O Casamento Real #11 / The Real Wedding #11
Olá a todos. Há semanas que ando para vos contar mais novidades, mais desfechos e mais detalhes sobre a preparação do meu casamento. A verdade é que o tempo tem sido de tal modo apertado para tantas coisas que muitas vezes penso em fazer, mas fica apenas na mente.
Hello everyone. For weeks I've been to share with you somenews, more outcomes and more details on the preparation of my wedding day. The truth is that time has been so tightly for so many things to do that I often think of writing a post, but it stays only in my mind.
Hello everyone. For weeks I've been to share with you somenews, more outcomes and more details on the preparation of my wedding day. The truth is that time has been so tightly for so many things to do that I often think of writing a post, but it stays only in my mind.
Cada vez mais chego à conclusão que planear um casamento é um verdadeiro trabalho de equipa, onde não só os noivos e familiares e amigos assumem um papel chave, como também todos os fornecedores que contratámos pelo caminho são os nossos aliados para que o nosso dia seja o mais perfeito possível. E merecem todas as referências possíveis.
Increasingly I come to the conclusion that planning a wedding is a real teamwork, where not only the bride and groom and family and friends play a key role, as well as all suppliers hired become our best allies to make our special day the most perfect as possible. And they deserve all possible references.
Increasingly I come to the conclusion that planning a wedding is a real teamwork, where not only the bride and groom and family and friends play a key role, as well as all suppliers hired become our best allies to make our special day the most perfect as possible. And they deserve all possible references.
Como empresária num ramo em que ajudar os outros é primordial para o sucesso individual, é fantástico conhecer outras pessoas cujos negócios assentam em fazer os outros felizes. O nosso dia especial não poderia acontecer sem eles. Sem todos os emails e conversas trocadas, sem todos os momentos e dúvidas que partilhámos, sem todos os Kms feitos para decidir uma cor, uma flor, uma comida...
As an entrepreneur in a business where helping others is the key to individual success, it's great to meet other people whose businesses are based on making others happy. Our special day could not happen without them. Without all the emails and exchanged conversations, without all moments and doubts shared, without all miles made to decide a color, a flower, a special dish ...
As an entrepreneur in a business where helping others is the key to individual success, it's great to meet other people whose businesses are based on making others happy. Our special day could not happen without them. Without all the emails and exchanged conversations, without all moments and doubts shared, without all miles made to decide a color, a flower, a special dish ...
Hoje decidi falar dos fornecedores sobre os quais ainda não vos falei: Catering & Decoração.
Today I decided to talk about the suppliers on which I have not talked about yet: Catering & Decoration.
Today I decided to talk about the suppliers on which I have not talked about yet: Catering & Decoration.
Com um casamento em pleno Alentejo, proporcionar uma boa a tradicional refeição aos nossos convidados era um ponto assente. Após uma rápida pesquisa, depressa descobrimos que no Baixo Alentejo há uma empresa que se destaca.
With a wedding at Alentejo, providing a good traditional meal to our guests was a big deal. After a quick search, we quickly find that at Lower Alentejo there is a company that stands out.
With a wedding at Alentejo, providing a good traditional meal to our guests was a big deal. After a quick search, we quickly find that at Lower Alentejo there is a company that stands out.
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Eventos Magalhães Website |
Sediada na minúscula vila de Odivelas, os Eventos Magalhães não se deixam enganar pelo tamanho da localidade da sua sede. Foi em Junho (no dia do casamento real sueco) que reunimos com o dono, José Luís Magalhães.
Headquartered in the tiny village of Odivelas, the Magalhães Events are not fooled by the size of the location of its headquarters. It was in June (on the Swedish royal wedding day) we meet with the owner, José Luís Magalhães.
Headquartered in the tiny village of Odivelas, the Magalhães Events are not fooled by the size of the location of its headquarters. It was in June (on the Swedish royal wedding day) we meet with the owner, José Luís Magalhães.
Sala creme com prateado.
Publicado por Eventos Magalhaes Magalhaes em Sábado, 10 de Dezembro de 2011
Depressa ficámos conquistados com a simplicidade, simpatia e extrema humildade deste empresário que após servir na Marinha, decidiu dedicar-se à cozinha.
We were quickly won over by the simplicity, friendliness and extreme humility of this entrepreneur who after serving in the Navy, decided to devote himself to cooking.
We were quickly won over by the simplicity, friendliness and extreme humility of this entrepreneur who after serving in the Navy, decided to devote himself to cooking.
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Eventos Magalhães Website |
Há cerca de três semanas, nós e cerca de mais 10 casais de noivos e familiares fomos convidados a voltar a Odivelas onde seria feita uma Degustação dos pratos para decidir o menu do casamento. A escolha não foi fácil, tantos eram os sabores distintos, as combinações inusitadas e a variedade à escolha.
About three weeks ago, we and about 10 more engaged couples and family were invited to return to Odivelas for a tasting lunch, where we decided the wedding menu. The choice was not easy, so many were the different flavors, the unusual combinations and variety to choose from.
About three weeks ago, we and about 10 more engaged couples and family were invited to return to Odivelas for a tasting lunch, where we decided the wedding menu. The choice was not easy, so many were the different flavors, the unusual combinations and variety to choose from.
O evento reuniu vários fornecedores do sector dos casamentos do Baixo Alentejo que trabalham muito em pareceria, o que a meu ver é simplesmente inteligente para a economia local. A ocasião serviu também para escolher a decoração das mesas e falar com os responsáveis pela decoração do local da cerimónia e recepção.
