Casamento Real da Princesa Elizabeth do Reino Unido com o Tenente Philip Mountbatten / Royal Wedding of Princess Elizabeth of United Kingdom with Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten
No passado Domingo passaram 69 anos desde que estes dois amorosos deram o nó.
Last Sunday 69 years have passed since these two lovebirds tied the knot.
Last Sunday 69 years have passed since these two lovebirds tied the knot.
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Picture by © Annie Leibovitz |
Acabei recentemente de ver a 1ª temporada da produção da Netflix "The Crown" (que aconselho vivamente a assistir!) que se foca no casamento e ascensão ao trono da jovem Elizabeth Windsor, conhecida para a história como Elizabeth II. E como tal achei que seria super apropriado recordarmos este grande evento, o primeiro grande evento real do pós-guerra no Reino Unido.
I just recently watched the first season of Netflix's production "The Crown" (which I highly recommend watching!) which focuses on the marriage and accession to the throne of the young Elizabeth Windsor, known to history as Queen Elizabeth II. And as such I thought it would be super proper to remember this great event, the first great postwar royal affair in the United Kingdom.
I just recently watched the first season of Netflix's production "The Crown" (which I highly recommend watching!) which focuses on the marriage and accession to the throne of the young Elizabeth Windsor, known to history as Queen Elizabeth II. And as such I thought it would be super proper to remember this great event, the first great postwar royal affair in the United Kingdom.
No final da 2ª Grande Guerra, a família real britânica, símbolo de resistência nacional para todos os britânicos, gozava de imensa popularidade entre os seus súbditos e um casamento real parecia ser a cereja no topo do bolo de modo a devolver a alegria e esperança a todos.
At the end of World War II, the British royal family, symbol of national resistance to all, enjoyed immense popularity among its subjects and a royal wedding seemed to be the icing on the cake in order to bring back joy and hope to all.
At the end of World War II, the British royal family, symbol of national resistance to all, enjoyed immense popularity among its subjects and a royal wedding seemed to be the icing on the cake in order to bring back joy and hope to all.
A Princesa Elizabeth, filha mais velha do Rei George VI e herdeira do trono, conheceu o Príncipe Philip da Grécia e Dinamarca em 1934, e encontraram-se posteriormente em 1937 e 1939. Os dois eram simultaneamente primos em segundo grau por via do Rei Christian IX da Dinamarca em terceiro grau através da Rainha Vitória do Reino Unido.
Princess Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of King George VI and heir to the throne, met Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark in 1934, and met him later in 1937 and 1939. The two were simultaneously second cousins via King Christian IX of Denmark and third cousins through Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
Princess Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of King George VI and heir to the throne, met Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark in 1934, and met him later in 1937 and 1939. The two were simultaneously second cousins via King Christian IX of Denmark and third cousins through Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
Elizabeth ter-se-á apaixonado imediatamente pelo seu galante primo quanto tinha apenas 13 anos de idade. Após várias trocas de cartas, o noivado foi anunciado em Julho de 1947. Elizabeth tinha 21 anos.
Elizabeth would have fallen in love immediately with her gallant cousin when she was only 13 years old. After several exchanges of letters, the engagement was announced in July 1947. Elizabeth was 21 years old.
Elizabeth would have fallen in love immediately with her gallant cousin when she was only 13 years old. After several exchanges of letters, the engagement was announced in July 1947. Elizabeth was 21 years old.
Mas este não foi um noivado fácil e isento de polémicas...Philip era considerado um príncipe "menor", sem estabilidade financeira, estrangeiro e as suas irmãs tinham casado com nobres alemães com ligações ao regime Nazi. Muitos membros da corte e do Parlamento se opuseram a esta união, mas ainda assim após renunciar aos seus títulos, converter-se à Igreja Anglicana e passar a ser conhecido como Tenente Philip Mountbatten (apelido inglês da sua família materna), Philip foi agraciado com o título de Sua Alteza Real, o Duque Edimburgo pelo seu sogro, antes do dia do casamento.
But this was not an easy and controversial free engagement... Philip was considered a "minor" prince, without financial stability, a foreigner, and his sisters had married German nobles with connections to the Nazi regime. Many members of the court and Parliament opposed this union, but still after renouncing his titles, converting to the Anglican Church and becoming known as Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten (an english family name from his mother side), Philip was awarded with the title of His Royal Highness, the Duke Edinburgh by his father-in-law, before the wedding day.
But this was not an easy and controversial free engagement... Philip was considered a "minor" prince, without financial stability, a foreigner, and his sisters had married German nobles with connections to the Nazi regime. Many members of the court and Parliament opposed this union, but still after renouncing his titles, converting to the Anglican Church and becoming known as Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten (an english family name from his mother side), Philip was awarded with the title of His Royal Highness, the Duke Edinburgh by his father-in-law, before the wedding day.
Elizabeth e Philip casaram a 20 de Novembro de 1947 na Abadia de Westminster em Londres.
