#BélgicaNaHolanda - Dia 1 / #BelgiumInTheNetherlands - Day 1
Também ontem o Rei Philippe e a Rainha Mathilde da Bélgica iniciaram um visita de Estado de três dias à vizinha Holanda, a convite do Rei Willem-Alexander. Esta visita confirma a relação próxima entre os dois países com fortes laços históricos e valores comuns, entre os quais existe uma grande cooperação cultural, académica e económica.
Also yesterday King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium began a three-day state visit to neighboring Netherlands at the invitation of King Willem-Alexander. This visit confirms the close relationship between the two countries with strong historical ties and common values, among which there is great cultural, academic and economic cooperation.
Also yesterday King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium began a three-day state visit to neighboring Netherlands at the invitation of King Willem-Alexander. This visit confirms the close relationship between the two countries with strong historical ties and common values, among which there is great cultural, academic and economic cooperation.
Uma Visita de Estado entre duas monarquias é sempre algo que me aquece o coração, porque é notória a relação de amizade existente entre os seus membros. Nada poderia ser mais evidente entre Willem-Alexander, Máxima, Philippe e Mathilde. Mesmo com o vento a não cooperar com os chapéus das nossas Rainhas.
A State Visit between two monarchies is always something that warms my heart, because the relationship of friendship among its members is well-known. Nothing could be more evident between Willem-Alexander, Maxima, Philippe, and Mathilde. Even when the wind doesn't help our Queen's hats.
A State Visit between two monarchies is always something that warms my heart, because the relationship of friendship among its members is well-known. Nothing could be more evident between Willem-Alexander, Maxima, Philippe, and Mathilde. Even when the wind doesn't help our Queen's hats.
À chegada, o casal real belga foi oficialmente recebido pelos seus amigos e anfitriões holandeses à entrada do Palácio Real.
Upon arrival, the Belgian royal couple was officially welcomed by their Dutch friends and hosts at the entrance to the Royal Palace.
Upon arrival, the Belgian royal couple was officially welcomed by their Dutch friends and hosts at the entrance to the Royal Palace.
Após a inspecção à guarda de honra, os dois casais e respectivas delegações reuniram no interior do Palácio.
After the inspection to the guard of honor, the two couples and their delegations gathered inside the Palace.
After the inspection to the guard of honor, the two couples and their delegations gathered inside the Palace.
Uma coroa de flores em nome dos soberanos belgas foi depositada no Monumento Nacional na Praça Dam.
A wreath on behalf of the Belgian sovereigns was deposited at the National Monument on Dam Square.
A wreath on behalf of the Belgian sovereigns was deposited at the National Monument on Dam Square.
Na presença dos dois casais reais e dos Ministros dos Negócios estrangeiros de ambos os países, foi assinado um tratado que formaliza o ajuste de fronteira entre os municípios holandeses de Eijsden-Margraten em Maastricht e a cidade belga de Wezet. Com este ajuste a Holanda ganha cerca de 10 hectares de território.
In the presence of the two royal couples and the foreign ministers of both countries, a treaty was signed formalizing the border adjustment between the Dutch municipalities of Eijsden-Margraten in Maastricht and the Belgian city of Wezet. With this adjustment the Netherlands gains about 10 hectares of territory.
In the presence of the two royal couples and the foreign ministers of both countries, a treaty was signed formalizing the border adjustment between the Dutch municipalities of Eijsden-Margraten in Maastricht and the Belgian city of Wezet. With this adjustment the Netherlands gains about 10 hectares of territory.
Mais tarde os dois casais assistiram a um programa cultural das três comunidades belgas no Centro Cultural Flamengo Brakke Grond.
Later the two couples attended a cultural program of the three Belgian communities at the Flemish Cultural Center Brakke Grond.
Later the two couples attended a cultural program of the three Belgian communities at the Flemish Cultural Center Brakke Grond.
Enquanto Willem-Alexander e Philippe assistiam à Euronext Amsterdam e às conclusões finais da Conferência de Empresários Inovadores belgas e holandeses, as duas Rainhas assistiram a um simpósio sobre inclusão social na urbanização.
While Willem-Alexander and Philippe were attending Euronext Amsterdam and the final conclusions of the Conference of Belgian and Dutch Innovative Entrepreneurs, both Queens attended a symposium on social inclusion in the urbanization.
While Willem-Alexander and Philippe were attending Euronext Amsterdam and the final conclusions of the Conference of Belgian and Dutch Innovative Entrepreneurs, both Queens attended a symposium on social inclusion in the urbanization.
