Highlights da Semana / Weekly Highlights
Hoje decidi fazer algo que não faço há muito tempo: um sumário da semana (não necessariamente apenas a que hoje acaba)! É a melhor forma de compilar momentos chave sobre os quais não tive tempo de abordar aqui no T&T.
Today I decided to do something I do not for a long time: a weekly summary (not just necessarily about the one that ends today)! It is the best way to compile key moments on which I did not have time to address here in T & T.
Today I decided to do something I do not for a long time: a weekly summary (not just necessarily about the one that ends today)! It is the best way to compile key moments on which I did not have time to address here in T & T.
A nossa querida Mathilde vestiu-se a rigor para aquele tipo de eventos que, um novato em realeza pode pensar que fazem parte do dia-a-dia destas pessoas. A Rainha da Bélgica baptizou um novo navio do grupo Jan de Nul. O navio recebeu o nome de "Vole au Vent" e destina-se à instalação de parques eólicos no Mar do Norte. Mathilde fiel à temática usou um chapéu que parecia, também ele, uma turbina eólica.
Our dear Mathilde dressed strictly for that type of event that a beginner in royalty may think are part of daily-basis of these people. The Queen of Belgium baptized a new ship from Jan de Nul group. The ship was named "Vole au Vent" and it is intended for the installation of wind farms in the North Sea. Mathilde faithful to the subject wore a hat that looked, also, like a wind turbine.
Our dear Mathilde dressed strictly for that type of event that a beginner in royalty may think are part of daily-basis of these people. The Queen of Belgium baptized a new ship from Jan de Nul group. The ship was named "Vole au Vent" and it is intended for the installation of wind farms in the North Sea. Mathilde faithful to the subject wore a hat that looked, also, like a wind turbine.
Dinamarca/ Denmark
S.A.R la Princesse Mary visitant Mounira,fille-mère de 15ans à Ouaga.#youth #reprohealth @UNFPA_WCARO @UNFPA_Nordic pic.twitter.com/75Jn4JIidi— UNFPA Burkina Faso (@UNFPABF) 27 de abril de 2016
Entretanto na Dinamarca, tanto Mary e Frederik viajaram para terras distantes e perigosas.
Mary levou a cabo uma visita a Burkina Faso, que foi adiada em Janeiro por ocasião dos ataques terroristas na região. A visita focou-se na saúde sexual e reprodutiva, bem como nos direitos da mulheres e meninas.
Meanwhile in Denmark, both Mary and Frederik traveled to distant and dangerous lands.
Mary undertook a visit to Burkina Faso, which was postponed in January due the terrorist attacks in the region. The visit focused on sexual and reproductive health and the rights of women and girls.
Meanwhile in Denmark, both Mary and Frederik traveled to distant and dangerous lands.
Mary undertook a visit to Burkina Faso, which was postponed in January due the terrorist attacks in the region. The visit focused on sexual and reproductive health and the rights of women and girls.
Crown Prince Frederik has made a surprise visit to the Al Asad Air Base in Iraq. The Crown Prince arrived yesterday. pic.twitter.com/gznKXpd3Qi— Scandinavian Royals. (@crownprincely) 28 de abril de 2016
Entretanto Frederik visitou as tropas dinamarquesas no Iraque.
Frederik visited the danish troops in Iraq.
Frederik visited the danish troops in Iraq.
El Rey y la Princesa de Asturias, en el partido de semifinales @ChampionsLeague entre el @Atleti y el @FCBayernES pic.twitter.com/0H2pHtKCG3— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 27 de abril de 2016
Há momentos mais ternurentos do que momentos pai-filha? Felipe VI levou a sua filha mais velha, Leonor, a ver a partida da Liga dos Campeões da UEFA entre o Atlético de Madrid e o Bayern de Munique. O Rei é adepto do Atlético de Madrid e talvez a Princesa das Astúrias também torça por esse clube. Lindo de ver! Ah, e o Atlético ganhou!
What could be more sweet than father-daughter moments? Felipe VI took his eldest daughter, Leonor, to watch a UEFA Champions League match between Atletico Madrid and Bayern Munich. The King supports Atlético Madrid and maybe the Princess of Asturias also cheers for the club. Beautiful to see! Oh, and Atletico won!
What could be more sweet than father-daughter moments? Felipe VI took his eldest daughter, Leonor, to watch a UEFA Champions League match between Atletico Madrid and Bayern Munich. The King supports Atlético Madrid and maybe the Princess of Asturias also cheers for the club. Beautiful to see! Oh, and Atletico won!
