Frederik & Mary na Arábia Saudita / Frederik & Mary at Saudi Arabia
Caso não saibam os Príncipes da Coroa da Dinamarca estão em viagem de negócios à Arábia Saudita.
Frederik e Mary encabeçam uma delegação dinamarquesa, onde se incluem o Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, a Ministro da Saúde e o Ministro do Desenvolvimento, além de 44 representantes de empresas dinamarquesas, que tencionam promover e fortalecer as negociações entre os dois países em áreas como a saúde, a sustentabilidade, produtos alimentares, design e educação.
In case you do not know the Danish Crown Prince Couple is on a business trip to Saudi Arabia.
Frederik and Mary are leading a Danish delegation, which includes the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Health and the Minister of Development, as well as 44 representatives of Danish companies, which intend to promote and strengthen the negotiations between the two countries in areas such as health, sustainability, food, design and education.
In case you do not know the Danish Crown Prince Couple is on a business trip to Saudi Arabia.
Frederik and Mary are leading a Danish delegation, which includes the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Health and the Minister of Development, as well as 44 representatives of Danish companies, which intend to promote and strengthen the negotiations between the two countries in areas such as health, sustainability, food, design and education.
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Picture courtesy of Kongehuset |
A visita foi, desde o seu anúncio, alvo de grande contestação por parte dos meios de comunicação dinamarqueses, no que diz respeito a questões humanitárias. Para muitos não faz sentido a Dinamarca ter qualquer tipo de parecerias com um país em que a igualdade de género e a defesa dos direitos humanos é alvo de controvérsia.
The visit was, since its announcement, hightly criticized by the Danish media, regarding humanitarian issues. For many it makes no sense Denmark to has any kind of partnerships with a country where gender equality and the defense of human rights is controversial.
The visit was, since its announcement, hightly criticized by the Danish media, regarding humanitarian issues. For many it makes no sense Denmark to has any kind of partnerships with a country where gender equality and the defense of human rights is controversial.
Frederik e Mary cumpriram no entanto o seu papel durante uma visita de três dias a um país onde os costumes e tradições são bem diferentes dos praticados no mundo ocidental. Isso reflectiu-se da maneira de estar, na linguagem corporal entre os dois, nas diferenças gigantes em como as pessoas se comportavam na presença de cada um e no estilo de roupa.
A cobertura desta viagem também não tem sido particularmente fácil, por isso vamos apenas dar os pontos altos de cada dia.
Frederik and Mary played their role during a three-day visit to a country where customs and traditions are very different from those practiced in the Western world. This was reflected in the way of being, in their body language as husband and wife, and on the giant differences in how people behaved in the presence of each and, of course, on the clothing style.
The coverage of this trip also has not been particularly easy, so let's just give the highlights of each day.
Frederik and Mary played their role during a three-day visit to a country where customs and traditions are very different from those practiced in the Western world. This was reflected in the way of being, in their body language as husband and wife, and on the giant differences in how people behaved in the presence of each and, of course, on the clothing style.
The coverage of this trip also has not been particularly easy, so let's just give the highlights of each day.
Dia 1 / Day 1
Após a chegada a Riyadh, capital da Arábia Saudita, um dia antes dos compromissos oficiais começarem, o casal visitou Al Diriyah, acompanhados de uma elevada segurança e de guias no seu primeiro dia de visita.
Upon arrival in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia, one day before the official start commitments, the couple visited Al Diriyah, accompanied by high safety and guides on their first day of visit.
Upon arrival in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia, one day before the official start commitments, the couple visited Al Diriyah, accompanied by high safety and guides on their first day of visit.
No primeiro evento oficial da sua visita, o casal foi recebido formalmente pelo Rei Salman e pelo Príncipe da Coroa Mohamed Bin Nayef, entre vários outros membros da família real, empresários da Arábia e ministros. E foi durante esta sessão de cumprimentos que a grande diferença se observou, quando foram vários os homens que não estenderam a mão para cumprimentar a Princesa da Coroa da Dinamarca.
