O Casamento Real #13 / The Real Wedding #13
Dois meses e meio depois, chegou finalmente o momento de partilhar com vocês algumas fotos do grande dia - o casamento real do ano: o meu!!!
Demorei a escrever este post por várias razões, a primeira das quais foi mesmo um certo receio de não conseguir transpor em palavras a emoção que vivi neste dia. E caso não consiga, são muitas as imagens que tenho para partilhar convosco e que certamente irão falar por si, quando as palavras me falharem.
Two and a half months after, it's finally time to share with you some pictures of the big day - the royal wedding of the year: mine !!!
It took me some time to write this post for several reasons, the first was a certain fear of failing to translate into words the emotion I experienced on this day. And if I can not, there's many pictures I'll share with you and that will certainly speak for themselves, when the words fail me.
Two and a half months after, it's finally time to share with you some pictures of the big day - the royal wedding of the year: mine !!!
It took me some time to write this post for several reasons, the first was a certain fear of failing to translate into words the emotion I experienced on this day. And if I can not, there's many pictures I'll share with you and that will certainly speak for themselves, when the words fail me.
Ora bem, é importante referir que na semana que antecedeu o grande dia, todos (menos eu e o Hugo) estavam muito apreensivos. Choveu torrencialmente durante a semana, estava um frio pouco típico para esta altura do ano e o casamento seria ao ar livre, o que deixou família e fornecedores apreensivos.
Well, it should be noted that in the week before the big day, everyone (except me and Hugo) were very apprehensive. It rained in torrents during the week, and it was a little cold, unusual for this time of year and since the wedding would be outdoors, our family and our wedding suppliers were very apprehensive.
Well, it should be noted that in the week before the big day, everyone (except me and Hugo) were very apprehensive. It rained in torrents during the week, and it was a little cold, unusual for this time of year and since the wedding would be outdoors, our family and our wedding suppliers were very apprehensive.
Eu sempre os acalmei a dizer que não ia chover, e mesmo que chovesse não tinha a menor dúvida que iria ser perfeito de qualquer maneira. A Mia parecia partilhar a minha opinião e no dia estava calma e serena, tal como a noiva....
I always tried to calm them, saying it won't be raining, and even though it would rain, I had no doubt it would be perfect anyway. Mia seemed to share my opinion and when the day came, she was calm and serene, as the bride ...
I always tried to calm them, saying it won't be raining, and even though it would rain, I had no doubt it would be perfect anyway. Mia seemed to share my opinion and when the day came, she was calm and serene, as the bride ...
Penso que fui uma noiva bastante decidida a vários níveis, e por isso todo o processo de preparação foi sereno e sem percalços, apesar dos atrasos habituais (que só não eram habituais na minha cabeça)...
I think I was a quite decided bride at several levels, and therefore the entire preparation process was peaceful and smoothly, despite the usual delays (which were only unusual in my head )...
I think I was a quite decided bride at several levels, and therefore the entire preparation process was peaceful and smoothly, despite the usual delays (which were only unusual in my head )...
O meu quarto de solteira foi transformado num verdadeiro salão de beleza com entradas muito selectivas. Já o quarto dos meus pais, parecia um verdadeiro campo de batalha...
My single room was transformed into a real beauty salon with very selective enters. For its hand my parents's bedroom, looked like a real battlefield ...
My single room was transformed into a real beauty salon with very selective enters. For its hand my parents's bedroom, looked like a real battlefield ...
Não quis tirar muitas fotografias de pose neste fase. Gostava que o fotógrafo registasse momentos espontâneos e de preparação, sem valorizar muitas poses formais.
I did not want to take lots of photographs in pose at this stage. I liked the photographer to take spontaneous during the preparation without appreciating many formal poses.
I did not want to take lots of photographs in pose at this stage. I liked the photographer to take spontaneous during the preparation without appreciating many formal poses.
Ora bem, vamos falar do vestido? Acredito que foi uma surpresa para grande parte das pessoas. Escolhi um modelo da Vestidus Atelier, em corte princesa, com decote coração. O vestido em tule de seda e organza, tinha aplicações de renda branca no busto e parte de cima da saia. As alças assimétricas tinham aplicações de cristais e pequenas pérolas. O factor wow era a sua cor em rosa blush e o decote pronunciado nas costas. Senti-me espectacular nele!
