Aniversários na Escandinávia / Birthdays in Scandinavia
Durante a semana passada houve alguns aniversários reais e hoje começamos a semana revendo alguns deles.
During the past week there have been some royal birthdays and today we start the week reviewing some of them.
A 19 de Janeiro a irmã do Rei da Suécia celebrou 80 anos! Birgitta Ingeborg Alice nasceu a 19 de Janeiro de 1937, sendo a segunda filha do Príncipe da Coroa Gustaf Adolf e da Princesa da Coroa Sybilla da Suécia.
On January 19th the King of Sweden's sister celebrated 80 years! Birgitta Ingeborg Alice was born on January 19, 1937, the second daughter of Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf and Crown Princess Sybilla of Sweden.
Birgitta casaria em 1961 com o Prícipe alemão Johann Georg Carl Leopold Eitel-Friedrich Meinrad Maria Hubertus Michael of Hohenzollern. O casal seguiria vidas separadas em 1990, apesar de nunca se terem oficialmente divorciado. Johann Georg morreu o ano passado. O casal teve 3 filhos.
Birgitta would marry in 1961 with the German Prince Johann Georg Carl Leopold Eitel-Friedrich Meinrad Maria Hubertus Michael of Hohenzollern. The couple would go for separated lives in 1990, though they were never officially divorced. Johann Georg died last year. The couple had 3 children.
A Princesa sueca vive actualmente na ilha da Maiorca, Espanha. Conhecida pelo seu gosto peculiar na hora de vestir, Birgitta festejou esta importante data na Suécia rodeada pela sua família, num jantar oferecido no Palácio Real.
The Swedish Princess currently lives on the island of Majorca, Spain. Known for her peculiar taste in dressing, Birgitta celebrated this important date in Sweden surrounded by her family, with a dinner at the Royal Palace.
Uma nova fotografia foi divulgada pela ocasião. Nela podemos ver os 5 irmãos: as Princesas Birgitta, Margaretha, Désirée e Christina e o irmão Carl XVI Gustaf.
A new photograph was released on the occasion. In it we can see the 5 siblings: Princesses Birgitta, Margaretha, Désirée and Christina and their brother King Carl XVI Gustaf.
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Photo: Jonas Borg, |
No Sábado foi a vez de darmos os Parabéns à Princesa Ingrid Alexandra da Noruega. A casa real divulgou, como é hábito, um conjunto de novas fotografias da Princesa por ocasião do seu aniversário.
On Saturday, Congratulations were in order to Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway. The royal house has, as usual, released a set of new photographs of the Princess on her birthday.
On Saturday, Congratulations were in order to Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway. The royal house has, as usual, released a set of new photographs of the Princess on her birthday.
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Photo: Cornelius Poppe, NTB scanpix / |
Ingrid Alexandra, nascida a 21 de Janeiro de 2004, é a filha mais velha, e única menina, do Casal da Coroa da Noruega, Haakon e Mette-Marit.
Ingrid Alexandra, born 21 January 2004, is the eldest child, and only girl, of the Norwegian Crown Prince Couple, Haakon and Mette-Marit.
Ingrid Alexandra, born 21 January 2004, is the eldest child, and only girl, of the Norwegian Crown Prince Couple, Haakon and Mette-Marit.
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Photo: Cornelius Poppe, NTB scanpix / |
Ingrid é a segunda na linha de sucessão ao trono da monarquia mais jovem da Europa, e será a primeira mulher a herdar o trono na História do País.
Ingrid is the second in line to the throne of Europe's youngest monarchy, and she will be the first woman to inherit the throne in the history of the country.
Ingrid is the second in line to the throne of Europe's youngest monarchy, and she will be the first woman to inherit the throne in the history of the country.
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Photo: Cornelius Poppe, NTB scanpix / |
A Princesa participa desde cedo em vários actos oficiais no seu país e espera-se que, com a entrada na adolescência, assim continue a acontecer.
The Princess takes parte, since early age, in a number of official acts in her country and is expected to continue to do so, now she entered in the adolescence.
The Princess takes parte, since early age, in a number of official acts in her country and is expected to continue to do so, now she entered in the adolescence.
ResponderEliminarJust a correction, the eldest daughter of the Dukes of Västerbotten is Princess Margaretha with 82 years old (born in 1934).
Hello Diogo. Thanks a lot for your comment. The correction was made. :)