Mary, um regresso preenchido / Mary, a busy rentrée
A nossa Mary tem andado muito ocupada. Desde Agosto que tem estado envolvida numa série de compromissos oficiais e reuniões e acho que há razões mais que suficientes para fazermos um sumário sobre os últimos compromissos oficiais da futura Rainha da Dinamarca.
Our Mary has been very busy. Since August it has been involved in a series of official appointments and meetings and I think there are more than enough reasons to give a summary of the latest official commitments of the future Queen of Denmark.
Our Mary has been very busy. Since August it has been involved in a series of official appointments and meetings and I think there are more than enough reasons to give a summary of the latest official commitments of the future Queen of Denmark.
O primeiro evento da retrée foi a abertura do Festival de Televisão de Copenhaga 2017. O evento é organizado pela Associação Dinamarquesa de Produtores e pela Emissoras de Televisão da Dinamarca. Mary escolheu um simples vestido preto onde as grandes estrelas foram os acessórios turquesa e dourados e o seu fantástico bronzeado.
The first event of the retrée was the opening of the 2017 Copenhagen Television Festival. The event is organized by the Danish Producers Association and the Danish Television Broadcasters. Mary chose a simple black dress where the big stars were the turquoise and gold accessories and her fantastic tan.
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Picture courtesy of Mary |
No mesmo dia foi divulgada uma fotografia tirada durante uma reunião da Fundação Mary que se prepara para celebrar o seu 10º aniversário em Setembro. Nesta fotografia vemos Mary com óculos. Um novo visual para a Princesa da Coroa, totalmente aprovado.
On the same day, a photograph was released during a meeting of the Mary Foundation preparing to celebrate its 10th anniversary in September. In this picture we see Mary with glasses. A new look for the Crown Princess, fully approved.
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No dia seguinte, Mary marcou presença na abertura do Festival de Flores de Odense. A princesa herdeira é patrona deste festival e esta é sempre uma boa ocasião para vermos Mary num look bastante feminino e com chapéu. A princesa reciclou várias peças para um evento em que fez o discurso de abertura e baptizou uma nova rosa.
The next day, Mary was present at the opening of the Odense Flower Festival. The Crown Princess is patron of this festival and this is always a good time to see Mary in a feminine look and hat. The princess recycled several pieces for an event in which she gave the opening address and christened a new rose.
The next day, Mary was present at the opening of the Odense Flower Festival. The Crown Princess is patron of this festival and this is always a good time to see Mary in a feminine look and hat. The princess recycled several pieces for an event in which she gave the opening address and christened a new rose.
Indvielse af Nationalt Center for Immunterapi
Ved indvielsen af Nationalt Center for Immunterapi på Herlev Hospital besøgte H.K.H. Kronprinsessen et laboratorium, hvor læge og ph.d.-studerende Morten Orebo Holmström fortalte om sit analysearbejde. Læs mere om indvielsen af Nationalt Center for Immunterapi: Video: Kongehuset ©
Publicado por Det danske kongehus em Sexta-feira, 18 de Agosto de 2017
Das flores para a ciência. A 18 de Agosto a Princesa inaugurou o Centro Nacional de Imunoterapia no Hospital Herlev. Durante a visita Mary pode passear pelas novas instalações de investigação e tratamento, conhecer um pouco mais sobre o trabalho e resultados da imunoterapia e conversar com alguns pacientes. O seu vestido vermelho esteve camuflado com uma bata branca e equipamentos de protecção. Tal como deve ser!
From flowers to science. On August 18 the Princess inaugurated the National Immunotherapy Center at Herlev Hospital. During the visit Mary toured through the new research and treatment facilities, got to know more about the work and results of immunotherapy and talk to some patients. Her red dress was camouflaged with a white lab coat and protective gear. As it should be!
From flowers to science. On August 18 the Princess inaugurated the National Immunotherapy Center at Herlev Hospital. During the visit Mary toured through the new research and treatment facilities, got to know more about the work and results of immunotherapy and talk to some patients. Her red dress was camouflaged with a white lab coat and protective gear. As it should be!
Over 1.000 talenter fra hele verden har i denne uge været samlet i Danmark for at udvikle idéer og finde løsninger på FN’s Verdensmål. I går deltog H.K.H. Kronprinsessen i UNLEASH Festival og holdt efterfølgende tale ved UNLEASH Awards Show i Musikhuset Aarhus. Se hele Kronprinsessens tale: Video: UNLEASH ©
Publicado por Det danske kongehus em Terça-feira, 22 de Agosto de 2017
A 21 de Agosto, Mary marcou presença no evento UNLEASH em Aarhus onde fez um discurso. Durante este evento que reuniu várias mentes brilhantes de todo o mundo, procuram-se soluções para os Objectivos para um Crescimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas.
