#NobelBling2016 - a sequela / the sequel
Caso houvessem algumas dúvidas, cabe-me a mim esclarecê-las: sim, as celebrações dos Prémios Nobel são o Natal dos Royal Watchers. Parecemos crianças fascinadas com as luzes, brilho e surpresas que recebemos. Nessa lógica as damas da casa real sueca são autênticas Elfas de Natal, prontas a tornarem os nossos desejos realidade. Ou quase...
If there were any doubts, it is up to me to clarify them: yes, the Nobel Prize celebrations are like Christmas for all Royal Watchers. We look like children fascinated by the lights, shine and surprises we receive. In this logic the ladies of the Swedish royal house are authentic Christmas Elves, ready to make our wishes come true. Or almost...
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Picture courtesy of Kungahuset |
Depois da cerimónia dos Prémios Nobel no passado Sábado (caso tenham perdido, o post está aqui), o Rei da Suécia oferece um Banquete de Gala a todos os laureados. Conhecido pelo Banquete do Rei, este jantar é uma tradição que remonta a 1904 e tem lugar todos os anos a 11 de Dezembro.
E meus amigos, o brilho continuou...
After the Nobel Prize ceremony last Saturday (in case you missed the post is here), the King of Sweden offers a Gala Banquet to all laureates. Known as the King's Banquet, this dinner is a tradition that dates back to 1904 and takes place every year on 11 December.
And my friends, the blig continued...
Se neste segundo dia de celebrações os vestidos são geralmente mais discretos, as jóias, por outro lado continuam a ser surpreendentes. A Rainha Sílvia optou pela sua segunda escolha de tiara favorita nos recentes anos. Uma enorme peça vulgarmente conhecida por Nine Prong ( nove antenas!). A Rainha Sueca escolheu desta feita um vestido vermelho.
If on this second day of celebrations the dresses are generally more discreet, the jewels on the other hand remain astonishing. Queen Sylvia opted for her second choice of favorite tiara in recent years. A huge piece commonly known as Nine Prong. The Swedish Queen chose a red dress this time.
Victoria, querida Victoria... Seguindo uma espécie de tradição, a Princesa da Coroa Sueca tem optado por reciclar vestidos para este jantar. Este ano optou por este fantástico vestido dourado Jenny Packham. Victoria usou a Laureal Wreath Tiara, herdada da Princesa Lilian. E estava completamente deslumbrante...de novo!
Victoria, dear Victoria ... Following a kind of tradition, the Crown Princess of Sweden has chosen to recycle dresses for this dinner. This year she opted for this fantastic golden Jenny Packham dress. Victoria used the Laureal Wreath Tiara, inherited from Princess Lilian. And she was completely gorgeous...again!
Victoria, dear Victoria ... Following a kind of tradition, the Crown Princess of Sweden has chosen to recycle dresses for this dinner. This year she opted for this fantastic golden Jenny Packham dress. Victoria used the Laureal Wreath Tiara, inherited from Princess Lilian. And she was completely gorgeous...again!
Sofia encheu-me de sentimentos contraditórios este ano. Adorei as cores dos vestidos que usou. Adorei o uso de DUAS tiaras diferentes para cada dia! Mas ambos os looks não me convenceram por inteiro. Um look nunca me convence quando uma das Diamond Buttons Tiaras está envolvida...
Sofia has filled me with mixed feelings this year. I loved the colors of the dresses she wore. Loved the use of TWO different tiaras for each day! But both looks did not convince me completely. A look never convinces me when one of the Diamond Buttons Tiaras is involved ...
Sofia has filled me with mixed feelings this year. I loved the colors of the dresses she wore. Loved the use of TWO different tiaras for each day! But both looks did not convince me completely. A look never convinces me when one of the Diamond Buttons Tiaras is involved ...
Madeleine parece disposta a usar todo o brilho que tem direito. E Deus a abençoe por isso! A filha mais nova dos Reis Suecos, voltou a apostar nos tons pastel neste vestido rosa claro bordado a fio prata. Mas depois do look de ontem, confesso que este vestido não me deslumbrou, nem ache que seja particularmente bonito. Madeleine usou a sua Modern Fring Tiara e (porque não?) usou a Connaught Tiara como colar.
Madeleine seems willing to use all the brightness she has right. And God bless her for that! The youngest daughter of the Swedish Kings returned to the pastel shades in this light pink dress embroidered in silver thread. But after yesterday's look, I confess that this dress did not dazzle me, nor do I find it particularly beautiful. Madeleine wore her Modern Fring Tiara and (why not?) she also wore the Connaught Tiara as a necklace.
Madeleine seems willing to use all the brightness she has right. And God bless her for that! The youngest daughter of the Swedish Kings returned to the pastel shades in this light pink dress embroidered in silver thread. But after yesterday's look, I confess that this dress did not dazzle me, nor do I find it particularly beautiful. Madeleine wore her Modern Fring Tiara and (why not?) she also wore the Connaught Tiara as a necklace.
Sou sempre a favor do uso de duas tiaras em simultâneo, mas acho que neste caso, o colar precisava de um outro tipo de decote para brilhar.
I am always in favor of using two tiaras simultaneously, but I think in this case, the necklace needed another type of neckline to shine.
I am always in favor of using two tiaras simultaneously, but I think in this case, the necklace needed another type of neckline to shine.
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Picture courtesy of Kungahuset |
Voltamos à Noruega por momentos para olharmos para as celebrações do Prémio Nobel da Paz que continuaram no Sábado e Domingo.
We returned to Norway for a moment to look at the Nobel Peace Prize celebrations that continued on Saturday and Sunday.
We returned to Norway for a moment to look at the Nobel Peace Prize celebrations that continued on Saturday and Sunday.
Após a cerimónia, no Sábado, o Rei Harald V e a Rainha Sonja ofereceram um Banquete de Gala, no Grand Hotel em Oslo, em honra do laureado deste ano, Juan Manuel Santos, Presidente da Colômbia.
Following the ceremony, on Saturday, King Harald V and Queen Sonja hosted a Gala Banquet at the Grand Hotel in Oslo in honor of this year's laureate, Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia.
Penso que Mette-Marit estava adorável, mas...quem é a favor que este banquete passe para um dresscode de tiaras?!! Alguém?
I think Mette-Marit was lovely, but ... who is in favor of this banquet to pass to a tiara dresscode? !! Anyone?
Ontem o Príncipe da Coroa Haakon e a Princesa da Coroa Mette-Marit compareceram ao Concerto do Prémio Nobel da Paz, na Telenor Arena, juntamente com Juan Manuel Santos.
Yesterday Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended the Nobel Peace Prize Concert at the Telenor Arena along with Juan Manuel Santos.
Yesterday Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended the Nobel Peace Prize Concert at the Telenor Arena along with Juan Manuel Santos.
Há alguns anos que a Princesa norueguesa opta por preto para este concerto. Este ano não foi excepção, mas não estou certa da forma como as transparências jogaram no corpo na Princesa principalmente na zona da cintura!
A few years ago the Norwegian princess opted for black for this concert. This year was no exception, but I'm not sure how the transparencies played in the body on the Princess mainly in the waist area! !
A few years ago the Norwegian princess opted for black for this concert. This year was no exception, but I'm not sure how the transparencies played in the body on the Princess mainly in the waist area! !
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