Prometi-vos doces momentos suecos, verdade? Ora o dia ontem começou desta maneira:
I promised you sweet Swedish moments, right? So, yesterday began this way:
I promised you sweet Swedish moments, right? So, yesterday began this way:
Estelle e Oscar desejam um feliz Dia Nacional da Suécia (Nationaldagen), directamente dos jardins do Palácio de Haga (residência oficial da família da Princesa da Coroa).
Estelle and Oscar wish a Happy National Day (Nationaldagen), directly from the gardens of the Haga Palace (official residence of the Crown Princess family).
E como uma fotografia não é suficiente, ora tomem lá mais duas.
And as a picture is not enough, here you have a couple more.
And as a picture is not enough, here you have a couple more.
E mais uma. Confesso que esta fotografia é uma das minhas favoritas de sempre. A ligação entre mãe e filhos é bem visível e além disso o ambiente bucólico é delicioso. Estelle está numa pose fantástica e tão crescida.
And one more. I confess that this photograph is one of my favorites ever. The bond between mother and child is clearly visible and moreover the bucolic setting is delightful. Estelle on a fantastic pose and so grown up.
And one more. I confess that this photograph is one of my favorites ever. The bond between mother and child is clearly visible and moreover the bucolic setting is delightful. Estelle on a fantastic pose and so grown up.
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Foto: Kate Gabor/Kungahuset.se |
Bem, secando as lagriminhas de emoção por vermos a nossas famílias reais a crescerem a cada dia, passemos ao dia de ontem.
Well, drying the litlle tears by seeing our royal families to grow every day, here is what happened yesterday.
Well, drying the litlle tears by seeing our royal families to grow every day, here is what happened yesterday.
O Dia Nacional ou Dia da Suécia é comemorado a 6 de Junho devido a dois factores históricos importantes. Neste dia em 1523 o Rei Gustaf I Vasa foi eleito Rei da Suécia e neste dia, em 1809, a Suécia adoptou uma nova Constituição.
The National Day or Sweden Day is celebrated on 6 June due to two important historical factors. On this day in 1523 King Gustaf I Vasa was elected King of Sweden and on this day in 1809, Sweden adopted a new constitution.
The National Day or Sweden Day is celebrated on 6 June due to two important historical factors. On this day in 1523 King Gustaf I Vasa was elected King of Sweden and on this day in 1809, Sweden adopted a new constitution.
Este dia marcado por celebrações, festejos e também actos cívicos, teve a sua origem em 1893 quando o professor sueco Arthur Hazelius teve a ideia de tornar o 6 de Junho um dia de comemoração nacional. Esta ideia apenas seria implementada mais de 20 anos depois por todo o país, quando a Suécia se separa da Noruega e ganha a sua própria bandeira. O Dia da Bandeira está instaurado e assim se mantém até 1983 quando o Parlamento sueco muda o nome para Dia Nacional. Em 2005 este dia passa a ser um feriado público.
This day marked by celebrations, festivities and also civic acts, had its origin in 1893 when the Swedish professor Arthur Hazelius had the idea to make the June 6th a day of national celebration. This idea would only be implemented over 20 years later across all country, when Sweden is separated from Norway and gains its own flag. The Flag Day is established and remains so until 1983 when the Swedish Parliament changes its name to National Day. In 2005 this day happens to be a public holiday.
This day marked by celebrations, festivities and also civic acts, had its origin in 1893 when the Swedish professor Arthur Hazelius had the idea to make the June 6th a day of national celebration. This idea would only be implemented over 20 years later across all country, when Sweden is separated from Norway and gains its own flag. The Flag Day is established and remains so until 1983 when the Swedish Parliament changes its name to National Day. In 2005 this day happens to be a public holiday.
Como é hábito, o dia começou com a abertura das portas do Palácio Real de Estocolmo. Durante todo o dia, todas as pessoas podem visitar o edifício com entrada gratuita.
As usual, the day began with the opening of the gates of the Royal Palace in Stockholm. Throughout the day, all people can visit the building for free.
As usual, the day began with the opening of the gates of the Royal Palace in Stockholm. Throughout the day, all people can visit the building for free.
