Meghan&Harry - Previsões para o Casamento Real / Meghan&Harry - Predictions for the Royal Wedding
Um casamento real é sinónimo de excitação, alegria e, desde que tenho o blog, um casamento real é também sinónimo de imensos posts sobre o tema, mas não desta vez. Meus amigos, eu estou imensamente feliz pelo Harry e pela Meghan e desejo-lhes toda a felicidade do mundo, e por isso mesmo eu decidi desfrutar deste casamento, sem a pressão, loucura e pressa desmedida em escrever sobre o assunto como seria de esperar na minha condição de blogger. É o primeiro casamento real britânico que eu sigo na blogosfera e a verdade é que não tenho estofo para tanta loucura, rumor e antecipação sobre esta família real. Por isso mesmo gritei por ajuda! Este post foi escrito em colaboração com uma leitora do T&T que mais do que leitora é, actualmente, uma das minhas melhores amigas. E não tenho palavras para expressar o quanto a sua presença, a um oceano de distância, tem sido importante para mim!
Alguém que tem apoiado o T&T de uma maneira especial e que tem vivido nos últimos meses completamente obcecada por este post. Amanhã veremos o casamento juntas - eu em Portugal e ela no Brasil - e será muito especial - o meu marido, o Sr. T&T, já está a fazer planos para não estar em casa amanhã, porque sabe o quanto eu fico completamente em blackout em dia de casamento real!
Este post existe por causa dela. Fomos falando, fomos trocando ideias, mas escolhas são dela, a visão é dela. Eu sou apenas uma mera intermediária entre ela e vós, e sim, dou também uma opinião!
Senhoras e Senhoras, Lady Helena da Casa Rocha no T&T.
A Royal Wedding is synonymous with excitement, joy and since I have my blog, a royal wedding is also synonymous with huge and several posts on the subject, but not this time. My friends, I am immensely happy for Harry and Meghan and I wish them all the happiness in the world, and for this very reason I decided to enjoy this marriage, without the pressure, madness and excessive haste to write about it as you would expect in my blogger status. It is the first British royal wedding that I follow in the blogosphere and the truth is that I do not have padding for so much madness, rumor and anticipation about this royal family. That's why I screamed for help! This post was written in collaboration with a T & T reader who is more than a reader, because at the moment she is one of my best friends. And I have no words to express how much her presence, an ocean away, has been important to me!
Someone who has supported T & T in a special way and who has lived in recent months completely obsessed by this post. Tomorrow we will see the wedding together - me in Portugal and her in Brazil - and it will be very special - my husband, Mr. T & T, is already making plans not to be at home tomorrow, because he knows how much I get on completely blackout on royal weddings day!
This post exists because of her. We talked, we shared ideas, but the choices are hers, the vision is hers. I am only a mere intermediary between her and you, and yes, I also give my opinion.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Lady Helena of House Rocha on T & T.
A Royal Wedding is synonymous with excitement, joy and since I have my blog, a royal wedding is also synonymous with huge and several posts on the subject, but not this time. My friends, I am immensely happy for Harry and Meghan and I wish them all the happiness in the world, and for this very reason I decided to enjoy this marriage, without the pressure, madness and excessive haste to write about it as you would expect in my blogger status. It is the first British royal wedding that I follow in the blogosphere and the truth is that I do not have padding for so much madness, rumor and anticipation about this royal family. That's why I screamed for help! This post was written in collaboration with a T & T reader who is more than a reader, because at the moment she is one of my best friends. And I have no words to express how much her presence, an ocean away, has been important to me!
Someone who has supported T & T in a special way and who has lived in recent months completely obsessed by this post. Tomorrow we will see the wedding together - me in Portugal and her in Brazil - and it will be very special - my husband, Mr. T & T, is already making plans not to be at home tomorrow, because he knows how much I get on completely blackout on royal weddings day!
This post exists because of her. We talked, we shared ideas, but the choices are hers, the vision is hers. I am only a mere intermediary between her and you, and yes, I also give my opinion.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Lady Helena of House Rocha on T & T.
