#NELUX2018 - Dia/Day 1
Fazemos uma pausa nos casamentos e nos aniversários para vos trazer o outro assunto do momento: a Visita de Estado da Holanda ao Luxemburgo.
E porque é que uma visita de Estado é o assunto do momento, perguntam vocês? Confiem em mim! Confiem em mim!!
We make a pause from weddings and royal birthdays to bring you the other subject of the moment: the State Visit from the Netherlands to Luxembourg.
And why is a state visit the subject of the moment, you ask? Trust me! Trust me !!
Dia / Day 1
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Ontem o Rei Willem-Alexander e a Rainha Máxima da Holanda iniciaram uma visita de estado de 3 dias ao vizinho Luxemburgo, a convite do Grão-Duque Henri e da Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa. À chegada ao aeroporto foram recebidos pelo Grão-Duque Hereditário Guillaume e pela Grã-Duquesa Hereditária Stéphanie do Luxemburgo.
Yesterday King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands began a 3-day state visit to neighboring Luxembourg at the invitation of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa. Upon arrival at the airport they were welcomed by the Hereditary Grand-Duke Guillaume and the Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg.
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Á chegada ao Palácio Grã-Ducal, Willem-Alexander e Máxima foram recebidos pelos monarcas do Luxemburgo numa cerimónia de boas-vindas oficial. Os dois casais posaram depois para fotografias oficiais no interior do Palácio Grã-Ducal.
Upon arrival at the Grand Ducal Palace, Willem-Alexander and Maxima were welcomed by the Luxembourg monarchs at an official welcome ceremony. The two couples then posed for official photographs inside the Grand Ducal Palace.
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Juntamente com Guillaume e Stephanie os três casais aproveitaram a ocasião para conversarem numa das salas do Palácio, datado de 1572 e residência oficial dos monarcas do Luxemburgo.
Together with Guillaume and Stephanie, the three couples took the opportunity to chat in one of the rooms of the Palace, dating from 1572 and the official residence of the monarchs of Luxembourg.
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© Cour grand-ducale / Cyril Moreau / Bestimage |
Após a cerimónia de boas-vindas os monarcas holandeses colocaram uma coroa de flores no Monumento de Solidariedade Nacional, o memorial de guerra do Luxemburgo. Após o meio-dia Willem-Alexander e Máxima foram recebidos pelo Presidente do Parlamento, Marte Di Bartolomeo, pelo Primeiro-Ministro do Luxemburgo, Xavier Better e pelo Ministro das Relações Exteriores, Jean Asselborn.
After the welcome ceremony the Dutch monarchs placed a wreath at the National Solidarity Monument, the Luxembourg War Memorial. After midday Willem-Alexander and Máxima were welcomed by the President of the Parliament, Marte Di Bartolomeo, the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Better and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean Asselborn.
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O casal real holandês foi recebido posteriormente pelo Presidente da Câmara Municipal do Luxemburgo, Lydie Polfer. Na Câmara os dois casais reais assistiram a uma sessão académica.
The Royal Dutch couple were later received by the Mayor of Luxembourg, Lydie Polfer. In the Chamber the two royal couples attended an academic session.
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De seguida e, antes do Jantar de Estado (continuem comigo!!), visitantes e anfitriões passaram pela cidade a pé. Willem-Alexander e Máxima receberam algumas explicações sobre o desenvolvimento histórico da cidade e a sua fortificação. A antiga cidade do Luxemburgo é considerada património mundial, pela UNESCO.
Afterwards and, before the State Dinner (continue with me !!), guests and hosts took a walk through the city. Willem-Alexander and Máxima received some explanations on the historical development of the city and its fortification. The old city of Luxembourg is considered a world heritage site by UNESCO.
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A Rainha da Holanda e a Grã-Duquesa do Luxemburgo escolheram tecidos semelhantes em cores que se completavam. Adoro o conjunto da Maria-Teresa numa cor fantástica que lhe fica muito bem. Máxima em amarelo (será??) estava igual a sim mesma. Não esqueçamos Stéphanie que estava simplesmente amorosa em verde e com um chapéu lindíssimo.
