Mulheres e Homens Reais celebram com Mulheres reais o #DiaInternacionaldaMulher / Royal Women and Man celebrate with real women #InternationalWomensDay
Bem, apesar de não ter tido respostas sobre o que significa para vós o Dia Internacional da Mulher, hoje mostro-vos como certas mulheres, bem nossas conhecidas, passaram o dia de ontem e a mensagem que deixaram sobre a importância deste dia! Pode ser que vos inspire...:)
Well, although I have not had answers about what International Women's Day means for you, today I show you how certain women, well known to us, spent yesterday and the message they left about the importance of this day! It might inspire you ... :)
Bélgica / Belgium
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Belgian Royal Palace / Twitter |
Adoro que na Bélgica o Rei Philippe estivesse presente, juntamente com a Rainha Mathilde numa reunião que juntou as vencedoras das edições de 2012, 2014 e 2016 dos Prémios Mulheres de Paz. De dois em dois anos estes prémios reconhecem o contributo de várias mulheres pela sua actividade na sociedade civil, mobilização dos direitos das mulheres e construção ou manutenção de paz e diálogo. Enfatizam ainda o papel positivo das mulheres na prevenção e resolução de conflitos e na reconstrução da sociedade após um conflito.
I love that in Belgium King Philippe was present along with Queen Mathilde at a meeting that brought together the winners of the 2012, 2014 and 2016 Women of Peace Awards. Every two years these awards recognize the contribution of several women and their active role in civil society, mobilization of women's rights, and building or maintaining peace and dialogue. They also emphasize the positive role of women in conflict prevention and resolution and in rebuilding society after a conflict.
Mais tarde a Rainha Mathilde, Defensora dos Objectivos Globais das Nações Unidas para um Desenvolvimento sustentável, esteve presente a entrega dos Prémios WOMED. Este galardão é atribuído anualmente e reconhece uma empresária que combina harmoniosamente os seus negócios, a vida privada e o seu papel social. De dois em dois anos é também entregue o Prémio WOMED Zuid a uma empresária de um país em vias de de desenvolvimento.
Later Queen Mathilde, United Nations Advocate for the Global Objectives for Sustainable Development, was present at the delivery of WOMED Awards. This award is given annually and recognizes a businesswoman who harmoniously blends her business, private life and her social role. Every two years the WOMED Zuid Prize is also awarded to a businesswoman from a developing country.
Quando penso em igualdade de género e realeza, a Princesa da Coroa Mary da Dinamarca é uma da primeiras caras que me vem à cabeça. A futura Rainha da Dinamarca compareceu ontem ao concerto do Dia Internacional da Mulher em Copenhaga. O concerto contou com a presença de vários músicos femininos. Mary combinou a força e ousadia de umas leggings de pele com o toque delicado de um casaco floral! Top!
When I think of gender equality and royalty, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark is one of the first faces that comes to my mind. The future Queen of Denmark attended the International Women's Day concert in Copenhagen yesterday. The concert was attended by several female musicians. Mary combined the strength and daring of a pair of leather leggings with the delicate touch of a floral coat! Top!
When I think of gender equality and royalty, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark is one of the first faces that comes to my mind. The future Queen of Denmark attended the International Women's Day concert in Copenhagen yesterday. The concert was attended by several female musicians. Mary combined the strength and daring of a pair of leather leggings with the delicate touch of a floral coat! Top!
Holanda / The Netherlands
No Dia Internacional da Mulher, a Rainha Máxima da Holanda visitou a Fundação Single SuperMom em Amesterdão. Esta fundação apoia mães solteiras a desenvolverem competências de auto-suficiência económica e empoderamento. As sessões de treino podem ser feitas presencialmente ou online. A Fundação, fundada em 2008 ajuda as mães a procurarem trabalho, a relacionarem-se de uma forma positiva com o ex-parceiro e com as suas crianças, ao mesmo tempo que dá dicas e informações sobre cuidados e educação infantil.
On International Women's Day, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands visited the Single SuperMom Foundation in Amsterdam. This foundation supports single mothers to develop skills of economic self-reliance and empowerment. Training sessions can be done face-to-face or online. The Foundation, founded in 2008, helps mothers to find a job, relate positively to their ex-partners and their children, while providing tips and information on child care and education.
On International Women's Day, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands visited the Single SuperMom Foundation in Amsterdam. This foundation supports single mothers to develop skills of economic self-reliance and empowerment. Training sessions can be done face-to-face or online. The Foundation, founded in 2008, helps mothers to find a job, relate positively to their ex-partners and their children, while providing tips and information on child care and education.