Este ano as honras foram feitas pelo Príncipe Carl Philip, pela Princesa Sofia e pelo Príncipe Alexandre, que dormia nos braços da sua mãe.
This year the honors were taken by Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia and Prince Alexander, who slept in the arms of his mother.
This year the honors were taken by Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia and Prince Alexander, who slept in the arms of his mother.
Sofia vestindo o traje nacional da Suécia referiu no discurso de abertura que os jardins do palácio são muito especiais para si, pois foi ali que o seu noivado foi anunciado e também foi ali que receberam as saudações de todo o povo sueco no dia do seu casamento.
Sofia wearing the swedish national costume said in her opening speech that the palace gardens are very special to her because it was there that her engagement was announced and it was also there that she and Carl Philip received the greetings of all the Swedish people on their wedding day .
Sofia wearing the swedish national costume said in her opening speech that the palace gardens are very special to her because it was there that her engagement was announced and it was also there that she and Carl Philip received the greetings of all the Swedish people on their wedding day .
Entretanto o Rei Carl Gustaf e a Rainha Sílvia visitaram o Castelo de Sofiero que celebra o seu 150º aniversário. O casal pode passear pelo Jardim do Jubileu e visitar a exposição Real Talento, onde se encontram exibidas obras de Margrethe II, Oscar II, Príncipe Eugen, Princesa Margareta, Sigvard Bernadotte e do Príncipe Carl Philip.
Meanwhile King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia visited the Sofiero Castle celebrating its 150th anniversary. The couple can stroll through the Jubilee Garden and visit the Royal Talent exhibition, where are displayed works of Margrethe II, Oscar II, Prince Eugen, Princess Margareta, Sigvard Bernadotte and Prince Carl Philip.
Meanwhile King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia visited the Sofiero Castle celebrating its 150th anniversary. The couple can stroll through the Jubilee Garden and visit the Royal Talent exhibition, where are displayed works of Margrethe II, Oscar II, Prince Eugen, Princess Margareta, Sigvard Bernadotte and Prince Carl Philip.
Nesta ocasião o Rei no seu discurso referiu que: "Num mundo globalizado, há também um risco de deslocamento. Nestas circunstâncias é possível que muitos, como indivíduos se sintam perdidos e inseguros. Para pertencer a algo, a sensação é importante. Eu gostaria que mais pessoas começassem a experimentar isso na Suécia. Todos devem sentir segurança e sentirem-se parte de uma comunidade no nosso país. Independentemente de onde se nasce, não importa o lugar em que vivemos. É isso que nós celebramos no nosso Dia Nacional: afinidade com a Suécia e com o outro ".
On this occasion the King in his speech stated that: "In a globalized world, there is also a risk of displacement. On these circumstances it is possible that many, as individuals feel lost and insecure. To really belong to something, feelings are important. I wish more people began to feel like this in Sweden. Everyone should feel safe and feel part of a community in our country regardless of where one is born, no matter where we live. That's what National Day represents: Affinity with Sweden and with each other. "
On this occasion the King in his speech stated that: "In a globalized world, there is also a risk of displacement. On these circumstances it is possible that many, as individuals feel lost and insecure. To really belong to something, feelings are important. I wish more people began to feel like this in Sweden. Everyone should feel safe and feel part of a community in our country regardless of where one is born, no matter where we live. That's what National Day represents: Affinity with Sweden and with each other. "
Entretanto o Príncipe Carl Philip passou revisão à Mudança ne Guarda no Pátio do Palácio Real.
Prince Carl Philip reviewed and Change of Guard at the Royal Palace Courtyard.
Prince Carl Philip reviewed and Change of Guard at the Royal Palace Courtyard.
Também a Princesa da Coroa Victoria acompanhada pelo Príncipe Daniel compareceram a um acto muito especial por ocasião do Dia Nacional da Suécia.
Also Crown Victoria Princess accompanied by Prince Daniel attended a special act on the occasion of the National Day of Sweden.
Also Crown Victoria Princess accompanied by Prince Daniel attended a special act on the occasion of the National Day of Sweden.