O Vestido / The Dress
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All photos were taken from Pinterest. Credits go to the proper authors. |
1- Esta noiva em Paris nos anos 60, tocou-me o coração. Acho que tem tudo a ver com a Meghan....elegante, clássico, um tecido UAU e um corte fantástico!! Vestido que ficaria na historia!!!
1- This bride in Paris in the 60's touched my heart. I think it has everything to do with Meghan... elegant, classic, a WOW fabric and a fantastic cut !! A dress that would stay in history !!!
1- This bride in Paris in the 60's touched my heart. I think it has everything to do with Meghan... elegant, classic, a WOW fabric and a fantastic cut !! A dress that would stay in history !!!
2 - Aquela capa a sair das mangas...acho que seria um vestido inesquecí uma tiara maravilhosa e um bouquet frondoso...bem...seria a loucura!!!!!
2 - That cloak coming out of the sleeves ... I think it would be an unforgettable dress ... with a wonderful tiara and a leafy bouquet ... well ... It would be just crazy !!!!!
2 - That cloak coming out of the sleeves ... I think it would be an unforgettable dress ... with a wonderful tiara and a leafy bouquet ... well ... It would be just crazy !!!!!
3- Adoro as duas pregas na frente. Poderia ser ligeiramente alterado nos ombros, para não ficarem descobertos. Uma manga a 3/4. Seria uma boneca!
3- I love the two folds in front. It could be slightly altered on the shoulders, so they won't be uncovered. A 3/4 sleeve. She would be pretty as a doll!
3- I love the two folds in front. It could be slightly altered on the shoulders, so they won't be uncovered. A 3/4 sleeve. She would be pretty as a doll!
4 - Um vestido com aplicações metálicas na cintura, nos ombros e com saia de tecido brocado!
4 -A dress with some jewel embelishments on the waist, on the shoulders and with brocade fabric skirt!
4 -A dress with some jewel embelishments on the waist, on the shoulders and with brocade fabric skirt!
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All photos were taken from Pinterest. Credits go to the proper authors. |
O vestido foi uma grande luta e partilhámos dezenas e dezenas de imagens. Fomos criando uma imagem de uma noiva completamente diferente daquilo que estamos habituadas em noivas reais. Meghan adora o estilo minimalista. E achamos que irá preferir um modelo de linhas bastante simples, sem volume mas cujo factor Wow será a incorporação de um detalhe ou tecido escolhido. Renegamos completamente toda e qualquer renda neste vestido de noiva! Ainda não consegui tirar da cabeça uma capa que é cauda ao mesmo tempo, ou umas mangas que se transforma em cauda. A nossa inspiração foram as noivas dos anos 50/60 e muitos, MUITOS, estilistas espanhóis!
The dress was a great fight and we shared dozens and dozens of pictures. We were creating a picture of a bride completely different from what we are used regarding royal brides. Meghan loves a minimalist style. And we think that she will prefer a model of simple lines, without volume but whose Wow factor will be the incorporation of a different detail or fabric. We completely refuse any and all lace in this wedding dress! I still have not been able to shake off the ideia of a cape turned into a train or a sleeves that turns into a train. Our inspiration line was the brides of the 50s / 60s and many, MANY, Spanish designers!
Penteados para a Cerimónia / Hairstyles for the Ceremony
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All photos were taken from Pinterest. Credits go to the proper authors. |
Para uma cerimónia religiosa na Igreja é impensável para ambas levar o cabelo solto, embora obviamente esta será sempre uma opção muito pessoal da noiva. O penteado 1 é uma versão mais glamorosa do estilo simples da Meghan. Seria uma opção para um look sem véu e sem tiara. As sugestões 2 e 3 reflectem o estilo da noiva e seriam possíveis opções para incorporar outros adereços, se forem devidamente trabalhados.
For a religious ceremony in the Church it is unthinkable for both of us to wear the hair down, although obviously this will always be a very personal option of the bride. Hairstyle 1 is a more glamorous version of Meghan's simple style. It would be an option for a look without veil and without tiara. Suggestions 2 and 3 reflect the bride's style and possible options for incorporating other hairpiece if properly worked out.