Alegra-me tanto ver Mathilde e Máxima juntas. As duas poderia ser irmãs em tantos aspectos.
Para quem esperava ver um choque das gémeas Natan, tal não aconteceu. Mathilde manteve-se fiel ao criador belga, mas a Rainha da Holanda aparentemente escolheu uma criação de Claes Iversen, o seu novo estilista de eleição.
I am so happy to see Mathilde and Maxima together. They could be sisters in so many ways.
For those who expected to see a clash of the Natan twins, this did not happen. Mathilde remained faithful to the Belgian creator, but the Queen of the Netherlands apparently chose a creation by Claes Iversen, her new favorite designer.
Confesso que gostei do estilo clássico e espectável de Mathilde, mas também adorei o novo vestido de Máxima. Impossível resistir aos penteados semelhantes de ambas as Rainhas e ao sorriso de cumplicidade que as aproxima em cada acto conjunto.
I confess that I liked Mathilde's classic and admirable style, but I also loved Maxima's new dress. It is impossible to resist the similar hairstyles of both Queens and the smile of complicity that brings them together in each joint act.
Finalmente o tão ansiado banquete de Estado. Para compensar a ausência (terrivelmente sentida) de uma tiara em Portugal), na Holanda tivemos não apenas duas, mas sim cinco tiaras. Parecia noite de Nobel's!!
I am so happy to see Mathilde and Maxima together. They could be sisters in so many ways.
For those who expected to see a clash of the Natan twins, this did not happen. Mathilde remained faithful to the Belgian creator, but the Queen of the Netherlands apparently chose a creation by Claes Iversen, her new favorite designer.
Confesso que gostei do estilo clássico e espectável de Mathilde, mas também adorei o novo vestido de Máxima. Impossível resistir aos penteados semelhantes de ambas as Rainhas e ao sorriso de cumplicidade que as aproxima em cada acto conjunto.
I confess that I liked Mathilde's classic and admirable style, but I also loved Maxima's new dress. It is impossible to resist the similar hairstyles of both Queens and the smile of complicity that brings them together in each joint act.
Finalmente o tão ansiado banquete de Estado. Para compensar a ausência (terrivelmente sentida) de uma tiara em Portugal), na Holanda tivemos não apenas duas, mas sim cinco tiaras. Parecia noite de Nobel's!!
Finally the long-awaited State Dinner. To compensate the absence (terribly felt) of a tiara in Portugal), in the Netherlands we had not only two, but five tiaras. It sounded like Nobel's night !!
Também presentes a Princesa Beatrix na Diamond Bandeau Tiara, a Princesa Laurentien na Tiara de Diamantes da Rainha Emma e a Princesa Margriet na Pearl Button Tiara.
Also present Princess Beatrix on Diamond Bandeau Tiara, Princess Laurentien on Queen Emma's Diamond Tiara and Princess Margriet on Pearl Button Tiara.
Em relação às Rainhas da noite, como seria de prever Mathilde usou a Tiara das Nove Províncias na sua maior forma. Debutando um novo vestido rosa pálido, Mathilde foi a Rainha da noite, na minha opinião. Mathilde também usou a Ordem do Leão da Holanda.
As for the Queens, as might be expected, Mathilde used the Nine Provinces Tiara in its greatest form. Debuting a new pale pink gown dress, Mathilde was the Queen of the Night, if you ask me. Mathilde also wore the Order of the Netherlands Lion.
Máxima, seguindo o exemplo de Letizia ontem, reciclou um look do casamento real do Luxemburgo, desta vez da gala pré- casamento. A rainha holandesa escolheu a Tiara de Rubis Mellerio e o colar, brincos e pulseira do mesmo conjunto, a embelezar o vestido Jan Taminiau. Máxima usou a Ordem de Leopold, a mais alta condecoração belga.
Maxima, following Letizia's example yesterday, recycled a look of the royal wedding of Luxembourg, this time from the pre-wedding gala. The Dutch queen chose the Ruby Mellerio Tiara and the necklace, earrings and bracelet of the same parure, to match Jan Taminiau's gown. Máxima wore the Order of Leopold the highest belgium Order.
Máxima a ser Máxima, mas preferi a doçura de Mathilde esta noite!
Porque dias como o de ontem não acontecem todas as semanas, este foi o segundo post do dia. Continuem para baixo.
Because days like yesterday do not happen every week, this was the second post of the day. Keep going down.
Sweet Mathilde!