Ás vezes assusto-me com a minha "real" capacidade de visualização. Ainda ontem publiquei no twitter que a minha querida Mary estava a treinar para Ascot (tendo em conta os chapéus que tem usado ultimamente).
Sometimes I scare myself with my "royal" viewing capability. Yesterday I posted on twitter that my dear Mary was training for Ascot (taking into account the hats that she wore lately).
Sometimes I scare myself with my "royal" viewing capability. Yesterday I posted on twitter that my dear Mary was training for Ascot (taking into account the hats that she wore lately).
Just a crazy wish. But #CrownPrincessMary has been training her #Ascot style....— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 14 de junho de 2016
E hoje, no segundo dia das corridas de cavalos mais famosas do mundo, fomos brindados com uma enorme surpresa.
And today, on the second day of the world's most famous horsesraces, we were treated with an huge surprise.
And today, on the second day of the world's most famous horsesraces, we were treated with an huge surprise.
É verdade, o Príncipe da Coroa Frederik e a Princesa da Coroa Mary compareceram ao segundo dia de Royal Ascot. O casal chegou ao recinto acompanhados pelo Conde e Condessa de Wessex na terceira carruagem da procissão real. E como adorei o choque de cores entre Sophie e Mary!
Indeed, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary attended the second day of Royal Ascot. The couple arrived at the venue accompanied by the Earl the Countess of Wessex in the third carriage of the royal procession. And I simply loved the clash of colors between Sophie and Mary!
Indeed, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary attended the second day of Royal Ascot. The couple arrived at the venue accompanied by the Earl the Countess of Wessex in the third carriage of the royal procession. And I simply loved the clash of colors between Sophie and Mary!
Elas também parecem ter gostado...
They also seem to like it...
Na primeira carruagem seguiu a Rainha, o Duque de Edimburgo, o Duque de Argyll e William Farish.
In the first carriage follows the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Argyll and William Farish.
They also seem to like it...
Na primeira carruagem seguiu a Rainha, o Duque de Edimburgo, o Duque de Argyll e William Farish.
In the first carriage follows the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Argyll and William Farish.
Na segunda carruagem, o Príncipe de Gales, a Duquesa da Cornualha, Lord e Lady Vestey.
In the second carriage, the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, Lord and Lady Vestey.
In the second carriage, the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, Lord and Lady Vestey.
Finalmente, na quarta carruagem, o Duque e a Duquesa de Cambridge, naquela que foi a primeira aparição conjunta do casal no evento acompanhados pelo Honorável Sr. Wentworth Beaumont e pela Honorável Sra. Wentworth Beaumont.
Finally, in the fourth carriage, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, in what was their first joint appearance at this event accompanied by the Honorable Mr. Wentworth Beaumont and the Honourable Mrs.Wentworth Beaumont.
Finally, in the fourth carriage, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, in what was their first joint appearance at this event accompanied by the Honorable Mr. Wentworth Beaumont and the Honourable Mrs.Wentworth Beaumont.
Um pouco sobre a História da Procissão Real até Ascot.
A little of history about the Royal Procession to Ascot.
A little of history about the Royal Procession to Ascot.
The first Royal Procession including the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is 10 minutes away— Ascot Racecourse (@Ascot) 15 de junho de 2016
Here is a short history🇬🇧https://t.co/2My8hvNLSg
Ontem, a real repórter Emily Andrews do jornal The Sun referiu que William e Catherine estariam presentes, bem como alguns convidados especiais.
Yesterday, the Sun's royal reporter Emily Andrews reported that William and Catherine would be present, as well as some special guests.
Yesterday, the Sun's royal reporter Emily Andrews reported that William and Catherine would be present, as well as some special guests.
Excl: Kate & William will attend Royal Ascot tomorrow (wed) with some very special guests (see Sun for details...) #RoyalAscot #kate— Emily Andrews (@byEmilyAndrews) 14 de junho de 2016
Nesse momento a minha mente começou a divagar por cenários puramente imaginativos. E em conversa ontem com a minha querida H., partilhámos a ideia de como seria giro, se os convidados especiais fossem Frederik e Mary.
At that moment my mind began to wander for purely imaginative scenarios. And in conversation yesterday with my dear H., we shared the idea of how it would be so nice if the special guests were in fact Frederik and Mary.
At that moment my mind began to wander for purely imaginative scenarios. And in conversation yesterday with my dear H., we shared the idea of how it would be so nice if the special guests were in fact Frederik and Mary.
Mais tarde no Instragram deparo-me com esta publicação, e a minha mente não parou de especular.
Later in Instragram I am faced with this posted, and my mind has not stopped speculating.
Later in Instragram I am faced with this posted, and my mind has not stopped speculating.
Mas confesso que estava longe de acreditar que a minha imaginação iria dar frutos.
É conhecida a paixão que Mary tem em cavalos, mas ainda assim, a sua presença hoje foi uma enorme surpresa.
But I confess that I was far from believing that my imagination would be right.
We all know the passion that Mary has for horses, but still, their presence today was a huge surprise.
But I confess that I was far from believing that my imagination would be right.
We all know the passion that Mary has for horses, but still, their presence today was a huge surprise.
Em 2013 a futura Rainha da Dinamarca, juntamente com a Princesa Benedikte participaram numa procissão semelhante durante a Cerimónia de Abertura do Torneio CHIO em Aachen na Alemanha, um conhecido festival mundial equestre.
In 2013 the future Queen of Denmark, along with Princess Benedikte participated in a similar procession during the Opening Ceremony of Aachen CHIO Tournament, in Germany, a well known equestrian world festival.