Véu / Veil
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All photos were taken from Pinterest. Credits go to the proper authors. |
A Helena não imagina a Meghan com véu. Sinceramente ainda estou na dúvida também. Mas a considerar essa possibilidade, acho que gostaria de ver algo bastante simples e quase etéreo, género inicio do século XX.
Helena does not imagine Meghan wearing a veil. Honestly I'm still in doubt too. But to consider this possibility, I think I would like to see something quite simple and almost ethereal, just like a bridal veil in the early twentieth century.
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All photos were taken from Pinterest. Credits go to the proper authors. |
1 - The Strathmore Rose
2 - The Queen Mother"s Cartier Bracelet Bandeau
3 - The Teck Crescent Tiara
Eu sei que a Helena está a desejar que a Meghan não leve tiara. E é fácil perceber que se não a imagina de véu, também é fácil imaginá-la sem tiara. No entanto, caso ela siga esta linha tradicional real, elegemos três opções que estão entre as mais faladas até ao momento. Meghan partilha a sua data de nascimento com a falecida Rainha-mãe e por isso as opções 1 e 2 estão entre as minhas preferidas e cada vez estou mais inclinada para a 2!!
Mas uma surpresa seria muito bem-vinda!!
Helena is hoping for Meghan will not wear a tiara. And it is easy to see that if you do not imagine her wearing a veil, it is also easy to imagine her without a tiara. However, if she follows this royal traditional line, we have chosen three options that are among the most talked about so far. Meghan shares her birthday with the late Queen Mother and so options 1 and 2 are among my favorites and each time I'm more inclined to number 2 !!
But a surprise would be very welcome !!
Helena is hoping for Meghan will not wear a tiara. And it is easy to see that if you do not imagine her wearing a veil, it is also easy to imagine her without a tiara. However, if she follows this royal traditional line, we have chosen three options that are among the most talked about so far. Meghan shares her birthday with the late Queen Mother and so options 1 and 2 are among my favorites and each time I'm more inclined to number 2 !!
But a surprise would be very welcome !!
Sapatos / Shoes
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All photos were taken from Pinterest. Credits go to the proper authors. |
1 - Manolo Blahnik prata/ silver
2 - Manolo Blahnik branco /white
3 - Manolo Blahnik nude com pérolas /with pearls.
Segundo a Helena ela escolheu apenas uma marca: "Todos Manolo, porque quem é americana e fashion, viu com certeza a serie "Sex and the City" e sabe que uma mulher só pode ser feliz para sempre se se casar com um Manolo nos pés!! De preferência azul, mas outro qualquer também serve!!!!"
Na vida real eu detesto comprar sapatos e sinceramente nunca na vida me tinha passado pela cabeça tentar adivinhar os sapatos de uma noiva real. Para isso é que a Helena existe na minha vida!!
According to Helena, she chose only one brand: "All Manolo, because all American born with fashion sense watched for sure "Sex and the City "and knows that a woman can only be happy forever if she marries wearing Manolos on their feet!! Preferably blue, but any other one also works!!! "
In real life I hate buying shoes and honestly never in my life I would come with the ideia of trying to guess the shoes for a royal bride. That's why I have a Helena in my life!
According to Helena, she chose only one brand: "All Manolo, because all American born with fashion sense watched for sure "Sex and the City "and knows that a woman can only be happy forever if she marries wearing Manolos on their feet!! Preferably blue, but any other one also works!!! "
In real life I hate buying shoes and honestly never in my life I would come with the ideia of trying to guess the shoes for a royal bride. That's why I have a Helena in my life!
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All photos were taken from Pinterest. Credits go to the proper authors. |
1 - Bouquet em cascata / Waterfall Bouquet
2 - Bouquet mais arredondado sem folhagem verde / Round Bouquet without green foliage
3 - Bouquet mais arredondado com folhagem verde / Round Bouquet with green foliage
A Helena acredita que qualquer bouquet que ela use levará peónias por ser a sua flor favorita, como foi várias vezes referido. A par disso o simbolismo inglês poderá ser representado através de rosas inglesas e a incorporação de papoilas dará um toque diferente e também repleto de simbolismo.