Holanda/ The Netherlands
Last Monday our King, Queen and their three daughters met the Pope @Vatican for a private visit. pic.twitter.com/x0aO9uzBXx— Jaime deBourbonParme (@jaimedebourbon) 28 de abril de 2016
Os reis da Holanda acompanhados das suas três filhas fizeram uma visita privada ao Vaticano onde conheceram o Papa Francisco. Aposto que Máxima e Francisco conversaram imenso em castelhano, dado que ambos são argentinos de nascença. Todos vestiram sobriamente preto e foi bom ver que Alexia está de pé, aparentemente recuperada, da fractura sofrida durante as férias de ski da família.
The King and Queen of the Netherlands accompanied by their three daughters made a private visit to the Vatican where they met Pope Francis. I bet our Maxi and Francis talked a lot in Spanish, since both are Argentine-born. All dressed soberly in black, and it was good to see that Alexia is standing, apparently recovered, from her leg fracture suffered during the family ski vacation.
The King and Queen of the Netherlands accompanied by their three daughters made a private visit to the Vatican where they met Pope Francis. I bet our Maxi and Francis talked a lot in Spanish, since both are Argentine-born. All dressed soberly in black, and it was good to see that Alexia is standing, apparently recovered, from her leg fracture suffered during the family ski vacation.
Um dia depois do meu aniversário foi a vez da Holanda sair à rua para celebrar o Dia do Rei. Willem-Alexander completou 49 Primaveras (WA: é favor começar a planear uma festa de arromba para o ano. Fica o conselho T&T). Razão mais que suficiente para a família desfrutar das celebrações que tomaram conta das ruas.
One day after my own birthday, it was Netherlands's turn to take to the streets to celebrate King's Day Willem-Alexander turned 49 (WA:. Please start planning a big party for nexts year It is a very humble T&T little advice). Reasons enough for the family to enjoy the celebrations that took to the streets.
One day after my own birthday, it was Netherlands's turn to take to the streets to celebrate King's Day Willem-Alexander turned 49 (WA:. Please start planning a big party for nexts year It is a very humble T&T little advice). Reasons enough for the family to enjoy the celebrations that took to the streets.
Adorei o look retro de Maxi, e a diversidade de estilos da equipa A. E bem, toda a alegria que era notória e a proximidade com as multidões também são muito especiais.
I loved Maxi's retro look, and the diversity of styles of the A-Team. And well, all the evident joy and the proximity to the crowds are also very special.
I loved Maxi's retro look, and the diversity of styles of the A-Team. And well, all the evident joy and the proximity to the crowds are also very special.
Mónaco/ Monaco
Charlene apareceu!! Yeah! Ela e Albert compareceram à final do Torneio Master-Series de Monte-Carlo em ténis.
Look, Charlene is here! Yeah! She and Albert attended the final of the Master-Series Monte-Carlo Tennis Tournament.
Look, Charlene is here! Yeah! She and Albert attended the final of the Master-Series Monte-Carlo Tennis Tournament.
E lá estava ela com todo o seu estilo...Chuac!
And here she is full of style...Chuac!
Reino Unido /Great-Britain
And here she is full of style...Chuac!
Reino Unido /Great-Britain
E vêm do Reino Unido grandes, GRANDES delícias! Primeiro, William, Catherine e Harry uniram-se em prole da saúde mental na campanha Heads Together lançada pela Fundação Real. O vídeo bastante divertido foi gravado nos jardins do Palácio de Kensignton. O trio maravilha tem vindo a chamar a atenção para a importância do combate ao estigma em volta da saúde mental, em áreas como o suicídio (William), intervenção da infância (Catherine) e apoio aos traumas dos veteranos de guerra (Harry). E esta campanha promete mudar mentalidades.
And then British royals gave us big, BIG delights! First, William, Catherine and Harry joined forces for mental health in Heads Together campaign launched by the Royal Foundation. The rather amusing video was recorded at Kensington Palace Gardens. The wonder trio has been drawing attention to the importance of combating stigma around mental health in areas such as suicide (William), childhood intervention (Catherine) and support to the traumas of war veterans (Harry). And this new campaign promises to change mentalities.
And then British royals gave us big, BIG delights! First, William, Catherine and Harry joined forces for mental health in Heads Together campaign launched by the Royal Foundation. The rather amusing video was recorded at Kensington Palace Gardens. The wonder trio has been drawing attention to the importance of combating stigma around mental health in areas such as suicide (William), childhood intervention (Catherine) and support to the traumas of war veterans (Harry). And this new campaign promises to change mentalities.