In the first official event of their visit, the couple was formally received by King Salman and the Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Nayef, among several other members of the royal family, businessmen from Saudi and ministers. It was during this greeting session that the big difference was observed when there were several men who didn't shake hands with the Danish Crown Princess.
In the first official event of their visit, the couple was formally received by King Salman and the Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Nayef, among several other members of the royal family, businessmen from Saudi and ministers. It was during this greeting session that the big difference was observed when there were several men who didn't shake hands with the Danish Crown Princess.
Mary no entanto, como mostra este video, comportou-se de forma adequada, conhecendo de antemão com certeza os costumes do país que visita e não se mostrou nem atrapalhada nem constrangida com a situação.
Mary however, as shown in this video, behaved appropriately, certainly beforehand knowing the customs of the country and apparently she was not even embarrassed or uncomfortable with the situation.
Mary however, as shown in this video, behaved appropriately, certainly beforehand knowing the customs of the country and apparently she was not even embarrassed or uncomfortable with the situation.
Dia 2 / Day 2
No segundo dia de visita, os futuros Reis da Dinamarca assistiram à abertura de um seminário de negócios, onde participaram as 44 empresas dinamarquesas incluídas na delegação que viajou até à Arábia Saudita. O casal inaugurou o Fórum de Negócios Dinamarquês-Saudita, onde várias companhias de cada país trocaram experiências e conhecimentos.
On the second day of visit, the future Kings of Denmark attended the opening of a business seminar, attended by the 44 Danish companies included in the delegation that traveled to Saudi Arabia. The couple opened The Danish-Saudi Business Forum, where several companies from each country shared their experiences and knowledge.
On the second day of visit, the future Kings of Denmark attended the opening of a business seminar, attended by the 44 Danish companies included in the delegation that traveled to Saudi Arabia. The couple opened The Danish-Saudi Business Forum, where several companies from each country shared their experiences and knowledge.
No final do segundo dia de viagem, Frederik e Mary compareceram a uma recepção no Al Faisaliah Hotel em Riyadh, onde mais de 300 pessoas estiveram presentes. A ocasião serviu para reunir todos os representantes presentes no Fórum de Negócios Dinamarquês-Saudita.
At the end of the second day, Frederik and Mary attended a reception at Al Faisaliah Hotel in Riyadh, where over 300 people attended. The occasion served to bring together all the representatives present at the Danish-Saudi Business Forum .
At the end of the second day, Frederik and Mary attended a reception at Al Faisaliah Hotel in Riyadh, where over 300 people attended. The occasion served to bring together all the representatives present at the Danish-Saudi Business Forum .
Alinhados juntamente com os ministros do seu país para cumprimentarem os convidados, foi a vez de Frederik sentir a diferença de género, quando várias mulheres de negócios deixaram de o cumprimentar e apenas cumprimentaram Mary e a Ministra da Saúde, Sophie Lohde. Em países como a Arábia Saudita, não é visto com bons olhos uma mulher tocar num homem que não faça parte do seu circulo familiar mais íntimo.
Aligned with the ministers of their country to greet the guests, Frederik's turn to feel the gender gap when several business women didn't greet him and just greeted Mary and the Minister of Health, Sophie Lohde. In countries like Saudi Arabia, it is not seen with good eyes a woman touching a man who is not part of her inner family circle.
Aligned with the ministers of their country to greet the guests, Frederik's turn to feel the gender gap when several business women didn't greet him and just greeted Mary and the Minister of Health, Sophie Lohde. In countries like Saudi Arabia, it is not seen with good eyes a woman touching a man who is not part of her inner family circle.
Dia 3 / Day 3
No último dia na Arábia Saudita, o casal começou a sua agenda com uma visita ao novo Centro Financeiro no Distrito Financeiro King Abdullah. A firma de arquitectos que está a desenhar o espaço é dinamarquesa.
On the last day in Saudi Arabia, the couple began their schedule with a visit to the new Financial Centre in the King Abdullah Financial District. The firm of architects that is designing the space is Danish.