The event brought together several of the Lower Alentejo weddings sector providers who work very close with each other, which in my point of view is simply smart for the local economy. The occasion also served to choose the tables's decoration and talk to those responsible for the decoration of the ceremony and reception places.
The event brought together several of the Lower Alentejo weddings sector providers who work very close with each other, which in my point of view is simply smart for the local economy. The occasion also served to choose the tables's decoration and talk to those responsible for the decoration of the ceremony and reception places.
Optámos alguns meses antes pela equipa Art&Flor de Beja.
We have chosen a few months before the Art&Flor from Beja.
We have chosen a few months before the Art&Flor from Beja.
O sempre simpático Nuno Barganha é o responsável pela parte criativa da decoração. E penso que todas as conversas trocadas até agora entre nós, tiveram um verdadeiro efeito de ar fresco para ambos os lados.
The always friendly Nuno Barganha is responsible for the creative part of the decor. And I think all conversations exchanged, so far between us, had a real fresh air effect for both sides.
The always friendly Nuno Barganha is responsible for the creative part of the decor. And I think all conversations exchanged, so far between us, had a real fresh air effect for both sides.
Publicado por Art&Flor em Quarta-feira, 24 de Fevereiro de 2016
Somos noivos decididos e aparentemente com ideias fora do comum. O Nuno aproveita isso da melhor forma e dá sempre o seu máximo para tudo estar de acordo com o que queremos e idealizámos.
We are a determined couple and apparently with unusual ideas. Nuno takes advantage of this in the best way and always gives his best to all be in agreement with what we want and idealized.
We are a determined couple and apparently with unusual ideas. Nuno takes advantage of this in the best way and always gives his best to all be in agreement with what we want and idealized.
Publicado por Art&Flor em Terça-feira, 8 de Dezembro de 2015
Neste passado fim-de-semana estivemos com ele no Monte da Morena para melhor vermos o espaço e tomar algumas decisões. E foi um encontro bastante sincero e produtivo.
This past weekend we were with him at Monte da Morena to take a close look at the space and make some decisions. It was a meeting quite candid and productive.
This past weekend we were with him at Monte da Morena to take a close look at the space and make some decisions. It was a meeting quite candid and productive.
Festa que é festa, tem que ter bolo, certo?
A real party needs a real cake, right?
A real party needs a real cake, right?
Publicado por Estefania Chocosabor em Quarta-feira, 16 de Outubro de 2013
"Directamente de Londres para o Penedo Gordo (pequena localidade perto de Beja)". Podia ser um bom titulo para a biografia de Estefânia Costa Alfares, empresária e fundadora da ChocoSabor.
"Directly from London to Penedo Gordo (small town near Beja)." It could be a good title for a biography on Estefania Costa Alfares, entrepreneur and founder of ChocoSabor.
"Directly from London to Penedo Gordo (small town near Beja)." It could be a good title for a biography on Estefania Costa Alfares, entrepreneur and founder of ChocoSabor.
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Picture courtesy of Estefânia ChocoSabor Facebook Official Page (Estefânia is the lady on the center with a chef's hat) |
Após mais de 20 anos por terras de Sua Majestade, onde leccionou na prestigiada University of West London e forneceu pastelaria para a Rainha-Mãe em pessoa ( e sim, também conhece a nossa querida Lilibeth), Estefânia decidiu voltar para Portugal e fundar a sua própria empresa, que começou na cozinha da sua própria casa.
After more than 20 years on Her Majesty's kingdom, where she taught at the prestigious University of West London and provided pastries for the Queen Mother in person (and yes, also knows our dear Lilibeth), Estefania decided to return to Portugal and found her own company, which started in the kitchen of her own home.
After more than 20 years on Her Majesty's kingdom, where she taught at the prestigious University of West London and provided pastries for the Queen Mother in person (and yes, also knows our dear Lilibeth), Estefania decided to return to Portugal and found her own company, which started in the kitchen of her own home.
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Picture courtesy of Estefânia ChocoSabor Facebook Official Page |
Foi em vésperas de Natal que fomos ter com ela e ficámos rendidos à sua energia, simpatia, doçura e sotaque. :)
Ora bem, alguém que serviu o Palácio de Buckingham não me poderia passar ao lado, certo? Mas acreditem que foi tudo coincidência (ou será que elas não existem?)...
It was near Christmas we met her and we were surrendered to her energy, sympathy, kindness and accent. :)
Well, someone who served Buckingham Palace, I could not miss that, right? But believe me it was all coincidence (or do they not exist?) ...
It was near Christmas we met her and we were surrendered to her energy, sympathy, kindness and accent. :)
Well, someone who served Buckingham Palace, I could not miss that, right? But believe me it was all coincidence (or do they not exist?) ...
Publicado por Estefania Chocosabor em Sábado, 5 de Abril de 2014
E pronto, temos todos os ingredientes reunidos para um casamento muito especial, certo?
And voila, we have all the ingredients together for a very special wedding, right?
Bolo de Framboesas com Ganache de Chocolate e Gel Morango.
Publicado por Estefania Chocosabor em Domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015
E estamos imensamente satisfeitos com as nossas escolhas!
And we are immensely pleased with our choices!
Querida Lurdes,
ResponderEliminarTenho trabalhado como imagina com imensas noivas, mas ainda nenhuma fez um Blog (que eu saiba). Adorei esta sua iniciativa. Parabens, o seu Blog esta espetacular!!!! E sim trabalhamos para que o seu dia seja sempre e para sempre o mais especial e unico.
Mais uma vez obrigada por ter escolhido a ChocoSabor.
As maiores felicidades
Estefania Alfares
Obrigada nós pela prestabilidade e profissionalismo. :)
EliminarTem sido um prazer escrever sobre vós!