Baptizado do Príncipe Oscar da Suécia / Prince Oscar of Sweden Royal Christening
Ora hoje comemora-se o Dia Nacional da Suécia. Uma ocasião que serviu para nos presentear com novas fotografias logo pela manhã e das quais falaremos amanhã.
Aproveitando o mais recente post que fiz para o Royal Central, hoje trago-vos o meu olhar sobre o Baptizado do Príncipe Oscar da Suécia (porque mais vale tarde do que nunca).
Well, today we celebrate Sweden's National Day. An occasion that served to present us with new photos in the morning and of which we'll talk tomorrow.
Harnessing the latest post I did for Royal Central, today I bring you my review on Prince Oscar of Sweden Christening (because it is better late than never).
Well, today we celebrate Sweden's National Day. An occasion that served to present us with new photos in the morning and of which we'll talk tomorrow.
Harnessing the latest post I did for Royal Central, today I bring you my review on Prince Oscar of Sweden Christening (because it is better late than never).
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Anna-Lena Ahlström, |
O segundo filho da Princesa da Coroa Victoria da Suécia e do Príncipe Daniel, nascido a 2 de Março de 2016, recebeu no passado dia 27 o seu primeiro sacramento. E a partir desse dia o seu perfil foi adicionado no site da casa real sueca. O Duque de Skåne é o quarto neto do Rei Carl XVI Gustaf e da Rainha Sílvia da Suécia.
The second child of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel, was born on 2 March 2016, received on the last 27th his first sacrament. And from that day his profile was added in the Swedish Royal House website. The Duke of Skåne is the fourth grandchild of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden.
The second child of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel, was born on 2 March 2016, received on the last 27th his first sacrament. And from that day his profile was added in the Swedish Royal House website. The Duke of Skåne is the fourth grandchild of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden.
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Tal como a sua irmã, a Princesa Estelle, Oscar foi baptizado na Capela Real do Palácio Real, em Estocolmo.
Like his sister, Princess Estelle, Oscar was christened in the Chapel Royal at the Royal Palace in Stockholm.
Like his sister, Princess Estelle, Oscar was christened in the Chapel Royal at the Royal Palace in Stockholm.
Os nomes dos padrinhos do terceiro na linha de sucessão ao trono sueco foram divulgados na véspera: Príncipe da Coroa Frederik da Dinamarca, Princesa da Coroa Mette-Marit da Noruega, Princesa Madeleine da Suécia, Sr. Oscar Magnuson e Sr. Hans Åström.
The names of the godparents of the third in the succession to the Swedish throne line were released the day before: Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, Princess Madeleine of Sweden, Mr. Oscar Magnuson and Mr. Hans Åström.
The names of the godparents of the third in the succession to the Swedish throne line were released the day before: Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, Princess Madeleine of Sweden, Mr. Oscar Magnuson and Mr. Hans Åström.
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Anna-Lena Ahlström, |
A cerimónia que ainda pode ser vista aqui (por tempo limitado) teve vários momentos musicais e foi repleta de vários momentos espontâneos e simbólicos como apenas os suecos nos oferecem.
The ceremony can still be seen here (for a limited time) had several musical moments and was filled with several spontaneous and symbolic moments as only the Swedish royals offer us.
Victoria e Daniel falaram durante a cerimónia, bem como Frederik e Mette-Marit.
Victoria and Daniel spoke at the ceremony, as well as Frederik and Mette-Marit.
Oscar usou o habitual vestido de baptizado sueco usado pela primeira vez pelo Príncipe Gustaf Adolf em 1906. Gustaf Adolf é o pai do actual monarca e por isso bisavô de Oscar. O vestido já vai na quarta geração de utilizadores.
Oscar wore the usual swedish royal christening gown, first used by Prince Gustaf Adolf in 1906. Gustaf Adolf is the father of the current monarch and so Oscar's great grandfather. The gown has now four generation of users.
Victoria and Daniel spoke at the ceremony, as well as Frederik and Mette-Marit.
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Print Screen of the Christening ceremony via SVT |
Oscar usou o habitual vestido de baptizado sueco usado pela primeira vez pelo Príncipe Gustaf Adolf em 1906. Gustaf Adolf é o pai do actual monarca e por isso bisavô de Oscar. O vestido já vai na quarta geração de utilizadores.
Oscar wore the usual swedish royal christening gown, first used by Prince Gustaf Adolf in 1906. Gustaf Adolf is the father of the current monarch and so Oscar's great grandfather. The gown has now four generation of users.
A cerimónia foi conduzida pela Arcebispo Antje Jackelén assistida pelo Bispo Johan Dalman e pelo Reverendo Michael Bjerkhagen.
The ceremony was conducted by Archbishop Antje Jackelén assisted by Bishop Johan Dalman and the Reverend Michael Bjerkhagen.
