário do Grão-Duque ou Grã-Duquesa no trono) começam sempre na véspera. Na passada sexta-feira o Grão-Duque Henri e a Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa visitaram Larochette, uma pequena localidade no centro do Luxemburgo. Aqui o casal real foi recebido pelas autoridades locais e teve a oportunidade de passear pela cidade, ao mesmo tempo que visitaram vários pontos de interesse culturais e sociais.
Luxembourg's National Day celebrations (official commemoration of the birthday of the Grand Duke or Grand Duchess on the throne) always begin the day before. Last Friday the Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa visited Larochette, a small town in the center of Luxembourg. Here the royal couple was welcomed by the local authorities and had the opportunity to stroll through the city, while visiting several cultural and social points of interest.
© Cour grand-ducale / Claude Piscitelli |
Como é tradição todos os anos, o Grão-Duque Hereditário Guillaume acompanhado pela sua esposa, a Grã-Duquesa Hereditária Stéphanie visitaram na passada sexta-feira a segunda maior localidade do Luxemburgo, Esch-sur-Alzette. Aqui o casal participou numa série de actividades acompanhados por várias autoridades locais e membros da Câmara dos Deputados do Luxemburgo.
As is tradition every year, the Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume accompanied by his wife, the Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie visited last Friday the second largest town of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette. Here the couple participated in a series of activities accompanied by several local authorities and members of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies.
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Maria Teresa e Stéphanie não trocaram de roupa para o evento nocturno.
Maria Teresa and Stéphanie did not change clothes for the evening event.
No dia seguinte, Sábado, as celebrações começaram com uma cerimónia oficial na Sala de Concertos Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte na Philharmonie Luxembourg. Além de toda a família Grã-Ducal, também estiverem presentes nesta cerimónia membros do governo, deputados e representantes do Conselho Municipal do Luxemburgo, do Conselho de Estado e dos corpos diplomáticos e jurídicos.
The next day, Saturday, the celebrations began with an official ceremony at the Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte Concert Hall at the Philharmonie Luxembourg. In addition to the entire Grand Ducal family, members of the government, deputies and representatives of the Luxembourg City Council, the Council of State and diplomatic and legal corps are also present at this ceremony.
Ao final da tarde, a família do Grão-Ducado marcou presença da tradicional procissão das tochas. O casal de soberanos, Henri e Maria Teresa, contou com a presença dos seus cinco filhos e duas noras: Guillaume & Stéphanie, Félix & Claire, Louis, Alexandra e Sébastien.
In the late afternoon, the Grand Ducal family was present in the traditional procession of torches. The couple of sovereigns, Henri and Maria Teresa, had the presence of their five children and two daughters-in-law: Guillaume & Stéphanie, Félix & Claire, Louis, Alexandra and Sébastien.
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© Cour grand-ducale / Claude Piscitelli |
Maria Teresa e Stéphanie não trocaram de roupa para o evento nocturno.
Maria Teresa and Stéphanie did not change clothes for the evening event.
Claire e Alexandra optaram pelo preto e gostei particularmente do look de Alexandra que acrescentou um toque jovial ao conjunto com a adição de um casaco com padrão floral. Mas amei o baton vermelho em Claire.
Claire and Alexandra opted for black and I particularly liked Alexandra's look that added a jovial touch to the set with the addition of a floral pattern jacket. But I loved the red lipstick on Claire.
No dia seguinte, Sábado, as celebrações começaram com uma cerimónia oficial na Sala de Concertos Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte na Philharmonie Luxembourg. Além de toda a família Grã-Ducal, também estiverem presentes nesta cerimónia membros do governo, deputados e representantes do Conselho Municipal do Luxemburgo, do Conselho de Estado e dos corpos diplomáticos e jurídicos.
The next day, Saturday, the celebrations began with an official ceremony at the Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte Concert Hall at the Philharmonie Luxembourg. In addition to the entire Grand Ducal family, members of the government, deputies and representatives of the Luxembourg City Council, the Council of State and diplomatic and legal corps are also present at this ceremony.
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Todas as meninas estavam bastante elegantes, mas Maria Teresa e Alexandra ganham para mim!
All the girls were very elegant, but Maria Teresa and Alexandra win for me!
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De seguida teve lugar a Parada Militar na Avenue de la Liberté. Presentes neste evento o Grão-Duque Henri, a Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa, o Grão-Duque Hereditário Guillaume, a Grã-Duquesa Hereditária Stéphanie e o Príncipe Sébastien, que se formou o ano passado na Academia Real Militar de Sandhurst. Os homens vestiram uniforme militar.