Pessoalmente não sou fã dos bouquets de noivas reais inglesas e estou muito curiosa com este detalhe importante para qualquer noiva. Aposto claramente em peónias e em folhagem selvagem.
Helena believes that any bouquet she uses will carry peonies as tthey are her favorite flowers, as it has been repeatedly mentioned. In addition the English symbolism can be represented by English roses and the incorporation of poppies will give a different touch and also full of symbolism.
Personally I'm not a fan of the English royal bridal bouquets and I'm very curious about this important detail for any bride. I bet clearly on peonies and wild foliage.
Helena believes that any bouquet she uses will carry peonies as tthey are her favorite flowers, as it has been repeatedly mentioned. In addition the English symbolism can be represented by English roses and the incorporation of poppies will give a different touch and also full of symbolism.
Personally I'm not a fan of the English royal bridal bouquets and I'm very curious about this important detail for any bride. I bet clearly on peonies and wild foliage.
Vestido para a Recepção / Reception Dress
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All photos were taken from Pinterest. Credits go to the proper authors. |
1 - Este vestido é perfeito para o corpo de Meghan, é fluido, é bonito. Além disso ela é a noiva e tem que ser o Sol daquela noite. Por isso este vestido é perfeito para ela sobressair!!
1 - This dress is perfect for Meghan's body type, it is fluid, it is beautiful. Besides, she is the bride and she has to be the Sun that night. So this dress is perfect for her to stand out !!
1 - This dress is perfect for Meghan's body type, it is fluid, it is beautiful. Besides, she is the bride and she has to be the Sun that night. So this dress is perfect for her to stand out !!
2- Este vestido grita "Meghan". É um vestido tão bonito com as pérolas que o imaginei imediatamente como uma opção para a recepção, mesmo que tenha que sofrer ligeiras alterações.
2- This dress screams "Meghan". It is a dress so beautiful with the pearls that I imagined it immediately as an option for the reception, even if it has to undergo slight changes.
2- This dress screams "Meghan". It is a dress so beautiful with the pearls that I imagined it immediately as an option for the reception, even if it has to undergo slight changes.
3- As capas estão na moda. O brilho está na moda. A fluidez está na moda. E a Meghan está na moda!!
3- Capes are in. Brightness is in. Light fabris are in. And also Meghan !!
Esperamos ver um segundo vestido para a recepção. Algo menos formal que permita à noiva dançar e circular com facilidade. Acho que podemos apostar sem dúvida em algo mais divertido, mas atrevido, simples mas requintado, e sem dúvida nenhuma mais semelhante ao verdadeiro estilo de Meghan.
We hope to see a second dress for the reception. Something less formal that allows the bride to dance and to move with ease. I think we can bet on something more fun, but daring, simple but exquisite, and no doubt closer of Meghan's true style.
3- Capes are in. Brightness is in. Light fabris are in. And also Meghan !!
Esperamos ver um segundo vestido para a recepção. Algo menos formal que permita à noiva dançar e circular com facilidade. Acho que podemos apostar sem dúvida em algo mais divertido, mas atrevido, simples mas requintado, e sem dúvida nenhuma mais semelhante ao verdadeiro estilo de Meghan.
We hope to see a second dress for the reception. Something less formal that allows the bride to dance and to move with ease. I think we can bet on something more fun, but daring, simple but exquisite, and no doubt closer of Meghan's true style.
Penteados para a Recepção / Hairstyles for the Reception
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All photos were taken from Pinterest. Credits go to the proper authors. |
Embora exista a possibilidade de Meghan levar o cabelo apanhado para a recepção, e nesse caso seria interessante ver uma opção como na foto 1 das sugestões de penteados para a cerimónia, tanto a Helena como eu achamos que há a forte possibilidade de vermos Meghan com o cabelo solto.
Neste cenário achamos que a noiva irá optar ou por um penteado com ondas definidas e mais composto - foto 1 - ou então por um look mais natural mas cuidado, como na foto 2. Em ambas as opções seria perfeita a incorporação de um acessório de lado.