The ceremony was conducted by Archbishop Antje Jackelén assisted by Bishop Johan Dalman and the Reverend Michael Bjerkhagen.
Um momento bonito da bênção, com os pais e padrinhos do pequeno Oscar.
A beautiful moment of blessing, with little Oscar's parents and godparents.
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Print Screen of the Christening ceremony via SVT |
Oscar Carl Olof foi baptizado com água proveniente de Öland, como é tradição, colocada na fonte baptismal de prata (séc. XVII- XVIII) pela Princesa Estelle (com a assistência da Tia Madde) que abençoou também ela a água.
Oscar Carl Olof was baptized with water from Öland, as is tradition, placed in silver baptismal font (century XVII XVIII) by Princess Estelle (with the assistance of Aunt Madde) who also blessed the water.
Oscar Carl Olof was baptized with water from Öland, as is tradition, placed in silver baptismal font (century XVII XVIII) by Princess Estelle (with the assistance of Aunt Madde) who also blessed the water.
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Print Screen of the Christening ceremony via SVT |
E Oscar entrava em grande estilo para a Família de Deus.
And Oscar entered in style to the Family of God.
Estava muito curiosa em ver Leonore e Nicolas nesta ocasião, e como Madeleine e Chris os iriam entreter...
I was very curious to see Leonore and Nicolas in this event, and to see how Madeleine and Chris would entertain them ...
And Oscar entered in style to the Family of God.
Estava muito curiosa em ver Leonore e Nicolas nesta ocasião, e como Madeleine e Chris os iriam entreter...
I was very curious to see Leonore and Nicolas in this event, and to see how Madeleine and Chris would entertain them ...
Nicolas provou mais uma vez que não é fã de baptizados, pois não pareceu muito satisfeito, excepção feita quando estava entretido a escovar os dentes...Sim, o filho mais novo de Madeleine e Chris deu uma verdadeira lição de higiene oral com o seu brinquedo favorito: uma escova de dentes...LUMINOSA!
Nicolas proved once again that it is not a fan of baptisms, because his mood was not the best, except when he was entertained brushing his teeth ... Yes, the youngest son of Madeleine and Chris gave a lesson of oral hygiene with his favorite toy: a toothbrush ... with LIGHT!
Nicolas proved once again that it is not a fan of baptisms, because his mood was not the best, except when he was entertained brushing his teeth ... Yes, the youngest son of Madeleine and Chris gave a lesson of oral hygiene with his favorite toy: a toothbrush ... with LIGHT!
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Print Screen of the Christening ceremony via SVT |
Já Leonore, comprovou mais uma vez que é uma verdadeira força da natureza. "Sentada" ao lado da mãe junto dos Padrinhos, o raio de sol não parou um segundo, fazendo as delicias de Frederik e Mette-Marit que pareciam divertidos com a situação. Maddie não estava.
Leonore, proved once again that is a true force of nature. "Sitting" beside her mother among all godparents, Madeleine's sunshine did not stay quite for a second, making the delights of Frederik and Mette-Marit who seemed amused by the situation. Maddie wasn't.
Leonore, proved once again that is a true force of nature. "Sitting" beside her mother among all godparents, Madeleine's sunshine did not stay quite for a second, making the delights of Frederik and Mette-Marit who seemed amused by the situation. Maddie wasn't.
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Print Screen of the Christening ceremony via SVT |
Estelle foi Estelle. Maravilhosa. Uma verdadeira futura Rainha e a perfeita irmã mais velha.
Estelle was Estelle. Wonderful. A real future Queen and the perfect older sister.
Estelle was Estelle. Wonderful. A real future Queen and the perfect older sister.
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Print Screen of the Christening ceremony via SVT |
A cerimónia acabou como é hábito, com o Rei Carl Gustaf a nomear o neto Cavaleiro da Ordem do Serafim, e a colocar-lhe uma mini-faixa da Ordem.
The ceremony ended as always with King Carl Gustaf appointing his grandson Knight of the Seraphim Order, and placed him a mini-sash.
The ceremony ended as always with King Carl Gustaf appointing his grandson Knight of the Seraphim Order, and placed him a mini-sash.
A família de quatro abandonou a Capela, acompanhada pelos Padrinhos de Oscar (e Leonore) e saudou as dezenas de populares que esperavam no exterior, apesar da chuva, para cumprimentar a família.
The family of four left the chapel, accompanied by Oscar's Godparents (and Leonore) and greeted the dozens of popular waiting outside despite the rain to greet the family.
The family of four left the chapel, accompanied by Oscar's Godparents (and Leonore) and greeted the dozens of popular waiting outside despite the rain to greet the family.
Seguiu-se a recepção, onde Victoria e Daniel cumprimentaram os convidados, enquanto Oscar descansava no Berço Karl XV (séc. XIX).