WATCH the Prince Harry Invictus Special of @skygamechangers! But don't just take our word for it! @weareinvictushttps://t.co/iR4JhfxFcN— Sky Game Changers (@SkyGameChangers) 27 de abril de 2016
Para os mais distraídos, a segunda edição dos Invictus Games está ai. Desta vez o evento muda-se para o outro lado do oceano e terá lugar em Orlando, Estados Unidos. Harry, claro, estará presente e tem estado envolvido ao longo dos últimos dias em vários eventos a promover o grande evento desportivo no qual competem veteranos feridos e combate de vários países.
For the more distracted, the second edition of Invictus Games is here. This time the event moves to the other side of the ocean and will take place in Orlando, United States. Of course Harry will be present and he has been involved over the past few days in various events to promote this greatest sporting event which gather wounded veterans from several countries in competition.
For the more distracted, the second edition of Invictus Games is here. This time the event moves to the other side of the ocean and will take place in Orlando, United States. Of course Harry will be present and he has been involved over the past few days in various events to promote this greatest sporting event which gather wounded veterans from several countries in competition.
Thrilled to be @SportIndustry tonight with #invictusgames competitors and Prince Harry #BTSIA pic.twitter.com/Nsf2MnLXsD— Invictus Games (@WeAreInvictus) 28 de abril de 2016
A competição será acesa, e do outro lado do Oceano, as "provocações" já se fizeram ouvir:
The competition will be lit, and from the other side of the ocean, the "challenge" is on:
The competition will be lit, and from the other side of the ocean, the "challenge" is on:
— The First Lady (@FLOTUS) 29 de abril de 2016
Obviamente que os britânicos responderam à altura:
Obviously the British bring their A-game:
Obviously the British bring their A-game:
Unfortunately for you @FLOTUS and @POTUS I wasn't alone when you sent me that video 😉 - H.https://t.co/sjfSQvkzb6— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 29 de abril de 2016
Provavelmente os melhores tweets de sempre!! Só o nosso Harry para convencer a avó a entrar nesta brincadeira diplomática...
Probably the best tweets ever !! Only our Harry to convince her granny to join this diplomatic joke...
Suécia/ Sweden
As celebrações do 70º aniversário do Rei Carl Gustaf já começaram na segunda-feira passada.
Mas aqui entre nós que ninguém nos ouve, a festa ganha real interesse amanhã. É que sabem, Serviços religiosos, render da guarda e um banquete de gala que reúne várias cabeças coroadas do mundo tem muito mais interesse do que aberturas de exposições, concertos e recepções, certo?
Podem consultar a lista de convidados aqui.
E para a semana voltaremos com os detalhes.
The celebrations of the 70th anniversary of King Carl Gustaf have started last Monday.
But here among us that nobody is listenning, the party only gets real interest tomorrow. You know, religious services, changing of the guard and a gala banquet that brings together several crowned heads of the world has much more interest than exhibition openings, concerts and receptions, right?
You can see the guest list here.
And next week I will write about all the details.
A próxima semana será a última em que terei oportunidade de aqui escrever antes do casamento. Por isso tenciono aproveitá-la bem e dar-vos todos os detalhes finais da rubrica Um Casamento Real.
The next week will be the last in which I will have the opportunity to write here before the wedding. So I intend to take it well and give you all the final details about the Real Wedding.
Probably the best tweets ever !! Only our Harry to convince her granny to join this diplomatic joke...
Suécia/ Sweden
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Kungahuset |
As celebrações do 70º aniversário do Rei Carl Gustaf já começaram na segunda-feira passada.
Mas aqui entre nós que ninguém nos ouve, a festa ganha real interesse amanhã. É que sabem, Serviços religiosos, render da guarda e um banquete de gala que reúne várias cabeças coroadas do mundo tem muito mais interesse do que aberturas de exposições, concertos e recepções, certo?
Podem consultar a lista de convidados aqui.
E para a semana voltaremos com os detalhes.
The celebrations of the 70th anniversary of King Carl Gustaf have started last Monday.
But here among us that nobody is listenning, the party only gets real interest tomorrow. You know, religious services, changing of the guard and a gala banquet that brings together several crowned heads of the world has much more interest than exhibition openings, concerts and receptions, right?
You can see the guest list here.
And next week I will write about all the details.
A próxima semana será a última em que terei oportunidade de aqui escrever antes do casamento. Por isso tenciono aproveitá-la bem e dar-vos todos os detalhes finais da rubrica Um Casamento Real.
The next week will be the last in which I will have the opportunity to write here before the wedding. So I intend to take it well and give you all the final details about the Real Wedding.
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