O país ainda não tinha completamente recuperado da devastidão da Guerra e a jovem Princesa usou vários cupões de racionamento (atribuídos em número limitado a todos os cidadãos) para comprar os materiais necessários para o seu vestido de noiva. A Princesa recebeu 200 cupões adicionais oferecidos pelo Governo.
Elizabeth and Philip married 20 November 1947 at Westminster Abbey in London.
The country had not yet fully recovered from the devastation of the war, and the young Princess used several ration coupons (allotted a limited number to all citizens) to purchase the materials needed for her wedding dress. The Princess has received 200 additional coupons offered by the Government.
Elizabeth and Philip married 20 November 1947 at Westminster Abbey in London.
The country had not yet fully recovered from the devastation of the war, and the young Princess used several ration coupons (allotted a limited number to all citizens) to purchase the materials needed for her wedding dress. The Princess has received 200 additional coupons offered by the Government.
Generosamente vários súbditos enviaram os seus próprios cupões para que a sua futura Rainha pudesse ter o seu vestido de noiva. Mas, todos os cupões enviados foram educadamente recusados, porque a princesa não os poderia usar de forma legal. Contou o gesto!
Generously several subjects sent their own ration coupons so that their future Queen could have her wedding dress. But all the coupons sent were politely refused because the princess could not use them legally. But it was a nice gesture!
Generously several subjects sent their own ration coupons so that their future Queen could have her wedding dress. But all the coupons sent were politely refused because the princess could not use them legally. But it was a nice gesture!
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Primavera by Sandro Boticelli via Wikipedia |
O nome por detrás desta peça histórica é Normam Hartnell. O alfaiate da corte foi buscar inspiração ao famoso quadro Primavera de Botticelli.
Um maravilhoso tributo ao renascimento do Reino Unido após o conflito mundial, confeccionado em cetim duquesa marfim.
The name behind this historical piece is Normam Hartnell. The tailor of the court sought inspiration from the famous Botticelli paiting - Primavera.
A wonderful tribute to the rebirth of the United Kingdom after the world conflict, made in ivory duchess satin.
The name behind this historical piece is Normam Hartnell. The tailor of the court sought inspiration from the famous Botticelli paiting - Primavera.
A wonderful tribute to the rebirth of the United Kingdom after the world conflict, made in ivory duchess satin.
O vestido tinha imensos bordados com aplicações de pérolas, fio de prata, cristais e tule. A cauda de 4 m, que começava nos ombros da noiva, era feita em tule com bordados em forma de flor, mais comprida que o véu simples em tule.
The dress had lots of embroidery with applications of pearls, silver thread, crystals and tulle. The tail 4m long, coming from the bride's shoulders, was made of tulle with flower-shaped embroidery, longer than the simple tulle veil.
The dress had lots of embroidery with applications of pearls, silver thread, crystals and tulle. The tail 4m long, coming from the bride's shoulders, was made of tulle with flower-shaped embroidery, longer than the simple tulle veil.
Como acessórios a Princesa levou dois colares de pérolas (prenda de casamento do seu pai) Os brincos de pérolas de diamantes foram um presente da sua avó, a Rainha Mary, pela ocasião do seu 20º aniversário.
As accessories the Princess took two pearl necklaces (her father's wedding gift) The diamond pearl earrings were a gift from her grandmother, Queen Mary, on the occasion of her 20th birthday.
As accessories the Princess took two pearl necklaces (her father's wedding gift) The diamond pearl earrings were a gift from her grandmother, Queen Mary, on the occasion of her 20th birthday.
A Tiara Fringe, foi um empréstimo da Rainha Elizabeth para a sua filha usar neste dia especial. E é uma tiara perfeita para qualquer noiva! Curiosamente a base da tiara partiu-se quando estava a ser colocada, mas a situação foi resolvida pelo joalheiro da corte que estava presente. Ufa!
The Fringe Tiara was a loan from Queen Elizabeth for her daughter to wear on this special day. And it's a perfect tiara for any bride! Curiously the tiara's frame broke when it was to be placed, but the situation was solved by the jeweler of the court that was present. Uff!
The Fringe Tiara was a loan from Queen Elizabeth for her daughter to wear on this special day. And it's a perfect tiara for any bride! Curiously the tiara's frame broke when it was to be placed, but the situation was solved by the jeweler of the court that was present. Uff!
Elizabeth e Philip receberam cerca de 2500 presentes de casamento de todo o mundo e foram os protagonistas de uma história que já dura há quase 70 anos.
Elizabeth and Philip received about 2,500 wedding gifts from around the world and were the protagonists of a story that has lasted for nearly 70 years.
Elizabeth and Philip received about 2,500 wedding gifts from around the world and were the protagonists of a story that has lasted for nearly 70 years.
Admirável! Parabéns ao casal!! Uma União sem sempre fácil, certamente, mas que nos ensina tanto!
Admirable! Congratulations to the couple!! A Union that is not always easy, certainly, but that gave us so much!
Admirable! Congratulations to the couple!! A Union that is not always easy, certainly, but that gave us so much!
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