O Baby-boom real continua / The Royal Baby-Boom strikes again
Estamos oficialmente em baby-boom real, mas enquanto algumas gravidezes reais são acompanhadas ao pormenor, outras passam bem desapercebidas.
We are officially on royal baby boom, but while some royal pregnancies are followed in detail, others pass pretty much unnoticed.
We are officially on royal baby boom, but while some royal pregnancies are followed in detail, others pass pretty much unnoticed.
Foi o caso do anúncio da gravidez da Princesa Elisabetta da Bélgica, esposa do Príncipe Amedeo.
This was the case of the pregnancy announcement of Princess Elisabetta of Belgium, wife of Prince Amedeo.
This was the case of the pregnancy announcement of Princess Elisabetta of Belgium, wife of Prince Amedeo.
A confirmação foi feita pelo Palácio Real, e o nascimento do sétimo na linha de sucessão ao trono está previsto para Maio (sim, já para Maio). Trata-se do primeiro bisneto dos Reis Albert II e Paola da Bélgica, e o facto de só agora ter sido anunciada a gravidez não deixa de ser....bizarro.
The confirmation was made by the Royal Palace, and the birth of the seventh in line to the throne is due for May (yes, next May). This will be the first great-grandchild for King Albert II and Queen Paola of Belgium, and the fact that only now the pregnancy has been announced is nonetheless .... bizarre.
The confirmation was made by the Royal Palace, and the birth of the seventh in line to the throne is due for May (yes, next May). This will be the first great-grandchild for King Albert II and Queen Paola of Belgium, and the fact that only now the pregnancy has been announced is nonetheless .... bizarre.
OFFICIEL !!! Le Palais Royal a confirmé à Place Royale que "le Prince et la Princesse Amedeo de Belgique sont heureux d...
Publicado por Place Royale em Sábado, 9 de Abril de 2016
Amedeo e Elisabetta casaram a 5 de Julho de 2014 em Roma, na presença de vários membros da família real belga. Seguiu-se alguma especulação que ficou conhecida como "Amedeogate", porque embora o noivado tenha sido anunciado publicamente através do site da Família Real Belga, nenhuma autorização dinástica ao casamento foi publicada por parte do Rei antes do casamento, como requerido pela Constituição Belga.
Amadeo and Elisabetta married at July 5, 2014 in Rome, in the presence of several members of the Belgian royal family. There was some speculation that became known as "Amedeogate" because although the engagement was announced publicly through the Belgian Royal Family website, no dynastic consent to marriage has been published by the King before marriage, as required by the Belgian Constitution.
Muitas justificações foram levantadas na altura, inclusive que Amedeo escolheu intencionalmente casar sem autorização, o que o excluía automaticamente da linha de sucessão, dado que pretendia levar uma vida sem obrigações oficiais e mais independente.
Many explanations have been raised at the time, including that Amedeo intentionally chose to marry without permission, which automatically excluded him from the line of succession as he intended to take a more independent life without an official role.
Many explanations have been raised at the time, including that Amedeo intentionally chose to marry without permission, which automatically excluded him from the line of succession as he intended to take a more independent life without an official role.
No entanto em Novembro de 2015, foi emitido um decreto real em que o Rei Philippe dá o seu consentimento para o casamento de Amedeo e Elisabetta com efeitos retroactivos.
Confuso, certo?
However in November 2015, it was issued a Royal Decree in which King Philippe gives his consent to the marriage of Amedeo and Elisabetta retroactively.
Confusing, right?
However in November 2015, it was issued a Royal Decree in which King Philippe gives his consent to the marriage of Amedeo and Elisabetta retroactively.
Confusing, right?
Amedeo está de volta na linha de sucessão, bem como os seus descendentes. No entanto, devido a outro decreto real emitido pelo Rei Philippe com a intenção de limitar o número de membros da família real com títulos reais, os seus descendentes não serão Principes/Princesas da Bélgica.
Amedeo is back in the sucession line, as well as his descendants. However, due to another royal decree issued by King Philippe, which intended to limit the number of members of the royal family with royal titles, Amedeo's descendants will not be styled as Prince / Princess of Belgium.
Amedeo is back in the sucession line, as well as his descendants. However, due to another royal decree issued by King Philippe, which intended to limit the number of members of the royal family with royal titles, Amedeo's descendants will not be styled as Prince / Princess of Belgium.
Amedeo é o neto mais velho dos Reis Albert II e Paola da Bélgica. A sua mãe é a Princesa Astrid, casada com o Arquiduque Lorenz da Aústria-Este. Amedeo além de Príncipe da Bélgica é também Arquiduque e herdeiro dos direitos dinásticos da Casa Áustria-Este, embora a Áustria não reconheça a legitimidade destes títulos após a queda do Império Austro-Húngaro.
Amedeo is the eldest grandson of King Albert II and Queen Paola of Belgium. His mother is Princess Astrid, married to Archduke Lorenz of Austria-Este. Amedeo besides Prince of Belgium is also Archduke and heir of the dynastic rights of the Austria-Este House, although Austria does not recognize the legitimacy of these titles after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Parabéns a toda a família!
Congratulations to the whole family!
Amedeo is the eldest grandson of King Albert II and Queen Paola of Belgium. His mother is Princess Astrid, married to Archduke Lorenz of Austria-Este. Amedeo besides Prince of Belgium is also Archduke and heir of the dynastic rights of the Austria-Este House, although Austria does not recognize the legitimacy of these titles after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Parabéns a toda a família!
Congratulations to the whole family!
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