On the last day in Saudi Arabia, the couple began their schedule with a visit to the new Financial Centre in the King Abdullah Financial District. The firm of architects that is designing the space is Danish.
Num dos poucos eventos a solo desta visita, Mary inaugurou uma zona de parque infantil e exercício, pertencente à empresa dinamarquesa Kompan. A princesa conheceu várias meninas que estavam encantadas com o espaço e com a presença da Princesa.
I one of the few solo events of this visit, Mary opened a playground and fitness area, owned by the Danish company Kompan. The princess met several girls who were delighted with the space and with the presence of the Crown Princess.
I one of the few solo events of this visit, Mary opened a playground and fitness area, owned by the Danish company Kompan. The princess met several girls who were delighted with the space and with the presence of the Crown Princess.
Mary e a ministra da Saúde também conheceram o trabalho da Fundação Rei Khalid, dirigida pela Princesa Banderi bint Abdulrahman Al-Faisal, cujo trabalho se foca principalmente na violência contra as mulheres e crianças bem como no combate à pobreza.
Mary and the Minister of Health also know the work of the King Khalid Foundation, headed by Princess Banderi bint Abdulrahman Al-Faisal, whose work focuses primarily on violence against women and children as well as in combating poverty.
Mary and the Minister of Health also know the work of the King Khalid Foundation, headed by Princess Banderi bint Abdulrahman Al-Faisal, whose work focuses primarily on violence against women and children as well as in combating poverty.
No final da sua visita à Arábia Saudita, o casal participou numa recepção de despedida na residência do embaixador dinamarquês. Neste evento o foco foi para o design dinamarquês e a cooperação de profissionais de ambos os países no sector.
At the end of their visit to Saudi Arabia, the couple attended a farewell reception at the residence of the Danish Ambassador. In this event the focus was for the Danish design and cooperation of professionals from both countries in the sector.
At the end of their visit to Saudi Arabia, the couple attended a farewell reception at the residence of the Danish Ambassador. In this event the focus was for the Danish design and cooperation of professionals from both countries in the sector.
Durante esta visita, vimos uma Mary mais contida. Foram poucos os gestos de cumplicidade entre o casal, de modo a não ferir susceptibilidades numa cultura com diferenças abismais entre homens e mulheres. Mary, na qualidade de defensora da igualdade de género deve ter-se sentido várias vezes sufocada, mas o seu papel como Princesa da Coroa teve que prevalecer.
During this visit, we saw a more restrained Mary. There were few gestures of complicity between the couple, so as not to hurt susceptibilities in a culture with abysmal differences between men and women. Mary, as a defender of gender equality must have felt suffocated several times, but her role as Crown Princess had to prevail.
During this visit, we saw a more restrained Mary. There were few gestures of complicity between the couple, so as not to hurt susceptibilities in a culture with abysmal differences between men and women. Mary, as a defender of gender equality must have felt suffocated several times, but her role as Crown Princess had to prevail.
Em relação a roupa, Mary optou por não cobrir a sua cabeça com véu. Em vez disso optou por um equilíbrio entre o país e valores que representa, e a tradição do país que visita. Calças largas, casacos e blusas de mangas compridas, cores sóbrias e poucos acessórios marcaram o seu estilo nestes três dias.
Regarding clothing, Mary chose not to cover her head with a veil. Instead she opted for a balance between the country and values she represents, and the tradition of the country she was a guest. Baggy pants, coats and blouses with long sleeves and sober colors with a few accessories marked her style in these three days.
Regarding clothing, Mary chose not to cover her head with a veil. Instead she opted for a balance between the country and values she represents, and the tradition of the country she was a guest. Baggy pants, coats and blouses with long sleeves and sober colors with a few accessories marked her style in these three days.
O casal viaja hoje para o Qatar para mais dois dias de viagem oficial.
The couple travels today to Qatar for a two days official visit.
The couple travels today to Qatar for a two days official visit.
No one dresses better than CP Mary, she nails is everytime !