#Páscoa2018 / #Easter2018
Espero que todos os meus leitores tenham tido uma Santa Páscoa, para aqueles que celebram este feriado, que é o meu feriado favorito em todo o ano.
Hoje olhamos para as celebrações da Páscoa de algumas das nossas caras favoritas que, tal como eu, têm tradições pascais muito específicas.
I hope all my readers have had a holy Easter, for all those celebrating this holiday, which is my favorite holiday of the year.
Today we look at the Easter celebrations of some of our favorite faces that, like me, have very specific paschal traditions.
Dinamarca /Denmark
Sou conhecida no meu grupo de amigos como a única pessoa que conhecem que faz árvore de Páscoa. Uma tradição que a minha mãe trouxe consigo dos anos em que vivemos na Alemanha, onde nasci.
Quando vi estas fotos partilhadas no Instagram da Casa Real Dinamarquesa, não consegui deixar de sorrir. Provavelmente há coisas que não são mesmo por acaso.
I am known in my group of friends as the only person they know who makes an Easter tree. A tradition that my mother brought with her from the years we lived in Germany, where I was born.
When I saw these photos shared on the Instagram of the Danish Royal House, I could not help but smile. Somethings don't happen by chance, I guess...
Espanha / Spain
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Como é hábito, a família real espanhola passa o fim-de-semana de Páscoa em Palma de Maiorca. Este ano e, pela primeira vez, desde que abdicou a favor do seu filho Felipe em 2014, o Rei emérito Juan Carlos I marcou presença na Catedral de Palma de Maiorca para o habitual serviço religioso de Domingo de Páscoa, juntamente com a esposa a Rainha Sofia, que se juntaram assim ao Rei Felipe VI, à Rainha Letizia e às duas filhas do casal, Leonor e Sofia. Toda a família estava bem-disposta e parecia genuinamente feliz por contarem com a presença uns dos outros.
As usual, the Spanish royal family spends the Easter weekend in Palma de Mallorca. This year, and for the first time ever since he abdicated in favor of his son Felipe in 2014, King Emeritus Juan Carlos I was present at the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca for the usual Easter Sunday service together with his wife Queen Sofia, who thus joined King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia and the couple's two daughters, Leonor and Sofia. The whole family was in great mood and seemed genuinely happy to have each other's presence.
As usual, the Spanish royal family spends the Easter weekend in Palma de Mallorca. This year, and for the first time ever since he abdicated in favor of his son Felipe in 2014, King Emeritus Juan Carlos I was present at the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca for the usual Easter Sunday service together with his wife Queen Sofia, who thus joined King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia and the couple's two daughters, Leonor and Sofia. The whole family was in great mood and seemed genuinely happy to have each other's presence.
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É muito giro ver Leonor e Sofia. As duas irmãs estão a crescer a olhos vistos, e apesar de se vestirem de forma similar já vemos algumas diferenças. Leonor mais menina, Sofia mais extrovertida na forma de vestir. Ambas as meninas, na minha opinião, puxam mais o lado Borbón. Mas reparei que Leonor está muito parecida com a mãe ao nível de expressões faciais.
It's very nice to see Leonor and Sofia. The two sisters are growing up, and although they dress in a similar way we already see some differences. Leonor more girly, Sofia more extroverted in the way of dressing. Both girls, in my opinion, pull the Borbón side. But I noticed that Leonor is becoming very much like her mother regarding facial expressions.
Em relação aos looks, Letizia esteve super elegante em azul-escuro. Casual o suficiente para um evento familiar semi-oficial, mas apropriada também para um serviço religioso. A única coisa que não tolero é a mala rosa que pediu emprestada à sua filha mais nova (se ao menos isso fosse verdade até poderia achar piada...)
As for the fashion, Letizia was super stylish in dark blue. Casual enough for a semi-official family event, but also suitable for a religious service. The only thing I can not tolerate is the pink bag that she borrowed from her youngest daughter (if only that were true, it might even be funny...)