Then took place the Military Parade on Avenue de la Liberté. Present at this event were Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Theresa, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Prince Sébastien, who graduated last year at the Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst. The men wore military uniforms.
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De seguida a família rumou a pé para o próximo evento das Celebrações do Dia Nacional do Luxemburgo.
Then the family went by foot to the next event of the National Day celebrations in Luxembourg.
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A celebração mais solene teve lugar na Catedral de Notre-Dama no Luxemburgo. O serviço religioso Te Deum é actualmente um serviço interreligioso celebrado, em conjunto, por um Arcebispo católico, pelo Rabino Chefe do Luxemburgo, por Iman da comunidade muçulmana e por um padre anglicano.
The most solemn celebration took place in the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Luxembourg. The Te Deum religious service is currently an interreligious service jointly celebrated by a Catholic Archbishop, the Chief Rabbi of Luxembourg, an Iman of the Muslim community and an Anglican priest.
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As senhoras acrescentaram chapéus aos seus conjuntos, com excepção da Grã-Duquesa Hereditária Stéphanie que trocou integralmente de roupa.
The ladies added hats to their outfits, with the exception of the Grand Duchess Hereditary Stephanie who changed her clothes entirely.
Os tons pastel reinaram e acho que Maria Teresa, Stéphanie e Alexandra estavam muito lindas. Claire repetiu o vestido que usou há dois anos para este evento, e confesso que não gostei naquela altura, e não gostei agora.
The pastel tones reigned and I think Maria Teresa, Stéphanie and Alexandra were very beautiful. Claire repeated the dress she wore two years ago for this same event, and I confess I did not like it then, and I did not like it now.
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E à noite, o momento mais esperado: o Jantar de Gala oferecido pelo Grão-Duque e pela Grã-Duquesa a membros do Governo, Câmara de Deputados, Conselho de Estado e representantes dos sectores judiciário, administrativo e diplomático.
And at night, the most awaited moment: the Gala Dinner offered by the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess to members of the Government, Chamber of Deputies, Council of State and representatives of the judicial, administrative and diplomatic sectors.
And at night, the most awaited moment: the Gala Dinner offered by the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess to members of the Government, Chamber of Deputies, Council of State and representatives of the judicial, administrative and diplomatic sectors.
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Para mim, Maria Teresa foi a a grande estrela da noite. Num lindo vestido azul-escuro a Grã-Duquesa usou a Belgian Scroll Tiara. A sua aparente favorita.
For me, Maria Teresa was the great star of the night. In a beautiful dark blue dress the Grand Duchess wore the Belgian Scroll Tiara. Her favorite.
For me, Maria Teresa was the great star of the night. In a beautiful dark blue dress the Grand Duchess wore the Belgian Scroll Tiara. Her favorite.
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A Grã-Duquesa Hereditária usou brincos e a tiara do Parure de Turquesas que completou um uma mega colar também de turquesas. Gosto? Não gosto? Bahhh, não gosto particularmente de turquesas e aquela tiara não me convence de todo.
The Hereditary Grand Duchess wore earrings tiara from the Turquoise Parure and an huge turquoise necklace. Like? Do not like? Bahhh, I do not particularly like turquoise and that tiara does not convince me at all.
The Hereditary Grand Duchess wore earrings tiara from the Turquoise Parure and an huge turquoise necklace. Like? Do not like? Bahhh, I do not particularly like turquoise and that tiara does not convince me at all.
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A Princesa Claire estava muito elegante. A esposa de Félix optou por usar a Tiara Grã Duquesa Adelaide com uma safira como pedra central.
Princess Claire was very elegant. Felix's wife chose to wear the Grand Duchess Adelaide tiara with a sapphire as the central stone.
Princess Claire was very elegant. Felix's wife chose to wear the Grand Duchess Adelaide tiara with a sapphire as the central stone.
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A Princesa Alexandra escolheu a Bandeau de Águas-marinhas que teria sido a combinação fantástica para um vestido lindo que ficou completamente aniquilado com o uso daquela écharpe.
Princess Alexandra chose the Aquamarine Bandeau that would have been the fantastic combination for a beautiful dress that was completely annihilated by wearing that scarf.
Princess Alexandra chose the Aquamarine Bandeau that would have been the fantastic combination for a beautiful dress that was completely annihilated by wearing that scarf.
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