Although there is a possibility that Meghan could wear an updo for the reception, and in that case it would be interesting to see an option as in photo 1 from the hairstyle suggestions for the ceremony, both Helena and I think there is a strong possibility of seeing Meghan with her hair down for the reception
In this scenario we think that the bride will opt for a hairstyle with defined and more structured waves - photo 1 - or maybe a more natural but still care look, as in photo 2. In both options would be perfect incorporating a gorgeous side hair clip.
Although there is a possibility that Meghan could wear an updo for the reception, and in that case it would be interesting to see an option as in photo 1 from the hairstyle suggestions for the ceremony, both Helena and I think there is a strong possibility of seeing Meghan with her hair down for the reception
In this scenario we think that the bride will opt for a hairstyle with defined and more structured waves - photo 1 - or maybe a more natural but still care look, as in photo 2. In both options would be perfect incorporating a gorgeous side hair clip.
Estas foram meras previsões baseadas em modelos. Ambas temos a certeza que Meghan será uma noiva real completamente diferente. O seu estilo não é tradicional e se houve algo que assistimos ao longo destes últimos meses é que Meghan não mudou a essência do seu estilo e gosto só porque ficou noiva de um Príncipe. Ela tem adaptado aquilo que é ao seu papel. Este será o seu segundo casamento, numa esfera com uma dimensão completamente diferente daquilo que Meghan viveu até hoje. E tenho a certeza que ela irá marcar a diferença!
These were mere model-based predictions. Both of us are sure that Meghan will be a completely different royal bride. Her style is not traditional and if there was anything we've seen over the last few months was that Meghan did not change the essence of her style and taste just because she got engaged to a Prince. She has adapted all she was to her new role. This will be her second marriage, in a sphere with a completely different dimension to what Meghan has lived to this day. And I'm sure she will make a statement difference!
These were mere model-based predictions. Both of us are sure that Meghan will be a completely different royal bride. Her style is not traditional and if there was anything we've seen over the last few months was that Meghan did not change the essence of her style and taste just because she got engaged to a Prince. She has adapted all she was to her new role. This will be her second marriage, in a sphere with a completely different dimension to what Meghan has lived to this day. And I'm sure she will make a statement difference!
Embed from Getty Images
Nos últimos meses assisti com a atenção a este seu crescimento na esfera pública e apesar de todo o apoio que Meghan certamente teve por parte de Harry, da família real britânica, dos seus familiares e dos seus amigos mais próximos, esta foi, aos meus olhos, uma jornada solitária para Meghan, e senti isso principalmente nas suas últimas aparições. Muitos se surpreendem com a quantidade de compromissos oficiais em que participou desde o anúncio do noivado. Eu penso que apesar de todos esses actos não encontrarem precedentes são reflexo, sem dúvida, de uma maturidade e vontade de conhecer a sua nova realidade, mas também da vontade de toda a família real em querer receber e incorporar Meghan no seu núcleo, porque verdade seja dita, nos últimos meses eles foram a sua família. A sua família num país novo, numa realidade diferente e durante uma incessável tempestade de mal-dizer gratuito, vindo de todos os lados, pela qual nenhuma pessoa quer passar naquela que era suposto ser a fase mais feliz da sua Vida.
In the last few months I have watched her growth in the public sphere and in spite of all the support that Meghan certainly had from Harry, the British royal family, and her closest family and friends, this was, in my eyes , a lonely journey for Meghan, and I felt it mainly in her last appearances. Many are surprised by the amount of official engagements in which she has participated since the announcement of the engagement. I think that although all these acts are unprecedented, they are undoubtedly reflection of a maturity and willingness to know her new reality, but also of the will of the entire royal family in wanting to receive and incorporate Meghan at its core, because truth be told, in the last few months they were her family. A new family in a new country, in a different reality and during an incessant storm of gratuitous poisoned words coming from all sides, which no one wants to spend in what was supposed to be the happiest phase of her Life.