The Queen of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg chose similar fabrics in matching colors. I love Maria-Teresa's outfit in a fantastic color that suits her very well. Máxima in yellow (??) was faithful to herself. Let's not forget Stéphanie who was simply loving in green and wearing a beautiful hat.
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O primeiro dia terminou com um Banquete do estado, oferecido pelo Grão-Duque Henri e pela Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa, no Palácio Grã-Ducal. Só para vossa informação Willem-Alexander e Máxima estão a usar a Ordem do Leão Dourado da Casa de Nassau, - a mais alta condecoração luxemburguesa - Henri e Maria Teresa estão a usar a Ordem do Leão da Holanda - a mais alta condecoração holandesa - enquanto que Guillaume e Stephanie estão a usar a Ordem Orange-Nassau - a segunda mais importante condecoração holandesa.
The first day ended with a state Banquet offered by Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Theresa at the Grand Ducal Palace. Just for your information Willem-Alexander and Maxima are wearing the Order of the Golden Lion of the House of Nassau, - the highest Luxembourg's decoration - Henri and Maria Teresa are wearing the Order of the Netherlands Lion - the highest Dutch decoration - while Guillaume and Stephanie are using the Order of Orange-Nassau - the second most important Dutch decoration.
The first day ended with a state Banquet offered by Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Theresa at the Grand Ducal Palace. Just for your information Willem-Alexander and Maxima are wearing the Order of the Golden Lion of the House of Nassau, - the highest Luxembourg's decoration - Henri and Maria Teresa are wearing the Order of the Netherlands Lion - the highest Dutch decoration - while Guillaume and Stephanie are using the Order of Orange-Nassau - the second most important Dutch decoration.
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Há muito que se especulava quando Máxima usaria pela primeira vez a Tiara das tiaras holandesas. A tiara Stuart, que obviamente irá merecer um post exclusivo, foi usada pela última vez pela Rainha Juliana nos anos 70. E esperou, pacientemente, até ontem para reaparecer pelas mãos da Rainha das Rainhas.
There was a lot of speculation as to when Maxima would wear the Tiara of the ALL Dutch tiaras for the first time. The Stuart Tiara, which obviously deserves an exclusive post, was last worn by Queen Juliana in the 1970s. And she waited patiently until yesterday to reappear by the hands of the Queen of ALL Queens.
There was a lot of speculation as to when Maxima would wear the Tiara of the ALL Dutch tiaras for the first time. The Stuart Tiara, which obviously deserves an exclusive post, was last worn by Queen Juliana in the 1970s. And she waited patiently until yesterday to reappear by the hands of the Queen of ALL Queens.
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Máxima alterou ligeiramente a tiara. O enorme diamante Stuart em forma de pêra, que lhe dá nome, foi retirado do topo da tiara e substituído por um diamante mais pequeno e dois enormes diamantes circulares também foram retirados e usados como brincos. E sabem que mais? Gosto muito mais assim!! A completar Máxima também nos trouxe o Broche em forma de laço que também faz parte do conjunto Stuart e que Máxima já tinha usado anteriormente.
Brilho por toda a parte!! Tanto brilho! Overdose de brilho! Morri!!! Obrigada Máxi!
Máxima altered the tiara slightly. The huge pear-shaped Stuart diamond, which gives it its name, was taken from the top of the tiara and replaced by a smaller diamond and two huge circular diamonds were also removed and used as earrings. And you know what? I like it so much more like this!! Maxima also brought us the huge bow-shaped brooch that is also part of the Stuart set and which Máxima had previously used.
Bling everywhere! So much sparkle! Diamond overdose! I died!!! Thank you, Máxi!!