A futura Rainha foi a convidada de honra para a cerimónia de entrega de cidadania sueca a vários residentes locais de Nacka. A cerimónia decorreu na Câmara Municipal da localidade. Esta tradição começou há 15 anos.
The future Queen was the guest of honor for the ceremony of Swedish citizenship to several local residents of Nacka. The ceremony took place at City Hall of the town. This tradition began 15 years ago.
The future Queen was the guest of honor for the ceremony of Swedish citizenship to several local residents of Nacka. The ceremony took place at City Hall of the town. This tradition began 15 years ago.
No seu discurso, Victoria referiu: "Hoje é um dia solene. Hoje nós recebemos novos cidadãos suecos. Mas o Dia Nacional também chama para a reflexão de todos os suecos. Velhos e novos. Muitas pessoas vieram para o nosso país. Face a um momento de conflito e sofrimento, a Suécia é um santuário. Um lugar seguro num mundo conturbado. É um lembrete valioso para apreciar e defender os valores que são a base para a prosperidade da Suécia ".
In her speech, Victoria said: "Today is a solemn day. Today we receive new Swedish citizens. But the National Day also calls for reflection of all Swedish. Old and new. Many people came to our country facing a time of conflict and suffering. Sweden is a sanctuary. A safe place in a troubled world. It is a valuable reminder to appreciate and defend the values that are the basis for the prosperity of Sweden."
In her speech, Victoria said: "Today is a solemn day. Today we receive new Swedish citizens. But the National Day also calls for reflection of all Swedish. Old and new. Many people came to our country facing a time of conflict and suffering. Sweden is a sanctuary. A safe place in a troubled world. It is a valuable reminder to appreciate and defend the values that are the basis for the prosperity of Sweden."
Uma importante referência para a crise de refugiados, sentida um pouco por toda a Europa.
An important reference to the refugee crisis, felt a bit throughout Europe.
An important reference to the refugee crisis, felt a bit throughout Europe.
Da parte da tarde a família real viajou de carruagem desde o Palácio Real até Skansen, onde teriam lugar as habituais celebrações do Dia Nacional.
In the afternoon the royal family traveled by coach from the Royal Palace to Skansen, the venue for the usual National Day celebrations.
In the afternoon the royal family traveled by coach from the Royal Palace to Skansen, the venue for the usual National Day celebrations.
Estelle acompanhou os pais na segunda carruagem, atrás dos Reis.
Estelle accompanied her parents in the second carriage, behind the King and Queen.
Estelle accompanied her parents in the second carriage, behind the King and Queen.
Carl Philip, Sofia e Madeleine partilharam a terceira carruagem. Christopher O'Neill não pode participar as celebrações devido a compromissos anteriormente estabelecidos.
Carl Philip, Sofia and Madeleine shared the third carriage. Christopher O'Neill couldn't attend the celebrations because of previously established commitments.
Carl Philip, Sofia and Madeleine shared the third carriage. Christopher O'Neill couldn't attend the celebrations because of previously established commitments.
As celebrações acabaram com uma Recepção no Palácio real, onde o Rei e a Rainha receberam representantes do parlamento, do governo e do sector público sueco bem como vários membros do corpo diplomático.
The celebrations ended with a reception at the Royal Palace where the King and Queen received representatives of the parliament, the government and of the Swedish public sector as well as several members of the diplomatic corps.
The celebrations ended with a reception at the Royal Palace where the King and Queen received representatives of the parliament, the government and of the Swedish public sector as well as several members of the diplomatic corps.
As festividades acabaram em Logården (jardins do Palácio Real) com o toque de recolher.
The festivities ended with the tattoo at Logården (gardens of the Royal Palace).
Para mim é sempre fantástico ver as damas suecas nos seus trajes nacionais. Este ano foi a primeira vez que Sofia, como mulher casada, usou o chapéu branco na cabeça..
Estavam lindas, certo?
For me it's always great to see the Swedish ladies in their national costumes. This year was the first time Sofia, as a married woman, used the white hat.
They were beautiful, right?
PS. Mas confesso que esperava uma foto dos cinco primos em trajes nacionais.
PS. But I confess that I expected a photo of the five cousins in national costumes.
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