#Frederik50 - Mais celebrações / More celebrations
Em vésperas das comemorações oficiais do 50º aniversário do Príncipe Herdeiro Frederik da Dinamarca continuamos com alguns eventos e actividades que tiveram lugar ao longo desta semana para marcar esta importante data.
On the eve of the official commemorations of the 50th anniversary of Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark we continue with some events and activities that took place this week to mark this important date.
On the eve of the official commemorations of the 50th anniversary of Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark we continue with some events and activities that took place this week to mark this important date.
A bordo do Iate Real Danneborg, o Príncipe da Coroa Frederik acompanhado da sua esposa, a Princesa da Coroa Mary iniciaram uma visita de um dia à cidade de Aarhus. O município organizou uma série de visitas a empresas e organizações. O dia começou com uma visita a Filmby Aarhus, onde o casal real foi apresentado ao ambiente cinematográfico, empresarial e empreendedor da cidade. Depois, Frederik e Mary participaram na na inauguração do Centro Internacional de Vela de Aarhus, à beira-mar.
On board the Royal Yacht Danneborg, Crown Prince Frederik accompanied by his wife, Crown Princess Mary began a one-day visit to the city of Aarhus. The municipality organized a series of visits to companies and organizations. The day began with a visit to Filmby Aarhus, where the royal couple was introduced to the cinematographic, business and entrepreneurial environment of the city. Frederik and Mary then participated in the inauguration of the Aarhus International Sailing Center on the waterfront.
Ainda em Aarhus, o Príncipe da Coroa dinamarquesa inaugurou o novo centro de pesquisa na Escola de Ciências Empresariais e Sociais da Universidade de Aarhus (Aarhus BSS), que a partir de agora será nomeado "Centro de Liderança Pública Príncipe Frederik".
O novo centro em Aarhus BSS será colocado no Departamento de Ciência Política e será um centro para o fornecimento de conhecimento baseado em pesquisa sobre liderança pública.
Also in Aarhus, the Crown Prince of Denmark inaugurated a new research centre at the Aarhus University School of Business and Social Sciences (Aarhus BSS), which from now on will be named the “Crown Prince Frederik Centre for Public Leadership”.
The new center in Aarhus BSS will be placed in the Department of Political Science and will be a center for delivering research-based knowledge about public leadership.
Mary estava absolutamente divinal num vestido de renda branco com um toucado burgundy e brincos do Parure de Rubies da Rainha Ingrid.
Mary was absolutely divine with this white lace dress with a burgundy headpiece and earrings from the Queen Ingrid's Ruby Parure.
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Det danske kongehus/ Facebook |
A Casa real Dinamarquesa divulgou ainda uma fotografia do casal real a bordo do Iate no seu regresso a Copenhaga. Pensa-se que Mary e Frederik terão dado alguma recepção a bordo durante a noite, pois só chegaram a Copenhaga na manhã seguinte.
The Danish Royal House also released a photograph of the royal couple aboard the yacht on their way back to Copenhagen. It is thought that Mary and Frederik would have given some reception on board during the night, for they only arrived in Copenhagen the following morning.
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Ontem a Rainha Margrethe II acompanhou a família do seu filho mais velho à mostra oficial do seu novo retrato, pintado pelo artista australiano Ralph Heimans, no Museu de História Nacional no Palácio de Frederiksborg.
Yesterday Queen Margrethe II accompanied her eldest son's family to the official unveiling of his new portrait, painted by the Australian artist Ralph Heimans, at the National History Museum in Frederiksborg Palace.
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Det Nationalhistoriske Museum © |
Na nova obra de arte podemos ver o futuro Rei da Dinamarca em uniforme com todas as suas medalhas e insígnias da Ordem do Elefante a caminhar numa salão. Atrás um espelho onde vemos reflectida a sua família: a Princesa da Coroa Mary e os quatro filhos do casal: Christian, Isabella, Vincent e Josephine. Adorei a luz nesta peça. Adorei o pormenor do espelho e adorei que o olhar de Frederik esteja direccionado à sua família.
In the new work of art we can see the future King of Denmark in uniform with all his medals and insignia of the Order of the Elephant walking in a Palace room. Behind a mirror where we see reflected his family: Crown Princess Mary and the couple's four children: Christian, Isabella, Vincent and Josephine. I loved the light in this piece. I loved the detail of the mirror and I loved that Frederik's eyes are directed at his family.
