#HaraldSonja80 - Dia / Day 2
Voltamos hoje para comentar o segundo dia de celebrações do 80º aniversário do Rei Harald V e da Rainha Sonja da Noruega, que juntou em Oslo vários membros da realeza mundial. O segundo dia provou-nos que é importante saber sorrir mesmo quando a chuva, o frio e a neve (!) dão o ar da sua graça em Maio!
We return today to discuss the second day of celebrations of the 80th anniversary of King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway, which brought together in Oslo several members of world royalty. The second day has proved to us that it is important to know how to smile even when the rain, the cold and the snow (!) show up in force in May!
O primeiro evento do dia foi um pequeno cruzeiro a bordo do real iate Norge onde seria servido o almoço. Á chegada ao porto, vários convidados reais viram-se confrontados com as circunstâncias meteorológicas que se faziam sentir, mas fizeram aquilo que melhor sabem fazer: sorrir.
The first event of the day was a small cruise aboard the Royal yacht Norge where lunch was to be served. Upon arrival at the port, several royal guests were confronted with the weather conditions that were felt, but did what they do best: smile.
Kongeparet 80 år: Kongeparet og gjestene går om bord for lunsj på Kongeskipet.
Publicado por Kongehuset em Quarta-feira, 10 de Maio de 2017
Podemos ver a chegada de membros das famílias reais da Noruega, Suécia, Grécia, Reino Unido, Holanda e Luxemburgo. Vestidos de forma casual, algumas das senhoras estavam muito primaveris. A princesa Marie-Chantal publicou inclusive um pequeno vídeo no Instagram em que deu a entender que escolha do calçado que usou não foi a apropriada para o tempo que se fazia sentir em Oslo.
We can see the arrival of members of the royal families of Norway, Sweden, Greece, United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Dressed casual, some of the ladies were very springy. Princess Marie-Chantal even posted a short video on the Instagram in which she made fun of her footwear choice, saying she was "not prepared" for the weather in Oslo.
Destaque para a Princesa Sofia da Suécia, super elegante, e para as Princesas Gregas que apesar de um quanto frescas estavam muito apropriadas para um cruzeiro. A Condessa de Wessex também deu um toque de cor e conforto a este conjunto de looks matinais.
Special notes for Princess Sofia from Sweden, super stylish, and for the Greek Princesses who, despite the light clothes, were very appropriate for a cruise. The Countess of Wessex also added a touch of color and comfort to this set of morning looks.
Os dinamarqueses, juntaram-se directamente ao resto dos convidados no Iate Real. Neste video vemos a família real a sair do Dannebrog e apanhar uma lancha para o Norge.
The Danes joined the rest of the guests directly on the Royal Yacht. In this video we see the royal family leaving the Dannebrog and catching a boat for the Norge.
Ao fim da tarde, os convidados reais começaram a chegar à Opera House, onde teria lugar um espectáculo e jantar oferecido pelo Governo Norueguês em homenagem ao casal real. O evento contou com cerca de 270 convidados. Não houve tiaras, mas daqui saíram alguns dos melhores looks destes dois dias de celebrações, sempre acompanhados por um chapéu de chuva que foi a grande tendência destes dois dias!
At the end of the afternoon, the royal guests began arriving at the Opera House, where there would be a show and dinner offered by the Norwegian Government in honor of the royal couple. The event had about 270 guests. There were no tiaras, but from here came some of the best looks of these two days of celebrations, always accompanied by an umbrella that was the great trend of these two days!
At the end of the afternoon, the royal guests began arriving at the Opera House, where there would be a show and dinner offered by the Norwegian Government in honor of the royal couple. The event had about 270 guests. There were no tiaras, but from here came some of the best looks of these two days of celebrations, always accompanied by an umbrella that was the great trend of these two days!
Noruega / Norway
Sonja liderou a equipa Rainhas-Graduadas-Sabem-Proteger-se-do-Frio e à chegada houve apenas o vislumbre de uma vestido de baile azul-céu debaixo de uma longa capa branca. Pérolas e um lindo penteado a completar.
Sonja led the Team Graduates-Queens-Know-To-Shield-From-Cold and on the arrival there was only the glimpse of a sky-blue ball gown under a long white cape. Pearls and a beautiful hairstyle to complete.
Sonja led the Team Graduates-Queens-Know-To-Shield-From-Cold and on the arrival there was only the glimpse of a sky-blue ball gown under a long white cape. Pearls and a beautiful hairstyle to complete.
A Princesa da Coroa Mette-Marit foi uma das muitas que optou pelo azul-escuro. O vestido é bonito, mas o penteado deixou muito a desejar.
