Dia Nacional da Bélgica 2016 / National Day of Belgium 2016
Ontem teve lugar mais um daqueles eventos anuais que têm presença cativa nas agendas reais.
Celebrou-se o Dia Nacional da Bélgica, que marca a subida ao trono do Rei Leopoldo I a 21 de Julho de 1831, o primeiro Rei dos Belgas após a independência.
Yesterday took place another one of those annual events that have captive presence in the royal agendas.
Celebrating the National Day of Belgium, which marks the ascent to the throne of King Leopold I on 21 July 1831, the first King of the Belgians after the country's independence.
Yesterday took place another one of those annual events that have captive presence in the royal agendas.
Celebrating the National Day of Belgium, which marks the ascent to the throne of King Leopold I on 21 July 1831, the first King of the Belgians after the country's independence.
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Picture courtesy of Belgian Royal Palace Official Twitter Feed |
Este dia, que marca também a ascensão ao trono do Rei Philippe em 2013, é assinalado com vários eventos comemorativos que contam com a presença de vários membros da família real.
This day, which also marks the ascension to the throne of King Philippe in 2013, is marked with various commemorative events that have the presence of several members of the royal family.
This day, which also marks the ascension to the throne of King Philippe in 2013, is marked with various commemorative events that have the presence of several members of the royal family.
O Rei Philippe, a Rainha Mathilde acompanhados pelos quatro filhos a Duquesa de Brabant, o Príncipe Gabriel, o Príncipe Emmanuel e a Princesa Éleonore compareceram no período da manhã ao habitual serviço religioso Te Deum na Catedral Saint Michel et Saint Gudula em Bruxelas.
King Philippe, Queen Mathilde accompanied by their four children the Duchess of Brabant, Prince Gabriel, Prince Emmanuel and Princess Eleonore attended in the morning to the usual religious service Te Deum at Saint Michel and Saint Gudula Cathedral, at Brussels.
Também presentes nas comemorações, embora em diferentes cidades, estiveram os irmãos do Rei: O Príncipe Laurent e a Princesa Astrid, acompanhada pelo seu marido o Príncipe Lorenz.
Also present, on the celebrations, although in different towns, the King's siblings: Prince Laurent and Princess Astrid, accompanied by her husband Prince Lorenz.
À saída, a família cumprimentou vários populares que esperavam para saudar os seus monarcas neste feriado nacional.
On leaving, the family greeted several popular waiting to greet their monarchs on this national holiday.
De seguida, segui-se o Desfile Militar, do qual fizeram parte vários representantes das organizações militares e serviços de emergência.
Then follows the Military Parade, which comprises representatives of various military organizations and emergency services.
Then follows the Military Parade, which comprises representatives of various military organizations and emergency services.
Devo dizer que a Mathilde raramente falha nesta ocasião e estava adorável num vestido de renda rosa pálido. Elisabeth, Duquesa de Brabant começa a ter aquela postura de jovem mulherzinha e esteve irrepreensível de branco e com o cabelo apanhado na missa e que acabou por soltar para o Desfile Militar.
I must say that Mathilde rarely fails on this occasion and was lovely in a pale pink lace dress. Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant begins to have that attitude of young little woman and was flawless in white and with her hair caught in the mass and eventually down to the Military Parade.
Ao final da tarde, Philippe e Mathilde compareceram também como é tradição à Festa no Parque, em Warandepark em Bruxelas.
By late afternoon, Philippe and Mathilde also attended as it is tradition to Party in the Park, at Warandepark in Brussels.
Para a ocasião, geralmente a Rainha belga escolhe um vestido com cores alegres e acessórios mais extrovertidos. Este ano não foi excepção e Mathilde apresentou-se com um vestido com borboletas completamente enquadrado no teme "Festa no Parque".
For the occasion, usually the Belgian Queen chooses a dress with bright colors and more extroverted accessories. This year was no exception and Mathilde presented us with a dress with butterflies print completely framed on "Party in the Park" theme.
I must say that Mathilde rarely fails on this occasion and was lovely in a pale pink lace dress. Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant begins to have that attitude of young little woman and was flawless in white and with her hair caught in the mass and eventually down to the Military Parade.
Ao final da tarde, Philippe e Mathilde compareceram também como é tradição à Festa no Parque, em Warandepark em Bruxelas.
By late afternoon, Philippe and Mathilde also attended as it is tradition to Party in the Park, at Warandepark in Brussels.
Para a ocasião, geralmente a Rainha belga escolhe um vestido com cores alegres e acessórios mais extrovertidos. Este ano não foi excepção e Mathilde apresentou-se com um vestido com borboletas completamente enquadrado no teme "Festa no Parque".
For the occasion, usually the Belgian Queen chooses a dress with bright colors and more extroverted accessories. This year was no exception and Mathilde presented us with a dress with butterflies print completely framed on "Party in the Park" theme.
Para o ano há mais! E mal posso esperar para ver mais da jovem Elisabeth até lá!
See you next year! And I can not wait to see more of the young Elisabeth until there!
See you next year! And I can not wait to see more of the young Elisabeth until there!
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