Frederik & Mary continuam passeio familiar / Frederik & Mary continue family trip
The Crown Prince Couple of Denmark, Frederik and Mary continue on their summer cruise through Denmark, along with their four children, Christian, Isabella, Vincent and Josephine. The family is visiting several places in Denmark, in what has been seen as a trip that aims to promote the family tourist offer the nordic country.
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Na Terça-feira o casal e os quatro filhos visitaram Faaborg na ilha de Funen. A família, que viaja a bordo do iate real Dannebrog deslocou-se até à localidade numa lancha conduzida pelo próprio Príncipe herdeiro Frederik. Nesta cidade portuária a família visitou o Museu Faaborg.
On Tuesday the couple and their four children visited Faaborg on the island of Funen. The family, who travel aboard the royal yacht Dannebrog, drove to the locality in a boat driven by Crown Prince Frederik himself. In this port city the family visited the Faaborg Museum.
On Tuesday the couple and their four children visited Faaborg on the island of Funen. The family, who travel aboard the royal yacht Dannebrog, drove to the locality in a boat driven by Crown Prince Frederik himself. In this port city the family visited the Faaborg Museum.
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Este museu de arte reúne várias obras de pintura, escultura, arquitectura e mobiliário de 1885-1925 de um conjunto de artistas provenientes da ilha Funen, Dinamarca. A famosa "cadeira Faaborg" foi criada especialmente para este Museu, sendo actualmente uma das mais icónicas peças de mobiliário moderno dinamarquês.
O Museu conta com várias exibições, entre as quais a "Johannes Larsen and Japanese woodcuts", inserida nos 150 anos de Cooperação Cultural entre a Dinamarca e o Japão. O Príncipe da Coroa é patrono do programa que marca o aniversário das trocas culturais entre os dois países.
This art museum brings together various works of painting, sculpture, architecture and furniture from 1885-1925 by a group of artists from Funen Island, Denmark. The famous "Faaborg Chair" was created especially for this Museum and is currently one of the most iconic pieces of modern Danish furniture.
The Museum has a number of exhibitions, including "Johannes Larsen and Japanese woodcuts", inserted in the 150 years of Cultural Cooperation between Denmark and Japan. The Crown Prince is the patron of the program that marks the anniversary of cultural exchanges between both countries.
This art museum brings together various works of painting, sculpture, architecture and furniture from 1885-1925 by a group of artists from Funen Island, Denmark. The famous "Faaborg Chair" was created especially for this Museum and is currently one of the most iconic pieces of modern Danish furniture.
The Museum has a number of exhibitions, including "Johannes Larsen and Japanese woodcuts", inserted in the 150 years of Cultural Cooperation between Denmark and Japan. The Crown Prince is the patron of the program that marks the anniversary of cultural exchanges between both countries.
Durante a visita a Faaborg o casal e os pequenos passearam de forma descontraída pelas ruas da cidade. Estou a adorar estas férias locais e a partilha destes momentos. Faz parte do trabalho dos membros da realeza divulgar o que o país tem de melhor, e não haja dúvida, que esta é uma maneira muito inteligente de fazer precisamente isso. Além disso, todos os motivos são bons para vermos o sorriso da Jo!
During the visit to Faaborg the couple and the little ones toured in a relaxed way through the streets of the city. I am loving their local holidays and sharing these moments. It is part of the work of royalty to promote their country, and there is no doubt that this is a very clever way to do just that. Also, all the reasons are good to see Jo's smile!
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Ontem, mais uma paragem, mais uma visita pela cultura dinamarquesa. A família de 6 esteve no município de Vejle, onde visitou a importante e histórica cidade de Jelling. Jelling desempenhou um importante papel durante o Período Viking, servindo como primeiro reduto para os primeiros monarcas do Reino da Dinamarca. Em Jelling, há vestígios substanciais dos reinados dos Reis Gorm, o Velho e Harold Bluetooth datados de 950-970 AD.
Yesterday, another stop, another visit to the Danish culture. The family of 6 was in the municipality of Vejle, where he visited the important and historical town of Jelling. Jelling played an important role during the Viking Period, serving as the first stronghold for the first kings of the Kingdom of Denmark. In Jelling, there are substantial vestiges of the reigns of the Kings Gorm, the Old and Harold Bluetooth dated of 950-970 AD.
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São vários os locais arqueológicos que remontam a esse período que ganharam o estatuto de património mundial da UNESCO desde 1994. A família visitou o Centro Kongernes Jelling que oferece uma experiência única e sensorial sobre a vida e legado dos Vikings. No centro são exibidos vários artefactos e existe todo um tipo de experiências visuais que nos ensinam mais sobre a cultura nórdica pagã, o estilo de vida do guerreiro Viking bem como a transição para o Cristianismo. No exterior os visitantes têm a oportunidade de ver o complexo de monumentos que ainda remontam a esse tempo, tal como complexos funerários, as duas Pedras de Jelling e a Igreja de Jelling.
There are several archaeological sites dating back to that period which earned UNESCO World Heritage status since 1994. The family visited the Kongernes Jelling Center which offers a unique and sensory experience on the life and legacy of the Vikings. At the center are displayed several artefacts and there are all sorts of visual experiences that teach us more about the pagan Nordic culture, the Viking warrior lifestyle as well as the transition to Christianity. Outside visitors have the opportunity to see the complex of monuments that still date back to this time, such as funeral complexes, the two Jelling Stones and the Church of Jelling.
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Kongehuset © |
Sem dúvida, uma visita apropriada aos descendentes destes Vikings! Com sangue viking e escocês a correr nas suas veias, estas miúdos são certamente guerreiros natos!
Undoubtedly an appropriate visit to the descendants of these Vikings! With viking and scottish blood running in their veins, these kids are indeed born warriors!
[Det danske kongehus/ Facebook]
Este é o segundo post do dia. É aproveitar, porque para a semana o T&T vai de férias!!!
This is the second post of the day. Enjoy it while you can, because T&T is on vacations next week !!!
Este é o segundo post do dia. É aproveitar, porque para a semana o T&T vai de férias!!!
This is the second post of the day. Enjoy it while you can, because T&T is on vacations next week !!!
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