Dia Nacional do Luxemburgo 2016 / Luxembourg National Day 2016
O Dia Nacional do Luxemburgo é sempre uma das poucas ocasiões que temos para ver a Família Grã-Ducal reunida, em todo o seu esplendor.
Luxembourg National Day is always one of the few occasions that we got to see the Grand Ducal family reunited in all its splendor.
Luxembourg National Day is always one of the few occasions that we got to see the Grand Ducal family reunited in all its splendor.
As celebrações começaram com uma cerimónia que tem lugar todos os anos na Sala de Concertos Grã-Duquesa Joséphine-Charlote.
The celebrations began with a ceremony that takes place every year in the Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte Concert Hall.
The celebrations began with a ceremony that takes place every year in the Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte Concert Hall.
O evento reúne membros do parlamento e do governo do Luxemburgo e várias entidades do conselho de estado, corpo jurídico, administrativo e diplomático do Grã-Ducado. A ocasião serve igualmente para vários cidadãos serem condecorados.
The event brings together members of Parliament and the Luxembourg Government and several representatives of the state council, legal, administrative and diplomatic corps of the Grand Duchy. On this occasion several citizens are awarded.
The event brings together members of Parliament and the Luxembourg Government and several representatives of the state council, legal, administrative and diplomatic corps of the Grand Duchy. On this occasion several citizens are awarded.
Presentes neste evento, o Grã-Duque Henri e a Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa, o Grã-Duque Hereditário Guillaume e a Grã-Duquesa Hereditária Stéphanie, Príncipe Félix e Princesa Claire, Príncipe Louis e Princesa Tessy, Princesa Alexandra e o Príncipe Sébastien.
Present at this event, the Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, the Grand Duke Hereditary Guillaume and the Grand Duchess Hereditary Stéphanie, Prince Felix and Princess Claire, Prince Louis and Princess Tessy, Princess Alexandra and Prince Sébastien .
Present at this event, the Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, the Grand Duke Hereditary Guillaume and the Grand Duchess Hereditary Stéphanie, Prince Felix and Princess Claire, Prince Louis and Princess Tessy, Princess Alexandra and Prince Sébastien .
Confesso que em termos de estilo, as coisas estiveram muito confusas neste primeiro evento. Quase como se não houvesse um dress-code definido. Penso que no todo, a Grã-Duquesa levou a melhor das meninas mais novas.
I admit that in terms of style, things were very confusing in this first event. Almost as if there was no dress-code set. I think from all ladies, the Grand Duchess took the best of the younger girls.
De seguida teve lugar a habitual Parada Militar, na qual participaram mais de 800 pessoas, entre os quais militares e profissionais dos serviços de emergência e segurança.
Then it took place the usual Military Parade, attended by more than 800 people, including military personnel and professionals for emergency and security services.
Then it took place the usual Military Parade, attended by more than 800 people, including military personnel and professionals for emergency and security services.
O número de membros da família real presentes nesta celebração diminui drasticamente. Apenas o casal soberano e o casal herdeiro assistem à Parada.
The number of members of the royal family present at this celebration decreased dramatically. Only the sovereign and the heir couple couple watched the parade.
The number of members of the royal family present at this celebration decreased dramatically. Only the sovereign and the heir couple couple watched the parade.
O Grã-Duque Henri e o Grã-Duque Hereditário Guillaume fazem a revisão de guarda.
The Grand Duke Henri and the Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume made inspection to the guards.
The Grand Duke Henri and the Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume made inspection to the guards.
Mais tarde, após uma troca de roupa os representantes da casa Nassau-Weilburg assistiram ao serviço religioso Te Deum na Catedral Notre-Dame.
Later, after a change of clothes, the representatives of the House Nassau-Weilburg attended the religious service Te Deum at Notre-Dame Cathedral.
Later, after a change of clothes, the representatives of the House Nassau-Weilburg attended the religious service Te Deum at Notre-Dame Cathedral.