On 21 August, Mary attended the UNLEASH event in Aarhus where she gave a speech. During this event that brought together several brilliant minds from all over the world, solutions are sought for the United Nations Goals for a Sustainable Growth.
On 21 August, Mary attended the UNLEASH event in Aarhus where she gave a speech. During this event that brought together several brilliant minds from all over the world, solutions are sought for the United Nations Goals for a Sustainable Growth.
No dia seguinte Mary, mais uma vez de óculos, marcou presença numa reunião de trabalho da Kræftens Bekæmpelse - Fundação Dinamarquesa de Luta contra o Cancro. Como Patrona desta organização, Mary ficou a par das actividades da fundação bem como projectos futuros.
The next day Mary, once again wearing glasses, was present at a working meeting of the Kræftens Bekæmpelse - Danish Cancer Foundation. As patron of this organization, Mary became aware of the foundation's activities as well as future projects.
Pela ocasião do 18º aniversário do Príncipe Nikolai, a Rainha Margrethe II ofereceu um jantar a bordo do iate real Dannebrog, no qual esteve presente toda a família com expecção do Príncipe herdeiro Frederik, ausente na Coreia do Sul em representação do Comité Olímpico Internacional. Também presente a primeira esposa do Príncipe Joachim e mãe do aniversariante, AAlexandra, Condessa de Frederiksborg.
On the occasion of Prince Nikolai's 18th birthday, Queen Margrethe II offered a dinner aboard the Dannebrog royal yacht, in which the whole family was present apart of Crown Prince Frederik, absent in South Korea on behalf of the International Olympic Committee. Also present the first wife of Prince Joachim and mother of the birthday boy, Alexlexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg.
The next day Mary, once again wearing glasses, was present at a working meeting of the Kræftens Bekæmpelse - Danish Cancer Foundation. As patron of this organization, Mary became aware of the foundation's activities as well as future projects.
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Pela ocasião do 18º aniversário do Príncipe Nikolai, a Rainha Margrethe II ofereceu um jantar a bordo do iate real Dannebrog, no qual esteve presente toda a família com expecção do Príncipe herdeiro Frederik, ausente na Coreia do Sul em representação do Comité Olímpico Internacional. Também presente a primeira esposa do Príncipe Joachim e mãe do aniversariante, AAlexandra, Condessa de Frederiksborg.
On the occasion of Prince Nikolai's 18th birthday, Queen Margrethe II offered a dinner aboard the Dannebrog royal yacht, in which the whole family was present apart of Crown Prince Frederik, absent in South Korea on behalf of the International Olympic Committee. Also present the first wife of Prince Joachim and mother of the birthday boy, Alexlexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg.
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Mary chegou na melhor companhia, acompanhada dos seus quatro filhos. A Princesa reciclou um vestido visto pela primeira vez em 2004. Um look vencedor. Sempre!
Mary arrived in the best company, accompanied by her four children. The Princess recycled a dress seen for the first time in 2004. A winning look. Allways!!
Mary arrived in the best company, accompanied by her four children. The Princess recycled a dress seen for the first time in 2004. A winning look. Allways!!
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A 29 de Agosto, a Princesa como patrona do Børn, Unge & Sorg - Crianças, Jovens e Dor - participou na inauguração do Centro Nacional de Luto. Este centro irá conduzir pesquisa, divulgar conhecimento e providenciar treino para profissionais dos cuidados de saúde com foco na ajuda e apoio a pessoas que estejam em luto devido a uma perda de um familiar ou amigo. Este apoio permitirá ajudar a diferenciar o que é um luto normal de uma situação mais complexa, onde o diálogo aberto é fundamental para que a morte e o luto não sejam considerados tabus. Mary concordou em ser Patrona deste novo Centro.
On 29 August, the Princess as Patron of Børn, Unge & Sorg - Children, Youth and Grief - participated in the inauguration of the National Mourning Center. This center will conduct research, disseminate knowledge, and provide training to health care professionals with a focus on helping and caring for grieving people due to a loss of a relative or friend. This support will help to distinguish what is a normal mourning from a more complex situation, where open dialogue is fundamental so that death and mourning are not considered taboo. Mary agreed to be Patron of this new Center.
Ainda estão connosco? No Sábado, Mary compareceu ao espectáculo Water Music. O porto industrial de Randers foi transformado numa grande sala de espectáculos onde vários artistas actuaram num fantástico espectáculo de animação musical.
Are you still with us? On Saturday, Mary attended the Water Music show. The industrial port of Randers has been transformed into a large showroom where several artists performed in a fantastic musical entertainment show.
