Aniversariante do Dia / Birthday Girl

Sabem quem é a menina da casa real inglesa pela qual eu tenho um carinho especial?
Do you know there is this from the British royal house for which I have a special affection?

A Princesa Eugenie de York. A filha mais nova do Duque de York celebra hoje o seu 26º aniversário e eu resolvi dedicar-lhe o post de hoje.
Princess Eugenie of York. The youngest daughter of the Duke of York today celebrates her 26th birthday and I decided to dedicate today's post to her.

Eugenie Victoria Helena, além de ter um nome lindo, é também uma linda mulher. Dá vontade de apertar e trazer para casa.
Eugenie Victoria Helena, besides having a beautiful name, she is also a beautiful woman. It makes me want to hug her and bring her home.

Eugenie foi a primeira princesa britânica a possuir o nome Victoria, deste a Princesa Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary (1897-1965). Um desejo da Rainha Victoria que expressou a sua vontade em que todas as suas descendentes femininas levassem o nome "Victoria" algures no seu nome. Curiosamente Eugenie também é a única neta da Rainha Elizabeth II que não possui "Elizabeth" como nome do meio.
Eugenie was the first British princess to bear the name Victoria, since Princess Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary (1897-1965). A wish of Queen Victoria who expressed her will that all her female descendants carry the name "Victoria" somewhere in their name. Interestingly Eugenie is also the only granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II who doesn't have "Elizabeth" as a middle name.

Costumo chamar-lhe a bonequinha Windsor. E acho que tenho razão.
I use tocall her Windsor's little doll . And I think I'm right.

Além das feições super delicadas, identifico-me bastante com o seu estilo. E cada vez que a vejo em Ascot, tenho a certeza que seria assim que me vestiria caso algum dia fosse a essas famosas corridas.
In addition to the super delicate features, I identify myself a lot with her style. And every time I see her in Ascot, I am sure I would dress pretty much like her, if some day I'll attend to these famous races.

E acho que também deve ser bastante divertida :)
And I think she is very funny too :)

Formada em Literatura Inglesa e História de Arte, e após um ano a trabalhar em Nova York, a princesa mudou-se para Londres em 2015 para trabalhar na Galeria Hauser & Wirth. A princesa está num longo relacionamento com Jack Brooksbank.
Graduated in English Literature and History of Art, and after a year working in New York, the princess moved to London in 2015 to work in the Hauser & Wirth Gallery. The princess is in a long relationship with Jack Brooksbank.

Eugenie a sua irmã Beatrice, têm sido alvo recentemente de críticas por trabalharem pouco e só andarem em festas.
Eugenie her sister Beatrice, have recently been criticized for working little and for attending a lot of parties.

A verdade, é que as manas York têm uma agenda real leve, sim.  Ambas não desempenham deveres oficiais e, como tal, não recebem fundos do Privy Purse. No entanto, ambas marcam presença nos mais importantes eventos da família real inglesa,  e o seu nome aparece na Circular da Corte, em eventos como Jubileus, Trooping the Colour ou Festas de Jardim.
The truth is that the York Sisters have a very light royal agenda, yes. Both do not perform official duties and, as such, do not receive any Privy Purse funds. However, both are present in the most important British royal family events, and their name appears in the Court Circular, in events such as Jubilees, Trooping the Colour or Garden Parties.

Em 2013, Eugenie a sua irmã mais velha Beatrice visitaram Berlim e Hanover, na promoção do GREAT Britain MINI Tour.
In 2013, Eugenie and her older sister Beatrice visit Berlin and Hanover, promoting GREAT Britain MINI Tour.

Entre vários compromissos as irmãs representaram a  Rainha na reabertura do palácio real Schloss Herrenhausen, que foi bombardeado pela Força Aérea Real durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Among several commitments, the royal sisters represented the Queen at the reopening of the royal palace Schloss Herrenhausen, which was bombed by the Royal Air Force during World War II.

A Princesa Eugenie levou a cabo o seu primeiro acto oficial em 2008,  na abertura das novas instalações do Teenage Cancer Trust. Esta organização é apoiada pela sua mãe, a Duquesa de York.
Princess Eugenie carried out her first official act in 2008, at the opening of the new facilities of the Teenage Cancer Trust. This organization is supported by her mother, the Duchess of York.

Frequentemente tanto Eugenie como Beatrice apoiam as organizações apadrinhadas pela mãe, Sarah Ferguson, a ex-mulher do Duque de York.
Often both Eugenie and Beatrice support organizations sponsored by their mother, Sarah Ferguson, the former wife of the Duke of York.

Em 2012, Eugenie aceitou ser patrona do Apelo pelo Desenvolvimento do Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (a Princesa foi operada neste hospital em 2002 para corrigir a sua escoliose). O seu pai, o Duke de York é patrono do Hospital.
In 2012, Eugenie agreed to be patron of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (Re)development Appeal (The Princess underwent back surgery at this hospital in 2002 to correct her scoliosis). Her father, the Duke of York, is Royal Patron of the Hospital.

Em 2014 ela reabriu a Unidade pediátrica do Hospital.
In 2014 she reopened the Hospital's Children's Unit.

E conversou com todos os pacientes. Desde ai o seu contributo para este hospital tem sido bastante activo. Ao qual ela acrescenta a sua experiência enquanto paciente ortopédica.
And she talked to all patients. From there her contribution to this hospital has been quite active. To which she adds her experience as orthopedic patient.

E por isso e porque eu sempre gostei dela: Parabéns!!!
And for all of this and because I allways liked her: Happy Birthday!!

De nada, querida!
You are welcome, sweet pie!


  1. Thank you so much Lurdes for this birthday greeting to the beautiful and stunning Princess Eugenie. I have always admired the both girls and I think Eugenie is a dead ringer for a young Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon the Queen's Mother. I also feel that both ladies have a heart for service like their grandmother and love her dearly not to mention the closeness they share with their parents.. Here's wishing Princess Eugenie, Happy Birthday and Best Wishes.

    Lurdes: I hope all your wedding preparations are going well. It won't be long now before the big day. I am excited for you. This event is a huge milestone in your life-- savoir and enjoy!



    1. You are very much welcome. Glad you liked. I really love the York sisters too.
      Oh, the wedding...That's right it's almost around the corner.
      Every day I have a little something to finish. That's why I can't post everyday. I'm happy that my readers understand that.



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