Como é hábito teve lugar um serviço inter-religioso onde se incluíram orações católicas, judaicas, muçulmanas e ortodoxas.
As always it was an interfaith service where were included Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Orthodox prayers.
Ora bem, vestidos e chapéus. Tal como eu gosto. Ainda assim muitas dúvidas. Acho que mais uma vez Maria-Teresa esteve muito bem. Stéphanie escolheu um chapéu muito estranho, Claire escolheu um vestido estilo Mette-Marit (Ei, esperem, é tanto estilo MM, que a princesa norueguesa usou o mesmo modelo ontem), Tessy estava elegante, mas aquele chapéu foi exagerado e Alexandra a meu ver estava encantadora, mas com um vestido curto demais.
Well, dresses and hats. As I like it. Still many questions. I think again Maria-Teresa was very good. Stéphanie chose a very strange hat, Claire chose a very strange dress Mette-Marit style (Hey, wait, is indeed MM style, because the Norwegian princess used the same model yesterday), Tessy was elegant, but the hat was exaggerated and Alexandra, in my opinion, was lovely, but with a too short dress.
As always it was an interfaith service where were included Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Orthodox prayers.
Well, dresses and hats. As I like it. Still many questions. I think again Maria-Teresa was very good. Stéphanie chose a very strange hat, Claire chose a very strange dress Mette-Marit style (Hey, wait, is indeed MM style, because the Norwegian princess used the same model yesterday), Tessy was elegant, but the hat was exaggerated and Alexandra, in my opinion, was lovely, but with a too short dress.
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Pictures courtesy of Katholische Kirch vu Lëtzebuerg |
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Pictures courtesy of Katholische Kirch vu Lëtzebuerg |
Á noite teve lugar uma recepção e jantar na residência oficial dos Grã-Duques onde foram convidados membros do governo, do parlamento, do Conselho de Estado e vários representantes do corpo jurídico, administrativo e diplomático.
In the evening the royal family held a reception and dinner at the official residence of the Grand Dukes for which were government invited members of parliament, the State Council and various representatives of the legal, administrative and diplomatic corps.
In the evening the royal family held a reception and dinner at the official residence of the Grand Dukes for which were government invited members of parliament, the State Council and various representatives of the legal, administrative and diplomatic corps.
Luxarazzi: Lovely Ladies, Dashing Gentlemen and a Tiara Parade https://t.co/qy1xvB7yP1 pic.twitter.com/EONC0atC0K— Sydney Luxarazzi (@SydneyLux) 23 de junho de 2016
Tiaras!! E muitas estreias. As Princesas Claire, Tessy e Alexandra usaram tiaras que nunca tinham usado antes: Grand Duchess Adelaide Tiara, Diamond Vines Leaves Tiara e a Chaumet Diamond Chocker Tiara respectivamente. Podem ver aqui o esplendor do vestido da Princesa Tessy em todo o seu esplendor. Uma homenagem às cores do Luxemburgo.
Tiaras !! And many firsts. Princesses Claire, Tessy and Alexandra used tiaras who had never used before: Grand Duchess Adelaide Tiara, Diamond Vines Leaves Tiara and Chaumet Diamond Chocker Tiara respectively. You can see here Princess Tessy's gown in all its splendor. A true tribute to Luxembourg national colors.
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Picture courtesy of Tageblatt.lu |
Maria Teresa optou pela Belgian Scrool Tiara e a Princesa Stéphanie escolheu a sua tiara-brinquedo aka Diamond Butterfly Tiara. Por favor, Steph...
Maria Teresa chose the Belgian Scrool Tiara and Princess Stephanie chose her tiara-toy aka Diamond Butterfly Tiara. Please Steph ...
Princess Stephanie, seems to have the same 'problem' as CP Mette Marit when it comes to fashion. Their style is so 'bla'...Don't get me wrong, both of these ladies are beautiful, they have money and opportunity's most people can dream of, so why can't they get a stylist ?