Sabem o que eu eu gosto no meu Presidente da República? Entre muitas outras coisas, o Marcelo é uma pessoa social e que sabe que as Visitas de Estado são importantes e necessárias. Além disso ele parece gostar particularmente de estar entre caras da monarquia europeia que são grandes parceiros económicos de Portugal! O T&T agradece, Senhor Presidente!
Do you know what I like about mine President of the Republic? Among many other things, Marcelo is a social person and knows that State Visits are important and necessary. Moreover, he seems to enjoy, in particular, to be among the faces of the European monarchy who are great economic partners of Portugal! T & T appreciates the gesture, Mr President!
© Cour grand-ducale / Claude Piscitelli / tous droits réservés |
A convite do Grão-Duque e da Grã-Duquesa do Luxemburgo, o Presidente Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa esteve no Luxemburgo para uma Visita de Estado de 23-24 de Maio. Acompanhado por uma comitiva composta por membros do Governo Português, o Presidente pretende com esta visita estreitar os laços entre os dois países.
Os portugueses e luso-descendentes constituem a maior comunidade de estrangeiros a viver no Luxemburgo, com 80 000 luso-luxemburgueses, representando cerca de 16% do total da população a viver no Luxemburgo.
At the invitation of the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa was in Luxembourg for a State Visit on 23-24 May. Accompanied by a delegation composed of members of the Portuguese Government, the President intends with this visit to strengthen the ties between the two countries.
The Portuguese and Luso-descendants constitute the largest community of foreigners living in Luxembourg, with 80,000 Luso-Luxemburgers, representing about 16% of the total population living in Luxembourg.
© Cour grand-ducale / Claude Piscitelli / tous droits réservés |
Henri e Maria Teresa receberam Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa no pátio da Grande Palácio Ducal ao som de "Wilhelmus" interpretada pela música militar. Nesta ocasião, ouviram-se os hinos nacionais dos dois países e ouviram-se 21 salvas de canhão. No interior do Palácio o Presidente português posou com os seus anfitriões e com o Grão-Duque Hereditário Guillaume e com a Grã-Duquesa Hereditária Stephanie.
Henri and Maria Teresa welcomed Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa in the courtyard of the Great Ducal Palace to the sound of "Wilhelmus" interpreted by military music. On this occasion, the national anthems of both countries were heard and 21 cannon salutes were heard. Inside the Palace the Portuguese President posed with his hosts and with the Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and with the Hereditaty Grand Duchess Stephanie.
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© SIP / Charles Caratini / tous droits réservés |
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© SIP / Charles Caratini / tous droits réservés |
Neste encontro Marcelo distribuiu presentes pelos membros da família ducal luxemburguesa, que é como quem diz; deu Ordens militares e de mérito. E como o tio Marcelo gosta que aprendamos muito foram quatro ordens distintas as oferecidas aos quatro membros da realeza. Já lá vamos...
In this meeting Marcelo distributed gifts by the members of the Luxembourg ducal family, which is as it says; He gave military and merit orders. And because Uncle Marcelo likes us to learn a great deal, there were four different orders offered to the four members of royalty. We'll talk about it later...
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© SIP / Charles Caratini / tous droits réservés |
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© SIP / Charles Caratini / tous droits réservés |
Marcelo visitou ainda as fortificações da cidade do Luxemburgo - Corniche - que aliás o Presidente quis visitar logo na noite da sua chegada no dia 22 de modo a contemplar a cidade iluminada.
Marcelo also visited the fortifications of the city of Luxembourg - Corniche - which the President wanted to visit soon as he arrived the night before in order to contemplate the illuminated city.
© Cour grand-ducale / Claude Piscitelli / tous droits réservés |
No inicio da tarde visitante a anfitriões participaram em uma sessão académica na City Circle, na presença da Sra Lydie Polfer, Presidente de Câmara da Cidade Luxemburgo, do Colégio de Vereadores e do Conselho comum. Maria Teresa passou do púrpura para o lilás e eu continuei a gostar.
At the beginning of the afternoon, visitors to the hosts participated in an academic session in the City Circle, in the presence of Mrs. Lydie Polfer, City Mayor of Luxembourg City, members of the College of Councilors and the Common Council. Maria Teresa went from purple to lilac and I'm still liking it.
© Cour grand-ducale / Claude Piscitelli / tous droits réservés |
Para concluir o primeiro dia da visita de Estado, foi oferecido um Jantar de gala em honra do Presidente da República Portuguesa no Grande Palácio Ducal, na presença de membros da família real, e representantes dos quadrantes políticos, económicos, sociais e culturais do Luxemburgo.
To conclude the first day of the state visit, a gala dinner was held in honor of the President of the Portuguese Republic in the Grand Ducal Palace, in the presence of members of the royal family, and representatives of the political, economic, social and cultural quarters of Luxembourg.
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© Cour grand-ducale / Claude Piscitelli / tous droits réservés |
Ora bem vamos a isto: da esquerda para direita Guillaume está a usar a Ordem militar portuguesa de Avis, a Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa com a Belgian Scroll Tiara está a usar a Ordem nacional portuguesa do Infante D. Henrique, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa está a usar a mais alta ordem luxemburguesa, o Leão Dourado da Casa de Nassau, o Grão-Duque Henri recebeu a Ordem nacional portuguesa da Liberdade e a Grã-Duquesa Hereditária Stephanie está a usar a Ordem portuguesa de Mérito a completar um look preto para o qual escolheu a sua mínima Butterfly Tiara. Entenderam?
Now let's go to this: from left to right Guillaume is using the Portuguese Military Order of Avis, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa with the Belgian Scrool Tiara is using the Portuguese National Order of the Infante D. Henrique, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa is wearing the highest order in Luxembourg, the Golden Lion of the House of Nassau, Grand Duke Henri received the Portuguese National Order of Liberty and the Grand Duchess Hereditary Stephanie is using the Portuguese Order of Merit to complete a black look for the which has chosen her tiny Butterfly Tiara. Got it all?
Lurdes that was an amusing typo! I know you meant to write "tiny" butterfly tiara but "tinny" is what some people would use to describe this tiara, which looks as if it was bought in a dress-up shop!
ResponderEliminarI do enjoy your bog - thank you for giving us all such interesting posts.
Hello Barbara. Thanks for your comment. So both words are correct because that's exact my feeling about this tiara!!!!!
EliminarDon't be a stranger. I love to hear your thoughts!
Have a nice day!
I love Steph. At least she is not a shopacholic like letizia or mary or waity Katie. TTaking into account all the poverty & wars & famines all around the world. Don't forget Syria!!! :(