Um novo Príncipe para a Suécia / A new baby Prince for Sweden
Ei, lembram-se de mim? Estou de volta para um dia dedicado a vocês! Digam lá que não se sentem uns privilegiados?
Hey, remember me? I'm back for a day dedicated to you! Don't tell me you don't feel privileged?
Hey, remember me? I'm back for a day dedicated to you! Don't tell me you don't feel privileged?
Bebés reais primeiro! E ontem demos as boas-vindas a mais um, no dia em que eu proclamei a #GreatSofiaWait, como oficial!
Royal babies first! Yesterday we welcome one more, on the day when I proclaimed the #GreatSofiaWait as official!
Royal babies first! Yesterday we welcome one more, on the day when I proclaimed the #GreatSofiaWait as official!
Era fim da tarde aqui por terras portuguesas, quando surgiu o anúncio oficial de que a Princesa Sofia da Suécia tinha dado à luz uma criança saudável no Hospital Danderyd, colocando fim à #SwedishBabiesWatch.
It was late afternoon here on the portuguese corner, when the official announcement came that Princess Sofia of Sweden had given birth to a healthy child in Danderyd Hospital putting an end to myself proclaimed #SwedishBabiesWatch.
It was late afternoon here on the portuguese corner, when the official announcement came that Princess Sofia of Sweden had given birth to a healthy child in Danderyd Hospital putting an end to myself proclaimed #SwedishBabiesWatch.
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Photo: Kungahuset |
Mais detalhes apenas foram revelados cerca de uma hora depois pelo orgulhoso papá que deu uma conferência de imprensa para as dezenas de jornalistas que estavam à espera de mais noticias (eles e nós no Twitter e no T&T no Facebook).
More details were revealed only about an hour after by the proud daddy who gave a press conference for the dozens of journalists who were waiting for more news (them and a crazy royal watcher's community on Twitter and on T & T on Facebook).
More details were revealed only about an hour after by the proud daddy who gave a press conference for the dozens of journalists who were waiting for more news (them and a crazy royal watcher's community on Twitter and on T & T on Facebook).
Carl Philip revelou então que ele e Sofia deram as boas-vindas a um menino!
Carl Philip then revealed that he and Sofia have welcomed a baby boy!
Carl Philip then revealed that he and Sofia have welcomed a baby boy!
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Photo: Kungahuset |
O menino é o 5º neto do Rei Carl XVI Gustaf e da Rainha Sílvia da Suécia. O mais recente príncipe europeu ocupa o 5º lugar na linha de sucessão ao trono sueco. Curioso é o facto de, caso a lei que privilegia a sucessão pela via masculina e que foi alterada com efeitos retroactivos após o nascimento do Príncipe Carl Philip, ainda estivesse em vigor, ontem teríamos assistido ao nascimento de um futuro Rei (pausa para assimilar a informação!)...
The boy is the 5th grandchild for King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden. The latest European prince occupies the 5th place in the succession line to the Swedish throne. Curious is the fact that if the old law favoring the succession by male pathway that was changed retroactively after Prince Carl Philip's birth, was still in force, yesterday we would have seen the birth of a future King (pause to assimilate information!)...
The boy is the 5th grandchild for King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden. The latest European prince occupies the 5th place in the succession line to the Swedish throne. Curious is the fact that if the old law favoring the succession by male pathway that was changed retroactively after Prince Carl Philip's birth, was still in force, yesterday we would have seen the birth of a future King (pause to assimilate information!)...
Palavras de Carl Philip que acompanhou todo o nascimento e cortou o cordão umbilical:
Words of Carl Philip who accompanied throughout the birth and cut the umbilical cord:
Words of Carl Philip who accompanied throughout the birth and cut the umbilical cord:
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Photo: Kungahuset |
"Temos um pequeno rapaz, o que nos deixa muito felizes. Penso que é uma boa mistura de nós os dois, mas ainda é cedo para dizer. Fazer parte disto e ver como a Sofia se comportou durante o parto é muito emocional. Sofia foi fantástica durante o parto e fez tudo certo. Foi realmente fantástica e vê-la passar por tudo isto fez-me admirar muito o que vocês, mulheres, fazem. Para mim e para a minha esposa, isto foi a melhor coisa que nos aconteceu, não consigo transpor para palavras os meus sentimentos. Amor é a única coisa que consigo pensar, somos agora uma família."
"We have a little boy, which makes us very happy. I think it's a good mix from both of us, but it is too early to say. To be part of it and see how Sofia behaved during delivery is very emotional. Sofia was fantastic during labor and did everything right. it was really fantastic and seeing her through all this made me admire all women fro what you do. For me and my wife, this was the best thing that happened to us, I can not transpose into words my feelings. Love is the only thing I can think, now we are a family. "
Awwww, é tão lindo ver a emoção dos jovens pais!!
Awwww, it's so beautiful to see young parents getting emotional !!
Awwww, it's so beautiful to see young parents getting emotional !!
Carl Philip acrescentou ainda que eles preferiam não saber o sexo da criança antes do nascimento, porque preferiam ser surpreendidos. No momento do nascimento, Carl Philip confessou que chorou .Acerca do filho, o Príncipe acrescentou ainda que ele "Tem cabelo escuro e um bom par de pulmões"!