Well, let's talk about the dress? I think it was a surprise to most people. I chose a Vestidus Atelier model, featuring a princess cut with sweetheart neckline. The dress in silk organza and tulle, had white lace applications on the bust and the top of the skirt. The asymmetrical straps had crystals and little pearls applications. The wow factor was its color a lovely pink blush and its pronounced neckline in the back. I felt great in it!
Well, let's talk about the dress? I think it was a surprise to most people. I chose a Vestidus Atelier model, featuring a princess cut with sweetheart neckline. The dress in silk organza and tulle, had white lace applications on the bust and the top of the skirt. The asymmetrical straps had crystals and little pearls applications. The wow factor was its color a lovely pink blush and its pronounced neckline in the back. I felt great in it!
O bouquet, elaborado pela Art&Flor conjugava na perfeição a palete de cores do dia e era composto por rosas, tulipas brancas, peónias, alfazema e flor do cardo.
The bouquet by Art&Flor wedded perfectly the day's color palette and consisted of roses, white tulips, peonies, lavender and thistle flower.
The bouquet by Art&Flor wedded perfectly the day's color palette and consisted of roses, white tulips, peonies, lavender and thistle flower.
As jóias Ti Sento foram prenda dos meus Padrinhos. O acessório de cabelo foi Vestidus Atelier.
The Ti Sento jewelry was a gift from my Wedding Godparents. The hair accessory was from Vestidus Atelier.
The Ti Sento jewelry was a gift from my Wedding Godparents. The hair accessory was from Vestidus Atelier.
O véu simples, em tule de seda foi uma confecção caseira e com alto valor sentimental, porque foi elaborado por alguém que sei que me deseja toda a felicidade do mundo. Muito obrigada Magia d'Agulha.
Tive sempre muitas dificuldades em imaginar-me vestida de noiva, mas o resultado final foi exactamente o pretendido.
The simple silk tulle veil was a home made with high sentimental value confection, because it was prepared by someone who I know want all the happiness in the world for me and Hugo. Thanks Magia D'Agulha.
I always had a lot of difficulty imagining me in a wedding dress, but the end result was exactly intended.
The simple silk tulle veil was a home made with high sentimental value confection, because it was prepared by someone who I know want all the happiness in the world for me and Hugo. Thanks Magia D'Agulha.
I always had a lot of difficulty imagining me in a wedding dress, but the end result was exactly intended.
A emoção começava a dar conta de mim, à medida que a comitiva da noiva rumava em direcção ao Monte da Morena com uma hora de atraso. Nada royal, eu sei!!!
The excitement began to hit me, as the bridal party followed to the Monte da Morena with an hour late. Nothing royal, I know !!!
The excitement began to hit me, as the bridal party followed to the Monte da Morena with an hour late. Nothing royal, I know !!!
Depois de todos os convidados estarem nos seus postos, e depois de um rápido arranjo de saias, um respirar fundo e seguem as damas de honor que estavam lindas e maravilhosas, a menina das flores, e um menino das alianças (respectivamente a minha sobrinha Carolina e o João, sobrinho do Hugo).
After all the guests were in their places, and after a quick skirt fix, I took a deep breath and follow the bridesmaids who were simple gorgeous, the flower girl, and the rings boy (respectively my niece Carolina and João, Hugo's nephew).
After all the guests were in their places, and after a quick skirt fix, I took a deep breath and follow the bridesmaids who were simple gorgeous, the flower girl, and the rings boy (respectively my niece Carolina and João, Hugo's nephew).
E lá vai a noiva pelo braço do seu pai ao som do "Can't Help Falling in Love with you", versão Haley Reinhart.
And there comes the bride on her father's arm, in the sound of "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" by Haley Reinhart.
And there comes the bride on her father's arm, in the sound of "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" by Haley Reinhart.
Para encontrar um noivo choroso (e lindo!!) no "altar" , debaixo de um lustre com o qual o Hugo nunca concordou, até o ver. Ficou lindo, certo?
To find a very emotional (and gorgeous!!) groom in the "altar", under a chandelier with which Hugo never agreed until sees it. It was beautiful, right?
To find a very emotional (and gorgeous!!) groom in the "altar", under a chandelier with which Hugo never agreed until sees it. It was beautiful, right?