Crown Princess Mette-Marit was one of many who opted for dark blue. The dress is beautiful, but the hairstyle left a lot to be desired.
Crown Princess Mette-Marit was one of many who opted for dark blue. The dress is beautiful, but the hairstyle left a lot to be desired.
A Princesa Martha-Louise, resolveu dar ao dia aquilo que faltava: cor, alegria, jovialidade. Uma frescura que se estendeu à escolha do seu calçado.
Princess Martha-Louise decided to give what was lacking in the day: color, joy, joviality. A freshness that extended to the choice of her shoes.
Princess Martha-Louise decided to give what was lacking in the day: color, joy, joviality. A freshness that extended to the choice of her shoes.
A Princesa Astrid também mostrou cor ( e sentido prático sem pudores!) num elaborado vestido laranja.
Princess Astrid also showed color (and practical sense without modesty!) in an elaborate orange dress.
Princess Astrid also showed color (and practical sense without modesty!) in an elaborate orange dress.
Bèlgica / Belgium
Adorei Mathilde ontem é noite!! Uau! Linda cor, lindo vestido, lindas jóias e um penteado perfeito. Nada a acrescentar!
I loved Mathilde last night !! Wow! Beautiful color, beautiful dress, beautiful jewelry and a perfect hairstyle. Nothing to add!
I loved Mathilde last night !! Wow! Beautiful color, beautiful dress, beautiful jewelry and a perfect hairstyle. Nothing to add!
Dinamarca (e Grécia!) / Denmark (and Greece!)
Ora bem, quem é que sabe melhor? Margrethe II e Anne-Marie, irmãs unidas em estilo e em senso comum. Poderosas!!
Now, who knows best? Margrethe II and Anne-Marie, sisters united in style and common sense. Powerful!
Now, who knows best? Margrethe II and Anne-Marie, sisters united in style and common sense. Powerful!
MARY!!! Depois de ter sido completamente eclipsada na noite anterior, esta é a Mary que eu tanto admiro! Vestido floral elegante ✓, Brincos gigantes ✓, Penteado Diva dos anos 50 ✓, Maquilhagem apropriada ao estatuto de Diva dos anos 50 ✓! TOP! Pontos extra para Frederik que sabe como não nos matar de tédio num oceano de smokings iguais.
MARY !!! After being completely eclipsed the night before, this is the Mary I so admire! Elegant floral dress ✓, Giant earrings ✓, 50's Diva hairstyle ✓, Makeup appropriate to the 50's Diva status✓! TOP! Extra points for Frederik who knows how not to kill us from boredom in an ocean of equal tuxedos.
MARY !!! After being completely eclipsed the night before, this is the Mary I so admire! Elegant floral dress ✓, Giant earrings ✓, 50's Diva hairstyle ✓, Makeup appropriate to the 50's Diva status✓! TOP! Extra points for Frederik who knows how not to kill us from boredom in an ocean of equal tuxedos.
A Princesa Marie da Dinamarca, que se juntou com o Príncipe Joachim, para o segundo dia de celebrações, estava bastante bonita neste vestido bege com brilho. Não tem como errar! Simples e super bonita!
Princess Marie of Denmark, who joined Prince Joachim for the second day of celebrations, was quite beautiful in this beige gleaming dress. You can not go wrong! Simple and super beautiful!
Princess Marie of Denmark, who joined Prince Joachim for the second day of celebrations, was quite beautiful in this beige gleaming dress. You can not go wrong! Simple and super beautiful!
A Princesa Marie-Chantal surgiu com um estilo boho-chic, do qual é muito fã. Mas não gosto nem da ideia, nem do vestido em si!
Princess Marie-Chantal came up with a boho-chic style, of which she is very fan. But I don't like the ideia or the dress itself.
Princess Marie-Chantal came up with a boho-chic style, of which she is very fan. But I don't like the ideia or the dress itself.
Tatiana da Grécia, depois de entrar para o meu TOP 3 na noite anterior, depressa saiu de lá. Este vestido é mais apropriado para um casamento na praia em clima tropical do que para um Jantar de aniversário onde nevou. Estava bonita, mas deslocada.
Tatiana from Greece, after entering my TOP 3 the night before, quickly left it last night. This dress is more appropriate for a tropical beach wedding than for a Birthday Dinner where it snowed. She was beautiful, but displaced.
Tatiana from Greece, after entering my TOP 3 the night before, quickly left it last night. This dress is more appropriate for a tropical beach wedding than for a Birthday Dinner where it snowed. She was beautiful, but displaced.