Máxima vestiu-se de verde integral. Uma luz de esperança neste dia! Esqueçamos o ENORME broche-insecto...
Maxima dressed in full green. A light of hope on this day! Let's forget the HUGE bug- brooch...
Maxima dressed in full green. A light of hope on this day! Let's forget the HUGE bug- brooch...
Mais um homem a homenagear as mulheres neste dia. O Príncipe da Coroa Haakon e a Princesa da Coroa Mette-Marit da Noruega visitaram um Abrigo para mulheres em Trondheim. Estima-se que cerca de 150.000 pessoas são vitimas de violência doméstica na Noruega. A maioria são mulheres. Devido à violência cerca de 1.000 mulheres fogem de suas casas na Noruega e são realojadas em instituições e abrigos cujo endereço é confidencial. O casal real ficou a conhecer melhor o projecto Søster til Søster (Irmã para Irmã) que apoia mulheres oriundas de comunidades minoritárias (algumas delas refugiadas e emigrantes) vitimas de violência doméstica.
One more man to pay homage to women on this day. Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit from Norway visited a Women's Shelter in Trondheim. An estimated 150,000 people are victims of domestic violence in Norway. Most are women. Due to the violence about 1.000 women flee their homes in Norway and are rehoused in institutions and shelters whose address is confidential. The royal couple got to know more about the Søster til Søster (Sister for Sister) project, which supports women from minority communities (some of them refugees and migrants) who were victims of domestic violence.
One more man to pay homage to women on this day. Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit from Norway visited a Women's Shelter in Trondheim. An estimated 150,000 people are victims of domestic violence in Norway. Most are women. Due to the violence about 1.000 women flee their homes in Norway and are rehoused in institutions and shelters whose address is confidential. The royal couple got to know more about the Søster til Søster (Sister for Sister) project, which supports women from minority communities (some of them refugees and migrants) who were victims of domestic violence.
MM reforçou o papel deste tipo de abrigos, não esquecendo que ainda existe demasiado medo e secretismos associado a este flagelo que se esconde em muitas casas norueguesas:
MM has reinforced the role of this type of shelter, not forgetting that there is still too much fear and secrecy associated with this scourge that hides in many Norwegian houses:
MM has reinforced the role of this type of shelter, not forgetting that there is still too much fear and secrecy associated with this scourge that hides in many Norwegian houses:
" Os abrigos por todo o país têm feito um trabalho fantástico ao trabalharem junto com a polícia e autoridades locais de forma a garantir que as pessoas sujeitas a este tipo de violência sejam tratadas da melhor forma. Percorremos um longo caminho. Mas ainda ainda não conseguimos ver o que está escondido em várias casas por toda a Noruega, seja em famílias norueguesas como oriundas de outros países. É algo que temos tentar perceber como abordar com uma perspectiva muito mais a longo prazo. Penso que parte da solução passa pelas escolas. Temos que ir lá e conversar com as crianças sobre as famílias, sendo elas vítimas ou não. Temos que nos certificar que o tipo de padrão de uma resposta violenta não seja perpetuado por gerações. É extremamente importante e acho que estamos em condições de encontrar boas soluções para tornar isso real."
"Shelters across the country have done a fantastic job of working together with the police and local authorities to ensure that people who are subjected to this type of violence are treated the best. We have come a long way. But we see need to know what is hidden in several houses throughout Norway, whether in Norwegian families or from other countries. It is something we have to try to understand how to approach with a much more long-term perspective. I think part of the solution goes through the schools. We must go there and talk with children about families, whether they are victims or not.We have to make sure that this kind of pattern of a violent response is not perpetuated for generations. It is extremely important and I think we are in a position to find good solutions to make it real. "
Mais tarde o casal marcou presença na Feira da Tecnologia em que entregou o Prémio Empreendedor Feminino Norueguês 2017 a Nuria Espallargas.
Later the couple was present at the Technology Fair where they presented the Norwegian Female Entrepreneur Award 2017 to Nuria Espallargas.
Later the couple was present at the Technology Fair where they presented the Norwegian Female Entrepreneur Award 2017 to Nuria Espallargas.