O que dizer da cerimónia? Bem, sou suspeita a falar...Trocámos votos, porque é algo que para nós fazia sentido fazer, apesar de ser uma tradição que não é muito comum em Portugal, principalmente em casamentos civis. Além dos votos dedicados ao Hugo também recitei um poema de Alberto Caeiro (heterónimo de Fernando Pessoa). Um dos meus poemas favoritos e que sei de memória desde que o aprendi...
What about the ceremony? Well, I'm suspect to talk ... We exchanged vows, because it's something that makes sense to us, although it is a tradition that is not very common in Portugal, especially in civil weddings. In addition to the votes I dedicated to Hugo also I recited a poem by Alberto Caeiro (Fernando Pessoa's heteronym ). One of my favorite poems, which I know from memory since I learned it ...
"O meu olhar é nítido como um girassol.
Tenho o costume de andar pelas estradas
Olhando para a direita e para a esquerda,
E de vez em quando olhando para trás…
E o que vejo a cada momento
É aquilo que nunca antes eu tinha visto,
E eu sei dar por isso muito bem…
Sei ter o pasmo essencial
Que tem uma criança se, ao nascer,
Reparasse que nascera deveras…
Sinto-me nascido a cada momento
Para a eterna novidade do Mundo…
Creio no mundo como num malmequer,
Porque o vejo. Mas não penso nele
Porque pensar é não compreender…
O Mundo não se fez para pensarmos nele
(Pensar é estar doente dos olhos)
Mas para olharmos para ele e estarmos de acordo…
Eu não tenho filosofia; tenho sentidos…
Se falo na Natureza não é porque saiba o que ela é,
Mas porque a amo, e amo-a por isso
Porque quem ama nunca sabe o que ama
Nem sabe por que ama, nem o que é amar…
Amar é a eterna inocência,
E a única inocência não pensar…"
Alberto Caeiro
Um dos meus maiores medos nesta fase era que o choro (que eu sabia que ia existir) me impedisse de falar. Felizmente tal não aconteceu, e foi um momento mesmo muito especial!
One of my biggest fears at this stage is that the crying (I knew I would!) stop me from talking. Fortunately that did not happen, and it was a moment really special!
Muita gente que me conhece se admirou por eu não ter um casamento na Igreja. Digo-vos que para mim, que acredito em Deus, dificilmente eu sentiria mais a Sua presença numa Igreja do que naquele espaço, rodeada pelas pessoas que amo e pela Natureza.
Many people who know me was surprised I did not have a wedding in the church. I tell you that for me, and I believe in God, I would hardly feel His presence stronger in a church, as I felt on this space, surrounded by the people I love and by Nature.
Many people who know me was surprised I did not have a wedding in the church. I tell you that for me, and I believe in God, I would hardly feel His presence stronger in a church, as I felt on this space, surrounded by the people I love and by Nature.
Pedimos a duas pessoas muito especiais para nós, que finda a cerimónia civil nos dedicassem umas palavras. Toda a energia, amor, luz e paz que as suas palavras expressaram foi maravilhosa e indescritível.
We asked two very special people to us, when civil ceremony was ended, to share a few words with us. All the energy, love, light and peace that their words expressed was wonderful and indescribable.
We asked two very special people to us, when civil ceremony was ended, to share a few words with us. All the energy, love, light and peace that their words expressed was wonderful and indescribable.
Na maneira como eu vejo as coisas, a nossa união foi abençoada de uma maneira única, especial e muito espiritual. Independentemente daquilo em que as pessoas acreditam, senti que Deus, o meu Deus, tocou o coração de cada pessoa presente e elevou a bênção do nosso amor a algo muito lindo e único.
The way I see things, our union was blessed in a unique, special and very spiritual way. Regardless of what people believe, I felt that God, my God touched the heart of every person present and raised the blessing of our love into something very beautiful and unique.
The way I see things, our union was blessed in a unique, special and very spiritual way. Regardless of what people believe, I felt that God, my God touched the heart of every person present and raised the blessing of our love into something very beautiful and unique.
E depois de tanta emoção, venha a festa!!!!!!
A decoração da tenda e do espaço exterior foi da responsabilidade dos Eventos Magalhães, Art&Flor e Molde Design Weddings.
And after so much excitement, it's party time!!!!!!
The decor of the tent and outer space was the responsibility of Eventos Magalhães, Art&Flor and Molde Design Weddings.
And after so much excitement, it's party time!!!!!!
The decor of the tent and outer space was the responsibility of Eventos Magalhães, Art&Flor and Molde Design Weddings.