As for the fashion, Letizia was super stylish in dark blue. Casual enough for a semi-official family event, but also suitable for a religious service. The only thing I can not tolerate is the pink bag that she borrowed from her youngest daughter (if only that were true, it might even be funny...)
É muito giro ver Leonor e Sofia. As duas irmãs estão a crescer a olhos vistos, e apesar de se vestirem de forma similar já vemos algumas diferenças. Leonor mais menina, Sofia mais extrovertida na forma de vestir. Ambas as meninas, na minha opinião, puxam mais o lado Borbón. Mas reparei que Leonor está muito parecida com a mãe ao nível de expressões faciais.
It's very nice to see Leonor and Sofia. The two sisters are growing up, and although they dress in a similar way we already see some differences. Leonor more girly, Sofia more extroverted in the way of dressing. Both girls, in my opinion, pull the Borbón side. But I noticed that Leonor is becoming very much like her mother regarding facial expressions.
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Mas o ponto alto para mim neste serviço religioso espanhol é a oportunidade de ver a Rainha Sofia a usar as suas típicas jóias de Páscoa: Ovos de Páscoa em forma de colar e pulseiras. Sim, porque na Páscoa, a tradição é Rainha!
But the highlight for me in this Spanish religious service is the opportunity to see the Queen Sofia wearing her typical Easter jewelry: Easter eggs in the shape of a necklace and bracelets. Yes, because at Easter, the tradition is Queen!
But the highlight for me in this Spanish religious service is the opportunity to see the Queen Sofia wearing her typical Easter jewelry: Easter eggs in the shape of a necklace and bracelets. Yes, because at Easter, the tradition is Queen!
No Principado mais famoso do mundo, o Príncipe Albert II, a Princesa Charlene acompanhados pelos seus dois filhos os gémeos Jacques e Gabriella assistiram à Procissão de Sexta-Feira Santa da varanda do Palácio.
In the most famous Principality of the world, Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene accompanied by their two children Jacques and Gabriella watched the Good Friday Procession from the balcony of the Palace.
Por terras de Sua Majestade, a Rainha, a Páscoa é assinalada com um Serviço Religioso na Capela de St- George (um dos grandes palcos este ano!!) no Castelo de Windsor, ao qual compareceram outros membros do clã Windsor.
Right to Her Majesty the Queen, Easter is marked with a Religious Service in St George's Chapel (one of the grand stages this year !!) at Windsor Castle, which was attended by other members of the Windsor clan.
As fotos foram divulgadas no Facebook oficial do Palácio do Mónaco.
The photos were posted on the official Facebook of the Palace of Monaco.
Reino Unido / United Kingdom
Por terras de Sua Majestade, a Rainha, a Páscoa é assinalada com um Serviço Religioso na Capela de St- George (um dos grandes palcos este ano!!) no Castelo de Windsor, ao qual compareceram outros membros do clã Windsor.
Right to Her Majesty the Queen, Easter is marked with a Religious Service in St George's Chapel (one of the grand stages this year !!) at Windsor Castle, which was attended by other members of the Windsor clan.
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A Rainha vibrante em rosa foi a imagem da celebração.
The Queen wearing vibrant pink was the image of the celebration.
A Rainha vibrante em rosa foi a imagem da celebração.
The Queen wearing vibrant pink was the image of the celebration.
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A Duquesa de Cambridge que se encontra actualmente em licença de maternidade aguardando a chegada do seu terceiro filho, escolheu um look castanho que completou com acessórios rosa blush. Bonita. O Duque e a Duquesa de Cambridge chegaram ligeiramente atrasados e já depois da Rainha, pelo que não esperaram a chegada da monarca com os restantes membros da família.
The Duchess of Cambridge who is currently on maternity leave awaiting the arrival of her third child, chose a brown look that completed with pink blush accessories. Beautiful. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived slightly late and already after the Queen, so they did not wait for the monarch's arrival with the rest of the family.
The Duchess of Cambridge who is currently on maternity leave awaiting the arrival of her third child, chose a brown look that completed with pink blush accessories. Beautiful. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived slightly late and already after the Queen, so they did not wait for the monarch's arrival with the rest of the family.
