Já todos sabem, correcto? A Era mais fantástica de todo o sempre chegou. Não, ainda não há tiaras para todos, mas desde ontem vivemos oficialmente num mundo onde a Princesa Estelle da Suécia é irmã mais velha!
Everyone knows, right? The the most fantastic Age of all time arrived. No, there are no tiaras for everyone yet, but since yesterday we officially live in a world where Princess Estelle of Sweden' is a big sister!
Everyone knows, right? The the most fantastic Age of all time arrived. No, there are no tiaras for everyone yet, but since yesterday we officially live in a world where Princess Estelle of Sweden' is a big sister!
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Photo Kate Gabor, The Royal Court, Sweden |
A Princesa da Coroa Victoria deu a luz um menino às 20:28 (hora de Estocolmo) no Hospital Karolinska. O mais novo Príncipe da Suécia, segundo filho de Victoria e Daniel, nasceu com 52 cm e 3,655kg. O Príncipe Daniel esteve presente durante o nascimento e tanto mãe como filho estão bem.
Crown Princess Victoria gave birth to a boy at 20:28 (Stockholm time) at the Karolinska Hospital. The youngest Prince of Sweden, second children of Victoria and Daniel, was born with 52 cm and 3,655kg. Daniel Prince was present during the birth and both mother and son are doing well.
Crown Princess Victoria gave birth to a boy at 20:28 (Stockholm time) at the Karolinska Hospital. The youngest Prince of Sweden, second children of Victoria and Daniel, was born with 52 cm and 3,655kg. Daniel Prince was present during the birth and both mother and son are doing well.
Foi uma pai orgulhoso e feliz que anunciou a boa nova durante uma Conferência de Imprensa no Hospital, quando apenas se sabia que tínhamos bebé, mas o sexo era desconhecido.
It was a proud and happy father who announced the good news during a press conference at the hospital when we only knew there was a baby, but the sex of the child was unknown.
It was a proud and happy father who announced the good news during a press conference at the hospital when we only knew there was a baby, but the sex of the child was unknown.
Minutos depois, o anúncio oficial da Casa Real Sueca.
Minutes later, the official announcement of the Swedish Royal Court.
Minutes later, the official announcement of the Swedish Royal Court.
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Via The Royal Court, Sweden |
A tia Madeleine não deixou de expressar a sua felicidade via Facebook, onde se confessa feliz por estar em Estocolmo neste ocasião (na minha opinião Madde será uma das Madrinhas do bebé).
Aunt Madeleine expressed her happiness via Facebook, where she confesses happy to be in Stockholm this occasion (in my opinion Madde will be one of the baby's Godmothers).
Aunt Madeleine expressed her happiness via Facebook, where she confesses happy to be in Stockholm this occasion (in my opinion Madde will be one of the baby's Godmothers).
Congratulations to my sister Victoria and Daniel with the birth of their son! He was born today at 8:28pm here in Stockholm!
Publicado por Princess Madeleine of Sweden em Quarta-feira, 2 de Março de 2016
A parte mais interessante de todas? O mundo ficou a saber primeiro que Estelle. Daniel confessou que a filha já estava a dormir e que apenas hoje de manhã lhe seria comunicada a boa-nova.
E foi exactamente na companhia dos pais e da irmã mais velha, que o novo Príncipe da Suécia saiu hoje do Hospital.
The most interesting part of all? The world knew about the royal birth first than Estelle. Daniel confessed that her daughter was asleep and only this morning would be communicated to her the good news.
And it was exactly in the company of his parents and his big sister, that the new Prince of Sweden left the Hospital today.
The most interesting part of all? The world knew about the royal birth first than Estelle. Daniel confessed that her daughter was asleep and only this morning would be communicated to her the good news.
And it was exactly in the company of his parents and his big sister, that the new Prince of Sweden left the Hospital today.
Na reunião de gabinete de hoje de manhã, o Rei anunciou que o nome do seu neto é:
On today's cabinet meeting, the King annouced that his second grandson's name is:
On today's cabinet meeting, the King annouced that his second grandson's name is:
Oscar Carl Olof
O Príncipe será conhecido como SAR, Príncipe Oscar da Suécia, Duque de Skane.
The Prince will be known as HRH, Prince Oscar of Sweden, Duke of Skane.
The Prince will be known as HRH, Prince Oscar of Sweden, Duke of Skane.
Mais tarde o serviço Te Deum em agradecimento pelo nascimento do novo Príncipe teve lugar e contou com a presença de vários membros da família real.
A religious service Te Deum in thanksgiving for the birth of the new prince took place later and counted with the presence of several members of the royal family.
A religious service Te Deum in thanksgiving for the birth of the new prince took place later and counted with the presence of several members of the royal family.
Incluindo a mais recente irmã mais velha.
Including the most recent big sister.
Including the most recent big sister.
Que, como uma boa irmã mais velha levou uma mala de mão.
Who, as a great big sister took an handbag with her.
O nascimento real não deixa de trazer um sentimento estranho perante o ciclo da vida, visto que a família real sueca também enfrentou ontem uma perda. O Príncipe Johann Georg von Hohenzollern, marido da Princesa Birgitta (irmã do Rei) falece aos 83 anos. Embora separados desde 1990, o casal nunca chegou a divorciar-se.
The royal birth does not fail to bring a strange feeling regarding the life cycle, as the Swedish royal family faced a loss, also yesterday. Prince Johann Georg von Hohenzollern, Princess Birgitta (sister of the King) husband died aged 83. Although separated since 1990, the couple was never legally divorced.
Who, as a great big sister took an handbag with her.
O nascimento real não deixa de trazer um sentimento estranho perante o ciclo da vida, visto que a família real sueca também enfrentou ontem uma perda. O Príncipe Johann Georg von Hohenzollern, marido da Princesa Birgitta (irmã do Rei) falece aos 83 anos. Embora separados desde 1990, o casal nunca chegou a divorciar-se.
The royal birth does not fail to bring a strange feeling regarding the life cycle, as the Swedish royal family faced a loss, also yesterday. Prince Johann Georg von Hohenzollern, Princess Birgitta (sister of the King) husband died aged 83. Although separated since 1990, the couple was never legally divorced.
Ontem não estava em casa quando o anúncio do nascimento foi divulgado, mas cheguei a tempo de ver a conferência de imprensa. Estava nervosa, ansiosa, feliz e cheia de borboletas no estômago. Acertei no mês e no sexo da criança. Emoções de mais para os meus nervos de noiva.
Yesterday I was not at home when the birth was announced, but arrived in time to see the press conference. I was nervous, anxious, happy and full of butterflies in the stomach. I hit in the month and sex of the child. Too much Emotions for my bridal nerves.
Yesterday I was not at home when the birth was announced, but arrived in time to see the press conference. I was nervous, anxious, happy and full of butterflies in the stomach. I hit in the month and sex of the child. Too much Emotions for my bridal nerves.
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Via The Royal Court, Sweden |
O T&T deseja as maiores felicidades para o casal e para Estelle. Serão divulgadas certamente em breve fotos do pequeno príncipe. Príncipe....Um rapaz....yupi!!!
T & T wants the best for the couple and for Estelle. certainly they will be released soon photos of the little prince. A Prince .... A boy .... Yupi !!!
T & T wants the best for the couple and for Estelle. certainly they will be released soon photos of the little prince. A Prince .... A boy .... Yupi !!!
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