Victoria e Catherine: Juntas em Visita Oficial na Suécia/ Victoria and Catherine: Together on Official Visit in Sweden
Caso estejam a pensar que esta semana seria totalmente dedicada a Espanha aqui no T&T, deixem-me dizer-vos que estão enganados. O Duque e a Duquesa de Cambridge chegaram ontem à Suécia para uma Visita oficial de dois dias (amanhã seguem para a Noruega). De entre os vários compromissos destaco os encontros com membros da família real sueca.
Porque adoro encontros reais.
Porque Victoria e Daniel estiveram bastante envolvidos nesta visita.
E porque temos muito que falar.
If you are thinking that this week would be totally dedicated to Spain here at T & T, let me tell you that you are mistaken. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived in Sweden yesterday for a two-day official visit (tomorrow they will travel for Norway). Among the various commitments I highlight the meetings with members of the Swedish royal family.
Because I love royal gatherings.
Because Victoria and Daniel were very involved in this visit.
And because we have so much to talk about.
Dia/Day 1
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O Duque e a Duquesa de Cambridge foram recebidos pelo Rei Carl XVI Gustaf e pela Rainha Sílvia da Suécia no Palácio Real. Também presentes a Princesa da Coroa Victoria da Suécia e o Príncipe Daniel. Catherine, grávida de 6 meses, usou um simples vestido verde. Daqueles vestidos que eu não aprecio particularmente. Victoria, recém recuperada de uma forte constipação, desafiou o rigoroso frio sueco, com um vestido primaveril que combinou estranhamente com sapatos de veludo. Obrigada Sílvia, é tudo o que tenho a dizer.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were received by King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden at the Royal Palace. Also joined by Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel. Catherine, 6 months pregnant, wore a simple green dress. Those dresses that I do not especially appreciate. Victoria, freshly recovered from a severe cold, defied the harsh Swedish cold with a springy dress that oddly combined with velvet shoes. Thank you Silvia, that's all I have to say.
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Após o almoço William, Catherine, Victoria e Daniel vestiram-se a rigor para um passeio pelas ruas de Estocolmo até ao Museu Nobel. Catherine era a incorporação da Anna Karenina, espero eu numa versão mais feliz. Adorei. Victoria era a incorporação de algo que ainda não consegui decifrar. E provavelmente nunca irei, porque só de imaginar aquele vestido primaveril combinado com aqueles botins, fico com arrepios. E não apenas de frio.
After lunch William, Catherine, Victoria and Daniel dressed up for a stroll down the Stockholm's streets from the Palace to the Nobel Museum. Catherine was the embodiment of nKarenina, in a happier version, I hope. I loved it. Victoria was the embodiment of something I still could not decipher. And probably never will, because just thinking abou that spring dress combined with those booties, I get goosebumps. And not only from cold.
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Após alguns compromissos durante a tarde, o Duque e a Duquesa foram os convidados de honra de um jantar da Residência do Embaixador Britânico, ao qual também compareceram a Princesa herdeira da Suécia e o seu marido. E meus amigos eu vou dizer-vos a verdade: eu gosto do vestido da nossa Kate, embora não seja muito fã do seu formato de camisa na parte superior. Gosto da cor, gosto do padrão, gosto da saia. Não gostei do penteado, nem das jóias escolhidas. Victoria, que fica linda de preto, proporcionou-nos um look que é um sério candidato ao pior look do ano. Juro que não entendo nada neste visual.
After a few engagements during the afternoon, the Duke and Duchess were the guests of honor at a dinner at the Residence of the British Ambassador, also attened by the Crown Princess of Sweden and her husband. And my friends, I'll tell you the truth: I like our Kate's dress, although I'm not much of a fan of her shirt shape from the waist up. I like the color, I like the pattern, I like the skirt. I did not like the hairstyle or the jewelry she chose. Victoria, who looks beautiful in black, has given us a look that is a serious candidate for the worst look of the year. I don't get anything about this look.
Dia / Day 2
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No segundo dia na Suécia, William e Catherine voltaram a contar com a companhia de Victoria e Daniel. Para os eventos do dia, devo dizer-vos que fiquei rendida ao look da Duquesa de Cambridge. Sendo um look clássico e muito típico da nossa Kate, achei o casaco jovial, e simplesmente amei o vestido em lã tweed branco que tinha por baixo. O vestido é simplesmente divino e assenta maravilhosamente no avançado estado de gravidez de Kate. Além do pais, ela usou uns dos meus sapatos e mala favoritos
Victoria optou, mais uma vez por tons pastel. Gosto das cores, mas acho que não funcionaram bem juntas neste conjunto, porque tanto o fato como o casaco são peças grandes por si. Além disso detesto ver um casaco de inverno, com um blazer por baixo
On the second day in Sweden, William and Catherine were joined again by Victoria and Daniel. For the day's events, I must tell you that I was surrendered to the Duchess of Cambridge's look. Being a classic Kate-style, I found the coat quite jovial, and simply loved the dress in white tweed wool that she worn underneath. The dress is simply divine and rests wonderfully in Kate's advanced state of pregnancy. Plus, she wore some of my favorite shoes and bag.
Victoria opted, once again for pastel shades. I like the colors, but I think they did not work well together in this set, because both the suit and the coat are "big" pieces by themself. Plus I hate to see a big coat, with a jacket underneath.
On the second day in Sweden, William and Catherine were joined again by Victoria and Daniel. For the day's events, I must tell you that I was surrendered to the Duchess of Cambridge's look. Being a classic Kate-style, I found the coat quite jovial, and simply loved the dress in white tweed wool that she worn underneath. The dress is simply divine and rests wonderfully in Kate's advanced state of pregnancy. Plus, she wore some of my favorite shoes and bag.
Victoria opted, once again for pastel shades. I like the colors, but I think they did not work well together in this set, because both the suit and the coat are "big" pieces by themself. Plus I hate to see a big coat, with a jacket underneath.
Durante a tarde, os dois casais tomaram chá no Palácio de Haga, residência oficial da família da Princesa da Coroa. Aqui William e Catherine tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer a Princesa Estelle e o Príncipe Oscar.
During the afternoon, the two couples had tea at Haga Palace, the official residence of the Crown Princess family. Here William and Catherine had the opportunity to meet Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar.
During the afternoon, the two couples had tea at Haga Palace, the official residence of the Crown Princess family. Here William and Catherine had the opportunity to meet Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar.
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De noite e para finalizar a visita à Suécia os dois casais compareceram a uma recepção na Galeria Fotografiska. Bem, eu sei que disse, no inicio do post, que tinha muito para dizer. Sabem que mais? Estou sem palavras, e a única coisa que consigo perguntar é: minhas queridas, que diabo vos aconteceu??
At night and to end the official visit to Sweden the two couples attended a reception in the Fotografiska Gallery. Well, I know I said, at the beginning of the post, that I had a lot to say. You know what? I'm speechless, and the only thing I can ask is: my dear, sweet girls, what the hell happened to you?
At night and to end the official visit to Sweden the two couples attended a reception in the Fotografiska Gallery. Well, I know I said, at the beginning of the post, that I had a lot to say. You know what? I'm speechless, and the only thing I can ask is: my dear, sweet girls, what the hell happened to you?
I do love Catherine's white Alexander McQueen dress, its suits her perfectly. I think she did really well with most of her outfits, except the mustard Erdem dress. I so want to like it, but i can't.
ResponderEliminarWhen it comes to CP Victoria....i have no words :-(