Optámos pela simplicidade das flores e tentámos enquadrar a decoração com o espaço e local onde estávamos.
We opted for the simplicity of flowers and tried to frame decoration with the country space where the ceremony and reception were hold.
We opted for the simplicity of flowers and tried to frame decoration with the country space where the ceremony and reception were hold.
O resultado final foi simples, campestre com um toque vintage e muito cheiroso (graças a imensas flores e ervas aromáticas).
The end result was simple, country setting with a vintage touch and very fragrant (thanks to several aromatic flowers and herbs).
The end result was simple, country setting with a vintage touch and very fragrant (thanks to several aromatic flowers and herbs).
O fantástico bolo foi confecção da ChocoSabores. O bolo era de baunilha com recheio de frutos silvestres.
The fantastic cake was a design from ChocoSabores. The cake was vanilla stuffed with wildberries cream.
The fantastic cake was a design from ChocoSabores. The cake was vanilla stuffed with wildberries cream.
Quisemos que na decoração estivessem presentes elementos que dão sentido à nossa vida. Os nomes das mesas, por exemplo, eram valores ou elementos que são importantes para nós na vida a 2, mas que também caracterizam as pessoas que estavam sentadas naquela mesa: Sonhos, Gratidão, Persistência, Partilha, Memórias, Alegria, Sorriso, Trabalho de Equipa, Diversão, Crença e Dedicação...
We wanted that in the decoration were present elements that give meaning to our lives. The names of tables for example were values or elements that are important to us as a couple, but also characterize the people sitting at each table: Dreams, Gratitude, Persistence, Sharing, Memories, Joy, Smile, Teamwork, Fun, Belief and Dedication ...
We wanted that in the decoration were present elements that give meaning to our lives. The names of tables for example were values or elements that are important to us as a couple, but also characterize the people sitting at each table: Dreams, Gratitude, Persistence, Sharing, Memories, Joy, Smile, Teamwork, Fun, Belief and Dedication ...
Fizemos questão em deixar uma mensagem pessoal para cada um dos 88 convidados distribuídas pelas mesas. Para nós foi algo que tinha mesmo que ser feito. Não fazia sentido de outra forma, porque sabíamos que dificilmente conseguiríamos dizer tudo aquilo que gostaríamos a cada pessoa naquele dia. E foi algo que foi imensamente apreciado...
We made sure to leave a personal message for each one of the 88 guests distributed in the tables. For us it was something that had to be done. It made no sense otherwise, because we knew that we couldn't hardly say all we would like to every person on that day. And it was something that was greatly appreciated ...
We made sure to leave a personal message for each one of the 88 guests distributed in the tables. For us it was something that had to be done. It made no sense otherwise, because we knew that we couldn't hardly say all we would like to every person on that day. And it was something that was greatly appreciated ...
Se a cerimónia foi emocionante, a festa também teve os seus momentos altos.
Discursos, surpresas, agradecimentos, momentos para recordar quem já partiu...Tudo avassalador.
Muitas das coisas não foram pensadas por nós, mas acabaram por conjugar-se perfeitamente na mensagem que gostávamos de transmitir às pessoas.
If the ceremony was exciting, the party also had its highlights.
Speeches, surprises, thanks, moments to remember those who have left ... Everything overwhelming.
Many things were not designed by us, but eventually were combined perfectly with the message that we would like to convey to people.
If the ceremony was exciting, the party also had its highlights.
Speeches, surprises, thanks, moments to remember those who have left ... Everything overwhelming.
Many things were not designed by us, but eventually were combined perfectly with the message that we would like to convey to people.
Quando preparámos este dia, foi a pensar em nós, mas também em todas aquelas pessoas que tão generosamente quiseram partilhar este dia tão especial connosco. Elas eram também uma parte importante do dia, porque são uma parte importante de nós.
Independentemente da fase da vida em que nos conhecemos, independentemente do que passámos juntos, independentemente da fase da vida em que estamos actualmente, são estas as pessoas que dão sentido à nossa vida até hoje. E são aquelas com quem sabemos que podemos contar.
When we prepared this day, it was thinking about us, but also about all those who so generously wanted to share this special day with us. They were also an important part of the day, because they are an important part of us.
Regardless of what stage of life we met, regardless of what we spent together, regardless of the stage of life in which we are at the present, these are the people who give meaning to our lives today. And are those with whom we know we can count on.