Passemos agora para as escolhas do #AscotComposée (crédito para Helena Rocha) das nossas meninas.
Let's now talk about the #AscotComposée choices (credit to Helena Rocha) of our girls.
Let's now talk about the #AscotComposée choices (credit to Helena Rocha) of our girls.
A Rainha Elizabeth escolheu um maravilhoso tom de rosa para este segundo dia de corridas.
Queen Elizabeth chose a wonderful shade of pink for the second day of races.
Queen Elizabeth chose a wonderful shade of pink for the second day of races.
Lilibeth adorável e com um maravilhoso chapéu.
Lilibeth looking adorable with a stunning hat.
Lilibeth looking adorable with a stunning hat.
Camilla, Duquesa da Cornualha escolheu um elegante conjunto bege, que completou com a elegância das pérolas.
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall chose an elegant beige set, which completed with the elegance of pearls.
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall chose an elegant beige set, which completed with the elegance of pearls.
Esta gargantilha de pérolas parece ser a imagem da marca da esposa do Príncipe de Gales.
This pearl choker appears to be the jewel brand image of the Prince of Wales's wife.
This pearl choker appears to be the jewel brand image of the Prince of Wales's wife.
Mary, a Princesa da Coroa da Dinamarca, escolheu um vestido laranja já usado anteriormente. Para um evento tão tipicamente britânico, Mary escolheu um chapéu da designer britânica Jane Taylor, o mesmo que usou no casamento real do Mónaco em 2011 e no baptizado da Princesa Estelle da Suécia em 2012.
Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark chose an orange dress previously seen. For such a typically British event, Mary chose a British designer Jane Taylor's hat, the same she used at Monaco's royal wedding in 2011 and at Princess Estelle of Sweden christening in 2012.
Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark chose an orange dress previously seen. For such a typically British event, Mary chose a British designer Jane Taylor's hat, the same she used at Monaco's royal wedding in 2011 and at Princess Estelle of Sweden christening in 2012.
Penso que Mary esteve muito bem na sua estreia em Ascot. O vestido adequa-se perfeitamente à natureza do evento (embora eu tivesse preferido outro) e o chapéu é um arraso. Adorava que ela tivesse usado luvas.
I think Mary was well on her debut at Ascot. The dress fits perfectly to the nature of the event (though I would have preferred another choice) and the hat is a hit. I wish she had worn gloves.
I think Mary was well on her debut at Ascot. The dress fits perfectly to the nature of the event (though I would have preferred another choice) and the hat is a hit. I wish she had worn gloves.
Sophie, Condessa de Wessex preferiu o tom azul céu, numa criação da sua estilista favorita, Emilia Wickstead.
Sophie, Countess of Wessex preferred a blue sky shade, on a creation of her favorite designer, Emilia Wickstead.
Adoro este modelo de vestido em Sophie. Amei a cor. Amei as jóias. Sophie foi a minha favorita hoje.
I love this dress on Sophie. I loved the color. I loved the jewelry. Sophie was my favorite today.
I love this dress on Sophie. I loved the color. I loved the jewelry. Sophie was my favorite today.
Catherine, Duquesa de Cambridge, fez um bom uso do seu vestido de renda branca já usado anteriormente (mal usado, diga-se de passagem no evento equestre em Windsor).
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, made a good use of her white lace dress previously used (very wrongly by the way at the equestrian event at Windsor).
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, made a good use of her white lace dress previously used (very wrongly by the way at the equestrian event at Windsor).
A Duquesa completou o look com um bonito novo chapéu e novos brincos. Achei o look muito elegante, muito primaveril e feminino.
The Duchess completed the look with a beautiful new hat and new earrings. I found the look very elegant, very springlike and feminine.
The Duchess completed the look with a beautiful new hat and new earrings. I found the look very elegant, very springlike and feminine.
Para os que esperavam uma grande interecção entre Mary e Kate, tirem daí o sentido.
As duas trocaram algumas palavras após a chegada ao recinto e mais tarde conviveram na Royal Box.
For those who expected a great interaction between Mary and Kate, well think again.
The two women only exchanged a few words after the arrival at the venue and later they gather in the Royal Box.
Mas foi com Sophie que Mary mais se divertiu. Afinal os Wessex são presença assídua em vários eventos reais europeus, o que faz com que a Condessa e a Princesa da Coroa dinamarquesa já tenham tido vários contactos prévios.
But it was with Sophie, that Mary most chatted. After all the Wessexs are a constant presence in several European royal events, which makes that the Countess and the Danish Crown Princess already have had several prior contacts.
Sophie nitidamente a dizer a Fred e Mary em qual cavalo deveriam apostar:
Sophie clearly telling Fred and Mary in which horse they should bet:
Sophie clearly telling Fred and Mary in which horse they should bet:
Será que tiveram sorte?
I wonder if they had lucky?
Bem, fiquem com mais algumas fotografias do dia de hoje. Parece que todos passaram bons momentos.
I will leave you with some fun pictures from today. It looks like they had a lot of fun.
I wonder if they had lucky?
Bem, fiquem com mais algumas fotografias do dia de hoje. Parece que todos passaram bons momentos.
I will leave you with some fun pictures from today. It looks like they had a lot of fun.
Claramente, Mary também é fã de corridas de cavalos.
Clearly Mary is also horse racing fan.
What a great suprise to see CP Mary at Ascot. And as usual she don't disappoint with her style. She looks great :-)