#OurQueenAt90 + RoyalCentral
No Domingo passado foi para o ar na ITV o documentário "Our Queen at Ninety" (A nossa Rainha aos 90). Uma peça feita quando estamos a menos de um mês da Rainha Elizabeth II celebrar o seu 90º aniversário. O documentário conta com testemunhos de vários membros da família real: O Principe de Gales e a Duquesa da Cornualha, o Duque e a Duquesa de Cambridge, Príncipe Harry, O Duque de York e as suas filhas as Princesas Beatrice e Eugenie e ainda com a Condessa de Wessex.
Last Sunday was aired on ITV "Our Queen at Ninety". A piece made when we are less than a month way of Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her 90th birthday. The documentary includes testimony from several members of the royal family: The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, The Duke of York and his daughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie and also the Countess of Wessex.
Last Sunday was aired on ITV "Our Queen at Ninety". A piece made when we are less than a month way of Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her 90th birthday. The documentary includes testimony from several members of the royal family: The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, The Duke of York and his daughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie and also the Countess of Wessex.
The Queen feeds her horses at Windsor, including one she describes as a 'prima donna' #Queenat90https://t.co/IZV7hfSt6e— BritishMonarchy (@BritishMonarchy) 27 de março de 2016
Vi a peça ontem aqui e posso dizer que vale a pena ser vista. Os testemunhos da família são genuínos, surpreendentes e nalguns casos bastante emotivos (Beatrice a falar sobre o Duque de Edimburgo, é a coisa mais doce de sempre...). Podemos saber um pouco mais sobre a mulher mais famosa do mundo, que no final do dia, é alguém que valoriza imenso as coisas mais simples da vida. Exactamente a imagem que eu tenho dela.
I saw the piece here yesterday and I can say that it is worth being seen. Family testimonials are genuine, amazing and in some cases quite emotional (Beatrice talking about the Duke of Edinburgh, is the sweetest thing ever ...). We know a little more about the most famous woman in the world, who, at the end of the day, is someone who really appreciates the simpler things in life. Exactly the image I have from her.
I saw the piece here yesterday and I can say that it is worth being seen. Family testimonials are genuine, amazing and in some cases quite emotional (Beatrice talking about the Duke of Edinburgh, is the sweetest thing ever ...). We know a little more about the most famous woman in the world, who, at the end of the day, is someone who really appreciates the simpler things in life. Exactly the image I have from her.
Em outras noticias...tenho novidades!!
In other news...I have something to tell you!!
In other news...I have something to tell you!!
Conhecem o Royal Central? É simplesmente a fonte mais popular e independente para noticias da realeza online. Lançado em 2012, o Royal Central centra-se maioritariamente em noticias sobre a Família Real Britânica, mas também fala de várias monarquias pelo mundo.
Do you know the Royal Central space? It is simply the most popular and independent source for royal news online. Launched in 2012, the Royal Central focuses mainly on news on the British Royal Family, but also speaks of several monarchies around the world.
Do you know the Royal Central space? It is simply the most popular and independent source for royal news online. Launched in 2012, the Royal Central focuses mainly on news on the British Royal Family, but also speaks of several monarchies around the world.
E desde ontem que sou oficialmente uma das bloggers da equipa!!!
And since yesterday I am officially one of the their bloggers !!!
And since yesterday I am officially one of the their bloggers !!!
I was accepted to become @RoyalCentral blogger. :)— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 28 de março de 2016
Calma, vou também continuar por aqui! Simplesmente vou escrever artigos periódicos para eles, mantendo (ou tentando manter) sempre a filosofia T&T.
Desejem-se sorte e não deixem de visitar este site.
Calm down, I will also continue here! I'll just write regular articles for them, keeping (or trying to) always the T&T philosophy.
Wish me good lucky and do not forget to visit this site.
Calm down, I will also continue here! I'll just write regular articles for them, keeping (or trying to) always the T&T philosophy.
Wish me good lucky and do not forget to visit this site.
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