When we prepared this day, it was thinking about us, but also about all those who so generously wanted to share this special day with us. They were also an important part of the day, because they are an important part of us.
Regardless of what stage of life we met, regardless of what we spent together, regardless of the stage of life in which we are at the present, these are the people who give meaning to our lives today. And are those with whom we know we can count on.
O nosso casamento mostrou-nos que é sempre possível fazer melhor, é sempre possível colocar mais amor no mínimo que fazemos. É sempre possível agradecer. É sempre possível falar do que nunca foi falado. É sempre possível ser mais e melhor. Não mais ou melhor do que ninguém. Mas mais e melhor pessoa! O carinho que recebemos, a maneira como as pessoas falaram de nós surpreendeu-nos, porque muitas vezes não nos damos conta do quanto as pessoas olham para nós e nos admiram por aquilo que somos e fazemos.
Our marriage has shown us that it is always possible to do better, you can always put more love at the smallest thing we do. You can always thank. It is always possible to speak about what was never spoken. We can always be more and better. No more or better than anyone else. But more and better person! The affection we receive, the way people talked about us, surprised us because we often don't realize on how people look at us and admire us for what we are and for all we do.
Our marriage has shown us that it is always possible to do better, you can always put more love at the smallest thing we do. You can always thank. It is always possible to speak about what was never spoken. We can always be more and better. No more or better than anyone else. But more and better person! The affection we receive, the way people talked about us, surprised us because we often don't realize on how people look at us and admire us for what we are and for all we do.
No dia do nosso casamento, não nos voltamos apenas a redescobrir um ao outro, mas também descobrimos a maneira como somos vistos aos olhos dos outros e nos seus corações. E foi maravilhoso receber tanta generosidade, amor e amizade....
On our wedding day, we not only rediscover each other again, but we also realized the way we are seen in the eyes of others and on their own hearts. And it was wonderful to receive such generosity, love and friendship ....
On our wedding day, we not only rediscover each other again, but we also realized the way we are seen in the eyes of others and on their own hearts. And it was wonderful to receive such generosity, love and friendship ....
Amizade....O nosso núcleo de amigos esteve muito próximo durante todos os preparativos. Acreditamos que não terá sido nada fácil gerir e colocar tantas personalidades, sentimentos, opiniões em uníssono por algo em comum: os noivos.
Friendship .... Our core friends take a close part in all the preparations. We believe it must not been easy to manage and put so many personalities, feelings, opinions in unison with something in common: the bride and groom.
Friendship .... Our core friends take a close part in all the preparations. We believe it must not been easy to manage and put so many personalities, feelings, opinions in unison with something in common: the bride and groom.
Mas a verdade é que nós somos também resultado das pessoas que nos rodeiam. E a sua generosidade foi enorme. Tivemos uma fantástica lua-de-mel surpresa a Verona, Itália, e a eles agradecemos os dias fantásticos que lá vivemos...
But the truth is that we are also a result of the people around us. And their generosity was huge. We had a fantastic surprise- honeymoon to Verona, Italy, and we thank to them the fantastic days we spent there ...
But the truth is that we are also a result of the people around us. And their generosity was huge. We had a fantastic surprise- honeymoon to Verona, Italy, and we thank to them the fantastic days we spent there ...
"Só conseguimos fazer coisas únicas, porque estamos rodeados por pessoas únicas como vós. Obrigada."
"We can only do unique things, because we are surrounded by unique people like you. Thank you."
O nosso partir do bolo foi algo muito especial. A equipa dos Eventos Magalhães não nos poupou a surpresas a tivemos direito a tudo...
The wedding cake moment was something very special. The Eventos Magalhães team didn't spared us with surprises and we had a right to all ...
The wedding cake moment was something very special. The Eventos Magalhães team didn't spared us with surprises and we had a right to all ...
...mesmo a TUDO....
...actually ALL!
...actually ALL!
Outro momento muito especial foi a surpresa que fizemos à minha irmã e cunhado que completavam 12 anos de casados no dia 15. Passava da meia-noite quando lhes apresentámos uma réplica do bolo de casamento deles e os chamámos à frente para partir o bolo.
Another very special moment was the surprise that we made to my sister and brother in law who completed 12 years of marriage on the 15th. It was past midnight when we presented them a replica of their wedding cake and we called them ahead to cut the cake.