Carl Philip added that they preferred not to know the sex of the child before birth, because they preferred to be surprised. At birth, Carl Philip confessed that he cried. About his son the Prince added that he "has dark hair and a good pair of lungs!"
Carl Philip added that they preferred not to know the sex of the child before birth, because they preferred to be surprised. At birth, Carl Philip confessed that he cried. About his son the Prince added that he "has dark hair and a good pair of lungs!"
O Rei já visitou hoje o seu neto.
The King already visited today his grandson.
The King already visited today his grandson.
Todos os eventos que procedem um nascimento real na Suécia foram adiados. Assim sendo, a reunião de gabinete onde o Rei divulgará o nome do bebé e o ducado atribuído terá lugar amanhã, 21 de Abril pelas 11:15 AM (Hora sueca). Confirma-se a presença da Princesa da Coroa Victoria a acompanhar o pai nesta reunião.
All the events that precede a royal birth in Sweden were postponed. Therefore, the cabinet meeting where the King will release the baby's name and the assigned duchy will take place tomorrow, April 21 at 11:15 AM (Swedish time). It is confirmed the presence of Crown Princess Victoria to next to her father at this meeting.
All the events that precede a royal birth in Sweden were postponed. Therefore, the cabinet meeting where the King will release the baby's name and the assigned duchy will take place tomorrow, April 21 at 11:15 AM (Swedish time). It is confirmed the presence of Crown Princess Victoria to next to her father at this meeting.
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Photo: Kungahuset |
O serviço Te Deum terá lugar na sexta-feira, 22 de Abril às 12:00 PM (hora sueca) e contará com a presença do Rei, da Rainha, da Princesa da Coroa Victoria, Príncipe Daniel e o Príncipe Carl-Philip. Ainda tenho esperança de ver a Princesa Estelle também neste serviço. E espero que a Princesa Madeleine e Chris também consigam vir.
The Te Deum service will take place on Friday, April 22 at 12:00 PM (Sweden time) and will be attending by the King, the Queen, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Carl-Philip. I still have hope of seeing the Princess Estelle also at this service. And I hope Princess Madeleine and Chris can make it too.
The Te Deum service will take place on Friday, April 22 at 12:00 PM (Sweden time) and will be attending by the King, the Queen, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Carl-Philip. I still have hope of seeing the Princess Estelle also at this service. And I hope Princess Madeleine and Chris can make it too.
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Photo: Kungahuset |
Ora no final do dia, estou bastante satisfeita. Previ dois meninos para a Suécia e voilá. Aqui estão eles. Quanto a nomes, vocês sabem que eu não gosto de apostar muito em nomes suecos. Ainda assim acho que Bertil, Carl ou Enrik poderão ser opções muito fortes tanto como primeiros nomes como para conjugações.
Now at the end of the day, I am quite satisfied. I hoped for two boys for Sweden and voilá. Here they are. As for names, you know I do not like to bet a lot in Swedish names. But well I think Bertil, Carl or Enrik may be very strong options both as first names and for possible conjugations.
Now at the end of the day, I am quite satisfied. I hoped for two boys for Sweden and voilá. Here they are. As for names, you know I do not like to bet a lot in Swedish names. But well I think Bertil, Carl or Enrik may be very strong options both as first names and for possible conjugations.
Amanhã saberemos. E só para terem a noção, aqui fica um pequeno apanhado das felicidades que a família real sueca nos deu em menos de um ano:
Tomorrow we will know. And just to make a little reflexion about it, here is a short overview of the happiness that the Swedish royal family have given us in less than a year:
Tomorrow we will know. And just to make a little reflexion about it, here is a short overview of the happiness that the Swedish royal family have given us in less than a year:
All the major family events that have happened with the Swedish Royal Family in less than a year:— Scandinavian Royals. (@crownprincely) 19 de abril de 2016
Nós gostamos tanto dos Bernadotte!!
We simply love the Bernadottes!!!
A família de três já deixou o hospital.
The family of three already left the hospital!
We simply love the Bernadottes!!!
A família de três já deixou o hospital.
The family of three already left the hospital!
Numa reunião de gabinete realizada esta manhã e presidida pelo Rei e pela Princesa da Coroa foi divulgado o nome e ducado do novo Príncipe.
In a cabinet meeting held this morning and chaired by the King and the Crown Princess was released the name of the duchy of the new Prince.
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Photo: Kungahuset |
Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil
O príncipe será conhecido como Sua Alteza Real, Príncipe Alexander da Suécia, Duque de Södermanland.
The prince will be known as His Royal Highness Prince Alexander of Sweden, Duke of Södermanland.
PS: Eu disse-vos que hoje o dia seria dedicado a vocês. Então este é apenas o primeiro de alguns posts de hoje. Fiquem atentos.
PS: I told you that today the day will be dedicated to you. So this is just the first of some of today's posts. Stay tuned.
Parece que foi ontem....... estávamos a discutir qual seria a tiara que Sofia iria usar no seu casamento...e....hoje, a ansiedade é saber o nome do bonequinho que esse casal tão querido e bonito gerou!!
ResponderEliminarMuitas felicidades para os mais novos papás Bernadotte!!
Estávamos mega ansiosos pelo nascimento do primeiro filho de Sofia e Carl e mais ainda plo teu regresso Lurdes!!!!
Kiss kiss!!