Reino Unido / United Kingdom
A Duquesa da Cornualha ofereceu uma recepção no Palácio de Buckingham para celebrar o Festival das Mulheres do Mundo (Women of the World's Festival) - WOW- que decorre esta semana. Este Festival tem crescido e tem vindo a torna-se numa grande rede de festivais que apoia a igualdade entre géneros, celebram os grandes feitos das mulheres e meninas e examinam os obstáculos que as impedem de atingir o seu máximo potencial.
The Duchess of Cornwall hosted a reception at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the Women of the World's Festival (WOW), which takes place this week. This Festival has grown and has become a large network of festivals that supports gender equality, celebrate the great achievements of women and girls and examine the obstacles that prevent them from reaching their full potential.
The Duchess of Cornwall hosted a reception at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the Women of the World's Festival (WOW), which takes place this week. This Festival has grown and has become a large network of festivals that supports gender equality, celebrate the great achievements of women and girls and examine the obstacles that prevent them from reaching their full potential.
Camilla é Presidente deste festival e do seu discurso que pode ser lido na integra aqui, eu deixo uma parte:
Camilla is President of this festival and from her speech that can be read in full here, I leave a part:
Camilla is President of this festival and from her speech that can be read in full here, I leave a part:
"Nestes tempos conturbados, eu acredito que é mais importante do que nunca para as mulheres de todas as idades e de todos os quadrantes da vida, que estejamos unidas. WoW oferece esse lugar de uniã lugar onde os temas sofridos que afectam profundamente a vida das mulheres possam ser abertamente discutidos, e onde os obstáculos que bloqueiam os seus caminhos possam ser superados junto; oferece-lhes uma oportunidade de falar sobre diferentes soluções para os desafios da vida e, acima de tudo, celebra e apoia as vitórias de mulheres e raparigas notáveis por todo o mundo."
"Now, in these turbulent times, I believe that it's more important than ever for women of all ages, and from every walk of life, to unite. WoW provides that place… a place where hard-hitting issues that deeply affect women's lives can be openly discussed, and where obstacles that block their paths can be faced together; it gives them a chance to talk about different solutions to life's challenges and above all, it celebrates and supports the achievements of remarkable women and girls worldwide."
Para mim vale a pena celebrar este dia, enquanto ainda existir desigualdade de direitos entre homens e mulheres.
E para isso as mulheres têm que se unir entre si. Para isso é necessário que os homens de bom coração e boa fé se juntem e emprestem a sua voz a milhares de mulheres e meninas por todo o mundo que ainda não a têm.
For me it is worth celebrating this day, while there is still inequality of rights between men and women.
And for this the women have to unite with each other. For this it is necessary that men of good heart and good faith come together and lend their voice to thousands of women and girls all over the world who do not yet have it.
Aproveito e deixo aqui também um texto escrito pela actriz a humanitária Meghan Markle, namorada do Príncipe Harry, reflexo da sua viagem humanitária à Índia em Janeiro em cooperação com a World Vision. Vale a pena ler e reflectir em como uma coisa tão natural como a menstruação contribui para o abandono escolar de muitas raparigas neste país.
I take this opportunity and also leave here a text written by the actress and humanitarian Meghan Markle, Prince Harry's girlfriend, reflecting her humanitarian trip to India in January in cooperation with World Vision. It is worth reading and reflecting on how something as natural as menstruation contributes to school dropout of many girls in this country.
For me it is worth celebrating this day, while there is still inequality of rights between men and women.
And for this the women have to unite with each other. For this it is necessary that men of good heart and good faith come together and lend their voice to thousands of women and girls all over the world who do not yet have it.
Aproveito e deixo aqui também um texto escrito pela actriz a humanitária Meghan Markle, namorada do Príncipe Harry, reflexo da sua viagem humanitária à Índia em Janeiro em cooperação com a World Vision. Vale a pena ler e reflectir em como uma coisa tão natural como a menstruação contribui para o abandono escolar de muitas raparigas neste país.
I take this opportunity and also leave here a text written by the actress and humanitarian Meghan Markle, Prince Harry's girlfriend, reflecting her humanitarian trip to India in January in cooperation with World Vision. It is worth reading and reflecting on how something as natural as menstruation contributes to school dropout of many girls in this country.
Thank you for this great post! I couldn't agree more - it's very important that also men, in this case Philippe and Haakon, take part in the engagements around International Women's day. I'd also like to see royal men in general taking on subjects like gender equality, LGBT rights, domestic violance etc. Too often these are left only to the royal women while men talk about politics, sports and industry.
ResponderEliminarThanks so much for your comment. I agree...There is also some stigma around some causes among royals, and cleary some gender contrast about that.