Another very special moment was the surprise that we made to my sister and brother in law who completed 12 years of marriage on the 15th. It was past midnight when we presented them a replica of their wedding cake and we called them ahead to cut the cake.
Seguiu-se a diversão entre solteiras e noiva para ver quem ficava com o bouquet ao som das Spice Girls e "Wannabe".
This was followed by the fun between single ladies and bride to see who "catch" the bouquet to the sound of the Spice Girls and "Wannabe".
This was followed by the fun between single ladies and bride to see who "catch" the bouquet to the sound of the Spice Girls and "Wannabe".
De seguida, e para abrir a pista, a nossa dança! Para aqueles que não sabem tivemos aulas de dança, mais um presente dos nossos amigos. O resultado foi algo simples, bonito, e repleto de significado, ao som de "Melhor de Mim" da fadista portuguesa Mariza.
Then, and to open the dance floor, our dance! For those who do not know we had dance classes, again a a gift from our friends. The result was something simple, beautiful, and full of meaning, the sound of "Melhor de Mim" (The Best of Me) from the Portuguese fado singer Mariza.
Then, and to open the dance floor, our dance! For those who do not know we had dance classes, again a a gift from our friends. The result was something simple, beautiful, and full of meaning, the sound of "Melhor de Mim" (The Best of Me) from the Portuguese fado singer Mariza.
Muito obrigada ao Pedro Nascimento que nos treinou para este dia, e com um qual iniciámos uma amizade.
Thanks to Pedro Nascimento that trainned us to this day, and with which we started a friendship.
Thanks to Pedro Nascimento that trainned us to this day, and with which we started a friendship.
E depois, depois foi a loucura até as 5h da manhã....O nosso muito obrigada ao DJ Atsoc que foi simplesmente ESPECTACULAR!
And then, then the madness last until 5 am .... Our thank you to DJ Atsoc who was just AWESOME!
And then, then the madness last until 5 am .... Our thank you to DJ Atsoc who was just AWESOME!
Todas as pessoas nos diziam que o dia ia passar a correr e que quando nos apercebêssemos já tinha passado. Posso dizer-vos que tanto eu como o Hugo não ficámos de todo com essa sensação.
All people told us that the day was going to run very fast and when we barely noticed everything was over. I can tell you that both I and Hugo haven't that feeling at all.
All people told us that the day was going to run very fast and when we barely noticed everything was over. I can tell you that both I and Hugo haven't that feeling at all.
Foi tudo tão intenso e aproveitámos tanto cada momento, que o dia teve exactamente a duração que nos pareceu ter. Não sentimos frio, cansaço, aborrecimento, dores (ricos sapatos que se portaram tão bem até às 3h da manhã!!)..Foi tudo perfeito! Tal como eu sempre disse que seria! Só uma coisa se comprovou: não comi quase nada!!
Everything was very intense and so we took the opportunity to appreciate every moment, and so our wedding day had exactly the time it seemed to have. We did not feel any cold, fatigue, boring, pain (lucky shoes that behaved so well until 3 am)... Everything was perfect! As I always said it would be! Only one thing is proven: I have not eaten almost nothing !!
Everything was very intense and so we took the opportunity to appreciate every moment, and so our wedding day had exactly the time it seemed to have. We did not feel any cold, fatigue, boring, pain (lucky shoes that behaved so well until 3 am)... Everything was perfect! As I always said it would be! Only one thing is proven: I have not eaten almost nothing !!
Para finalizar quisemos que o amor que vivemos naquele dia se estendesse além dos limites daquela sala. E por isso fizemos uma campanha durante os meses de preparação que antecederam ao casamento a solicitar que quem quisesse contribuir, adquirisse um, dois ou três complementos nutricionais NUTRILITE que colocámos à disposição no nosso site. O resultado da recolha seria entregue à APLAS, uma associação que apoia crianças com cancro e suas famílias, e com a qual colaboramos há algum tempo.
Finally we wanted our love on our special day to extended beyond the confines of that room. And so we did a campaign during the months of preparation leading up to the wedding to ask that anyone who wanted to contribute, to acquire a one, two or three NUTRILITE nutritional supplements that we put at the disposal on our website. The result of the collection would be delivered to APLAS, an association that supports children with cancer and their families, and with which we collaborate for some time.
