Membros da Família Real Britânica em Inauguração de um novo Memorial de Guerra / British Royals attended Unveiling of the new War Memorial
E eis que temos o primeiro evento do ano que juntou a família real britânica em homenagem aos seus militares. E este, senhores e senhoras é sempre um dos meus eventos favoritos.
And here we have the first event of the year that brought together the British royal family in honor of its military. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is always one of my favorite events.
A Rainha e o Duque de Edimburgo, juntamente com vários membros da família real e do governo, compareceram ontem a um Serviço de Dedicação na Horse Guards Parade em honra dos homens e mulheres que serviram durante a Guerra do Golfo e nos conflitos no Iraque e Afeganistão.
The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, along with several members of the royal family and the Government, attended yesterday a Dedication Service at Horse Guards Parade in honor of the men and women who served during the Gulf War and in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A Rainha inaugurou um novo memorial que honra tanto o serviço e dever prestados pelas Forças Armadas britânicas e pelos cidadãos britânicos em missão nestas zonas de conflito de 1990-2015. O monumento desenhado pelo escultor Paul Day ficará posicionado entre os monumentos da Segunda Grande Guerra e a da Guerra da Coreia no Victoria Embankment Gardens.
The Queen has inaugurated a new memorial that honors both the service and duty of the British Armed Forces and the British citizens on mission in these conflict zones from 1990-2015. The monument designed by the sculptor Paul Day will be positioned between the monuments of the Second World War and the Korean War at Victoria Embankment Gardens.
Enquanto isso os outros membros da Família Real compareciam a uma recepção, onde falaram com militares, veteranos de guerra, familiares, representantes da sociedade civil e alguns membros de caridades.
Meanwhile the other members of the Royal Family were attending a reception where they spoke to the military, veterans, family members, representatives of civil society and some members of charities.
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The Royal Family /Twitter |
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The Royal Family / Twitter |
Durante o Serviço de Dedicação, o Príncipe Harry, que cumpriu duas missões militares no Afeganistão leu uma passagem do Livro Eclesiásticos 3:1-8.
During the Dedication Service, Prince Harry, who served two military missions in Afghanistan, read a passage from Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8.
Yesterday Prince Harry attended the Iraq and Afghanistan Memorial Service of Dedication in London. Watch as he carries out a reading.— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) 10 de março de 2017
Um evento solene como este impõe sobriedade na hora de vestir. E em eventos como estes as damas britânicas raramente erram!
A solemn event like this imposes sobriety when it comes to dressing. And in events like these the British ladies rarely make mistakes!
A Rainha Eizabeth II, 91 anos, completamente deslumbrante em azul real.
Queen Eizabeth II, 91, completely dazzling in royal blue.
Camilla, Duquesa da Cornualha muito elegante num conjunto verde, usando o seu Broche 4 Riffles. A Duquesa é Coronel Real do 4º Batalhão the Rifles.
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall very elegant in a green set, wearing her 4 Rifles Brooch. The Duchess is Royal Colonel of the 4th Battalion the Rifles.
Catherine, Duquesa da Cambridge optou pelo azul. Um look onde destaco o novo chapéu e as luvas.
Pergunto-me se ainda vamos ter que esperar muito tempo até vermos a Duquesa ser nomeada Coronel Real de um Regimento...
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge opted for blue. A look where I highlight the new hat and gloves.
I wonder if we will still have to wait long until we see the Duchess being named Royal Colonel of a Regiment ...
Sophie, Condessa de Wessex optou pelo vermelho e preto. Gosto imenso deste vestido, mas achei o chapéu exagerado.
Sophie usou o broche do 5º Batalhão The Rifles do qual é Coronel Real.
Sophie, Countess of Wessex opted for red and black. I really like this dress, but I found the hat exaggerated.
Sophie used the brooch of the 5th Battalion The Rifles of which she is Royal Colonel.
Anne, a Princesa Real escolheu branco e um chapéu bem ao seu estilo. O look foi completo com um broche gigante e moderno.
Anne, the Royal Princess chose white and a hat that screams her name all the way. The look was complete with a giant, modern brooch.
A Time for Everything
"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace."
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