On 29 August, the Princess as Patron of Børn, Unge & Sorg - Children, Youth and Grief - participated in the inauguration of the National Mourning Center. This center will conduct research, disseminate knowledge, and provide training to health care professionals with a focus on helping and caring for grieving people due to a loss of a relative or friend. This support will help to distinguish what is a normal mourning from a more complex situation, where open dialogue is fundamental so that death and mourning are not considered taboo. Mary agreed to be Patron of this new Center.
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Bjarke MacCarthy, CBS © via |
Na passada sexta-feira foi um dia cheio para a Princesa herdeira da Dinamarca. Primeiro Mary marcou presença no Dia da Responsabilidade da CBS - Escola de Negócios de Copenhaga. O Dia da Responsabilidade marca as boas-vindas para os novos alunos. Mary fez o discurso de abertura escolhendo o preto e pérolas para o evento.
Last Friday was a full day for the Crown Princess of Denmark. First, Mary was present on CBS Day of Responsibility - Copenhagen Business School. The Day of Responsibility welcomes new students. Mary made the opening speech choosing black and pearls for the event.
Last Friday was a full day for the Crown Princess of Denmark. First, Mary was present on CBS Day of Responsibility - Copenhagen Business School. The Day of Responsibility welcomes new students. Mary made the opening speech choosing black and pearls for the event.
Depois Mary visitou a BørneTelefonen - Linha Criança - por ocasião do seu 30º aniversário. Esta linha telefónica infantil oferece aconselhamento e apoio a jovens e crianças, que muitas vezes apenas necessitam ter alguém que tenha tempo para o/a ouvir. A linha também oferece apoio via mensagem escrita (SMS), chat online, email e através de um forum. A Princesa usou um bonito vestido floral.
Then Mary visited BørneTelefonen - Children Phone - on the occasion of its 30th birthday. This children's phone line offers advice and support to young people and children, who often just need someone who has time to listen them. The line also offers support via text message, online chat, email and through a forum. The Princess wore a pretty floral dress.
De noite a Princesa herdeira participou na entrega de Prémios INDEX 2017. Os Prémios celebram o design como uma parte crucial de qualquer solução sustentável para os desafios globais e reconhecem as melhores soluções que vão de encontro a essas melhorias de vida.
At night,the Crown Princess participated in the INDEX 2017 Awards. The Awards celebrate design as a crucial part of any sustainable solution to global challenges and recognize the best solutions for improve life.
Then Mary visited BørneTelefonen - Children Phone - on the occasion of its 30th birthday. This children's phone line offers advice and support to young people and children, who often just need someone who has time to listen them. The line also offers support via text message, online chat, email and through a forum. The Princess wore a pretty floral dress.
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INDEX Award © |
De noite a Princesa herdeira participou na entrega de Prémios INDEX 2017. Os Prémios celebram o design como uma parte crucial de qualquer solução sustentável para os desafios globais e reconhecem as melhores soluções que vão de encontro a essas melhorias de vida.
At night,the Crown Princess participated in the INDEX 2017 Awards. The Awards celebrate design as a crucial part of any sustainable solution to global challenges and recognize the best solutions for improve life.
Ainda estão connosco? No Sábado, Mary compareceu ao espectáculo Water Music. O porto industrial de Randers foi transformado numa grande sala de espectáculos onde vários artistas actuaram num fantástico espectáculo de animação musical.
Are you still with us? On Saturday, Mary attended the Water Music show. The industrial port of Randers has been transformed into a large showroom where several artists performed in a fantastic musical entertainment show.
Finalmente ontem a Princesa herdeira da Dinamarca participou no Jantar e Entrega anual dos Prémios de Investigação da Fundação Carlsberg 2017. Todos os anos a Fundação Carlsberg entrega dois grandes prémios que premeiam a investigação no campo nas ciências naturais e na área das ciências humanas ou sociais. Mary deslumbrou num vestido assimétrico rosa. Uff...Fiquei cansada!
Finally, yesterday the Crown Princess of Denmark participated in the Annual Carlsberg Foundation Dinner and Research Awards 2017. Each year the Carlsberg Foundation awards two major awards for research in the field of natural sciences and humanities and social sciences. Mary dazzled in a pink asymmetrical dress. Uff...I'm tired now!
Finally, yesterday the Crown Princess of Denmark participated in the Annual Carlsberg Foundation Dinner and Research Awards 2017. Each year the Carlsberg Foundation awards two major awards for research in the field of natural sciences and humanities and social sciences. Mary dazzled in a pink asymmetrical dress. Uff...I'm tired now!
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