Nos últimos meses assisti com a atenção a este seu crescimento na esfera pública e apesar de todo o apoio que Meghan certamente teve por parte de Harry, da família real britânica, dos seus familiares e dos seus amigos mais próximos, esta foi, aos meus olhos, uma jornada solitária para Meghan, e senti isso principalmente nas suas últimas aparições. Muitos se surpreendem com a quantidade de compromissos oficiais em que participou desde o anúncio do noivado. Eu penso que apesar de todos esses actos não encontrarem precedentes são reflexo, sem dúvida, de uma maturidade e vontade de conhecer a sua nova realidade, mas também da vontade de toda a família real em querer receber e incorporar Meghan no seu núcleo, porque verdade seja dita, nos últimos meses eles foram a sua família. A sua família num país novo, numa realidade diferente e durante uma incessável tempestade de mal-dizer gratuito, vindo de todos os lados, pela qual nenhuma pessoa quer passar naquela que era suposto ser a fase mais feliz da sua Vida.
In the last few months I have watched her growth in the public sphere and in spite of all the support that Meghan certainly had from Harry, the British royal family, and her closest family and friends, this was, in my eyes , a lonely journey for Meghan, and I felt it mainly in her last appearances. Many are surprised by the amount of official engagements in which she has participated since the announcement of the engagement. I think that although all these acts are unprecedented, they are undoubtedly reflection of a maturity and willingness to know her new reality, but also of the will of the entire royal family in wanting to receive and incorporate Meghan at its core, because truth be told, in the last few months they were her family. A new family in a new country, in a different reality and during an incessant storm of gratuitous poisoned words coming from all sides, which no one wants to spend in what was supposed to be the happiest phase of her Life.
Embed from Getty Images
Mas, da mesma forma como Meghan é vista, no seu circulo mais próximo, como alguém de uma generosidade imensa que acredita em fazer o Bem, eu também acredito que essa Generosidade será recompensada amanhã. E acredito que, de uma forma verdadeira, positiva e genuína, podemos passar todas essa energia positiva em redor do Globo e colocá-la a circular para que o dia de amanhã seja perfeito para Meghan e Harry.
A eles desejo a mesma Felicidade que desejo para mim!
A eles desejo um Futuro risonho em que o Amor, Respeito, Harmonia e Generosidade sejam uma constante para o resto das suas Vidas.
But just as Meghan is seen, in her nearest circle, as a person of immense generosity who believes in doing Good, I also believe that this Generosity will be rewarded tomorrow. And I believe that, in a true, positive and genuine way, we can pass all that positive energy around the Globe and put it around to make tomorrow a perfect day for Meghan and Harry.
To them I wish the same Happiness that I wish for myself!
To them I wish a smiling Future in which Love, Respect, Harmony and Generosity are a constant for the rest of their Lives!
A eles desejo a mesma Felicidade que desejo para mim!
A eles desejo um Futuro risonho em que o Amor, Respeito, Harmonia e Generosidade sejam uma constante para o resto das suas Vidas.
But just as Meghan is seen, in her nearest circle, as a person of immense generosity who believes in doing Good, I also believe that this Generosity will be rewarded tomorrow. And I believe that, in a true, positive and genuine way, we can pass all that positive energy around the Globe and put it around to make tomorrow a perfect day for Meghan and Harry.
To them I wish the same Happiness that I wish for myself!
To them I wish a smiling Future in which Love, Respect, Harmony and Generosity are a constant for the rest of their Lives!
Embed from Getty Images
Feliz Casamento!!
Happy Wedding Day!!
Muito Obrigada Helena por todas as horas, dias, semanas e meses que sonhaste com este projecto. Por toda a ajuda, compreensão e partilha tanto no T&T como na Vida! Aquilo que o T&T uniu, a Vida não vai separar!! Gosto muito de ti!
Thank you very much Helena for all the hours, days, weeks and months that you dreamed about this project. For all the help, understanding and sharing in both T & T and Life! What T & T has joined, Life will not separate !! I really love you!
Feliz Casamento!!
Happy Wedding Day!!
Muito Obrigada Helena por todas as horas, dias, semanas e meses que sonhaste com este projecto. Por toda a ajuda, compreensão e partilha tanto no T&T como na Vida! Aquilo que o T&T uniu, a Vida não vai separar!! Gosto muito de ti!
Thank you very much Helena for all the hours, days, weeks and months that you dreamed about this project. For all the help, understanding and sharing in both T & T and Life! What T & T has joined, Life will not separate !! I really love you!
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