Outra Rainha ocupada em Julho - Mathilde / Other busy Queen in July - Mathilde
Entretanto por terras belgas, a nossa querida Mathilde tem seguido à risca as tendências deste Verão e tem-nos apresentado looks bastante frescos, onde se destacam os padrões florais e as cores fortes.
A sua agenda oficial tem sido bastante preenchida. Aqui fica uma round up com Mathilde.
Meanwhile on Belgian lands, our dear Mathilde has strictly followed the trends this summer and has presented us quite fresh looks, with floral patterns and bright colors.
Her official agenda has been largely full. Here is a round up with Mathilde.
Meanwhile on Belgian lands, our dear Mathilde has strictly followed the trends this summer and has presented us quite fresh looks, with floral patterns and bright colors.
Her official agenda has been largely full. Here is a round up with Mathilde.
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O inicio de Julho ficou marcado pela comparência dos Reis e da Duquesa de Brabant nas comemorações da 18ª Coroação em Tongeren.
The beginning of July was marked by the appearance of the Kings and the Duchess of Brabant at the 18th Coronation festivities in Tongeren.
The beginning of July was marked by the appearance of the Kings and the Duchess of Brabant at the 18th Coronation festivities in Tongeren.
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Não adoram a postura da jovem Elisabeth?!!
Don't you simply love the posture of the young Elisabeth?!!
No dia seguinte, Philippe e Mathilde receberam o Presidente da Argentina Mauricio Macri e a Primeira-dama Juliana Awada numa reunião no Palácio Real.
The next day, Philippe and Mathilde welcomed the President of Argentina, Mauricio Macri and the First Lady Juliana Awada for a meeting at the Royal Palace.
Ambas as damas tinham vestidos amorosos.
Both ladies wore lovely summer dresses.
Em representação de uma das suas causas estrelas, Mathilde marcou presença na Conferência “Children’s rights matter: Why Europe needs to invest in children " ("Os Direitos das Crianças importam: Porque é que a Europa precisa de investir nas crianças"). A Rainha belga aceitou ser presidente da conferência.
On behalf of one of her golden causes, Mathilde was present at the "Children's rights matter: Why Europe needs to invest in children". The Queen Belgian agreed to be honorary president of the conference.
On behalf of one of her golden causes, Mathilde was present at the "Children's rights matter: Why Europe needs to invest in children". The Queen Belgian agreed to be honorary president of the conference.
La reine Mathilde choisie comme présidente d'honneur de la conférence internationale sur les droits de l'enfant à Bruxelles
No seu discurso Mathilde referiu:
In her speech Mathilde said:
In her speech Mathilde said:
"Pais, amigos e membros da família desempenham um papel essencial para um desenvolvimento harmonioso de uma criança. De facto, se existir afecto e segurança, uma criança pode crescer melhor. Mas as falhas humanas, a pobreza, a migração forçada, guerra e conflitos separam famílias e privam as crianças das oportunidades educacionais necessárias. É essencial, antes disso, que as políticas adoptadas desempenhem um papel complementar e de apoio. Primeiro que tudo, promovendo uma conjuntura relevante e legal no que diz respeito aos direitos da criança."
"Parents, friends and family members play an essential role in the harmonious development of a child. Indeed it is there that affection and security can flourish best. But human failures, poverty, migration pressure, war and conflict tear families apart and deprive them of the necessary educational opportunities.
It is essential, therefore, that policy makers play their complementary and supporting role. First and foremost, by providing an efficient and relevant legal framework that guarantees respect of the rights of the child."
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Mathilde usou um lindo vestido branco com padrão floral.
Mathilde wore a beautiful white dress with floral pattern.
Mathilde wore a beautiful white dress with floral pattern.
Dias depois Philippe e Mathilde visitaram a exposição "God and Money. The Golden Age of the Southern Netherlands" (Deus e Dinheiro: a Idade de Ouro do Sul da Holanda" em Ghent.
Days after Philippe and Mathilde visited the exhibition "God and Money The Golden Age of the Southern Netherlands." in Ghent.
Days after Philippe and Mathilde visited the exhibition "God and Money The Golden Age of the Southern Netherlands." in Ghent.
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A Rainha usou um novo vestido castanho com aplicações roxas. Gostei!
The Queen wore a new brown dress with purple applications. I loved it!
The Queen wore a new brown dress with purple applications. I loved it!
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De 11-12 de Julho, Mathilde esteve em Nova Iorque, na sede das Nações Unidas, na qualidade de Defensora para os Objectivos para um Desenvolvimento Sustentável (SDG).
From 11-12 July, Mathilde is in New York at United Nations Headquarters, as Advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
From 11-12 July, Mathilde is in New York at United Nations Headquarters, as Advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
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Ontem, Mathilde foi oradora na conferência sobre a reabilitação e reintegração de crianças afectadas por conflitos armados - "Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Children Affected by Armed Conflict: Sharing best practices on psychosocial rehabilitation and social reintegration in the field".
Yesterday, Mathilde was keynote speaker at the conference on the rehabilitation and reintegration of children affected by armed conflict - "Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Children Affected by Armed Conflict: Sharing best practices on psychosocial rehabilitation and social reintegration in the field."
Yesterday, Mathilde was keynote speaker at the conference on the rehabilitation and reintegration of children affected by armed conflict - "Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Children Affected by Armed Conflict: Sharing best practices on psychosocial rehabilitation and social reintegration in the field."
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"A protecção dos direitos das crianças é uma causa que me toca pessoalmente. Por isso, considero um grande privilégio poder fazer parte activa nesta crescente chamada de atenção em seu nome, tanto no meu país como ao nível das organizações das Nações Unidas. Como Presidente Honorário da UNICEF Bélgica, eu acompanho de perto o impacto e consequências dos conflitos armados e situações de emergência nas crianças. (...) Durante as minhas visitas aos locais de acção nos últimos 15 anos, eu pude testemunhar o considerável progresso em termos de crescente respeito e protecção pelas crianças em zonas de conflito, (....) no entanto ainda existem imensas zonas de conflito por todo o mundo, bem como, as chamadas "emergências esquecidas". A UNICEF recentemente divulgou o seu relatório anual "The State of the World's Children (O estado das crianças do mundo). Este revelou que actualmente, perto de 250 milhões de crianças vivem em zonas afectadas por conflitos armados."
"The protection of children’s rights is a cause that is particularly dear to me personally. So I consider it a privilege to be able to take an active part in raising awareness and advocacy on their behalf, both in my own country and at the level of the UN organisations. As Honorary President of UNICEF Belgium, I closely follow the impact and consequences of armed conflict and emergencies on children. (...) During my field visits over the past 15 years, I have witnessed considerable progress in terms of increasing respect and protection for children in conflict zones, (...), however, there are still many violent conflicts around the world, as well as several so-called ‘forgotten emergencies’. UNICEF recently released its annual report on ‘The State of the World’s Children’. It reveals that nearly 250 million children currently live in places affected by armed conflict."
Dados para pensar nesta Terça-feira!
Something to think about on this Tuesday!
Something to think about on this Tuesday!
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