Espanha / Spain
Boas-vindas aos Reis eméritos de Espanha, Juan Carlos e Sofia que se juntaram no segundo dia de celebrações. Olé!
Welcome to the emeritus King and Queen of Spain, Juan Carlos and Sofia who joined on the second day of celebrations. Olé!
Welcome to the emeritus King and Queen of Spain, Juan Carlos and Sofia who joined on the second day of celebrations. Olé!
Holanda / The Netherlands
Ora bem, a Rainha Máxima surgiu com um vestido novo ou uma versão modificada do modelo usado no último Prinjesdag. Estava linda, claro! Igual a si mesma, podemos sempre contar com a Rainha da Holanda para nos dar um vislumbre das magnificas peças do cofre real holandês. O cabelo apanhado num dos lados, foi uma tendência da noite, também seguida pela nossa Maxi-girl!
Well, Queen Maxima came up with a new dress or a modified version of the model used in the last Prinjesdag. She was beautiful, of course! Just like herself, we can always count on the Queen of the Netherlands to give us a glimpse of the magnificent pieces of the royal Dutch vault. Hair caught on one side was a trend of the night, also followed by our Maxi-girl!
Well, Queen Maxima came up with a new dress or a modified version of the model used in the last Prinjesdag. She was beautiful, of course! Just like herself, we can always count on the Queen of the Netherlands to give us a glimpse of the magnificent pieces of the royal Dutch vault. Hair caught on one side was a trend of the night, also followed by our Maxi-girl!
As Princesas Beatrix e Mabel proporcionaram uma das melhores fotografias das celebrações. Nem vou comentar roupas. Para quê? Aquela boa disposição diz tudo!
Princesses Beatrix and Mabel provided one of the best photographs of the celebrations. I'm not even going to comment on clothes. For what? That good mood says it all!
Princesses Beatrix and Mabel provided one of the best photographs of the celebrations. I'm not even going to comment on clothes. For what? That good mood says it all!
Luxemburgo / Luxembourg
Maria Teresa mostrou-nos que por vezes a simplicidade reina na boa elegância. Uma cor linda, completada com esmeraldas e um muito elegante Henri ao seu lado. O que se pode pedir mais?
Maria Teresa showed us that sometimes simplicity reigns in good elegance. A beautiful color, complete with emeralds and a very handsome Henri at her side. What could be asked for more?
Maria Teresa showed us that sometimes simplicity reigns in good elegance. A beautiful color, complete with emeralds and a very handsome Henri at her side. What could be asked for more?
A Grã-Duquesa Hereditária do Luxemburgo também nos trouxe um mega bling para o Jantar. Stephanie usou um colar e brincos de águas-marinhas do cofre real. O vestido tem uma cor bonita, mas o corte e o tecido não ajudaram. Nem a escolha dos acessórios.
The Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg also brought us a mega bling for the Dinner. Stephanie wore an aquamarine necklace and earrings from the royal vault. The dress has a beautiful color, but the cut and the fabric did not help. Nor the choice of accessories.
The Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg also brought us a mega bling for the Dinner. Stephanie wore an aquamarine necklace and earrings from the royal vault. The dress has a beautiful color, but the cut and the fabric did not help. Nor the choice of accessories.
Suécia / Sweden
Percebem agora a ideia da equipa Rainhas-Graduadas-Sabem-Proteger-se-do-Frio? Sílvia também percebeu!
Do you get now the idea of the Graduates-Queens-Know-To-Shield-From-Cold team? Silvia knows it, too!
Do you get now the idea of the Graduates-Queens-Know-To-Shield-From-Cold team? Silvia knows it, too!
Quanto à Princesa da Coroa Victoria da Suécia tenho três coisas contra este look: não gosto das cores do vestido, acho que lhe faltam centímetros em comprimento e não gostei da escolha destes brincos gigantes em relação ao decote do vestido. É um Não da minha parte Vicky. Mas sei que podes viver com isso!
As for Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden I have three things against this look: I do not like the colors of the dress, I think it lacks centimeters in length and I did not like the choice of these giant earrings compared to the neckline of the dress. It's a no from me, Vicky. But I know you can live with it!
As for Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden I have three things against this look: I do not like the colors of the dress, I think it lacks centimeters in length and I did not like the choice of these giant earrings compared to the neckline of the dress. It's a no from me, Vicky. But I know you can live with it!
Sofia...Muita gente criticou esta escolha. Eu gostei imenso do vestido, apesar de achar que seria mais apropriado para um evento de Verão. Adorei a conjugação com acessórios dourados. Não sei se fica bem ou não, mas gostei da ideia. E adorei o penteado.