Finally we wanted our love on our special day to extended beyond the confines of that room. And so we did a campaign during the months of preparation leading up to the wedding to ask that anyone who wanted to contribute, to acquire a one, two or three NUTRILITE nutritional supplements that we put at the disposal on our website. The result of the collection would be delivered to APLAS, an association that supports children with cancer and their families, and with which we collaborate for some time.
Foi com um cesto cheio de ajudas nutricionais e com um coração cheio de gratidão que no mês passado entregámos esta pequena ajuda que esperamos que sirva o propósito e ajude a reforçar o sistema imunitário destes pequenos príncipes e princesas...
It was with a basket full of nutritional aids and with a heart full of gratitude that last month we delivered this little help we hope to serve the purpose and help strengthen the immune system of these little princes and princesses ...
It was with a basket full of nutritional aids and with a heart full of gratitude that last month we delivered this little help we hope to serve the purpose and help strengthen the immune system of these little princes and princesses ...
Porque não haja dúvida que quando colocamos amor no que fazemos, recebemos amor de volta!!!
Um muito obrigada a todos os que fizeram parte deste dia directamente e indirectamente. Por todas as mensagens que recebi e por todos os votos de felicidades. Vocês também são parte da minha História!
Because there is no doubt that when we put love in what we do, we receive love back !!!
A thank you to all who participated in this day directly and indirectly. For all the messages I received and for all the good wishes. You are also part of my History!
Um muito obrigada a todos os que fizeram parte deste dia directamente e indirectamente. Por todas as mensagens que recebi e por todos os votos de felicidades. Vocês também são parte da minha História!
Because there is no doubt that when we put love in what we do, we receive love back !!!
A thank you to all who participated in this day directly and indirectly. For all the messages I received and for all the good wishes. You are also part of my History!
Vejam o post do nosso casamento na Foto de Sonho aqui.
See here the post from our wedding at Foto de Sonho website.
See here the post from our wedding at Foto de Sonho website.
E pronto, já me fizeste ficar outra vez com a lágrima ao canto do olho... Foi um privilégio :) Beijo grande.
EliminarLurdes, Lurdes... Ainda me aguentei com a musica, que é sublime, mas foi impossível conter a lagrimita quando cheguei ao poema. Eu adoro aquelas palavras!! Obrigado por partilhares um pedacinho desse dia connosco :)
ResponderEliminarObrigada pelo carinho Ana. Pois, nós devíamos ter repensado as lembranças para os convidados porque lenços de papel tinham feito um sucesso....O meu pai, ainda hoje, quando fala do casamento chora. :P
EliminarCongratulations dear Lourdes! Wonderful marriage! A gorgeous and happy bride. Can I ask you something that I did not understand? The marriage was civil? Your mother?
ResponderEliminarThanks Maria. Yes, it was a civil ceremony, only attended by a representative of the civil registration services, who has the power to marry a couple. My mother was the lady in saphire blue behind me and Hugo at the ceremony. You can see her on the 12th and 13th picture.
EliminarThank you so much for sharing your special day with us, Lurdes. What a delightful day it looks! Add a lovely bride, looking calm and happy. Perfect.
ResponderEliminarThanks for your lovely comment Barbara. It was a pleasure to share with you my special day. The love I received from so many of you was very appreciated.
EliminarObrigada por partilhar desse dia especial . Amei suas fotografias, elas são lindas, românticas e doces. Felicidades a você e a seu marido.
ResponderEliminarMuito Obrigada pelo comentário Talita e pelos votos. De coração. :)
EliminarQuerida Lurdes!!!
ResponderEliminarPartilhar estes momentos contigo e ler e ver todos os principais detalhes e sentimentos desse vosso dia é um prazer e um adoçar de tudo o que nos rodeia....Precisamos de mais momentos assim...precisamos amar mais...precisamos sorrir mais...e é impossível olhar para todo este post e não sentir as emoções e o amor que transborda de cada palavra...de cada fotografia!
Obrigada por partilhares tudo isso connosco...obrigada pelo carinho que sempre tens para dar e vender.....obrigada por dares o melhor de ti!!
Helena, Helena, faltaste tu neste dia lá comigo. Porque a tua presença faria todo o sentido para mim...
Eliminar"Devemos rodear-nos de pessoas que sejam sempre melhor que nós. Nunca devemos rodear-nos de pessoas com quem desaprendemos". Por esta lição, nunca te serei suficientemente grata!!!
Congrats on the wedding, you looked stunning!
ResponderEliminarThanks Anna. I felt stunning indeed!! :)