Máxima altered the tiara slightly. The huge pear-shaped Stuart diamond, which gives it its name, was taken from the top of the tiara and replaced by a smaller diamond and two huge circular diamonds were also removed and used as earrings. And you know what? I like it so much more like this!! Maxima also brought us the huge bow-shaped brooch that is also part of the Stuart set and which Máxima had previously used.
Bling everywhere! So much sparkle! Diamond overdose! I died!!! Thank you, Máxi!!
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Ah é, Máxima usou um vestido amarelo mostarda. Bonito, mas um mero acessório comparado com todo o resto!
Oh yes, Maxima wore a yellow mustard dress. Beautiful, but a mere accessory compared to everything else!
Oh yes, Maxima wore a yellow mustard dress. Beautiful, but a mere accessory compared to everything else!
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Quanto às damas do Luxemburgo, a Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa usou um vestido rosa blush, que lhe fica divinal, e a Belgian Scroll Tiara. Maria Teresa perdeu uma oportunidade para contribuir pela morte certa por overdose de diamantes se tivesse optado por usar a Luxembourg Empire Tiara. Grande falha MT!! Grande falha!
As for the ladies of Luxembourg, the Grand Duchess Maria Theresa wore a pink blush dress, which is divine, and the Belgian Scroll Tiara. Maria Teresa missed an opportunity to contribute to certain death by diamond overdose if she had chosen to wear the Luxembourg Empire Tiara. Huge missed oportunity MT !! Huge!!
As for the ladies of Luxembourg, the Grand Duchess Maria Theresa wore a pink blush dress, which is divine, and the Belgian Scroll Tiara. Maria Teresa missed an opportunity to contribute to certain death by diamond overdose if she had chosen to wear the Luxembourg Empire Tiara. Huge missed oportunity MT !! Huge!!
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Quanto a Stephanie, a nossa boneca pediu um vestido de gala emprestado à sogra (via Heaven) - porque ela gosta de fazer isto e porque há que fazer render a alta-costura - e optou por usar duas tiaras. Ah pois, porque com Máxima em casa, uma pessoa tem que fazer pela vida. A Grã-Duquesa hereditária do Luxemburgo usou pela primeira vez a Tiara/Gargantilha de Pérolas e Diamantes Chaumet (versão sem pérolas). No pescoço um colar de safiras e diamantes que também pode ser usado como tiara. E eu gostava de ver isso!
As for Stephanie, our doll took a borrowed gown for her mother-in-law (via Heaven) - because she likes to do it and because she understands the need of recycling haute-couture - and she decided to wear two tiaras. Ah, because with Máxima in the house, a girl has to fight back. The Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg wore for the first time the Chaumet Diamando and Pearls Choker Tiara (version without pearls) and a necklace of sapphires and diamonds that can also be used as a tiara. And I would like to see it!
As for Stephanie, our doll took a borrowed gown for her mother-in-law (via Heaven) - because she likes to do it and because she understands the need of recycling haute-couture - and she decided to wear two tiaras. Ah, because with Máxima in the house, a girl has to fight back. The Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg wore for the first time the Chaumet Diamando and Pearls Choker Tiara (version without pearls) and a necklace of sapphires and diamonds that can also be used as a tiara. And I would like to see it!
Durante o Jantar, o Rei holandês e o Grão-Duque do Luxemburgo fizeram discursos onde enalteceram os laços de amizade entre os dois países.
During the Dinner, the Dutch King and the Grand Duke of Luxembourg gave speeches in which the bonds of friendship between the two countries were celebrated.
During the Dinner, the Dutch King and the Grand Duke of Luxembourg gave speeches in which the bonds of friendship between the two countries were celebrated.
Bonito! Mas ontem o brilho das tiaras falou mais alto!!
That's nice. But yesterday the tiara sparkle spoke louder !!
That's nice. But yesterday the tiara sparkle spoke louder !!
Queen Sparkle!! Max looks spledid with the Stuart, and it goes fantastic with the dress.
ResponderEliminarDear Stephanie, please stop wear MT's gown, its so unflattering.