Sofia ... A lot of people criticized this choice. I really enjoyed the dress, although I thought it would be more appropriate for a summer event. I loved the combination with gold accessories. I do not know if it's all right or not, but I like the idea. And I loved the hairstyle.
Sofia ... A lot of people criticized this choice. I really enjoyed the dress, although I thought it would be more appropriate for a summer event. I loved the combination with gold accessories. I do not know if it's all right or not, but I like the idea. And I loved the hairstyle.
Reino Unido / United Kingdom
Sophie esteve perfeita estes dois dias. Curiosamente isso causou muita surpresa para muitas pessoas. Pessoas essas que certamente andam a dormir, porque há muito tempo que digo que Sophie (e as irmãs York) são os membros da família real britânica com mais estilo (à parte da Rainha que joga numa liga muito própria!). O estilo reflecte-se no conforto da pessoa em simplesmente saber estar! E Sophie, não só teve isso desde muito cedo, como encontrou há alguns anos para cá, um estilo que lhe assenta maravilhosamente bem! O Reino Unido não podia ter estado melhor representado!
Sophie was perfect these two days. Curiously this has caused a lot of surprise to many people. These people certainly have been sleeping for a while because I have long said that Sophie (and the York sisters) are the members of the British royal family with more sense of style (apart from the Queen playing in a league of her own!). The style is reflected in the comfort of the person in simply be there! And Sophie, not only did she have this from early, as she found a few years ago, a style that suits her wonderfully well! The UK could not have been better represented!
Durante o Jantar houve discursos da primeira-ministra Erna Solberg, responsável pela organização do evento, em que destacou o trabalho exemplar do Rei e Rainha como "embaixadores da Noruega" e como figuras constantes para a Nação:
During the Dinner there were speeches by Prime Minister Erna Solberg, responsible for organizing the event, in which she highlighted the exemplary work of the King and Queen as "ambassadors of Norway" and as constant figures for the Nation:
Sophie was perfect these two days. Curiously this has caused a lot of surprise to many people. These people certainly have been sleeping for a while because I have long said that Sophie (and the York sisters) are the members of the British royal family with more sense of style (apart from the Queen playing in a league of her own!). The style is reflected in the comfort of the person in simply be there! And Sophie, not only did she have this from early, as she found a few years ago, a style that suits her wonderfully well! The UK could not have been better represented!
Durante o Jantar houve discursos da primeira-ministra Erna Solberg, responsável pela organização do evento, em que destacou o trabalho exemplar do Rei e Rainha como "embaixadores da Noruega" e como figuras constantes para a Nação:
During the Dinner there were speeches by Prime Minister Erna Solberg, responsible for organizing the event, in which she highlighted the exemplary work of the King and Queen as "ambassadors of Norway" and as constant figures for the Nation:
" Num mundo marcado por tumultos, conflitos e posturas extremistas é importante representar uma continuidade sem precedentes na sociedade. Um ponto fixo para a sua existência. Nós precisamos disso. O Rei e a Rainha contribuem para criar uma sociedade mais inclusiva, caracterizada pela confiança, abertura e generosidade. "
"In a world marked by riots, clashes and extremist attitudes, it is important to represent an unprecedented continuity in society, a fixed point for its existence.We need this.The King and Queen contribute to creating a more inclusive society characterized by trust, openness and generosity. "
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Heiko Junge / Scanpix NTB/ Kongehuset.no |
O Rei e Rainha retribuíram as palavras num discurso conjunto, onde agradeceram a oportunidade que lhes foi dada de fazerem o trabalho que é necessário, sem deixarem de ser eles mesmos. Nas palavras da Rainha:
The King and Queen returned the words in a joint speech, where they thanked the opportunity given to them to do the work that is necessary, while remaining themselves. In the words of the Queen:
The King and Queen returned the words in a joint speech, where they thanked the opportunity given to them to do the work that is necessary, while remaining themselves. In the words of the Queen:
"Através da experiência, do tempo e do desenvolvimento global da sociedade, aprendi posteriormente que era possível combinar a Rainha em mim com a Sonja que sempre fui. Penso que todos nós precisamos de saber que na vida tudo está inter-relacionado. Precisamos de criar um alicerce, uma confiança para sermos capazes de nos desenvolver a nós mesmos!"
"Through experience, time and the global development of society, I learned later that it was possible to combine the Queen in me with the Sonja, who I always was. I think we all need to know that in life everything is interrelated. It is necessary to build a foundation, a confidence to be able to develop ourselves! "
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