In the new work of art we can see the future King of Denmark in uniform with all his medals and insignia of the Order of the Elephant walking in a Palace room. Behind a mirror where we see reflected his family: Crown Princess Mary and the couple's four children: Christian, Isabella, Vincent and Josephine. I loved the light in this piece. I loved the detail of the mirror and I loved that Frederik's eyes are directed at his family.
O Príncipe da coroa contou com a ajuda dos seus 4 filhos para mostrar o retrato. Em conexão com os 50 anos do Príncipe herdeiro, o museu inaugura a exposição “SAR Príncipe herdeiro Frederik - príncipe da Dinamarca”, que mostra roupas e retratos sobre o príncipe herdeiro com foco nos eventos e temas centrais na história de vida do Príncipe Herdeiro.
The Crown Prince had the help of his four children to unveil the portrait. In connection with The Crown Prince’s 50th birthday, the museum also opens the exhibition “HRH Crown Prince Frederik – Prince of Denmark”, which through clothing and pictures tells about The Crown Prince with a focus on the events and themes that are central in The Crown Prince’s life story.
The Crown Prince had the help of his four children to unveil the portrait. In connection with The Crown Prince’s 50th birthday, the museum also opens the exhibition “HRH Crown Prince Frederik – Prince of Denmark”, which through clothing and pictures tells about The Crown Prince with a focus on the events and themes that are central in The Crown Prince’s life story.
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Para as celebrações de amanhã estão confirmadas as seguintes presenças de convidados reais europeus:
Bélgica: Rei Philippe e Rainha Mathilde
Holanda: Rei Willem-Alexander e Rainha Máxima
Luxemburgo: Grão-Duque Henri e Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa
Noruega: Príncipe da Coroa Haakon e Princesa da Coroa Mette-Marit
Suécia: Rei Carl XVI Gustaf, Rainha Sílvia, Princesa da Coroa Victoria e Príncipe Daniel.
Também conto com a presença da nobreza alemã, por parte da Princesa Benedikte e os primos gregos por parte da Rainha Anne-Marie da Grécia.
For the celebrations of tomorrow the following presences of royal European guests are confirmed:
Belgium: King Philippe and Queen Mathilde
The Netherlands: King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maximus
Luxembourg: Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Theresa
Norway: Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit
Sweden: King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel.
I also count on the presence of the German nobility, on the part of Princess Benedikte and the Greek cousins on the part of Queen Anne-Marie of Greece.
O novo retrato será a peça central de uma exposição com os retratos do artista australiano. A exposição “Ralph Heimans Portraits” exibe uma parte substancial das obras do artista, que incluem um retrato da Princesa da Coroa Mary, membros da família real britânica e personalidades internacionais.
The new portrait will be the centrepiece of an exhibition with the portraits of the Australian artist. The exhibition “Ralph Heimans Portraits” displays a substantial part of the artist’s works, which include a portrait of Crown Princess Mary members of the British royal family and international personalities.
O retrato de Mary pintado em 2006 completa-se perfeitamente com o novo retrato de Frederik. A mesma luz. A mesma sala. O mesmo espelho.
Mary's protait painted in 2006 completes perfectly with the new portrait of Frederik. Same light. The same room. The same mirror.
Mary's protait painted in 2006 completes perfectly with the new portrait of Frederik. Same light. The same room. The same mirror.
Para as celebrações de amanhã estão confirmadas as seguintes presenças de convidados reais europeus:
Bélgica: Rei Philippe e Rainha Mathilde
Holanda: Rei Willem-Alexander e Rainha Máxima
Luxemburgo: Grão-Duque Henri e Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa
Noruega: Príncipe da Coroa Haakon e Princesa da Coroa Mette-Marit
Suécia: Rei Carl XVI Gustaf, Rainha Sílvia, Princesa da Coroa Victoria e Príncipe Daniel.
Também conto com a presença da nobreza alemã, por parte da Princesa Benedikte e os primos gregos por parte da Rainha Anne-Marie da Grécia.
For the celebrations of tomorrow the following presences of royal European guests are confirmed:
Belgium: King Philippe and Queen Mathilde
The Netherlands: King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maximus
Luxembourg: Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Theresa
Norway: Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit
Sweden: King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel.
I also count on the presence of the German nobility, on the part of Princess Benedikte and the Greek cousins on the part of Queen Anne-Marie of Greece.
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