A reception followed, where Victoria and Daniel greeted the guests while Oscar rested in the Karl XV's Cradle (century. XIX).
A reception followed, where Victoria and Daniel greeted the guests while Oscar rested in the Karl XV's Cradle (century. XIX).
Tempo para falar de moda, porque se há algo que nos alegra é a moda nos baptizados suecos.
Time to talk about fashion, because if there is something that makes us happy is the fashion in a Swedish Christening.
Time to talk about fashion, because if there is something that makes us happy is the fashion in a Swedish Christening.
Victoria foi a mãe perfeita. A futura Rainha escolheu um vestido branco que combinou com um chapéu branco que usou de lado. O look perfeito para um baptizado.
Victoria was the perfect mother. The future Queen chose a white dress combined with a white hat used aside. The perfect look for a christening.
Victoria was the perfect mother. The future Queen chose a white dress combined with a white hat used aside. The perfect look for a christening.
Estelle seguiu as pisadas da mãe. Um pequeno fascinator em forma de flor (porque nunca é cedo demais para começar a usar um), uma mala, um colar de pérolas e aquela postura de quem sabe quem é, e qual o seu papel. Absolutamente adorável.
Estelle followed her mother's footsteps. A small fascinator flower-shaped (because it's never too early to start using one), a handbag, a pearl necklace and that attitude of who knows who she is, and what is her role. Absolutely lovely.
Estelle followed her mother's footsteps. A small fascinator flower-shaped (because it's never too early to start using one), a handbag, a pearl necklace and that attitude of who knows who she is, and what is her role. Absolutely lovely.
Quando vimos Madeleine pela primeira vez qualquer semelhança com a Rainha Máxima da Holanda era pura coincidência. A princesa sueca deslumbrou num vestido em tons suaves que completou na perfeição com um penteado à la Madeleine e uma peça floral. Leonore de azul e branco encantou.
When we saw Madeleine for the first time any resemblance to Queen Máxima of the Netherlands was pure coincidence. The Swedish princess dazzled in a dress in soft shades that perfectly completed with a hairstyle à la Madeleine and a floral piece. Leonore was pure perfection in blue and white.
When we saw Madeleine for the first time any resemblance to Queen Máxima of the Netherlands was pure coincidence. The Swedish princess dazzled in a dress in soft shades that perfectly completed with a hairstyle à la Madeleine and a floral piece. Leonore was pure perfection in blue and white.
Sofia teve para mim um dos looks mais contraditórios do dia. Adorei a cor e o efeito capa. Ainda assim a forma do vestido não me convence totalmente, embora ache que em movimento resulta muito melhor do que nas fotografias. Aquela panqueca na cabeça é que era desnecessária...
Sofia was for me one of the most contradictory looks of the day. Stunning color and I loved the cape effect. Still the dress shape does not convince me completely, although I think it results much better on movement than in the photos. That pancake on her head, I 'll pass thank you very much...
Sofia was for me one of the most contradictory looks of the day. Stunning color and I loved the cape effect. Still the dress shape does not convince me completely, although I think it results much better on movement than in the photos. That pancake on her head, I 'll pass thank you very much...
Sílvia e Eva deslumbrantes para o baptizado do neto. Nada a apontar.
Silvia and Eva very pretty for their grandson's christening. No comments.
Silvia and Eva very pretty for their grandson's christening. No comments.
Esperava algo diferente em Mette-Marit. Talvez um fascinator? Ainda assim as cores escolhidas favorecem muito a futura Rainha da Noruega que entrou acompanhada por um muito elegante Padrinho Frederik.
I expected something different in Mette-Marit. Maybe a fascinator? Yet the colors chosen very much favor the future Queen of Norway which came accompanied by a very elegant Godfather Frederik.
I expected something different in Mette-Marit. Maybe a fascinator? Yet the colors chosen very much favor the future Queen of Norway which came accompanied by a very elegant Godfather Frederik.
Mary e Haakon, padrinhos de Estelle também compareceram claro está. E fiquei fascinada por este look de Mary. Não esperava detalhes pretos para um baptismo na primavera, mas ainda assim é difícil superar esta elegância. AMO o chapéu.
Mary and Haakon, Estelle's godparents, also attended of course. And I was fascinated by Mary's look. I did not expect black details for a spring christening, but it's still hard to beat this elegance. LOVE that hat.
E assim foi o baptizado do Príncipe Oscar da Suécia.
And so it was the christening of Prince Oscar of Sweden.
Mary and Haakon, Estelle's godparents, also attended of course. And I was fascinated by Mary's look. I did not expect black details for a spring christening, but it's still hard to beat this elegance. LOVE that hat.
E assim foi o baptizado do Príncipe Oscar da Suécia.
And so it was the christening of Prince Oscar of Sweden.
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Anna-Lena Ahlström, |
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