Príncipe Gabriel da Suécia / Prince Gabriel of Sweden
Ora bem, ontem ao mesmo tempo que era anunciada, no Reino Unido, a terceira gravidez da Duquesa da Cambridge, era divulgado o nome do segundo filho da Princesa Sofia e do Príncipe Carl Philip da Suécia, nascido no passado dia 31 de Agosto. Carl Philip e Sofia abandonaram o Hospital na passada sexta-feira acompanhados pelo seu bebé.
Now, at the same time as the Duchess of Cambridge's third pregnancy was announced in the United Kingdom, the name of the second son of Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip of Sweden, who was born on 31 August, was also announced. Carl Philip and Sofia left the hospital last Friday with their new-born baby.
Now, at the same time as the Duchess of Cambridge's third pregnancy was announced in the United Kingdom, the name of the second son of Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip of Sweden, who was born on 31 August, was also announced. Carl Philip and Sofia left the hospital last Friday with their new-born baby.
Numa reunião de gabinete no Palácio Real, o Rei Carl XVI Gustaf, acompanhado da Princesa da Coroa Victoria, anunciou o nome do seu sexto neto. O 6º na linha de sucessão ao trono chama-se Gabriel Carl Walther. O pequeno Príncipe será conhecido como Sua Alteza Real, o Príncipe Gabriel da Suécia, Duque de Dalarna.
At a cabinet meeting at the Royal Palace, King Carl XVI Gustaf, accompanied by Crown Princess Victoria, announced the name of his sixth grandchild. The 6th in the line of succession to the throne named Gabriel Carl Walther. The little prince will be known as His Royal Highness, Prince Gabriel of Sweden, Duke of Dalarna.
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O nome, sem surpresa, foi uma surpresa. Perceberam? Carl parece ser um homenagem óbvia ao pai, Carl Philip, e ao avó, Carl Gustaf. Walther parece ter sido uma homenagem ao pai da Rainha Sílvia, Walther Sommerlath. Gabriel poderá ter sido uma escolha pessoal do casal. Pessoalmente não sou fã do primeiro nome, embora ache o nome, no seu todo, muito bonito para um Príncipe. Já o Ducado foi uma clara homenagem à mãe do bebé que cresceu neste ducado sueco. Apropriado.
The name, not surprisingly, was a surprise. Got it? Carl seems to be an obvious homage to his father, Carl Philip, and his grandfather, Carl Gustaf. Walther seems to have been a tribute to Queen Silvia's father, Walther Sommerlath. Gabriel may have been a personal choice for the couple. Personally I'm not a fan of the first name, although I find the name, on its whole, very cute for a Prince. The Duchy was a clear tribute to Princess Sofia, who grew up in this Swedish duchy. Appropriate.
The name, not surprisingly, was a surprise. Got it? Carl seems to be an obvious homage to his father, Carl Philip, and his grandfather, Carl Gustaf. Walther seems to have been a tribute to Queen Silvia's father, Walther Sommerlath. Gabriel may have been a personal choice for the couple. Personally I'm not a fan of the first name, although I find the name, on its whole, very cute for a Prince. The Duchy was a clear tribute to Princess Sofia, who grew up in this Swedish duchy. Appropriate.
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Após o anúncio oficial do nome, teve lugar o Te Deum em acção de graças pelo nascimento do Príncipe Gabriel. O serviço teve lugar na Capela Real do Palácio Real e contou com a presença da família real sueca e da família Hellqvist.
After the official announcement of the name, the Te Deum took place in thanksgiving for the birth of Prince Gabriel. The service took place in the Royal Chapel of the Royal Palace and was attended by the Swedish royal family and the Hellqvist family.
After the official announcement of the name, the Te Deum took place in thanksgiving for the birth of Prince Gabriel. The service took place in the Royal Chapel of the Royal Palace and was attended by the Swedish royal family and the Hellqvist family.
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Contas finais, temos neste momento três Príncipes com nome Gabriel na Europa: Príncipe Gabriel da Bélgica, Príncipe Gabriel de Nassau (filho do Príncipe Louis do Luxemburgo) e o agora, o Príncipe Gabriel da Suécia. Aguardemos por 2018 para novas adições.
Final scores, we now have three princes named Gabriel in Europe: Prince Gabriel of Belgium, Prince Gabriel of Nassau (son of Prince Louis of Luxembourg) and now, Prince Gabriel of Sweden. Let's wait for 2018 for new additions.
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UPDATE: Foi hoje divulgada pela Casa Real Sueca a primeira fotografia oficial do Príncipe Gabriel, tirada pelo seu pai, o Principe Carl Philip na Vila Solbacken.
UPDATE: The first official photograph of Prince Gabriel, taken by his father, Prince Carl Philip at Vila Solbacken, was released today by the Royal Swedish House.
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Primeiras impressões comparando com o irmão mais velho, Alexander: o cobertor é o mesmo, mas com cores diferentes.
First impressions comparing with his older brother, Alexander: the blanket is the same, but with different colors.
Gabriel seems a popular Royal name - even the feminine Gabriella is current in Monaco and in the daughter of Prince Michael of Kent. It does not seem as popular in the general population, though. Now is the time to speculate about the new Cambridge baby and what it will be called. I think I czn guarantee that it will NOT be Gabriel!
ResponderEliminarHello Barbara. Thanks on your comment. Thats so true. Lots of royal babies for 2018. I hope for a girl for Madeleine and a little bou for Catherine. But, the most important: all goes well until then.