Novos selos #QueenAt90 / New stamps #QueenAt90
Caso não saibam a Rainha Elizabeth II comemora amanhã o seu 90 º aniversário, e eu enfeitei o T&T a rigor em sua homenagem:
In case you are sleeping on the royal world Queen Elizabeth II celebrates tomorrow her 90th anniversary, and I changed T & T cover picture on facebook in her honor:
A monarca vai passar o seu aniversário no Castelo de Windsor. Ainda assim têm sido vários os gestos assinalados pela Casa Real Britânica para assinalar esta ocasião especial.
The monarch will spend her birthday at Windsor Castle. Still it has been several gestures marked by the Royal House to mark this special occasion.
📷 90 photos for 90 years ahead of The Queen's birthday on Thursday #Queenat90— BritishMonarchy (@BritishMonarchy) 18 de abril de 2016
90 anos é um marco importante para qualquer pessoa e após tornar-se a monarca britânica com o reinado mais longo de sempre, Lilibet prepara-se agora para atingir outro importante marco na sua vida. E tal marco é para assinalar à boa maneira britânica.
90 years is an important milestone for anyone and after becoming the British monarch with the longest reign ever, Lilibet is now preparing to reach another important milestone in her life. And this milestone needs to be treat in a good British way.
90 years is an important milestone for anyone and after becoming the British monarch with the longest reign ever, Lilibet is now preparing to reach another important milestone in her life. And this milestone needs to be treat in a good British way.
Com simbolismo. Foi ontem à noite divulgada uma nova fotografia da Rainha com os seus três herdeiros: Charles, William e George.
A fotografia foi emitida pelo Royal Mail que lança assim uma edição especial de selos por ocasião do 90º aniversário da monarca britânica.
With symbolism. It was last night released a new picture of the Queen with the three heirs: Charles, William and George.
The photograph was issued by Royal Mail that throws a special stamps sheet on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the British monarch.
With symbolism. It was last night released a new picture of the Queen with the three heirs: Charles, William and George.
The photograph was issued by Royal Mail that throws a special stamps sheet on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the British monarch.
.@RoyalMail celebrates #Queenat90 with a specially commissioned Stamp Sheet of 4 generations of the Royal Family— BritishMonarchy (@BritishMonarchy) 20 de abril de 2016
A fotografia foi tirada no passado mês de Junho na Sala de Desenho Branca do Palácio de Buckigham e mostra quatro gerações de monarcas britânicos (bem, a Rainha está a usar um broche da Rainha-Mãe, por isso como referiu a sempre sábia Order of Sartorial Splendor, estão presentes 5 gerações de monarcas britânicos).
The photograph was taken last June in the White Drawing Room of Buckigham Palace and shows four generations of British monarchs (well, the Queen is wearing a brooch of the Queen Mother, so as mentioned by the always wise Order of Sartorial Splendor, there are present in fact 5 generations of British monarchs).
The photograph was taken last June in the White Drawing Room of Buckigham Palace and shows four generations of British monarchs (well, the Queen is wearing a brooch of the Queen Mother, so as mentioned by the always wise Order of Sartorial Splendor, there are present in fact 5 generations of British monarchs).
Four generations and a brooch from the Queen Mother makes five!— Order of Splendor (@orderofsplendor) 19 de abril de 2016
Os selos podem ser adquiridos aqui em conjuntos. Cada folha trás quatro selos no valor de £2,56.
The stamps may be acquired here. Each sheet brings four seals for £ 2.56.
The stamps may be acquired here. Each sheet brings four seals for £ 2.56.
Um outro conjunto de selos também foi lançado com uma selecção de fotografias da Rainha em vários momentos da sua vida. Uma folha com 6 selos pode ser adquirida aqui por £6,48.
Another set of stamps was also released with a selection of Queen photographs at various times of her life. A sheet with 6 stamps can be purchased here for £ 6.48.
Another set of stamps was also released with a selection of Queen photographs at various times of her life. A sheet with 6 stamps can be purchased here for £ 6.48.
A ocasião marca também o primeiro selo oficial do Príncipe George de Cambridge que celebra o seu terceiro aniversário em Julho.
The occasion also marks Prince George of Cambridge first official stamp. The older child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge celebrates his third birthday in July.
The occasion also marks Prince George of Cambridge first official stamp. The older child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge celebrates his third birthday in July.
Ainda em relação ao aniversário da Rainha sabe-se que amanhã a Rainha irá passear por o centro de Windsor para cumprimentar as multidões que já se começam a concentrar na cidade para saudar a sua rainha nesta ocasião especial.
Still on birthday celebrations, it is known that tomorrow the Queen will stroll through the Windsor center to greet the crowds already begin to gather on the city to greet their Queen on this special occasion.
Still on birthday celebrations, it is known that tomorrow the Queen will stroll through the Windsor center to greet the crowds already begin to gather on the city to greet their Queen on this special occasion.
Acompanhada pelo Príncipe Philip, pelo Príncipe de Gales e pela Duquesa da Cornualha, a Rainha irá acender o primeiro dos mais de mil faróis que irão marcar por todo o Reino Unido e mundo, o aniversário da soberana.
Accompanied by Prince Philip, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Queen will light the first of more than a thousand beacons that will mark throughout the UK and the world, the birthday of the british sovereign.
Accompanied by Prince Philip, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Queen will light the first of more than a thousand beacons that will mark throughout the UK and the world, the birthday of the british sovereign.
De noite, espera-se que vários membros da família real compareçam a um jantar de aniversário privado no castelo de Windsor oferecido pelo Príncipe de Gales.
At night, it is expected that several members of the royal family attend a private birthday dinner at Windsor Castle hosted by the Prince of Wales.
At night, it is expected that several members of the royal family attend a private birthday dinner at Windsor Castle hosted by the Prince of Wales.
Entretanto esperamos que mais algumas fotografias sejam divulgadas. Anseio especialmente por uma fotografia da Rainha com os seus bisnetos que terá sido aparentemente tirada durante a Páscoa.
I won't be surprised if more pictures will be revealed. I'm looking forward especially for a picture of the Queen with her great-grandchildren, apparently taken during Easter holidays.
I won't be surprised if more pictures will be revealed. I'm looking forward especially for a picture of the Queen with her great-grandchildren, apparently taken during Easter holidays.
PS. Este foi o terceiro post do dia. Continuem a ler em baixo.
PS. This was the third post of the day. Continue reading below.
PS. Este foi o terceiro post do dia. Continuem a ler em baixo.
PS. This was the third post of the day. Continue reading below.
O que é que apetece fazer ao George depois de ver uma foto destas?? No mínimo abraça-lo sem parar e dar-lhe 3486 beijocas sem parar naquelas bochechas!!!!...Impossível não ficar apaixonada por esse boneco!!!!
ResponderEliminarAi meu Deus...daqui a muitos anos ele vai ser Rei e este comentário não vai parecer muito razoável!!!!!!!!
Senti falta, um aconchego maior entre todos...mas estão todos muito bem!!! Com um ar muito simpático e resplandecente!! É uma foto Royalmente British!!!
Saudades querida Lurdes!!! Que bom que voltaste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!