Vamos acabar a semana em beleza? / Let's end this week, in beauty?
Depois de uma semana agitada em termos de mundo real, achei que todos nós merecemos ver meninas bonitas, ainda por cima associadas a uma boa causa para fecharmos uma semana com um sorriso na cara. E para isso trago-vos as nossas queridas, únicas e fantásticas M&M (agora adivinhem quais!).
After a busy week in the royal world, I thought we all deserve to see pretty girls, plus a good cause for closing a week with a smile on our faces. And for this I bring you our beloved, unique and fantastic M & M ( now guess which!).
After a busy week in the royal world, I thought we all deserve to see pretty girls, plus a good cause for closing a week with a smile on our faces. And for this I bring you our beloved, unique and fantastic M & M ( now guess which!).
A nossa Máxima tem retornado aos poucos aos actos oficiais, mas foi na passada terça-feira, quando compareceu à Gala Beneficente para o Centro de Oncologia Pediátrica Princesa Maxima, que eu me apercebi que ela estava de volta, DE FACTO!
Our Maxima has gradually returned to official acts, but it was last Tuesday, when she attended the Beneficent Gala for the Princess Maxima Center of Pediatric Oncology , that I realized that she was back, FOR REAL!
Our Maxima has gradually returned to official acts, but it was last Tuesday, when she attended the Beneficent Gala for the Princess Maxima Center of Pediatric Oncology , that I realized that she was back, FOR REAL!
Para a gala, cujos lucros revertem para dois projectos em curso desta unidade de investigação e tratamento oncológico infantil, a Rainha Máxima chegou a flutuar, com aquele sorriso que enche de luz e de esperança qualquer sala e talvez, mais do que o normal, esse era o seu objectivo nessa noite. Esperemos que as carteiras tenham sido generosas.
For the gala, whose profits reverted to two ongoing projects of this unit of investigation and oncological treatment for children, Queen Maxima came as pretty breeze, with that smile that fills with light and hope any room and perhaps, more than usual, this was her goal that night. Hopefully wallets have been generous.
Na Quarta-feira à noite, o Príncipe herdeiro e a Princesa herdeira da Dinamarca ofereceram um jantar de gala em comemoração dos 10º aniversário da Fundação Mary. A fundação criada a 11 de Setembro de 2007 defende que todas as pessoas têm o direito de pertencer. A fundação foca-se em três grandes áreas que combatem o isolamento social.
On Wednesday night, the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess of Denmark hosted a gala dinner in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Mary Foundation. The foundation created on September 11, 2007 argues that all people have the right to belong. The foundation focuses on three major areas that combat social isolation.
No seu discurso Mary disse: " É muito fácil passar ao lado. Fechar os olhos aos problemas dos outros. Mas, no momento em que nos atrevemos a entrar na vida das pessoas e a questionar - também o que é difícil - nós crescemos enquanto pessoas e comunidade."
In her speech, Mary said: "It's so easy to walk past. To close our eyes to other people's problems. But at the moment, we dare to interfere in each other's lives and inquire -also for what is difficult, we grow as people and as a community. "
Mary agradeceu a todos os colaboradores por todo o trabalho desenvolvido nestes 10 anos, por todo o apoio e crença. E estava LINDA!!!!!
Mary thanked all the staff for all the work they had done over the past 10 years, for all the support and belief. And she was GROGEOUS !!!!!
Parabéns Mary e equipa!
Congrats Mary & team!
[Mary Fonden/Facebook]
For the gala, whose profits reverted to two ongoing projects of this unit of investigation and oncological treatment for children, Queen Maxima came as pretty breeze, with that smile that fills with light and hope any room and perhaps, more than usual, this was her goal that night. Hopefully wallets have been generous.
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Steen Brogaard for Mary Fonden © |
Na Quarta-feira à noite, o Príncipe herdeiro e a Princesa herdeira da Dinamarca ofereceram um jantar de gala em comemoração dos 10º aniversário da Fundação Mary. A fundação criada a 11 de Setembro de 2007 defende que todas as pessoas têm o direito de pertencer. A fundação foca-se em três grandes áreas que combatem o isolamento social.
On Wednesday night, the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess of Denmark hosted a gala dinner in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Mary Foundation. The foundation created on September 11, 2007 argues that all people have the right to belong. The foundation focuses on three major areas that combat social isolation.
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Steen Brogaard for Mary Fonden © |
In her speech, Mary said: "It's so easy to walk past. To close our eyes to other people's problems. But at the moment, we dare to interfere in each other's lives and inquire -also for what is difficult, we grow as people and as a community. "
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Steen Brogaard for Mary Fonden © |
Mary agradeceu a todos os colaboradores por todo o trabalho desenvolvido nestes 10 anos, por todo o apoio e crença. E estava LINDA!!!!!
Mary thanked all the staff for all the work they had done over the past 10 years, for all the support and belief. And she was GROGEOUS !!!!!
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Steen Brogaard for Mary Fonden © |
Parabéns Mary e equipa!
Congrats Mary & team!
[Mary Fonden/Facebook]
Fantastic look of both of them - so glad to see QM back after the short summerbreak !! :-D