Em azul, da Suécia, com muito amor / In blue shades, from Sweden, with Love
Foram hoje divulgadas as fotografias mais esperadas desde o dia 2 de Março: Oscar e a sua família.
Oscar and his family: the more expected photos since March 2nd were released today.
Oscar and his family: the more expected photos since March 2nd were released today.
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Photo Kate Gabor, The Royal Court, Sweden |
Esta fotografia da Princesa da Coroa Victoria da Suécia segurando o seu menino de 3 semanas é pura ternura. A fotografia transmite uma beleza, tranquilidade e um laço intangíveis. E ao mesmo tempo consegue ser imensamente natural.
The Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden holding her 3 weeks boy is pure tenderness. The picture conveys a beauty, tranquility and an intangible bond. And at the same time can be immensely natural.
The Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden holding her 3 weeks boy is pure tenderness. The picture conveys a beauty, tranquility and an intangible bond. And at the same time can be immensely natural.
Victoria e Daniel revelam-se gratos por todo o carinho que têm recebido tanto no aniversário de Estelle como no nascimento de Oscar.
Victoria and Daniel are very grateful for all the love they have received both on connection with Estelle's birthday and Oscar's birth.
Victoria and Daniel are very grateful for all the love they have received both on connection with Estelle's birthday and Oscar's birth.
E depois claro a foto mais esperada:
And then of course the most anticipated photo:
And then of course the most anticipated photo:
Uma orgulhosa irmã mais velha, vestida com uma saia de tule, sentada no chão, segura o seu irmão mais novo com uma expressão de pura alegria e amor. Uma expressão que parece dizer: "Vou estar sempre ao teu lado. Podes sempre contar comigo. Estou tão contente por te ter aqui".
A proud big sister, dressed in a tulle skirt, sitting on the floor, holds her younger brother with an expression of pure joy and love. An expression that seems to say: "I will always be by your side, you can always count on me I'm so glad to have you here."
A proud big sister, dressed in a tulle skirt, sitting on the floor, holds her younger brother with an expression of pure joy and love. An expression that seems to say: "I will always be by your side, you can always count on me I'm so glad to have you here."
Acho que Estelle já esqueceu o hamster por esta altura. A foto de Estelle e Oscar foi tirada pelo orgulhoso Pai, Daniel.
I think Estelle has forgotten the hamster by now. Estelle and Oscar picture was taken by the proud father, Daniel.
I think Estelle has forgotten the hamster by now. Estelle and Oscar picture was taken by the proud father, Daniel.
E já que estamos a falar de doçuras e bebés suecos, olhem-me bem esta fotografia divulgada recentemente pela Princesa Madeleine no seu Facebook oficial:
And since we are talking of sweet Swedish babies pay attention to this photo recently released by Princess Madeleine on her official Facebook:
And since we are talking of sweet Swedish babies pay attention to this photo recently released by Princess Madeleine on her official Facebook:
#fbf-- Time is flying can't believe my sweet Nicolas is 9 months!
Publicado por Princess Madeleine of Sweden em Sexta-feira, 18 de Março de 2016
Nicolas, completou 9 meses. E está lindo!!
Nicolas, completed 9 months. And he's beautiful !!
Quem quer em Maio uma foto dos 5 primos todos juntos? Mãos no ar!!!
Who wants in May a picture of the 5 cousins all together? Hands in the air!!!
P.S. O T&T vai de férias de Páscoa. Desejo a todos umas boas férias e uma boa Páscoa (para quem a celebra!!).
P.S. The T & T runs from Easter holidays. I wish you all a good holiday and a good Easter (for whom celebrates it !!).
Nicolas, completed 9 months. And he's beautiful !!
Quem quer em Maio uma foto dos 5 primos todos juntos? Mãos no ar!!!
Who wants in May a picture of the 5 cousins all together? Hands in the air!!!
P.S. O T&T vai de férias de Páscoa. Desejo a todos umas boas férias e uma boa Páscoa (para quem a celebra!!).
P.S. The T & T runs from Easter holidays. I wish you all a good holiday and a good Easter (for whom celebrates it !!).
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