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A Princesa Real, acompanhada pelo seu marido o Vice-Almirante Timothy Lawrence escolheu turquesa para o serviço religioso.
The Royal Princess, accompanied by her husband, Vice Admiral Timothy Lawrence chose turquoise for the religious service.
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A sua filha Zara Tindall, grávida de oito meses do seu segundo filho, escolheu um conjunto onde se misturaram demasiados tons de azul na minha opinião, mas que ainda assim não foi mal-conseguido.
Her daughter Zara Tindall, eight months pregnant with her second child, chose a set where too many shades of blue mixed in my opinion, but that still was not badly achieved.
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Autumn Philips acompanhada pelo seu marido Peter Philips, muito bonita num conjunto elegante, mas que só perdeu pela cor, que não favoreceu o tom de pele e cabelo de Autumn.
Autumn Philips accompanied by her husband Peter Philips, very beautiful in an elegant set, but only lost by the color, which did not favor Autumn's skin tone and hair.
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A Princesa Beatrice de York escolheu um elegante conjunto branco enquanto que a sua irmã, a Princesa Eugenie, acompanhada pelo noivo Jack Brooksbank, adicionou um toque de cor e irreverência às escolhas de moda para este serviço religioso.
Princess Beatrice of York chose an elegant white set while her sister, Princess Eugenie, accompanied by her fiancé Jack Brooksbank, added a touch of color and irreverence to the fashion choices for this religious service.
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A Condessa de Wessex foi sinónimo da elegância britânica neste Domingo de Páscoa. Um dia que também se revelou importante para a sua filha mais velha, Lady Louise que usou pela primeira vez um par de sapatos de salto alto. A única coisa me dá comichão? Aqueles pequenos colares que quero arrancar a todo o custo dos seus pescoços!
A Condessa de Wessex foi sinónimo da elegância britânica neste Domingo de Páscoa. Um dia que também se revelou importante para a sua filha mais velha, Lady Louise que usou pela primeira vez um par de sapatos de salto alto. A única coisa me dá comichão? Aqueles pequenos colares que quero arrancar a todo o custo dos seus pescoços!
The Countess of Wessex was synonymous with British elegance on Easter Sunday. A day that also proved important to her eldest daughter, Lady Louise who first wore a pair of high-heeled shoes. The only thing itches me? Those little necklaces I want to rip off from their necks!
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Mas talvez seja apenas eu...
Or maybe it's just me...
Suécia/ Sweden
Da Suécia um estilo mais casual. O Rei Carl Gustaf e a Rainha Silvia partilharam os seus votos de Feliz Páscoa no Instagram oficial da Casa Real Sueca. O Rei e a Rainha passaram, como é hábito, o fim-de-semana de Páscoa perto da fronteira com a Noruega, mais precisamente em Storlien onde o a família tem um chalé. O casal posou na neve com o seu cão Brandie.
From Sweden a more casual style. King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia shared their Happy Easter wishes on the official Instagram of the Swedish Royal House. The King and Queen have spent, as is customary, the Easter weekend near the Norwegian border, more precisely in Storlien where the family has a cottage. The couple posed in the snow with their dog Brandie.
Thanks for sharing all these great photos :-)
ResponderEliminarQueen Elizabeth looks amazing, I can't beleive she is turing 92 soon.
Is it just me, but I think Leonor and Sofia are dressed to young for their age. They are not little girls anymore.
Hello Luna. Hope you had a great Easter. Thanks for the comment. I think Leonor and Sofia dress quite right for their ahe. They are still children. One is 12 and the other is almost 11 years old. They are still pre-teens. It is often difficult at these ages, with so many changes in the body, to find intermediate clothing that is not too childish or too adult. I think the two are appropriate. :)
ResponderEliminarHello Marcel. Yes, I know...I feel so "betrayed" that I have written that they seem genuinely happy. The video is above all strange and sad. The girls in the middle, Felipe's face, Leonor's gesture... Anyway ... I do not know what really happened, but it's uncomfortable, in fact. What is your opinion?